Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 6:38 PM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- A void Moon occurs from 11:08 AM to 6:38 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 2:33 AM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs early today (at 2:33 AM) in the sign of Leo.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
- Mercury is not yet retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow phase (Mercury will be retrograde from February 16-March 9).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s Full Moon brings your personal friendships and social life into strong focus, dear Aries, and it can illuminate feelings you’ve kept at bay. New light is shed on a friendship, relationship with a child, romance, or creative project, and a turning point occurs as a result. You’re releasing pent-up feelings, and it can be refreshing, creative, and rewarding. With Venus and Chiron heading toward alignment in your sign, you might discover that the path to empowerment is through helping others. The more you open your heart and accept yourself, the better life gets. Your ability to heal and understand is high, and this may be attracting others to you today. Personal confidence is about letting go of worrying about what others expect of you and simply expressing yourself naturally and letting the chips fall as they may. Your unique style shines.

An early-day Full Moon brings special attention to matters of home, family, and the heart, dear Taurus. If you’ve been pouring extra energy into your responsibilities to the outside world, circumstances now remind you to balance things out with attention to your inner world. If you’ve been overextending yourself, you now recognize the need for more rest or downtime. Observe and take your time before jumping to conclusions. Venus is heading into alignment with Chiron, and you can have a strong desire to heal and move on. There can be something from your past for which you didn’t receive closure, and it may be that accepting that you might not get it is the best for you. Self-honesty now can open you up to opportunities to heal. You also get the chance to better understand what and who is most valuable to you.

An early-day Full Moon occurs in your solar chart’s third house of communications, dear Gemini. This can create a bit of a stir in your immediate environment or with news you receive or give. This can be a time for reaping the rewards of recent projects or learning efforts. It’s also a time when you want to be heard! Venus is heading toward a conjunction to Chiron, and this influence, too, can lead to important personal discoveries. Emotionally, you are brave and willing, particularly in your social life. You may get the chance to start fresh in friendship as you reach a new level of understanding or awareness, or you see ways of rejuvenating a connection. This influence is strong for the magic of honesty. You may find that as you seek out emotional satisfaction and wholeness, people in your life, even in your networks, can lead you in the right direction.

An early-day Full Moon amps up emotions today, dear Cancer, and can bring issues of intimacy, resources, sharing, and attachment into strong focus. If you’ve been spending a lot of time supporting others, the need for more balance becomes evident now. It can be a time for money boosts for some, and for discovering ways you can improve your finances, whether it’s about cutting back or pushing yourself to earn more/ask for more. Opportunities to grow, learn, and heal are emerging now with a Venus-Chiron alignment in your sector of career, reputation, responsibilities, and long-term goals. Repairing or enhancing relationships with authority figures and business associates can figure strongly. Discovering your true desires and needs can help you better define your goals. It’s also a good time for recognizing the need to improve and grow in your business pursuits.

The Full Moon occurs in your own sign today, dear Leo, encouraging you to pay stronger attention to your feelings and emotional needs. Feelings that you’ve pushed to the side now come to the surface in a rush. While your increased sensitivity can seem to magnify frustrations, you can rise above this and just let the emotions flow. There can be surprising realizations and emotions that demand air time. Whether you keep all of these to yourself or share them with others is up to you, but it’s probably best to separate your personal and professional lives as best as possible. It’s a day of larger impact, and possibly of announcements and personal epiphanies. With Venus and Chiron heading into alignment in your solar ninth house, you are braver about expressing yourself. You’re also drawn to things that need to improve, grow, and develop. People around you can be catalysts for relating and connecting more openly and confidently. Opening your heart leads to chances to heal and resolve problems. There can be a willingness to learn from one another and learn from past mistakes.

While the Moon heads into your sign and brings things out into the open this evening, dear Virgo, there’s a strong focus on your inner world. A Full Moon occurs in your privacy sector, and a light shines on recent hidden or background trends in your life. If you’ve been working too hard or putting so much effort into helping others that you’ve ignored your own needs, the need to restore balance becomes evident now. The need for extra rest or quiet time can feel at odds with the attention needed to work or health matters. It’s time to consider ways to balance time for yourself and time to perform your services or handle your daily affairs. With Venus and Chiron heading into alignment in your solar eighth house, you may get the chance to dig deep and get to the heart of a relationship or private matter. Emotional repair and healing are in order. You may see, more clearly, what and who you value. You are courageous in the face of discoveries, even though they seem to hit vulnerable places.

The Full Moon early today, in your solar chart’s eleventh house, can put your social life into strong focus dear Libra. There can be a sudden need to give back by returning favors, but also for showing your appreciation for others. You have a stronger sense of community, and you’re ready to honor the people in your world. A humanitarian gesture may be in order. There can be the discovery of feelings for someone that you’ve buried. Also possible with this Full Moon is an overture from a friend or lover. As Venus and Chiron head toward an alignment in your partnership sector, emotional matters thrive, although an old relationship wound may reopen in the process. You are open and generous, and others are attracted or drawn to you as a result. You may be helping someone through a difficulty or vice versa.

The Full Moon occurring early today pushes buried feelings to the surface, dear Scorpio, and can be a call to action. A career matter, goal, or duty can come to your attention. You’re ready to show others what you can do. An award, recognition, or turning point is possible with this Full Moon occurring at the top of your solar chart. It’s important to acknowledge new feelings that come to the surface now, as they can be illuminating and revealing. Venus and Chiron are heading into an alignment, and this can bring on an open-hearted connection. You have a sincere interest in making improvements in your relationships, but also in areas related to your work, everyday routines, chores, and health or self-care programs. You’re open, generous, and radiating healing vibes. Others may be turning to you for help, support, or advice. Alternative ways to heal and strengthen yourself are a big draw.

The Full Moon early today can lead to an emotional discovery and a bit of adventure, however big or small, dear Sagittarius. Epiphanies occur now that motivate you to reach out for more from life, learn new things, and embrace interesting adventures. The desire to expand your mind experience is powerful now. This might also be a time of the culmination of a learning project, publishing of work, or some form of expanded reach. Venus and Chiron are heading toward a conjunction in your sector of joy, and this influence further stimulates self-honesty. The willingness to be open and vulnerable can help enhance a love connection or project. There can be a turning point for forgiveness and understanding in a relationship. Imaginative undertakings can be rewarding, helping to release tensions.

With a Full Moon occurring early today in your solar eighth house, dear Capricorn, there can be a significant financial move or a revelation in an intimate relationship. Attachments, support, and dependencies are in stronger focus now, and revelations can come about any of these things. You see more levels of an emotional or financial situation, and a turning point is likely as a result. You’ve been paying more attention to the material world recently, and this lunation reminds you of your emotional needs. Also today, Venus and Chiron head into alignment, making it a time of refreshment with family or in your personal life. You could be confronting tricky matters, and both you and loved ones are more psychically open now. Feelings that may normally be hard to access can emerge with greater ease. The need to belong and feel nurtured can be a soft spot at the moment, and identifying this helps move you toward possible solutions.

A Full Moon occurs early today, pointing to important realizations, discoveries, and perhaps announcements, dear Aquarius. You might recognize feelings that you’ve kept at bay now, and this can be revealing. You’ve been focusing much of your attention on personal plans, which is appropriate right now as the Sun transits your sign. If this has put your life out of balance, you’ll feel the need to correct this today. This can a time of full exposure, with something surfacing that brings a relationship to a turning point or a push to improve your life. With Venus heading toward a conjunction to Chiron, open, sensitive, and fresh communications can lead to the chance to bond and connect with others. Talking opens up doors, and others might enjoy your words of wisdom, even more so than usual.

Today’s Full Moon brings you into stronger awareness of your health and habits, dear Pisces, and perhaps what you’ve been missing. Through the epiphanies you have now, you can feel especially motivated to make changes to your routine that will help you feel better about yourself. There can be initial challenges juggling your responsibilities now, but great rewards in making an effort. Aim to do what makes you feel good from the inside out, and pay special attention to your body, health, and habits. With Venus heading into alignment with Chiron in your resources sector, you’re learning more about what you value. If a busy life has pulled you away from your heart, this transit corrects things. This is a fine time for activities that help renew your connection to the natural world, which helps heal you. If you’re feeling especially sensitive about your worth or value in others’ eyes, aim to deal with this bravely.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is February 9, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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