Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 9:06 AM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon occurs from 8:41 AM to 9:06 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 11:00 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse which occurred on the 10th and the Third Quarter/Last Quarter Moon that will occur on the 17th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
- Venus enters Pisces today (Venus transits Pisces from January 13-February 7).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You can be especially motivated to make changes or to do an overhaul of something in your business or home life today, dear Aries. Instincts are strong that a change is either imminent or necessary, and you’d prefer to be the one in control of this! It can be exhausting to work through these things, but also very much worth the effort. You are applying creative vision to what you’re doing, but practical application is also in focus. It’s about feeling deeply that something has to change and improve, even if it means letting go of ideas or things that may be dragging you down. Consider ways to change your image on a professional level for the better. If you feel that you’ve fallen behind in your work, then either enlist others’ help or make time for yourself so that there are fewer distractions to get back on top. You can have a real sense that you need to tighten your belt, work a little harder, and make improvements. This can feel motivating or temporarily disappointing, but either way, it’s a reminder of your priorities. You may appreciate the clarity that comes with seeing the reality of a situation. People may be recognizing your accomplishments, or they may be seeing flaws. Do consider reducing activities that keep you from excelling at your work or from reaching your goals. Letting go of wasteful or outdated endeavors can be challenging to do, but may very well be what you need to succeed.

This can be a time of feeling particularly strongly about an idea, opinion, or belief system, dear Taurus–even transformed by a new perspective. Aim to be as honest with yourself as possible about where you’ve been over-attached and whether you could benefit from letting go of something that’s doing you more harm than good. Aim to channel your passion into a worthy cause or plan. It’s, in fact, a very good time to nurture a long-term goal or plan and to feel a stronger sense of purpose, possibly through a learning program or connection. You are less interested in topics that seem frivolous or that won’t help you in the real world, on a practical level, and this is especially the case this week. It’s a definite time for boosting your practical skills, and it may be time for a serious discussion or the consideration of a new path. You’ve arrived at an important juncture in your life for recognizing your priorities and the need to concentrate, focus, and specialize. Circumstances now seem to demand that you transform and grow through your beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. Someone or something may be challenging the way you see things, and it’s up to you to either resist or grow through the experience. You are learning that clinging too tightly to your ideas can limit your growth. Freeing yourself from limiting attitudes is an empowering process. Even so, you may need to work through tension and fear to get to this place. Fears tend to relate to the road ahead, long-term plans, skills, knowledge, and faith in your future. Watch for people who are power-tripping this week, but also for the tendency to try to control others, connecting instead to your determination to live a more powerful, engaging life.

It’s a powerful time for seeing and understanding problem areas, dear Gemini. As a result, you can make significant headway with projects and even close relationships. Financial planning and goal-making are in strong, favorable focus. There is a tendency to stay or operate in the background, but you retain a lot of power in this position at this time in your life! In fact, your observational skills are tremendous now. You can benefit from identifying attachments that are dragging you down. It’s not a day for accepting things at face value — you’d rather challenge yourself and investigate matters at a deeper level, and you’re likely to uncover important things now. There can certainly be a reality to face about your attachments, an intimate relationship, or a money/ownership issue. The Sun shines a light on problem areas, fears, and buried ambitions, particularly related to support, finances, dependencies, or power dynamics. Keep in mind that seeing things for both their strengths and weaknesses helps you make the right decisions, and that it’s possible that you’re currently focusing more on the negatives. Eventually, this will balance out! You could be feeling a little vulnerable initially, and financial or emotional obligations can emerge that cause you some worry or that feel burdensome. Helping out others in the areas where you feel lacking or concerned might help you. Questions of trust may push to the surface, and self-honesty is especially important now.

Close relationships or partnerships require attention, dear Cancer. It’s a time for really feeling your attachments in both positive and negative ways, but also when a solution to problem areas can be in sight. There can be a reminder of your responsibilities to someone important in your life, or you may feel a sense of weight if you don’t have someone you can genuinely say is in your corner. Circumstances may be revealing the less flattering side of others or even of yourself through partnership. You may find reasons to take stock of your commitments and debts to others, or you may need to draw some boundaries if others are asking too much of you. While flaws can appear bigger than they objectively are, seeing them now can help you get to the point of clarity. Some of the challenges you face with others seem to get you in touch with your own potential. There may be a significant meeting, realization, or conversation that pushes you in the right direction. Observe reactions, both yours and others’. Decisions are easier when you can see people and things for both their strengths and weaknesses, so aim for this sweet spot. It can be all too easy to see in others what you are trying to avoid knowing about yourself, so strive to be honest with yourself and brave about facing your fears. Some of you could be taking a connection to a new level.

You are finding many reasons to love life this year, dear Leo. Much of this revolves around a desire to explore or research it more deeply, to rid yourself of harmful habits, and to attend to and transform your health. You are also quite ambitious or motivated to better organize your daily affairs and schedules. Still, if you’re feeling dissatisfied with your current work, schedules, or state of mind/health, then you can certainly feel this more powerfully today. Fortunately, this discontent can be a powerful motivator to make changes. It’s a good time for identifying practical priorities, and a mature or critical look at your health and work goals can be part of this. Obligations magnify, and some aspects of your daily affairs or chores can feel overwhelming. Now’s the time to seek ways to simplify and streamline for your well-being. Aim to become more efficient and organized, as well as to work hard and do what you can, without pushing yourself too hard! It’s not the time to cut corners. As you face realities, you can feel more confident about moving forward with realistic expectations. This can be a great time to resolve a complicated matter or rework something inside out or top to bottom. With some self-honesty, this can be a wonderful time for seeing areas of your life that require adjustments, edits, and pruning so that you can move forward, grow, and reach your goals.

Today’s energies are focused and intense, dear Virgo. Any latent jealousies or resentment can come to the surface, and this can feel disruptive at first. Still, it’s also the perfect time to get to the bottom of why you are carrying these things with you. Relationships can be actively involved with this. Simply acknowledging feelings can be an essential first step — self-honesty is vital now. You might experience a moment of truth, as well as motivation to kick a bad habit and to live a freer, more joyful life as a result. Seeing the nuts and bolts of a situation or a black-and-white view can be helpful on the road to a greater understanding of it. Ultimately, it takes you to a more realistic position, which in turn motivates you to make necessary improvements, mainly related to structure and self-discipline. It can be an excellent prompt to apply yourself to your work or craft. You’re likely to see a more serious side of your relationships, projects, and undertakings now. Aim to face your feelings, embrace them, and then decide how you can improve your life as a result. Reducing or eliminating unhealthy attachments should be the goal now. However, this can also be a beautiful time for using powerful feelings to drive a creative work or a new purpose or commitment.

There can be a strong focus on family or the self again today, dear Libra, and you can feel compelled to look deep within at your attachments to make important changes, to grow, and to improve. This is a good day for seeing areas that need improvement, and this can include work, home, and health matters. Seeing things in extremes is likely now, but this can also be quite helpful on some level, as this could motivate you to get rid of excess or unnecessary things and processes that have been weighing or slowing you down. If there are problems in the basic structures or support systems in your life, you’re noticing them full-on. There can be an answer that you’ve been waiting for or more clarity about a situation now that helps you to move forward with a new or improved game plan. It’s easier than usual to bring up the past, and focusing on fixing problems can be particularly successful with extra insight or self-awareness. You receive a window into some of your deeply buried desires and resentments, and possibly fears, particularly related to your personal life, family, and home matters. You can more clearly see areas of your life that need a serious update or reboot.

There can be a lot of focus on, and possibly obsession with, your ideas or work today, dear Scorpio. The day’s energies are good for really making progress on a project you feel passionately about, or for anything that requires persuasion. You are not afraid of getting into uncomfortable territory. Today may be more productive if you find something, whether it’s a topic project or idea, that you can pursue independently. Responsibilities make themselves known, or concerns or deadlines can take over your thoughts, but if you take the time to tackle matters one at a time, step by step, this can be an excellent time for getting things done. You might see a project or endeavor in an entirely new, and likely more realistic, light. Mind you, this can temporarily skew towards the overly negative or practical, so wait until you’ve balanced your view with emotional and spiritual elements before making important decisions. Once there, you could be quite happy to discover where you stand on a matter as it helps clarify your next step. A new development, memory, or concern related to a project or pursuit is in the works. The motivation to firm up vulnerable areas or to work on fixes can result. If something has to go, whether it’s a frivolous activity that interferes with your productivity or an attitude that keeps you in a negative frame of mind, this is the time for putting it behind you.

You can feel compelled to find ways to develop your talents, business, and resources today, dear Sagittarius, and this can be very beneficial. You’re willing, ready, and interested! You could be motivated to improve due to a situation that is uncomfortable at first — possibly a feeling of jealousy or a sense that you’re coming up short, for example. However, if you can use this energy to turn things around, you can make some excellent progress. Just be careful that you don’t look for approval outside of yourself to the point that you forget what you truly want and need. Use today for developing strategies that will benefit you in the long term. There is a need to rise above these fears for growth to happen. Note that current transits are shining a light on problem areas, and while this helps you see weak spots so that you can improve and strengthen your life, it’s not the whole story. There can be a reality to face or responsibility to meet in business or with money. Aim to take an honest look at a plan, project, or area of your life that has been holding you back. Keep in mind that most good, long-lasting programs are slow and steady ones. Work on one problem at a time, step by step, and you’ll be in great shape. Recognize deeper ambitions and fears, especially about your earning power, feelings of self-worth, money matters, and security. Hold off on new purchases or endeavors and focus instead on what can be pared down, eliminated, or recycled. If you’ve grown overly attached to certain stagnant situations or excess clutter, then you may work on freeing yourself of these dead weights.

You are seeking more meaning and purpose in your life, dear Capricorn, and if you’re unhappy with how things are going, then this will be emphasized now. Fortunately, you have all the tools you need to turn things around. Several bodies are aligning in your sign, and you’re taking yourself seriously, which can help balance your view as it eventually leads to more clarity. You’ve been maturing in many ways recently, and there’s now a spotlight on your responsibilities and problem areas. Aim to take an honest look at what needs improving. As you become more aware of a limitation or obligation, you gain the motivation to clean up a matter that is best left behind you. It’s a fine time to see weak or vulnerable areas of your life so that you know precisely what needs strengthening going forward. Influences now stimulate your instincts to grow, improve, and change. Do your best to focus on the things you can master, and tap into your motivation to make empowering changes. As long as you resist the temptation to try to maneuver people and situations to work in your favor, you are in an excellent place to get your affairs in order. You may very well discover that the best way to gain an edge is to work on controlling your reactions and attitudes rather than fixating on things outside of yourself. Acknowledge your deeper needs, wants, and desires, but then come up with a plan to achieve those that are healthy and empowering.

There continues to be a strong need to look back before you move forward, dear Aquarius. There may be some intensity, perhaps revolving around a secret or private matter. You can also be quite pensive, and you can benefit greatly from some introspection. However, if you’re feeling a little stuck, discontent can be magnified now. Take a time-out if you can to sort things out. The Sun’s yearly alignment with Saturn happens today and is different this year because it has a lot of company! A personal matter or responsibility comes into the light. You may be called upon to help someone out or face reality about putting a particular project, situation, or habit behind you. Something from the past that was left unresolved can reappear and demand your attention. This can, in fact, be spiritually rewarding and can contribute to a stronger feeling of meaning and purpose. Going forward with less emotional baggage is the goal now! In the process, you’re bound to connect with some deeply buried feelings, fears, and ambitions. Those things that leave you feeling insecure or guilt-ridden need to go, but first, you need to identify their source. You might see those things that are at the root of feelings of powerlessness. Discomfort can motivate you to grow and improve, fueling your determination to rid yourself of problem areas. It’s a beautiful time for self-understanding and awareness that is eye-opening and even life-changing.

There can be some intensity around friendships, your dreams and hopes, or happiness goals today, dear Pisces. You could make a surprising connection or experience deeper feelings towards someone now. Try not to go to extremes, unless this happens inside you and helps motivate you to make meaningful, empowering changes. Aim to face feelings of possessiveness or resentment with honesty for greater self-understanding. You may very well recognize a need to cut something out of your life to move forward with less weight. There can be uniquely creative ideas for long-term plans and strategies coming to mind. If you receive or seek some advice now, it might be mature, although not necessarily what you want to hear! Your resolve to improve your life, particularly to add more structure and discipline, is building, and seeing things clearly now can help this further. Aim to focus on what you know you can control and take things one step at a time. This can be a time for further determination to pursue your goals, even if it comes after a small disappointment. Difficulties with friends or complicated emotions about your social life can come to light now, and this can prompt you to start fresh or make repairs. You’re offered a candid glimpse into problem areas, and it’s up to you whether you use this energy to fixate or to fix!
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 13, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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