Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The void Moon occurs from 11:45 PM forward.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase until 9:28 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Third Quarter/Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 17th, and the New Moon will happen on January 24th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
- The Sun enters Aquarius today (The Sun transits Aquarius from January 20-February 18).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While the Moon seems to encourage you to reach out and branch out today, dear Aries, there can be notable benefits from activities that connect you with your feelings and those for whom you care. For some, there can be rewards in interactions with family, health care workers, and counselors today. Career or outside responsibilities can be a little tricky, or you could find that a partner isn’t getting behind your goals. This may very well be temporary, so avoid making important decisions based on passing feelings. The Sun begins its transit of your social sector today and will continue to influence this area of your chart until February 18th. This transit helps to do some de-emphasizing of career or life-plan goals. It also seems to increase your interest in finding your joy, connecting, or making a contribution. You may be networking and socializing more than usual and benefiting from teamwork. You have a stronger influence on friends and groups during this period, and this, by extension, boosts your self-esteem. The weeks ahead are great for trying on new styles and ideas.

There can be some tricky interactions or complicated feelings to navigate today, dear Taurus. Still, diplomacy takes you far today as Venus and the North Node form a harmonious aspect in your social and communication sectors. Mutually beneficial relationships are in focus, and artistic and romantic endeavors are favored. You are attracted to–and drawing in–people with progressive ideas and attitudes at this time in your life. While there may be some disagreements on goals or clashing desires experienced now, there’s a mostly cooperative feel. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart, and with this transit, you’ll be bringing more strength and personality to your public or professional life until February 18th. Your ego and identity are tied more closely to your professional or social standing, what others think of you, and your ability to meet your responsibilities. You, and especially your performance, stand out more than usual. As long as your needs for approval are balanced and moderate, they can serve a useful purpose. You can come to a high point of the year with your career or reputation.

Connections with people related to business and money can be especially beneficial today and this week, dear Gemini. You might also be connecting well with current partners and friends, and bonding over shared fundamental values or business ideas. However, the day is slightly complicated. Disagreements or inner conflict regarding the depth of a commitment are possibilities. As well, the Sun heads into your solar ninth house today, transiting this area of your chart until February 18th. The weeks ahead are excellent for nurturing your mind, body, and spirit with different activities, books, courses, cultural activities, and connections with people who have different ideas and perspectives. You might do more studying, learning, and venturing out and about. Your aspirations and ideals are stronger driving forces in your life at this time of the year. You find more reasons to spread your wings and enjoy new experiences!

This is a generally strong time for pursuing goals that contribute to a sense of growth and feelings of productivity, dear Cancer. There can be favorable connections made with others, particularly related to finances, legal affairs, publishing, and education. Or, with a Venus-Node connection today, you could be connecting with someone who encourages your independence and self-confidence. Still, there can be some tendency to worry about levels of commitment now. From conflicting desires or goals, however, you might end up understanding your own needs better. The Sun moves into your intimacy sector for a stay until February 18th. The weeks ahead favor focused attention on special projects and relationships. This is a time of year when you crave a little more from life. Or, you might rid yourself of a bad habit or attitude and thus gain more personal power and a stronger sense of personal accomplishment. Changes, both inner and outer, tend to occur now that remind you that you’re growing, learning, and transforming. There can be an increased focus on intimate connections and sharing, and for some of you, financial or emotional support are important topics in your life now.

The Moon in your creative sector all day brings on an outgoing theme today, dear Leo. A Venus-Node aspect facilitates making connections, particularly related to emotional health, finances, and intimacy. You can experience a powerful draw to someone. Even so, there are a couple of minor challenging aspects that suggest things aren’t all smooth going. Tensions and frustrations may emerge in spots, and examining these can give you a hint of things to explore further at a quieter time. The Sun enters your partnership sector today, where it will transit until February 18th. This cycle brings your need for others to the fore, particularly a partner in some shape or form. You’re discovering yourself through your interactions with someone special. You’re more willing than usual to adjust and adapt to the needs of others in the weeks ahead. You’re challenged to find a balance between independence and accommodation, and this will be especially pronounced around the time of the Full Moon on February 9th.

While there can be some ups and downs as you try to make sense of your feelings today, dear Virgo, you’re generally building your faith and confidence. It’s a good time to make connections that benefit you and a generally prosperous period for love and friendship, as you’re cooperating with others and they are returning the favor. You might attract someone supportive of your happiness goals. As well, the Sun begins its transit of your solar sixth house today. Until February 18th, health and fitness goals, as well as work and daily routines, can come into stronger focus. Schedules, habits, and organization in your life assume more importance, making the weeks ahead especially useful for taking care of details that help get your life into smoother working order. You’re taking more pride in these systems, your work, or your self-care programs.

You may not feel like key people see your point of view today, dear Libra, but disagreements occurring now might ultimately help you clarify what’s truly important to you. Even though there can be complicated feelings now, there is also good energy with you for making connections on practical levels, particularly with people related to career, work, health, and business goals. You have something to offer, and others tend to offer encouragement or insight that helps you. Cooperative energy tends to lift your spirits and heighten your desire to socialize. You’ll be gaining inspiration for creative efforts, relationships with children, and romance in the weeks ahead with the Sun’s move into your solar fifth house today, where it will transit until February 18th. It’s a time for celebrating and expressing your talents, abilities, and affections. You’re more inclined than usual to reach out and seek feedback and reinforcement in the upcoming weeks. Enjoying and expressing yourself in fulfilling, heartwarming ways can be in strong focus now. You might pay more attention to personal hobbies or recreation and entertainment.

You’re generally in good shape for making connections primarily related to romance, creativity, publishing, writing, legal affairs, entertainment, and education today and this week, dear Scorpio. You may be connecting with someone who encourages your spirit and vision. Nevertheless, you could be wrestling with your feelings today, trying to make sense of them. The Sun begins its transit of your solar fourth house today, and until February 18th, there can be especially powerful reminders of your roots, foundation, and closest ties. You’re bringing healing, refinement, and organization, to your home life and family relationships. It’s also a time for getting into close touch with what’s in your heart and for nesting on a psychological level. It’s not the most adventurous or outgoing cycle in the Sun’s journey through your chart, but it’s vital for establishing a sense of identity, comfort, and increased self-knowledge.

The Moon transits your sign all day, dear Sagittarius, enlivening your spirit. Still, there is a strong focus on your inner world, intimate relationships, and connections with family today, people closest to you seem to be your biggest supporters right now. Or, helpful connections might be made with others related to finances, real estate, home initiatives, family, and intimacy. Emotional bonds can be strengthened, but there can be some complicated feelings involved. It can feel good to get in touch with fears and insecurities and then actively work on rising above them. The Sun moves into your communications sector today, spotlighting your connections, thoughts, studies, and mind until February 18th. The weeks ahead are excellent for branching out and learning new things. Because your interests and the demands on you can be very diverse at this time, it can be challenging to focus, but branching out can serve you especially well now. You’re made more aware of what needs to be repaired, healed, and improved in your environment, communications, and interactions with others.

This a generally good time for cooperating with others, dear Capricorn. Good feelings tend to be reciprocated, and there can be a strong sense of mutual harmony and a boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Happy and useful connections that revolve around or support education, personal interests, communications, and transportation might be made now. Even so, the day holds some minor challenging aspects that suggest you may be nursing worries. There can be clashing desires and ideas to deal with before going forward. Ultimately, conflicts arising now, even if they’re internal ones, will help clarify your true desires and goals. The Sun finishes its yearly, month-long transit of your sign today, beginning its transit of your solar second house. There has been a lot of attention on you and your plans, and while this trend continues for a while longer, you’re now settling down a little. It’s a good time to build upon recent ideas and discoveries. Until February 18th, you enjoy a wonderfully grounding Sun transit, and you can make the best of it by increasing activities that remind you of the importance and beauty of the moment. Security is a driving force for you right now.

This is a generally good time for making connections with people related to finances, work, or health, such as co-workers, employers, bankers, and health-care, dear Aquarius. People seem supportive of your goals, or at least cooperative. There is some tendency to take things a bit personally, however. The Sun moves into your sign today and will stick with you until February 18th, boosting your confidence and visibility. You are at your most noticeable and effective during this yearly transit. If you’ve wanted to make positive changes to your image, then this is an excellent time for doing so. You have more impact and personal presence during this cycle. It’s a time for seizing the day and shaping your life as you’d like it to be. You may feel as if you are coming out of the shadows in some way now.

Your desire to connect or express yourself gets a boost now, dear Pisces, and perhaps your popularity, as well. While there can be some complex feelings to sort out, it’s a day in which you feel that you can overcome blockages. The Sun enters your privacy sector today, where it shines a light on the need to attend to spiritual, non-material, and emotional matters until February 18th. This is a good time for forgiving others and for letting go of those things you no longer need, if necessary. Decisions may require more time than usual. More than likely, they can wait! You might withdraw a little from more worldly endeavors, and you need more time for introspection and rest in the weeks ahead. This is a preparatory period before the Sun enters your sign next month and a new cycle begins. If you are shutting the door on a plan, dream, or attitude, know that you will be opening another to a fresher, more authentic or empowering period.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 20, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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