Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- We are between the Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) that occurred on the 21st in the sign of Leo, and the Last Quarter Moon, which will happen on the 27th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While there is scattered energy to the day, dear Aries, it’s a particularly useful time for inspired ideas and insights, mainly related to your career. It may be that there are so many things you’d like to do (or that you have to do), that you don’t know where to start. Your attention is divided. It will be essential to choose your battles wisely today, as something that someone says or writes can get on your nerves, and the temptation is to react quickly. However, before doing so blindly, consider all angles. Your ideas are brilliant now, although they may need some fleshing out before you implement them. You’re learning much about your capabilities and entertaining some exciting ideas in the process. While absent-mindedness can be an issue now, the day is just fine for imaginative pursuits. Taking a relaxed, creative approach can be very worthwhile and a great strategy now.

If you can tame impatience today, dear Taurus, this can be an excellent time for new ideas and useful insights. Mental energy may be a little frenetic at times now. Outspokenness has its merits but not if it’s unconsidered today. Ask yourself whether rushing even makes sense right now, since we can sometimes feel pressure when a regular pace will work just as well, if not better. Dreams and fantasies can be excellent conversation points today, although it may not be the best time for clarity in a friendship or with directions and instructions. There are many channels or outlets for expressing yourself now, so do seek them out. Emotional blocks can loosen through sensitive communications, although words expressed may be a little sharp at times today. Something buried could come out in a random remark. Clinging very closely to tradition could lead to frustration, and haste can be a trap as well. Detours from the norm or the routine may be offputting at first, but can also stimulate new thinking. Ultimately, you can reach a new understanding in or about a relationship.

There is a tendency to skip over instructions or jump to conclusions today, dear Gemini, or someone’s impersonal behavior might throw you a bit off center. If you can avoid the tendency to move too fast and to live on your nerves (or only in your brain), you can come to very interesting, and possibly prophetic, insights now. Taking some mental detours can lead to inspired thinking. Do your best to focus on the problems you need to resolve and be aware of a tendency to blurt things out, since taming this can help keep things smooth and easy. It can be difficult to focus today with your mind taking you on different tangents. You may be craving a deep, serious conversation but things may come out in entirely different ways. It’s also quite possible that social distractions are so loud that they take you away from your work and projects. There can be some exciting and creative energy stimulated with a love interest. Mercury harmonizes with Chiron, giving you a key to handling some of the more temperamental energy of the day. You are in a good position to heal yourself or a relationship through the insights you gain now. The better you know yourself, the better your choices will be, and today holds breakthrough energy for self-understanding despite its rollercoaster feel.

You can be experiencing some tension as you attempt to break free from rigid thinking, dear Cancer, but it can all be worth it. There can be some tendency to burst out with information, although these or other interruptions can result in sensitive conversations that help heal and build your confidence. Shared ideals or beliefs can be discovered and can be a genuine source of comfort. A sense of moving forward is with you. Even if something communicated today is unnerving, avoid quick reactions since it can initially be difficult to truly “hear” your own thoughts or feelings on the matter. The desire to make sense of everything is with you, but you may need a little faith that things will make sense in time. You might need to tune people out, at least some, so that you can take better care of yourself. Sometimes taking in too much information can leave you feeling insecure and unbalanced, and today could very well go that way. Look at the bigger picture for comfort now, and remember that slowing down and focusing can work far better for you.

Creative energy is powerful today, dear Leo, but a little challenging to tap at first. You can stumble upon a new way to approach ongoing health, work, or energy problems, but the day requires patience, particularly regarding opinions, directions, and instructions, as it can get chaotic with Mercury and Uranus at odds with one another. Off-the-cuff remarks should be avoided, but something you hear can stimulate a new way of thinking, so don’t disregard what’s communicated now. Simply take some time before reacting. Today is not ideal for clear communications, but misunderstandings can lead to exciting and creative ways of relating. You may be privy to information about healing or alternative health methods, and you seem to have a particular interest in getting well or improving from the inside out. With an increased willingness to listen, there can be meaningful insights into a partner or your inner workings now. While there can be frustrations due to schedule changes, surprising news, or other interruptions, you may be able to ease up on your work or tasks to accommodate these things and be better off for it.

There can be surprising twists and interruptions to deal with today, dear Virgo, with Mercury, your planetary ruler, in hard aspect to Uranus. However, Mercury is also forming some supportive aspects and is very busy, in fact. You can be similarly mentally stimulated, even if at times, wired. The feedback you receive can feel abrupt and can remind you to look for the intrinsic rewards for what you do! Creative ideas can be inspired and unusual, but not yet well-formed, so take note and aim to come back to them later when you’re not as frazzled. This can be an excellent day for working with a partner, and/or it can be an inspired time for family matters. While the “noise” around you can be too chaotic to discern how you genuinely feel, do consider what you hear, as what might seem at first to be far-fetched could turn into a golden idea after some refinement. This is because Uranus, in its higher form, is an awakener. You might open your eyes to something significant today, particularly about a love relationship. Alternatively, you can find creative inspiration. Expect the unexpected and avoid hanging too tightly to traditions. There can be a chance to forgive or heal a sore spot with someone, and opening up is the key. Your sensitivity to others’ troubles comes from your own struggles, and your wisdom can help others.

Your attention can be divided today, dear Libra, and ideas and news may be interesting and exciting, but perhaps uprooting. Changes of schedule, interrupted plans, or offhand remarks may ultimately lead to refreshing detours, even if they annoy you initially. Conversations about work, family, and health can be positive and productive, if a little scattered, leading to substantial changes. Problem-solving skills are tremendous now, and conversations can be refreshingly, although perhaps surprisingly, open. vIf you’re aiming to get organized or to get a lot done, this can be a frustrating day, only because the energies with us now favor freeform and imaginative activities, not orderly, practical ones. However, it can be an enlightening time. A Mercury-Uranus aspect can awaken you to new ways to think and possibly to update your traditions. The trick is to work with it instead of being at its mercy. Freshen your mind with alternative ways to relate to one another.

Changes of schedule or detours can challenge you to grow and learn new things, dear Scorpio, and can indeed stimulate new ideas. It’s a good day for visualizing what you’d like to do with your life, but you may not be able to force the matter – you’re best off allowing room for spontaneity as Mercury and Uranus form a square aspect. You might come up with creative ways for achieving your goals after surprising detours from the usual routine lead to fun and possibly quite useful discoveries. Still, watch for communicating about a matter too soon or without enough context. Both personal interests and duties are demanding your attention, and it can be difficult to do any one thing well. A sincere desire to help and guide is with you today, and you’re particularly good at helping others understand themselves because you relate so well to their troubles. Do watch that you take more care with directions and instructions today, however, as you may very well be skipping essential details or steps in your haste. This can be a pleasant day despite its somewhat frazzled energies, mainly as you feel that you’re heading in the right direction.

Today’s Mercury-Uranus square can lend a somewhat chaotic or surprise element to the day, dear Sagittarius, but Uranus is not called the “awakener” without reason. In fact, it can be quite a revealing, inspired time, especially with help from Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron. Try not to take offhand remarks too seriously, though, as they are unlikely coming from the heart. Impatience in the atmosphere around you is entirely possible now, but it can be managed if you resolve to avoid getting caught up in it. Extra care should be taken with personal possessions, and impulsive or poorly considered purchases are a small possibility. The appeal of entertainment or romantic splurges can be great right now, but this could interfere with recent efforts to be conservative and organized with your money. It’s definitely an excellent day for exercising the brain, and in the wake of challenges come more clarity or insight into a matter related to business, money, valuables, or ownership.

Challenges today seem to light a fire under you to make improvements, dear Capricorn, and tend to live on a mental level for the most part, which can be rather easily managed. Resolving to stay flexible helps you see opportunities that are bound to emerge from interruptions in your plans or in your schedule. New ideas can surface, and you may be feeling quite excited about developing strategies and projects. You have unique emotional insight into others’ problems today, and natural talents with writing and teaching can emerge. While distractions are likely and some ideas a little raw, things are worth a second look. Mercury is finishing up its transit of your sign today, and as it forms a square to Uranus, you may completely change your mind about a matter now, but it’s likely to be an enlightening moment. Ideas generated today can be inspired, although admittedly not yet well-rounded.

With a Mercury-Uranus clash today, dear Aquarius, be aware of a tendency to speak ahead of yourself. Preserving a secret may require extra effort now! Keep yourself as open as possible to unexpected changes to your schedule for best results today. Watch that you are not your own worst enemy by saying or doing things that invite adverse reactions. Ideas may be ahead of their time or impractical, and it can be hard to distinguish between the two! However, you have time to figure this all out, despite the sense of urgency brought on by Mercury as it spends its final day in the sign just behind yours. Your mind can rather abruptly change about a matter. There can be some difficulty with continuity of thought and it may be a real challenge staying on track. Conversations can be interesting and even inspiring now, but might also touch a nerve. However, the day can be quite friendly, and tensions easily dissipate as you find they lead to great new approaches and ideas. You may be dealing with loose ends or settling accounts for the time being, and while you may not feel the progress, you’re busy clearing the pathway for smoother endeavors and activities in the future.

The day can stimulate some wonderful new ideas or approaches, dear Pisces, but there can be some abruptness to deal with as Mercury and Uranus form a square aspect. Before you take communications to heart, consider that the tendency now is to speak before thinking or feeling. Nevertheless, something good can come out of a remark or change of plans. While unsettling at first, it might take your mind on a detour to a whole new perspective on a problem. You are very often pulled into others’ problems, largely because you’re such a compassionate soul, but sometimes you need to block out distractions and let others work things out without you. This day doesn’t favor attention to detail or a high supply of energy, but it is good for creative activities and imaginative thinking. Your ability to follow your own code and think outside the box is admirable and helps you out now. Life is a little unpredictable, but you’re especially adaptable, able to find ways of enjoying the detours that arise from unexpected changes of mind or schedules.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 23, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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