Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 11:02 PM, after which the Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 5:07 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We are between the Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) that occurred on the 21st in the sign of Leo, and the Last Quarter Moon, which will happen on the 27th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
- Mercury enters Aquarius today (Mercury transits Aquarius from January 24-February 10).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon is in your partnership sector all day, dear Aries, and you’re inclined to crave some company. You are especially sensitive to imbalances in your life, quickly trying to correct them and bring more harmony to your life today. Also now, Mercury enters your solar eleventh house and will stick around there until February 10th, increasing your interest in making connections and awakening enthusiasm for a dream or project. This is a good time for communicating with appeal and getting your message across smoothly. Networking may assume more importance to you during this cycle, possibly adding unique value to your life. Your thinking is particularly progressive and inventive now. While good fortune may be coming to you today and tomorrow, you are more likely to be making your luck by taking definitive action on a matter as Mars and Jupiter head towards a harmonious aspect.

Mercury moves into your career and reputation sector today, dear Taurus, and will influence this area of your solar chart until February 10th. This is a period for communicating with more impact and thinking up long-term strategies that will move you closer to your goals. Your thoughts and conversations more frequently revolve around your responsibilities during this cycle. You might also be communicating with more power. You are creating your luck with a Mars-Jupiter trine in the works and encouraging you to follow your heart with courage. It’s a powerful time for making an intimate connection. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, and you’re ready to make a real dent in your “to do” list. This transit is terrific for taking care of errands and chores.

Today and tomorrow are strong for finding ways to improve and advance your projects, dear Gemini. You are more determined than usual to make things happen. The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, and this adds yet another layer of warmth or confidence to your mood. Mercury moves into harmony with your sign, too, after spending a few weeks in an awkward angle to it, and it’s refreshing. This cycle lasts longer than the Moon’s two- to three-day transit. Mercury will stick around here until February 10th, and during its transit, you’ll have a more relaxed than usual time of expressing yourself and getting your ideas across smoothly. You enjoy positivity in your outlook, thoughts, and conversations. You embrace new ways of looking at problems as you’re tired of old rules, routines, and information. You seek out new horizons on mental levels, and you might discover new and exciting interests.

While there is good energy for “outside world” matters today, dear Cancer, the Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, and you’ll relish chances to cocoon and unwind, too. As well, Mercury begins its transit of your solar eighth house where it will influence until February 10th. This cycle draws you to profound thought, study, thinking, and conversations, and stimulates a stronger interest in life’s mysteries or to the hidden layers of situations. It’s a good time for devising strategies and plans and for digging deeply into a topic, although not an ideal period for straightforward communications and transportation. Conversations tend to be a little more intimate, or the issues on the table are not your common fare. With Mars and Jupiter soon reaching a trine aspect, you’re especially ardent about pursuing your desires and projects, as well as moving past obstacles that now seem that much less intimidating.

The Moon’s transit of your busy solar third house today stimulates your curiosity, dear Leo. Mars and Jupiter are heading towards a happy trine aspect, and you’re inclined to want to make things happen rather than merely think about your next step. Enthusiasm runs high, and personal appeal is potent. Creative projects can be published or launched. Also today, Mercury begins its transit of your opposite sign, and during this cycle that lasts until February 10th, intellectual companionship is a fun theme. You seek out or attract people who help stimulate your thoughts and decisions, and they can be pleasant sounding boards and good company! A partner or friend’s input and feedback tends to rev up your thinking. Conversations can be particularly interesting, and ideas generated through these back-and-forths can be beneficial. This cycle comes at a good time, so soon after a rather me-focused Lunar Eclipse, and helping to restore some balance in your life.

Mercury begins its transit of your work and health sector today, dear Virgo, and will continue to move through this area of your solar chart until February 10th. With your planetary ruler in the area of your chart strongly associated with the sign of Virgo, you can feel very much in your element. This is a time for focusing on and perhaps fretting about the details of your life. Your thoughts and conversations often turn to work, health, and practical matters. You may be seeking information about these things, or these issues come up frequently. It’s a decent time for learning new skills, particularly practical ones, and for seeking out information that helps you improve your work, health, routines, and habits. With Mars and Jupiter heading towards a trine aspect, you are a little braver, more willing to go out on a limb so that you can move something forward, and inclined to move towards your goals confidently.

Mercury begins its transit of your sector of entertainment, romance, and pleasure today, dear Libra. This brings Mercury into harmony with your sign after spending time tucked away in your home sector, and it can feel quite liberating as you become far less guarded. You find it more comfortable and natural to express your ideas and opinions during this cycle that lasts until February 10th. You’re more communicative and friendly now, and you’re inclined to seek out intellectual entertainment. There can be a stronger need for communications and movement in a romantic relationship. The Moon spends the day in your sign–another outgoing influence. You can feel strongly motivated to take action aimed to improve your current circumstances as Mars and Jupiter head towards an empowering aspect.

Both cooperative and competitive efforts can thrive today and tomorrow, dear Scorpio, with Mars and Jupiter heading towards a harmonious aspect, exact tomorrow. The key is taking action to make improvements, to grow, and to advance. It’s an especially enterprising influence! Some of you may be launching a new money-making endeavor now. Also today, Mercury begins its transit of your solar fourth house, where it will influence until February 10th. This is the sector of your solar chart that rules heart, home, and family, and your thought processes are inward and intuitive during this cycle. There can be a lot to learn about or through family and close loved ones now. Thoughts and conversations often turn to domestic affairs, the past, and family concerns. You are not as communicative in the outside world, and you may not feel quite as understood or “heard” at this time. Mind you, this can be quite fine for you at this time. Today’s Moon position also inclines you to turn more attention to your inner world as it transits your privacy sector.

Mercury has just completed a tour through your resources sector, dear Sagittarius, and today enters your communications sector. As the planet of communications, it feels right at home there! This cycle that lasts until February 10th comes at a good time just days after a Lunar Eclipse emotionalized these matters. Now, you’re in an excellent position to make assessments and gain some mental clarity. This transit encourages reaching out, making connections, picking up new interests and skills, and sharing your ideas. You can find yourself in more contact with classmates, siblings, and even neighbors during this period. Learning, teaching, studying, and conversations flow naturally now. As Mars heads towards a harmonious aspect to your ruler, Jupiter, you’re filling up with more courage and energy. Your charisma is strong.

The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, and you’re inclined to nurture your ambitions. You’re especially aware of your influence and reputation now. Also today, Mercury moves out of your sign and into your resources sector, where it will stay until February 10th. This influence is especially helpful for your practical affairs, bringing more intelligence and attention to matters related to finances, valuables, possessions, and security or comfort. These are also preoccupations at this time. It’s an excellent period to discuss, learn about, and seek advice on your financial situation. As well, you’re picking up useful, practical information, mainly because this is the kind of information you seek most. This objectivity is particularly useful after the lunar eclipse’s recent effect of emotionalizing money or ownership matters. A Mars-Jupiter aspect tomorrow can boost your confidence, passion, or enthusiasm.

Today and tomorrow are strong for combining energy with action, dear Aquarius, and seeing opportunities where you may not have seen them before. Timing is quite good, although there is a small tendency to overshoot the mark now. Also today, Mercury enters your sign, and until February 10th, you’re finding your voice and making snappier decisions! You are mentally stimulated, self-starting, and perhaps restless or frequently “on the go” during this cycle. Of course, this means you’d do well to create times to relax so that you don’t become nervous or overstimulated. Otherwise, it’s strong for mental clarity. It’s also a good period for attracting romantic admirers or creative projects your way. You prefer to take the lead when it comes to mental or intellectual tasks rather than consult others or collaborate. Your intelligence plays a more prominent role than usual in your appeal.

Today and until February 10th, Mercury transits your privacy sector, dear Pisces. Your decision-making skills and thought processes tend to be more intuitive, inward, and solitary during this period. This is a good cycle for processing recent experiences, as well as for reasoning your way through issues that you’ve left unfinished or pushed to the side. A significant project may come to completion. You can arrive at a greater understanding of your life, and you might help out others with words of advice and wisdom. You’re looking at the past from a new perspective and paying more attention to your private life. This comes after significant revelations or turning points related to your work, habits, health, and routines. As Mars and Jupiter head towards a harmonious aspect, you’re feeling especially enterprising related to your work or finances and practical affairs. It’s an excellent time for making opportunities to advance through confidence and initiative.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 24, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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