Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We are between the Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) that occurred on the 21st in the sign of Leo, and the Last Quarter Moon, which will happen on the 27th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
- Mercury spends its first full day in the sign of Aquarius (Mercury transits Aquarius from January 24-February 10).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This is a day for being brave and shedding some of your inhibitions, dear Aries. A Mars-Jupiter influence boosts confidence many times over. You are especially adventurous and bold. These days, you’re bound to assert your needs more clearly, and this can be especially advantageous today. Seeking out new experiences, particularly ones that educate you, can be in focus now. Self-promotional efforts can be successful. Motivation to get things done today is powerful. As well, Ceres is on an extended stay in your solar ninth house–until mid-November. You may frequently benefit from getting away from the usual routine for emotional satisfaction and nourishment during this period. Learning new things, taking trips, or seeking out new adventures can be activities that help you to feel stronger and happier. Love and freedom intertwine now, and you may very well discover that letting go of something that’s been weighing you down can be fabulously healing.

A Mars-Jupiter influence boosts your confidence from the inside out today, dear Taurus. Your deeper relationships are strengthening, and you’re particularly resourceful now. Self-improvement endeavors are highly favored. There can be a feel-good rush that comes from coming to someone’s aid. Look for opportunities to express yourself from behind the scenes. You feel more supported and more genuinely confident now. This can be a great time for intimacy or taking action on a private matter. As well, with Ceres in your solar eighth house for an extended stay (until mid-November), you’re likely to pay closer attention to your inner longings, desires, and needs, and you may be seeking richer or warmer connections. Jupiter in this same sector helps you find what you’re looking for! You’re likely to seek more nourishment and comfort going within or through your intimate relationships. This almost ten-month transit can be an excellent time for healing and forgiveness.

Relationship matters can thrive right now, dear Gemini, and others tend to support your ideas. You can be filled with enthusiasm, thinking in large terms. This is one of your best times for capitalizing on opportunities. You are ready to take on virtually any challenge today with Mars and Jupiter in harmony. Your confidence is natural rather than over-blown, and you’re happy to move at your own pace. This is a time for fruitful, exciting connections. A new cycle begins today that runs until mid-November in which you might often find yourself in the position of mediator or negotiator. You’re likely to get the chance to bring more nurturing, caring energy to your relationships, or caring, supportive people are attracted into your experience. You are more invested in your ability to get along with others, which can serve to boost your relationships as long as you don’t go overboard with it! This can be an ideal cycle in which to understand a partner and work on growing a relationship.

The Mars-Jupiter trine today is lucky and confidence-inspiring, dear Cancer. Your motivation to do something meaningful with your time is strong right now. You’re ready to put your talents or skills to use and indirectly advertise your capabilities in the process! Channeling your energy into constructive projects comes easily and naturally today. Your attitude towards your work and goals is hugely positive now, and you’re ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. You are willing to put forth the effort to succeed, and this attracts positive situations. As well, in a new cycle beginning today and running all the way to mid-November, you’re likely to bring more care to your work or health programs. Helping others can be in unique focus. Filling your daily duties and nurturing a routine leave you feeling accomplished, healthy, and fulfilled. You’re particularly attentive to your body’s needs, making it an excellent time for improving your nutrition or fitness.

Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors today, dear Leo, as Mars and Jupiter form a harmonious angle. You are commanding attention! Love can be magical today — your powers of attraction skyrocket. This is a good day for competitive activities, exams, learning, and creative activities. You are inclined to make big plans, to see things in terms of the larger picture, and to enjoy expressing your ideas and creative visions with others. You feel passionate about something or someone. Also today, you’re entering a cycle that lasts until mid-November and encourages you to seek out emotional satisfaction through creating and sharing. Romance, entertainment, creative pursuits, children, and hobbies are all possible avenues for self-expression, and it’s through these things that you seek nourishment and healing. You may be attracted to people who seem to need extra care, or there can be warmer, fuzzier feelings in a romantic relationship. You gain tremendous emotional satisfaction and nourishment from the things you create, your hobbies, or your dating life.

With Mars and Jupiter forming a trine, dear Virgo, there can be strong opportunities for improving your family or home experiences. Expanding contact, strengthening ties, and finding peace with your past can be in focus now. You feel more empowered, optimistic, and hopeful about an intimate or family matter. You have a strong desire to be productive, and you’re ready to take on a challenge or opportunity. Also today, you begin a new cycle in which home life is especially crucial for your well-being as Ceres transits your home and family sector until mid-November. This is a good time for tending to the hearth and making things right, secure, and comfortable at home so that you can more confidently deal with life outside the home. Working on self-image issues can be powerful now with Jupiter also in this area of your solar chart until December. If you need to heal family relationships, this can be a fabulous time to do so.

The Mars-Jupiter trine aspect occurring today increases your confidence for making improvements, dear Libra. Your good cheer and optimism can help strengthen close relationships. Activities with a partner can be satisfying, or pairing up can be particularly productive. Also today, you’re beginning a cycle, lasting until mid-November, that brings warm, encouraging energy to your relationships with classmates or siblings, communications, and studies. Learning new things and pursuing personal interests make you happy and can even be healing at this time. This influence enhances your ability to communicate with compassion and effectiveness, as well as to listen and intuit what others may need. You are taking more interest in others’ lives. You might express your affection by teaching, mentoring, and otherwise supporting others, particularly with knowledge and advice.

With Mars and Jupiter forming a trine aspect today, dear Scorpio, it’s an excellent time for capitalizing on an opportunity related to work or finances, and for putting your skills into action. Ambition increases in comfortable ways, and you’re more willing to put ideas into motion or take action on important matters to overcome obstacles. You could experience increased motivation to make more money or to improve your business now, and this attitude can bring greater wealth into your life. This is a good time to work on projects that have long-term appeal, ask for a raise, get more respect on the job, and for business and finance-related thinking. You can benefit from a panoramic and far-sighted vision. It’s also a powerful time for activities that promote physical and emotional healing. Also today, Ceres moves out of your sign and will spend almost ten months in your resources sector. It’s a particularly strong period for tending to your valuables and prized possessions, as well as for saving and stocking up on what you need. During this cycle, you’re likely to pour more love and attention into a business or developing and building something important to you. For some, this is about building skills or talents.

Healthy competition is motivating today as Mars and Jupiter form a trine aspect, dear Sagittarius. You are even more independent and pioneering than usual. You can inspire others as you naturally take on the role of a leader today. This influence can promote a wonderful feeling of abundance and a sense that you’re getting your life in order. Opportunities to expand your horizons, perhaps through travel or education, can present themselves. You are more confident and focused. Use this energy to better yourself. Creative and romantic matters strengthen, your charm is hearty, and your ability to gain others’ confidence is powerful. Also today, Ceres enters your sign for an extended stay — until mid-November! People see you as especially strong and caring during this cycle that places a lot of emphasis and attention on nurturing yourself and others. It’s a good time for personal popularity and better attention to your image, manner, or appearance. This is an excellent period for nurturing your self-confidence.

With Mars and Jupiter forming a trine aspect today, dear Capricorn, you are more intuitive and spontaneous than usual, and you have more confidence and faith in your instincts. Taking action on a private or domestic matter can be very fruitful and satisfying under the influence of this lucky, enterprising aspect. Also today, a cycle begins that promotes the seeking of comfort and nourishment from some form of retreat, such as time to yourself to reflect, process, and digest recent events, and it lasts until mid-November. It’s a strong cycle for learning how to use solitude and private time to your advantage and for promoting improved mental health. With Jupiter also in your solar twelfth house, this is a particularly good time for these things! You may be working on forgiving people and situations from your past, which facilitate emotional healing. Anonymous or private matters can be appealing and nurturing, or you could be sacrificing your own time to support others.

Today’s Mars-Jupiter trine is especially strong for teaming up to get something done, dear Aquarius, or for personal enjoyment or excitement with friends. You may be moving a communications project forward now, and you can be feeling especially enthusiastic about your current interests. You are especially magnetic but you’re also very much making your luck as you take the initiative. It’s a fine time for new and enterprising projects, as you are especially pioneering now. You might come up with an idea for a new and exciting venture. Also today, Ceres begins its extended transit of your solar eleventh house, and you’re starting an active cycle for emotional nourishment through group and friend associations. You may be establishing or strengthening connections to groups or causes, looking to friendships for a sense of belonging, and nurturing connections so that they’ll grow and flourish. A stronger sense of purpose and fulfillment ties in with your networking activities. You may be in the position to put more energy into a group or team effort or into helping others. It’s a wonderful cycle, lasting until mid-November, for budding friendships as well as hope and optimism.

Today’s Mars-Jupiter influence boosts your confidence, dear Pisces, and suggests a powerful time for career, business, and money matters if you are willing to put yourself out there with confidence. Pay attention to gut instincts about money and business. You’re likely to want to take the lead or initiative now. Today is about making things happen! You are extraordinarily resourceful, making excellent use of your talents and resources. Also today, Ceres begins a long-term transit of your sector of career, objectives, and responsibilities. Until mid-November, you’re in excellent shape for paying special attention to your work or business. You might find yourself mentoring others, particularly related to business. This cycle stimulates your ambition in happy, pleasant ways. Feeling in charge and control is especially fulfilling and satisfying now, even healing. Being on top of your responsibilities is a goal and can feel especially satisfying. You might enjoy adding flourishes and creative touches to the work you do.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 25, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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