Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- We are between the Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) that occurred on the 21st in the sign of Leo, and the Last Quarter Moon, which will happen tomorrow.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

It’s easier than usual for you to see two sides of a situation today, dear Aries, or you’re in the position to do so, and it changes everything now, in a good way! This is a potentially important and fruitful day for collaboration, strengthening of ties with a friend or group, or clarifying your goals in a relationship. There is much common sense at your disposal. People are looking for clarity now, making it a great time to focus on details and realistic possibilities. This comes at a good time with a recent eclipse that stirred things up, and now things are settling. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, and you’re in a social frame of mind, even if you can feel a little torn between your personal desires or plans and your increased need for companionship. This is a brilliant day for planning or mapping things out. You can be excited about honing a skill or learning something new and useful.

The Moon spends another day in your work and health sector, dear Taurus, and you’re focused on attending to the details and ironing out the kinks in your life. Fortunately, today is excellent for filling in the blanks. Getting your daily life and routines organized is both helpful and satisfying now. Drawing up and talking about plans or strategies relating to work, long-term goals, and health can assist you in moving toward a better lifestyle or give you an empowering feeling of being more in control of your life in fundamental ways. This is a beautiful time for getting on track. It can also be a time for refining or strengthening a work project to your satisfaction. Your eye for detail today can benefit your career or boost your reputation. It’s a time for seeing the positives or gifts in responsibilities and challenges.

The Moon spends another day in your romance and creative sector, dear Gemini, and you’re quick to find the inspiration to share your creations, ideas, and joy. Today is also strong for filling in the details, even with a fun overarching theme. Structure and discipline are satisfying. You may very well gain clarity or confirmation of a matter now, putting an end to recent “up in the air” energy, and improving your general outlook and attitude. You’re likely to feel motivated to put more of yourself into self-improvement efforts with this stronger sense of your capabilities. Efforts to organize or lock down creative, educational, or travel plans can be successful. Support or increased structure and commitment can improve a bond. You can find it easier than usual to focus on real priorities. With a more realistic view of your life today, you gain the freedom to choose wisely.

With the Moon in your home and family sector once again today, dear Cancer, quiet, simple, and easygoing activities draw you in. You may very well want to avoid complications at this time of the lunar month, and fortunately, the energies of the day tend to simplify things and favor straightforward interactions. At the same time, it’s a potentially excellent time for finding ways to improve your family and home life, your work and health, or your relationship with yourself and your inner world. You may come into the resources or support to make satisfying improvements, however big or small. Support or sound advice can leave you feeling more secure and emotionally together now, and a Jupiter-Saturn parallel active this week helps ground you. You see the many benefits of taking a realistic look at your life and projects.

The Moon spends another day in your communications sector, dear Leo, and you tend to seek out extra mental stimulation and variety. While this is often a relatively (and quite necessarily) busy or restless transit as it gets you curious and connected, today’s energies also encourage stability, realism, and moderation. You’re likely to enjoy some level of relief as you see a situation or your capabilities more clearly. Making plans and dealing with details are favored, and it’s also a fine time for making a pledge, setting the record straight, and sharing advice. You could especially enjoy focusing on turning a vision or dream into a reality. Your relationship needs are clear, making it a beautiful time for asking for what you want. This is a day for seeing opportunities as challenges and challenges as opportunities! You’re willing to pour extra energy into achieving your goals now.

The day holds positive but also realistic energy, dear Virgo, which is right up your alley. The Moon spends another day in your solar second house and is another indicator of a stronger focus on the practical or material side of things now. You want results! Current aspects encourage an especially grounded, reasonable approach to the world in general, and your resources, work, and practical affairs in particular. There’s a nice feeling of comfort and relief in gaining clarity or seeing a matter realistically. It’s a good time for drawing up plans or strategies to improve your life in fundamental ways. This energy is not so much about ridding yourself of a burden as it is about seeing the benefits of your responsibilities or enjoying being productive. You have a stronger sense that the effort you put into a project will benefit you down the road, and you’re taking special care of “future you.” It’s a fine time to get yourself on track with work, money, fitness, or health with supportive connections between the work and resource sectors of your chart.

The Moon spends another day in your sign, dear Libra, continuing to kindle your emotions and encouraging you to connect more meaningfully to the world around you. While this influence does inspire spontaneity, a couple of aspects today stimulate your appreciation of clarity, organization, and structure. Even the little things help you find more purpose or direction today, and it feels good to be both “in the know” and realistically confident that you can succeed. There are increased maturity, wisdom, and realism with us today, and this can be especially the case with your thoughts, communications, and the advice you’re giving out. Common sense and strong effort help to lay the foundation for a happier future now. Where things seemed to be going downhill, you now see more potential for an upswing.

With the Moon in your solar twelfth house again today, dear Scorpio, you’re either in the mood for or in need of some extra rest or time for reflection — or perhaps both! If you can choose it, it’s not an ideal time for especially demanding or challenging situations as you need to recoup some energy with a lunar cycle winding down. Even so, today brings useful or timely information to you that helps clarify a matter. You’re ready to make improvements. Mapping or planning out a project or a strategy is highly favored under current conditions, but do so at a moderate, comfortable pace for best results. There is no need to strain right now. You seem to work best today if there’s an end game or goal in mind. Decision-making about your personal life, home, or family, can be particularly clear and straightforward. Keeping in mind that discipline is what you need for success that lasts, you can be both ambitious and patient today. You want to take the good things slowly so that you can savor them.

The Moon spends another day in your social sector, dear Sagittarius, and you find little that’s appealing in the pressures of performance and responsibility! You’d rather seek out fulfillment through undemanding situations or through social and happy situations. Even so, it’s a good day for taking care of business in some manner, even if it’s not actually business! For example, you might enjoy drawing up plans, lists, and strategies for a hobby, personal endeavor, or happiness goal. Others might seek your expert opinion on a matter. Your interests lie in what’s truly doable now. Helping out a friend, even if it’s through advice or providing them with information, can figure strongly. Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, is forming a powerful parallel aspect to Saturn this week, and you can quite successfully draw upon self-discipline for accomplishing the goals closest to your heart.

With the Moon spending another day at the top of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, this is a beautiful time for evaluating your long-term goals, plans, and ambitions. Your desire to take care of business is strong now and is very much supported by today’s aspects, not the least of which is a strengthening Jupiter-Saturn parallel. Grounding energy keeps you in the here and now, while you’re feeling hopeful and confident. You’ve had big ideas recently, and now you’re happy to learn what’s viable. You can be intent to add details to or refine and organize a business project or professional goals. Your judgment is particularly clear at the moment. Use today to sort out your affairs and handle practical details. It’s also a good time for exercising some patience and moderation. You may very well find yourself enjoying your responsibilities now, and wise advice can be circulating.

The Moon spends another day in your sector of spirit, dear Aquarius, and you’re looking to feed your soul, so to speak, with new experiences and knowledge today. The ordinary is not very appealing right now! While this transit does encourage you to see the bigger picture, a Jupiter-Saturn influence wants you to pay attention to what’s realistic, too. It’s a good time for making solid plans to travel or pursue a course, or for spending time refining your work and brushing up on details. At the same time, you are keeping a vision, goal, or dream in mind. A communication, bit of news, or book can motivate you to pursue a new project, idea, or plan. You can make serious strides in your studies today, or thoroughly enjoy brushing up on or gaining a skill. You benefit from realistic expectations and assessments of what you and life itself are capable of providing.

You’re in a strong position to bring form to your dreams, ideas, and plans now, dear Pisces. The Moon spends another day in your intimacy sector, and you want to really sink your teeth into something satisfying and substantial now. There is excellent energy for ample supplies of common sense from which to draw upon, and combined with your current taste for knowing what’s honestly worth your time, you’re in a fabulous position to get things done or to attach yourself to great projects. If you need support, this can be a good time to get it. You may be paying off a debt, whether this is material or spiritual, and feeling good about doing so. Finishing up a project may require a little extra time to yourself, although the day is also good for one-on-one interactions. It can be satisfying to eliminate redundancies or excess or to otherwise cut back. You’re both hopeful and cautious today and tomorrow, and careful expansion may be the result!
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 26, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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