Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra until 2:30 AM, after which the Moon is in Scorpio.
- The void Moon occurs from 12:20 AM to 2:30 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 4:10 PM, after which the Moon is in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurs today at 4:10 PM.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon’s move into your intimacy sector today can have the effect of deepening your mood, dear Aries, and its square to the Sun suggests some internal struggle with this as you’ve recently been more committed to diversifying and detaching with the Sun’s transit of your solar eleventh house. You’re likely to feel strong calls to experiment and explore, but also to pour your energies into a full-on, intensive pursuit. Getting in touch with your deeper self and its needs and wants is essential work at this time in the lunar cycle, however, and devoting some time to observing and planning now makes sense. A Jupiter-Saturn parallel helps with organizational tasks, while a Mercury-Venus parallel keeps things pleasant, open, and friendly, making it an excellent day for both work and play.

The Moon moves into your opposite sign today, dear Taurus, and the desire for companionship or another perspective on a situation is strong. Your ruler, Venus, connects with Mercury through a parallel aspect today and tomorrow, and this connection emphasizes expressing our feelings, and although there can be some hit-and-miss energy, it’s ultimately useful to get everything out in the open. While you may feel a bit divided between work and play today, you’re in excellent shape for doing both of these things well once you focus or decide on a pursuit. It’s another fine day for understanding your responsibilities, seeing them more for their benefits than their burdens.

You’re taking your relationships quite seriously today, dear Gemini, or you’re focused on the practical side of your connections, and it’s a useful checkpoint. It’s a good time for clarifying your goals in partnership or for seeing your own needs from others more clearly. With this kind of clarity, your decisions become more natural and flow out of you with little effort. The Moon moves into your work and health sector early today, and this can spark up a desire or need to handle details, deal with practical affairs, and get some items ticked off your “to do” list. Keeping yourself busy makes the most sense with these influences on your solar chart, although you’re also likely to make ample room for pleasant conversations today as your ruler, Mercury, connects with Venus. Words flow smoothly, and even if they’re not perfect now, the lines of communication are open wide.

This continues to be a fine time for deep connections, dear Cancer, but the Moon’s move into your solar fifth house today reminds you to have some fun, entertain and be entertained, and get romantic or creative. You need that extra spark now, and while you might fight it at first with the Sun and Moon forming a challenging square aspect, you’re sure to see the benefits of compromise. Whatever the case may be, today’s Moon transit encourages you to find some time for personal enjoyment, and a Jupiter-Saturn connection asks you to find the middle road. This can be an excellent time to make changes to your current lifestyle that will benefit you now and in the future. It’s a fine time to make plans that are practical and reasonable — doable, in other words! You’re managing your time well now, and you find jobs or your chores and routines more rewarding now. This is also a favorable time for pairing up to accomplish something important to you.

The Moon moves into the sector of home and family in your solar chart today, dear Leo, encouraging you to slow down and get some extra time for quiet and comfortable activities. You may be more introspective than usual, or you prefer familiar faces and spaces. Nevertheless, there is very sociable energy with you these days, so today’s rather sudden need for downtime can be a bit confusing at first. Easing down or sharing activities that help you regroup, renew, and relax may be better than an abrupt change now. In fact, a Jupiter-Saturn parallel aspect active now can help show you the benefits of taking things quietly and moderately. Your expectations and confidence are realistic now, and this improves your productivity. This can be a time for turning something fun into something profitable. You might discover very effective channels for your creativity.

Work or duties and personal interests can both vie for your attention today, dear Virgo, as the Moon moves into your communications sector and then later clashes with the Sun in your work sector. Doing it all may be possible, but not without a lot of stress, so aim for a balance! Helping you out with this is a Jupiter-Saturn parallel aspect that reminds you of the benefits of taking things one step at a time. Even good things can become burdens if you overdo them. It may not be worth taking on more if it wears you out or wears down your patience. There can be more power and resources available to you for establishing yourself at home, or you can feel strengthened and supported in your personal life. It doesn’t take much to get you feeling comfortable now! You’re likely to discover that the primary key to happiness at this time is moderation. Slow and steady wins the race now.

The Moon moves into your comfort-craving solar second house today, dear Libra. The Sun in your pleasure sector clashes with the Moon in your security sector, however, and you may have trouble deciding whether you want to do something new or stick with what you know. Perhaps a bit of both will work best! While it’s a time of the lunar month for enjoying what you have and looking for ways to boost your feelings of security and comfort, you might decide to step out of the routine just a little to keep things fresh as well– compromise, in other words. Activities that reconnect you to the physical world can be healing now. Today is also quite strong for judgments of value and for drawing up intelligent plans. There can be satisfying progress made in a communications project or your studies. Making a recommitment to learning can be useful and successful now. Reasonable expectations help you deal with the day well.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Scorpio, pulling you out from the backwoods in some symbolic manner. It’s a time when you’re clearer about how you feel. You’re in the position to set the pace, although you could find that it’s not as easy as usual to get others onboard. This is temporary and due to the fact that the Sun is challenging the Moon in your sign, making it hard to integrate your need to trailblaze and your desire to stick with what’s familiar. Other influences on the day incline you towards moderation, harmony, and balance, however, and you’re motivated to come to a solution to any divided feelings you may be nursing. It’s also an exceptional time for building plans or strategies for increasing, stabilizing, or improving your finances, or for organizing your things! Getting comfortable feels good, and you’re willing to put in a little more effort to make leisure time all the sweeter. It’s your reasonable expectations that help you achieve what you set out to do now.

The Moon moves into the sign just behind yours, dear Sagittarius, and you’re inclined to reserve judgment, take your time with your feelings, and keep to yourself a little. This is part of a natural cycle, even though it does seem to clash with a trend that recently came into your life encouraging you to connect, share, and collaborate. Processing recent experiences is essential, however, and can help you bring your best self to your social life and projects, so be sure to take the time to find your center. Tackle areas of guilt that may be preventing you from getting the break you need and deserve. Fortunately, a Jupiter-Saturn aspect today helps demonstrate the benefits of a moderate, balanced approach to your life. With Jupiter in your sign this year, you’re often seeking opportunities to grow, improve, and expand. However, it’s aspects like this one today that help smooth things over, reminding you that even good things require some tempering, and that slowing down from time to time does much good for you in the long run.

The Moon moves into your social sector today, dear Capricorn, and the need to experiment, enjoy new things, and diversify or spend more time on happy, fulfilling activities takes hold. The Sun has recently moved into your predictable, middle-of-the-road second house, and the Sun and Moon form a hard aspect, which can create some tension as you feel divided. This aspect is also one of the classic ones for motivation. It’s the kind of stress that gets you going and productive rather than bring you down. You also have a special parallel aspect between Jupiter and Saturn going for you today, and a moderate approach to your world is not only something that’s rewarded now, but it’s also something you intuitively understand. You’re in good shape for wrapping up projects or for doing editing and organizing work. Your experience can come in handy now.

The Moon moves into your solar tenth house today, dear Aquarius, and you can find yourself more emotionally invested in your performance, ambitions, business, or long-term goals than usual. This seems to clash with the current personal trend in your life since the Sun moved into your sign, encouraging you to find yourself and your independence. You can certainly do both well, but you may need to do some compartmentalizing or compromising now. Fortunately, today’s energies are especially grounding and practical while managing to remain friendly and positive. Shared activities can be especially productive. There can be a stronger sense of accomplishment and even joy experienced as you meet your responsibilities. This aspect favors approaching your world in a balanced way.

Doing something entirely different than the usual can be a tonic now, dear Pisces, with the Moon’s move into your adventure sector. This transit inspires you to change your settings in some manner, as it can help you see your life a little differently, and it can be refreshing. However, the urge to break out of a routine can come on suddenly, and you can feel a little torn between sticking with what you know and going out on a limb. The Sun’s current transit of your solar twelfth house mostly encourages you to take things easy and relax, but you are now in need of some refreshment, so it’s best to reach a compromise. Jupiter and Saturn connecting through a parallel aspect today help you to clarify your priorities about your projects, goals, and friendships or social life objectives. It’s easier than usual to see a middle road that’s comfortable.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 27, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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