Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- We are in between the New Moon that occurred on the 24th in the sign of Aquarius, and the First Quarter Moon that will happen on February 1st.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re in good shape for releasing yourself from the past in a significant way, dear Aries, particularly with relationships or financial burdens. Still, there’s some tendency to romanticize the past today. You are very in touch with your compassion and your ability to forgive, and something private or secret can be magnetically appealing. You are seeing the subtler side or the many layers of situations, relationships, and people today. It’s a beautiful view! You could come to someone’s rescue, and making personal sacrifices seems to come naturally right now. There might be some benefits coming your way from an unexpected source. Now is a better time for service to others than for self-seeking efforts. However, don’t take this too far. As the day advances, you may want to watch for con artists and impractical schemes, but be sure to find ways to relax, too.

Venus aligns with Neptune today, dear Taurus, and you’re approaching a relationship matter from a new, and likely more understanding, perspective. Aim to allow yourself to dream and imagine, but don’t ruin a good thing by expecting far too much. It’s a time for listening to your heart and recognizing what you truly want. It can take some trial and error getting there, but it may very well be worth the effort. Still, today’s energies require that you don’t force anything. The day is best used for slowing down and realigning yourself rather than trying to push for something to go your way. It’s a time for connecting with your spiritual, emotional, romantic, or imaginative needs and embracing them. Dreams and hopes or wishes are inspiring now.

Your idealism is stirred today, dear Gemini, with several influences pointing to the need to engage your imagination and dream a little. An entirely new activity can help bring emotional refreshment. Business meetings or interviews can run well with more openness and compassion expressed, but not necessarily strong on practicality or productivity. You see romantic partners in an idealistic way, and you may be entertaining wonderful possibilities for your future. It will be important to maintain a sense of proportion as the day advances and a Mars-Neptune square reminds you of the need to slow down. You might feel that someone is pushing you towards a goal that doesn’t quite suit you, or that whoever you try to please, you just can’t seem to get anywhere. Try to use your imagination in constructive ways today and avoid going along with plans that don’t sit completely right with you. Today’s increased openness and compassion can be heartwarming nevertheless.

Romantic impulses are building today, dear Cancer, and an overpowering desire to escape can be with you. If you are obligated to routine work today, you may feel a bit overwhelmed since you’re hungry for more spirited living. Venturing outside of your routine appeals most. It’s a strong time for forgiveness, compassion, and new understanding, and making peace with the past in a significant way is possible now. As the day advances, you’re inclined to pull back from situations or people who demand too much of you. Tasks that require concentration, focus, or deliberate, direct action may not fare particularly well now, but creative ones can thrive. If possible, apply your energy to more creative, inspirational, or spiritual efforts. Duplicity is possible in your dealings, but the tendency to deceive yourself runs high as well since it’s a time when we can readily see things we wish to see. Today’s Venus-Neptune alignment might help you find ways to de-stress and detoxify.

Today’s Venus-Neptune conjunction encourages your imagination, dear Leo, and allows you to find beauty in new and different places. If you’re obligated to some form of routine today, you could be longing to escape it. You might bring a very creative or romantic vision to a practical matter or your work, or your intimate world expands. Some fuzziness is likely when trying to understand another person’s perspective, but a willingness to understand and listen goes a long way now. Nevertheless, Mars is heading toward a square with Neptune, and conflicts with love interests can emerge, but they can be tough to define. Be gentle with yourself both physically and emotionally today for best results. Artistically, this can be a fertile period but any attempts to box yourself in or follow too many rules are not likely to work. If kept moderate, it can be very useful to see life in a different, dreamy, and inspiring way. There may also be a strong desire to merge with, or place your faith and trust in, another person. Keeping expectations reasonable can help smooth things out today.

Today’s energies encourage deconstructing and decompressing, dear Virgo, as well as tapping into your imagination. Certain interactions can be draining as the day advances nevertheless. If so, it may be another reminder to wind down or take a step back from a problem/situation to gain perspective. There can be misunderstandings, or attempts to get things done that fizzle out. As much as you’d like to know what’s ahead, you may feel in the dark just for now. Try not to take concrete steps towards new endeavors now, and instead, work on gathering your strength. Ultimately, you might gain a new look at a key partnership or a new look at a situation through the eyes of someone special in your life. Considering what’s best for you in the long term in your relationships, plans, and projects makes sense so that you keep a sense of proportion today.

Venus aligns with dreamy Neptune today, dear Libra, and you want to feed your spirit and imagination. You may not be very content with the duller aspects of your routine. The more whimsical or inspirational the activity or fantasy, the better right now. You’re prone to romanticize or glamorize your relationships or situations and people in your life. Of course, this requires some caution, but you’re also in need of some fantasy and escape, or perhaps a more imaginative approach to your work or daily affairs. It’s not the best day for productive work, but it’s strong for creative projects or ideas. Others are attracted to you quite naturally today, but remember that even if you are in high demand, you don’t have to answer all requests! Be sure to take care of yourself. Try not to push or rush something that’s better off unfolding at its own pace.

Your powers of attraction run high today, dear Scorpio, and you can quite easily get caught up in fantasy. This can be a very romantic or imaginative day, although it’s essential to keep your expectations reasonable since it can be all too easy to lose perspective. This is not a day for pushing anyone or anything, although it’s good for drawing things to you. Personal plans are not likely to take off now, and it would be wise to wait for another day to push them forward. Be conservative with your actions today, but let your imagination go. You can be especially inspired to express your feelings or emotions in unique ways, and the detours you take now can be interesting. Seeing a matter in a new light can give you a beautiful view.

Mars in your sign has been stoking your enthusiasm for starting new things or enjoying your current projects and plans more thoroughly, dear Sagittarius. Its clash with Venus yesterday may have alerted you to areas of discontent or conflict. Today, Mars moves toward a square to Neptune, and there can be more questions. While you should try to avoid wasting energy, getting caught in a loop that keeps you feeling in limbo isn’t helpful, either. You might not know where to begin or where to channel your energy, and you could end up spinning your wheels. Take this as a sign to slow down long enough to catch your bearings. As well, this is a time for visualizing what you truly want before making your next move. Helping you with this is a Venus-Neptune conjunction. With expectations reasonable, this can be a good day for a bit of an escape from recent pressures once you’ve handled a few of your duties. Activities that engage your imagination are especially beneficial, particularly related to your personal, family, or home life.

There can be an inspiring conversation or piece of news today, dear Capricorn, coming at just the right time. Activities that engage your imagination are favored. You can be moved by compassion today, or you could volunteer your time and energy to someone in need. It’s a good time to attract the right people and situations to you through ideas, conversations, and words. As the day advances, Mars in your privacy sector heads toward a square to Neptune, and your vision may cloud over temporarily. It can seem that you’re suddenly unclear what you want, or if you know what it is you want, how to go after your goals seems overly complicated. Try to schedule undemanding activities as much as possible. You thrive when you let things flow along without trying to push them along today.

A Venus-Neptune alignment encourages you to connect with something higher, dear Aquarius. Or, you can crave a feeling of being close to someone who seems to share your values. While your generosity is stimulated today, you may need to draw some boundaries so that you don’t go beyond your capacity or comfort levels, which are hard to define at the moment. Your imagination is engaged, and you can come up with creative solutions to practical problems. As the day advances, you could feel a little sync, or you could be pouring more energy and attention into dead-end projects or plans. Mind you, this can be a form of procrastination if you’re avoiding something. Today’s energies are not ideal for hard-and-fast thinking, but they’re good for tuning into other layers of a situation or seeing things in a new light.

Today’s energies are very much up your alley, dear Pisces. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and Venus aligns with your ruler, Neptune, also in your sign! Others are most certainly drawn to you now. You can be very persuasive, in a gentle way, so do be careful how you handle this quiet power. It’s a fine time to make a first impression or to get noticed. There can be a strong desire to help others right now, but keep in mind that playing into someone’s fantasies may not be helpful in the long run. Mars is heading toward a square to Neptune, and there can be some inconsistencies or misunderstandings occurring now. There can be troubles staying focused as the day advances. You may need to temporarily let go of an idea or back off from a problem so that you can understand it better. You are not inclined to be extraordinarily practical now, but it’s a good time to decompress.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 27, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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