Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:38 PM forward (until the Moon enters Sagittarius tomorrow).
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred yesterday.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Overall, the day is good for exchanges with friends or associates, dear Aries, but there can be some issues with communicating what you mean. Generally with Mercury’s transit of your friends sector, you’re in a better position to interact with few disclaimers. Today, it’s a good idea to aim to take some social awkwardness or miscommunications in stride. It may be best to reevaluate whether it’s essential to be understood on a matter before persistently pursuing it, or wait to present your ideas for a day when people are less self-centered or sensitive. Temporarily, you may be seeing differences more than similarities in your relationships. People can rub you the wrong way, but you can also be a little more sensitive than usual as well. However, you’ll find that it becomes easier to turn your attention to bigger and more significant concerns as you go along, and you’re inclined to see the bright side of things.

You’re on your way to getting into touch with your needs, particularly from career and ambitions or performance, dear Taurus. Before you get there, however, you can feel some discontent or confusion, and that’s likely now. Part of this may be about miscommunication or a misunderstanding. People around you may seem hard to please, but it can also be a reflection of your own unrest. You may be tempted to overindulge or slack off just until you feel more decided or sure of yourself. Consider your feelings, but try not to let them distract you from your goals for far too long. Taking a small break for refreshment if it can be managed, however, would be welcome. While you’re on the verge of significant discoveries, your desires may rule later today, but satisfying them can be the real challenge. You may need to ride things out and let different scenarios play around in your head for now.

A break of sorts may be most welcome today, dear Gemini, as you’re on the verge of some important discoveries, but you’re a little distracted for now. Some social ups and downs can need managing, and you may want to watch for hypersensitivity to others’ opinions of you or differences of opinion, in general, which you may take personally now. This is because while the Sun and Mercury are heading into alignment, promising new insight and bright ideas taking bloom, they’re both forming an awkward angle to Venus, and your feelings may not be onboard quite yet. Dissatisfaction in relationships can stimulate restlessness if you’re not dealing with the true source. Doublecheck that miscommunication isn’t making life more difficult than it needs to be now. Feelings are contradictory temporarily, and it’s just fine to try to make sense of them, but avoid making impactful decisions based on the perceptions of the moment.

The Moon spends a pleasant time in your entertainment, creativity, and romance sector today, dear Cancer, and this can serve to boost your mood. Productivity can be a little tricky today, however, as Mercury and Venus connect, mostly because sticking to a particular idea or path without distraction is challenging under this influence. It can also point to the mixing of business with social matters in uncomfortable or distracting ways. Restlessness might alternatively be the result of differing tastes and interests that are challenging to integrate. It may be that you need to take a break from a current endeavor and then return to it later when you feel fresher. You can be especially sensitive if people do not recognize your efforts or services. There can be a feeling that odds and ends are out of place now, but something good can come from today’s indecision or restlessness. Aim to sort out your opinions on a matter today, and take your time on this.

In many ways, the day plays in your favor, dear Leo, but your biggest problem today may be distractions. It can be a small challenge to buckle down and get things done. Dissatisfaction has a way of making itself known, and might often pull your attention away from your duties. You may need a bit of emotional space, perhaps a little extra time to process a message or your feelings about a matter, before committing your full attention to something. Even though it’s a generally good time for connecting with others, your feelings may seem to muddy the picture a little now. In truth, they’re helping you out, since an overly intellectual or logical take on a situation doesn’t always do you favor. However, for now, they’re only just making themselves known and can be up and down. You’re on the verge of wonderful discoveries related to relationships, and by tomorrow, you’ll enjoy excellent energy for the kind of problem-solving that gets you results. Today requires some patience.

Mercury and Venus connect now, dear Virgo, but are also in minor challenging aspect with one another. This can get you to a beautiful new perspective, but not without some small problems surfacing before you arrive at this mental destination. Explore your feelings now, but not to the point that you feel overwhelmed. It’s a fine day for tossing around ideas and playing with how they make you feel, but it may not yet be the time to lock something down. Try not to let discrepancies or socially awkward moments impact your bigger decisions. There can be some question of whether you feel appreciated or valued by others. What you might want to question is whether you’re concentrating too much on differences and problem areas and overlooking some of the good things in the process. Consciously looking for the silver linings may help. In fact, you’re on the verge of discovering fantastic solutions or ideas related to a work project or plan or a health matter.

Today’s energies are a little scattered, dear Libra, but as unproductive as it may seem, it’s a good time for exploring possibilities. Sometimes a little bit of discomfort can get you to a good position, such as a decision or a solution to a problem. Today and tomorrow may very well work in this way, where today involves some discomfort as you wrestle with some indecision and play around with how you feel about a matter, and a new plan or final word emerges tomorrow. Your desire to reach out may not meet with the responses you hope for now, but this is likely due to today’s sometimes awkward energy. You and others may be more sensitive than usual about words expressed, which may not seem right. Try not to decide that something is wrong only because a person’s behavior has changed or due to an off our out of sync message. It’s only when a pattern persists that a theme that needs attention emerges. You are on the verge of understanding a love or creative matter more fully, but today, take things slowly.

Little problems have a way of making themselves known today, dear Scorpio, and while a bit of a distraction or annoyance, it’s ultimately helpful to know about problems before they grow bigger than life. Watch for a tendency to want to spend away your troubles, but if you can use a little pampering or a break from the routine and you can manage such a break now, then this may be the right time to treat yourself. You are on the verge of helpful insight into home, family, or personal matters, but today, you’re still playing around with ideas and exploring your feelings. This process is important. Consider, too, that messages can very easily come across as more jarring than they’re intended today. Misunderstandings are likely so that if you experience a disconnect, try not to make big decisions based only on it.

While there is quite a bit of desire for making connections today, dear Sagittarius, there is also some tendency for some things to get lost in the translation. Your feelings and thoughts on a matter can be difficult to understand, or they’re clashing, and this can lead to indecision. As a result, it can be difficult getting yourself going on any particular thing, primarily due to distractions and emotional states. Keep in mind your own sensitivity and the sensitivity of others today for best results so that you might choose your words more carefully and/or avoid taking received messages to heart. Intentions are likely right, but words chosen may not be perfect now. As such, it’s not a good time for hard and fast decisions. However, you’re on the verge of much clarity–it’s just that you need to play with ideas and feelings a little more before you get there.

You can be feeling a little restless or discontented today as Mercury and Venus connect, dear Capricorn, but it can be hard to discern what it is you’re craving or whether or not to go forward with a plan. There can be a disconnect between your feelings about a matter and what’s most logical. As you sort things out, you can feel slightly off or distracted today. It’s not an ideal time for purchasing, borrowing, or lending, mainly because pinpointing what’s valuable to you is not easy with your desires fluctuating as they are inclined to do now. You’ll need to get into better touch with your needs and wants before settling on a plan or path. By tomorrow, you’re likely to be a powerhouse when it comes to decision-making and problem-solving, especially related to business, financial, and practical affairs. For now, it’s best to take your time.

The Sun and Mercury are heading into alignment in your sign, dear Aquarius, and you’re on the verge of important discoveries. For now, though, a minor challenging aspect suggests you need a little more time before coming to conclusions. You and the people around you are a bit more sensitive than usual, and you could be puzzling over a message or communication that temporarily throws you off center. Your feelings can be up and down now if you pay too much attention to others’ responses, especially given the somewhat unstable social atmosphere. In order to send out a positive message that receives positive attention, your best bet today is to get in touch with your needs and desires, but not to be in a hurry to arrive at a conclusion since emotions and logic may have different messages for you just for the time being. Spend a little more time playing with alternatives now for best results.

There can be difficulties drawing up firm conclusions or making confident decisions today, dear Pisces, but if you treat the day as a time for toying with ideas to explore how they make you feel rather than locking them down, you’ll be in fine shape. Alternatively, you may need to put something out of your mind temporarily so that you can come back to it at a later time with fresh energy. Thoughts, logic, and needs seem to be all over the place for now, and not very much in agreement so that a compromise is something you’ll be striving for now. You are a little more sensitive to imbalances in your life, especially with the messages you receive today. It may be hard to truly throw yourself into something or to get started on an endeavor just for now, so aim to do what you can or pour energy into what’s a sure thing until you sort out your next move.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 28, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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