Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- We are in between the Last Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 27th, and the New Moon, which will happen on February 4th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

A Saturn-Neptune sextile aspect that is responsible for one of the major themes of 2019 is in strong force now, dear Aries. For you, as you focus on stabilizing your work, career, or reputation, you’ll be strengthening your commitment to downtime, rest, and repose. Separating work and rest is essential now, and also very successful! You’ll find that you bring a refreshed and perhaps inspired “you” to your responsibilities and that you’ll feel far more entitled to enjoy your downtime with a job well done. Having more faith in the universe can enhance your work as you let go of the need to over-control things. This is a time for more fully tuning out work while resting, for example, and working with few distractions when you’re pursuing your goals. Focus is the key! Compartmentalizing can be very helpful in some circumstances. Alternatively, this influence can stimulate a desire to do more meaningful work or to bring more imagination and creativity to the work you do or to your major pursuits.

A Saturn-Neptune aspect that weaves its way through the year 2019 comes into full force, dear Taurus, and its themes are especially strong this week. This influence can be a fabulous help as it reminds you to balance your spiritual and material pursuits as well as study and discipline with faith. You appreciate the practical thinking of Saturn’s transit, but its relationship with Neptune helps soften things just enough that you’re not too hard on yourself and that you’re sensitive to your spiritual needs in the process of getting your life in order. The formation of long-term friendships through your studies, travels, or personal interests can figure strongly now and in the months ahead. There is a real sense that as you build your skills and attend to your practical affairs, you’ll connect with people or causes that inspire and encourage you. This is a substantial time for discovering your joy with people and causes you care about, as well as for learning useful skills that can move you closer to your broader goals.

A Saturn-Neptune aspect that colors most of the year 2019 comes into strong influence today, dear Gemini, reminding you to balance spiritual and material pursuits. While there continue to be valuable life lessons about support or your intimate life now as Saturn transits your solar eighth house, you’re finding outlets for the additional stress or tension in these areas, or you’re enjoying a better sense of balance now as you ease off some of the pressures to hunker down. Career matters may not clarify this year, but you have more faith that you’re heading in the right direction. Perhaps most importantly, your expectations even out. You’ll be seeing definite improvements to your life as you let go of unhealthy expectations and pressures. You more readily find guidance now, and you might stumble upon a helpful person or project at this time that can change your life, particularly related to career. Alternatively, getting your finances and support situation sorted out can motivate and inspire your work. This is a time that rewards attention to both practical and emotional needs, and fulfilling pursuits can be the result.

A Saturn-Neptune aspect that will be in influence until November forms today, dear Cancer, and it’s a most helpful and reinforcing force. While there continue to be valuable life lessons and perhaps challenges in a close partnership as Saturn moves through your partnership sector until 2020, you’re finding outlets for any related stress or tension and/or finding ways to balance out attention to practical and spiritual affairs. Relationships have special outlets, too. Areas of uncertainty and confusion but also of potential inspiration in your life continue to be education, travel, publishing, belief systems, and personal philosophies as Neptune moves through your solar ninth house. Now, however, you’re likely to feel more directed, grounded, and purposeful than usual, even if some of these areas remain undefined. A partner or special friend can help reinforce your ideas or educational or travel goals. Or, bonding with an extended family member or people with whom you share a common interest can be especially rewarding. A partner or a relationship can inspire you, even indirectly, to reach new heights, explore new places or ideas, or to learn a new skill.

While problems related to shared finances or financial support can continue this year with Neptune’s long-term transit of your solar eighth house, dear Leo, a Saturn-Neptune aspect now comes into play and you’re likely to enjoy opportunities for increased stability or clarity with these matters. Where you’ve been too hard on yourself, you’re now allowing some leeway. This aspect is useful for bringing more balance into your life, and it will be in effect until November. This can be an excellent time to make changes to your current lifestyle that will benefit you for years to come. You are better able to manage your time, and you’re increasingly more aware of the need for a balanced approach in your relationships, with money, and regarding diet and habits. Separating work and downtime can be key to this. Financial or intimate matters may not clarify this year, but this doesn’t compromise your work ethic or subtract from your efforts. This is a time for having the faith that if you take care of the things you can control, those matters that are up in the air will be easier to accept or will fall into place in due time.

With Neptune’s continued transit of your partnership sector, dear Virgo, there can be some ups and downs or trial and error as you explore your expectations of others and wrestle with some tendency to project your ideals on others. However, a Saturn-Neptune aspect comes into force now and will stick around until November, helping to balance your life out. You’re less likely to let your relationship goals interfere with your seeking of fulfillment in other areas of life. In fact, relationship goals may very well inspire you to better yourself. You’re committed to making the most of your talents, and enjoying more self-discipline reflects well on you and your relationships as you feel stronger, more fulfilled, and increasingly more “whole.” In truth, you seem to be at your happiest when you’re feeling better organized and disciplined, and this confidence indirectly improves your relationships. It’s an excellent period for attending to both the practical and romantic sides of your connections.

A Saturn-Neptune aspect that will benefit you for most of 2019 comes into force now, dear Libra, reminding you to balance spiritual and material pursuits. While Saturn’s transit of your solar fourth house continues to impart essential life lessons, rules, or restrictions related to your home, family, and personal life this year, you’re finding wonderful outlets for releasing related stress or tension or coming to a better sense of balance now. Compartmentalizing and balancing work and home life can be the key for some, while for others, your work and home life can combine in magical and practical ways. This can be a good time for working from (or on) the home. Family may motivate and support your work more than usual. Getting organized and disciplined can reflect wonderfully on your work and health pursuits, freeing you up for time to imagine, dream, and innovate. Your goals are big, but you’re also keeping your feet on the ground.

The first of a set of three harmonious aspects between Saturn and Neptune this year occurs now, dear Scorpio, and benefits your communications, creative pursuits, and relationships. Effectively, it’s bringing advantages until November but is especially strong now and this week. Your judgment is quite good for making long-term plans, and a romance or creative endeavor can be both inspiring and practical. Making a dream work in the real world can be satisfying. It’s an excellent time for developing skills that will benefit you greatly as you enter the next phase of your life. While learning, study, and communications projects continue to consume a lot of your time now, this useful aspect encourages you to expand your horizons and to get out and about more often. Coming up for air will do you a world of good and help balance your life out. Loosening your grip just a little on your projects or studies can help you gain perspective, and you’re likely to find more meaning in your pursuits as a result. You’ll find ways to channel and structure your creative ideas and for doing something tangible with your talents.

A longer-term aspect is forming now, dear Sagittarius, and while it will continue to help you out until November, is especially strong this week. It’s a grounding force in your life, and you’re sure to discover that focusing on making improvements to your money can boost your home life tremendously now and in the months ahead, helping direct and discipline you across the board. This aspect helps balance you out in key ways. Where you’re too hard on yourself, you’re now allowing some leeway; where you’ve been too slack, you see the benefits of some discipline or structure. Today’s Moon is in your sign all day, encouraging you to acknowledge feelings that you may have been keeping at bay. It’s a great time for enjoying a bit of self-pampering, as well as for envisioning your goals as the Moon aligns with your very own ruler, expansive and optimistic Jupiter. It’s feel-good energy.

An especially helpful and reinforcing aspect that figures strongly in the astrology of 2019 forms now, dear Capricorn, and involves your ruler, Saturn, and its harmonious aspect to dreamy Neptune. It’s a powerful influence for your communications, studies, and connections, and it will stick around bestowing its benefits until November. You might improve a relationship with classmates, siblings, or even neighbors during this period. You’re both practical and imaginative, celebrating both sides of your personality. Putting your ideas into practical motion is favored now. This aspect is a great support system for faith and inspiration. You’ll be enjoying improved communications and self-expression, as well as flowing studies or learning. Transportation options may open up to you. New and improved ways of getting around or connecting can change your life in crucial, satisfying, and significant ways. Finding new meaning in what you’re learning and communicating can enrich your life considerably now, inspiring you to take better care of yourself.

A Saturn-Neptune aspect that colors much of the year’s astrology forms for the first of three times now, dear Aquarius, and colors the energies of this week quite powerfully. This influence will benefit you all the way until November, helping to ground you. It also serves as a reminder to soften some elements of your life where you’ve been too hard on yourself. Focusing on handling outstanding or unresolved issues in your life can boost your sense of security, feelings of self-worth, and your money situation. This is an exceptional period for balancing your attention to the material world with a renewed focus on emotional renewal and spiritual fulfillment. It’s a powerful time for putting a dream into motion or for finding more meaning in a special pursuit. What and who you value may be evolving, and this can extend to how you value yourself, which can be key to changes you’re making with business, income, and studies now and in the coming year.

A Saturn-Neptune aspect that will stick with you all the way until November comes into strong influence now, dear Pisces, and it can be of fabulous help in subtle but significant ways. Focusing on stabilizing your social life or handling outstanding or unresolved issues related to your friendships or projects will help boost your confidence in yourself and faith in the universe, and it can give you a sense of mission or purpose now. This is an exceptional period for coming to a healthy balance of realism and spirit or imagination. Where you’ve been a little neglectful, you’ll be tightening up, and where you’ve been too hard on yourself, you’ll loosen your grip, in other words! Certainly, there are some aspects in play this year that seem to lead to the waste of certain opportunities, but this aspect brings a highly practical theme to your life, and you may very well find support from a good friend or network, or strength from immersing yourself in a dear cause or project. Ideally, you’re drawn to both meaningful and practical pursuits now, leading to key improvements across the board.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 30, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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