Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 7:46 PM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:32 PM to 7:46 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase until 12:58 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- We are in between the Last Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 27th, and the New Moon, which will happen on February 4th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Try not to pressure yourself to make a decision today, dear Aries. This is a good time for informally sharing ideas, learning activities, and light teamwork as the Moon and Venus align in your solar ninth house. There is some tendency for a friend or someone in your circle to rub you the wrong way, or you may be the applecart upsetter now! With a Mercury-Chiron aspect in play, it’s hard to win but choosing to tune out distractions and interruptions can get you into a better headspace and minimize faux pas. Later today when the Moon moves into the sign of Capricorn, you’re in great shape for taking care of business, as this means the Moon moves into your career and reputation sector. Pay more attention to your imagination and intuition as you do.

Today’s energies are a little complicated, dear Taurus. Decisions made by others may seem to go against your plans later today, or your alternatives seem equally good or bad, making it difficult to get off the fence about a matter. Indecision may serve you well now, however, as you may need a little more time to process things. While you should probably pick and choose your topics of conversation today due to overall sensitivity, there is nevertheless good energy with you for enjoying yourself. The trick may be to minimize distractions. Focusing on simple, tried and true activities that keep your mind from overthinking can be your best bet now. This can be a great time for research, financial strategy, gaining support, or pooling your resources or talents to reach a new level. Look for both practical and spiritual energies that can improve your life that seem to be emerging and available to you.

A small, temporary trend today can mean you find it especially challenging to concentrate or come to a firm decision, dear Gemini. Whether or not to communicate your feelings can be an issue now, but it can be hard to decide as you might question whether it will serve you well or set you back. In truth, with a Mercury-Chiron influence, it can go either way. It may be best not to make a hasty move or communicate about something prematurely. You’ll find it easier to get along with others if you focus on positive activities rather than worry about the particulars. This is due to a Moon-Venus alignment in your partnership sector, putting you in an excellent position to draw upon the support of loved ones or to enjoy comfortable downtime as long as you keep things light, airy, and harmonious.

A long-term trend that boosts your relationships is in strong influence today, dear Cancer. You also benefit from a Moon-Venus alignment in your work and health sector that suggests unique pleasure or perhaps even a social or romantic boost through your work, services, or health pursuits. There can be some sensitivity to issues brewing in your private life as the day advances. You might choose to do the hard work of ironing out differences, but it’s best to keep in mind that even if it doesn’t happen all at once, you can still be making some progress. There can be satisfaction in taking care of business today, however, and while you may not be singularly focused, your aim to enjoy the moment can pay off. Or, there can be rewarding feelings from helping others out.

The Moon continues its transit of your creative, playful solar fifth house much of the day, dear Leo, but later today heads into your work and health sector, and your mood can shift accordingly. Particularly good energy is with you for interacting with a special someone as the Moon and Venus align, and your charm doesn’t go unnoticed! You have love and hope in your heart today, and your magnetism is working wonderfully for you. A small trend in force later today can find you undecided on a matter, mainly related to a relationship or your feelings. Do watch for making decisions based on perceptions that are coming from a place of insecurity. There is a tendency to misconstrue communications temporarily. Whether you choose to keep things light or go all in, keep in mind that we’re especially sensitive now.

Watch for oversensitivity to what’s being said around you today, dear Virgo, as your ruler forms a minor challenging aspect to Chiron in your partnership sector. Defensive responses don’t get us closer to resolving problems, and may even push us further away. If taking care of yourself means tuning out others just for a short spell, then don’t hesitate to do so now. Knowing all may not be the answer, even if it seems to be the case and is tempting! You’ll find it far easier to enjoy yourself if you put decision-making aside and concentrate on activities that you know will fulfill you or keep you busy. The Moon aligns with Venus in your home and family sector today, and you can find homey activities particularly pleasurable or heartwarming.

Creative writing or speaking can be in focus and successful today, dear Libra, although as the day advances, personal communications may miss the mark. Seek outlets for expressing yourself or talking about what interests and excites you, but you may want to avoid getting too personal just while the tendency to misinterpret one another remains in force. While a good part of you is focused on enjoying yourself and finding new avenues to explore, another part wants to take care of business, and problems can emerge that keep you from fully exploring any one particular path. Try not to divide your attention too much, as you may end up doing things halfway. Your curiosity is bright and if kept light can serve you well now. Later today, the Moon moves into your home and family sector. Until the 3rd, you’re likely to seek out familiar faces and places in order to center yourself.

With the Moon in your solar second house much of the day, dear Scorpio, you’re seeking an emotional anchor, and the Moon’s alignment with Venus suggests you may look for it in pleasures and comforts. While it’s easy to settle in today, you’re not against pouring some energy into home projects or activities that help lock down or make secure a project or other key areas of your life. Due to a short-term trend later today and into tomorrow, it may be best to second-guess what you hear and avoid getting caught up in the rumor mill. It’s easier than usual to take communications the wrong way with emotions in the equation or something on the line. You might feel a sting from something that’s said, or deliver the sting yourself! Learning from misunderstandings can lead to good things, however, so if you unwittingly go this route, all is not lost.

You’ll find that you’re naturally attracting positive attention and giving off good vibes today, dear Sagittarius, as the Moon and Venus align in your sign. You’re likely to have a mainly positive self-image now, and with the goal of increased happiness and health in mind, you’re drawn to activities that benefit you. You can be collaborating on plans and projects now with great success. Distractions, especially emotional ones, can interfere with your productivity and possibly lead to indecision or poor decisions later today, although nothing you can’t handle! Some trial and error can work in your favor, ultimately. If things get too personal, take note that the atmosphere is ripe for misunderstanding. From time to time after a disagreement, we take the opportunity to learn and grow, and you can choose to do so now.

The Moon continues to transit your solar twelfth house much of the day, dear Capricorn, and you may be feeling the need to unwind or get your bearings. The Moon’s alignment with Venus today suggests real pleasure in private moments or downtime, even if it’s only about cherishing a secret or keeping something to yourself. When planets interact with Chiron, we may be tapping into our vulnerabilities, and this can open the doors to increased empathy and understanding. We don’t always handle this well, however, especially when the aspect formed is niggly or outright challenging. Later today, it can be a little tricky relating to others with a bit more sensitivity and drama to deal with than usual. If you aren’t receiving positive feedback or if you doubt a recent choice, you could be feeling a little out of step temporarily. Keep in mind that you may be misjudging how much money, resources, or effort a project requires. The Moon’s entry into Capricorn later today can awaken you to a need to connect and interact more to the world around you.

Activities with friends or those that bring you closer to your happiness or social goals can be satisfying today, dear Aquarius. There is a unique charm in your dealings with others with the Moon and Venus joining forces in your social sector. People are drawn to your dedication, unique energy, and loyalty to a cause. Information coming in later today may be too much or too superficial–either way, you’re not getting the full picture! It may not be the best time to put your heart on the line. Mind you, triggered areas can be highly revealing and while conversations can be a little choppy, what opens up today and tomorrow can ultimately lead to vast improvements and clarifications. Keeping in mind that we can be a bit sensitive and on edge can help you out, and treading lightly can save a lot of frustration.

There is a delightful inclination to focus on happy matters as the Moon and Venus join forces today, dear Pisces. Since this alignment is happening at the top of your solar chart, you’re coming across particularly well at work, with higher-ups, or publicly. This can even relate to positive word of mouth, and someone’s admiring you from a distance. Alternatively, you might experience this energy more directly, and you find yourself more fully appreciating and enjoying your current work, plans, and objectives. Later today, decisions can be harder to come by, but you may not have the complete picture just yet, so take your time. You can be confused about alternatives, and valuable information can be missing. While indecision is a bit painful now, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 31, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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