Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 9:10 PM when the Moon begins its transit of Gemini.
- The void Moon occurs from 7:07 AM to 9:10 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 11:39 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 2nd, and the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will happen on January 10th.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You can be more sensitive than usual to things that seem wrong or off today, dear Aries, with a Mars-Uranus awkward aspect active now. Still, you can also experience a satisfying shift in your priorities or your goals as you consider your dreams and ideals. This refreshing viewpoint is due to a Sun-Neptune aspect. Material goals become more satisfying if they are balanced out with things that bring you a stronger sense of purpose or meaning. Daydreaming now can be very good for the soul–and even for business matters! Attention to long-term goals, career, and responsibilities continues, but today’s energies are particularly suitable for considering creative ways to approach your goals. Someone has your back right now, or you can make a connection with someone who has excellent ideas. Today is excellent for gathering inspiration.

The Moon continues to transit your sign for much of the day, dear Taurus, stirring your emotions. As the day advances, let your intuition work for you. The Sun-Neptune aspect coming into play is a uniquely romantic or idealistic transit. You’ll find it easier than usual to draw on imagination and intuition that inspire your dreams and plans. Routine seems more unappealing than usual, and you seek out different experiences or lines of thought that keep you engaged and intrigued. You might come up with new, creative ideas, particularly for overcoming problems and negative or distressing situations. Placing your faith in a friend can do the world of good for a relationship. If you need a favor, this is a great time to ask for one, but you’ll also enjoy helping others out now. Your dreams seem more achievable. There is more sensitivity to the day’s energies, and it’s working in your favor.

While there can be some conflicting messages to manage today, dear Gemini, a Sun-Neptune influence comes into play, and your dreams support you as you regain some inspiration. Forgiveness and acceptance come more easily now, and they can be cleansing and rejuvenating. It’s a good time for clearing away leftover issues from the past. Your intuition serves you particularly well regarding career moves or strategies for success. It can be a time for receiving support or help, possibly quite unexpectedly. Follow through on impulses to connect with others once the Moon moves into your sign, but do work on things from the inside out. You may very well get a chance to handle a money matter or predicament surrounding personal possessions or an intimate relationship.

Several influences seem to want you to slow down and enjoy yourself today, dear Cancer. Rapport with others can be almost telepathic today, and a Sun-Neptune sextile helps you connect with others who help with a lucky break or valuable life lesson. As you look at a problem or situation in a new light or put your faith in someone (or something), you find it easier to relax. You may receive good reviews or feedback. It’s particularly wise to listen and learn from people in your life today. Treating all as equals can be enlightening and can open doors. The Moon moves into the sign just behind yours later today, signaling the need for a bit of extra downtime for a couple of days. It’s a natural time of the lunar month for winding down, processing, and digesting before making your next big move.

There can be some fluctuating moods to manage today, dear Leo. Feeling conflicted on the inside is the likely reason for some faltering, so take the time for self-understanding before making big moves. Still, a Sun-Neptune influence today helps you wind down. It tends to produce warm, accepting energy, and the information or support you need can be more forthcoming. You have more faith that everything will fall into place. While you’ve been feeling very much in charge when it comes to taking care of your daily affairs, you now benefit from considering the imaginative or creative side of the equation. Trusting your inner guide works well for you now. You can help this process along by seeking extra rest and time for relaxing activities to facilitate getting in touch with your intuition. Pulling back from a problem can help you visualize the solution.

The Moon harmonizes with your sign much of the day, dear Virgo, making it easy for you to express yourself. The Sun is currently in a happy, creative sector of your chart, and is now connecting with Neptune, guest of your partnership sector. Your view of people may be a bit more idealistic, romantic, or influenced by your fantasies and ideals today. You’re bringing more imagination, creative flair, and compassion into your relationships, perhaps even a little harmless drama. It’s easier than usual to surrender to the unknown and put your faith in something or someone. It feels good to accept and enjoy. After all, control is only an illusion! There can be some random elements to the day nevertheless, but you are taking things in stride.

It can be somewhat challenging to get your message across clearly in spots today, dear Libra, but trying too hard or explaining too much can make the problem worse. However, if you look for the pause that refreshes, you’re likely to find it. A Sun-Neptune influence helps you focus on the creative, imaginative, and artistic side of your home life. It’s also strong for bringing more compassion, understanding, and joy to family and work relationships. As much as you may have craved tangible results recently, right now, you recognize some of the intangibles that give life a little extra flair. Good energy is with you for a retreat of sorts. Work done at home or on the home can be inspired now. You’re at your best when you’re taking part in activities and work that foster your creativity and desire to grow, contribute, and improve.

Today’s energies are stop-and-go, dear Scorpio, but it’s fairly easy to take things in stride. A Sun-Neptune sextile active today suggests you’re expressing yourself with special flair. You’re reconnecting with your spiritual goals, compassion, and intuition now, and it can feel quite magical! An experience or person is likely to expand your perspective. There can be pleasures and possibly inspiration through short trips, running errands, and casual conversation. Finding commonality with someone unexpected might figure strongly now. Creative entertainment can be good for your soul right now. It’s a good day for making an inspiring connection.

While the day has some unpredictable energy to it, dear Sagittarius, there are some strong influences for acceptance and personal enjoyment. You might choose to slow yourself down and tap into a “go with the flow” philosophy. Remind yourself of your most important goals and values. It’s a strong time for reassessing current paths and thinking up ways to flesh things out in such a way that they are more fulfilling. On a practical level, it can be a fine time to get a great deal or a pass on a problem that has been weighing on your mind. You are looking to make your life feel more secure and comfortable now, and you might stumble upon interesting information, gifts, or purchases that help you move towards these goals. There can be good news about money for some of you now. Business instincts are creative and on target. The focus now should be on what genuinely fulfills you.

With so much activity in your sign these days, dear Capricorn, a Sun-Neptune aspect is useful for pausing and taking stock. Considering what you may have been missing or what might help round your life out more fully can be helpful now. You might decide whether your highest goals and ideals are well-represented in your current plans, and if not, refinements may be in order. It’s also a fine time to act on your more charitable impulses. You’re encouraged to put more faith in yourself and in life itself. Opportunities for learning, sharing ideas, and teaching can emerge. This transit also improves your persuasive abilities.

There can be some restlessness to manage today, dear Aquarius, and getting time to yourself can be particularly helpful and grounding as you get in better touch with your needs. While you could be feeling a little out of step with others, taking the time to review your feelings is a good idea now. Fortunately, a transit active today encourages you to let go of fears and make your intuition work for you. You can be feeling strongly about helping others, and volunteering your support or services can be rewarding. The Sun in your privacy zone connects with Neptune in your resources sector, stimulating your senses in an inspired way, increasing your appreciation for the natural world. Goals may not be clear right now, and they don’t need to be, but connecting with your spiritual or imaginative needs can ultimately lead to more clarity and better decisions.

There can be some off-timing to deal with today, dear Pisces, but with the Sun’s harmonious aspect with Neptune, it’s easy to take the high road. You find it easy to accommodate others, and the connections you make today and tomorrow are satisfying or rewarding. You might seek out activities and endeavors that give you a stronger sense of meaning or purpose, and you’re more likely to find them now with your intuition as strong as it is today. Your need to connect to people with whom you share common aspirations is prominent now. Letting go of ego issues is something you do better than other signs, and it’s excellent for bonding with friends. Pleasant and perhaps unexpected meetings can occur now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 6, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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