Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini all day.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:15 PM forward (until tomorrow at 3:43 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 2nd, and the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will happen on January 10th.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You can gain some nice insight into professional or life path goals and projects today, dear Aries, by letting your mind wander and allowing your imagination to roam free. Energies stimulate your creativity in both delightful and useful ways. Rather than logical or rote thinking, today’s best for intuitive thinking and connecting through mental chemistry. Conversations about goals, big moves or strategies, and business can be fruitful. Today is excellent for nurturing and enjoying your ambitious side, but it’s also great for embracing your deeper feelings and attachments. A tolerant mindset gets you to the right places on a social level today–there can be imaginative exchanges now. The Moon is determined to keep you busy in spite of this gentle, flowing theme as it spends the day in your communications sector.

Today’s energies help smooth over the rough edges of your life in subtle but happy ways, dear Taurus, and a soothing or inspiring conversation may be part of this. With Mercury sextile Neptune, it’s a good time for dreaming up plans and ideas. We just recently enjoyed a similar influence, and you’re sure to enjoy this continued, gentle theme. Discussions tend to lead in all the right directions, even though they may not be particularly structured. In fact, deviations to your communications today tend to engage the imagination and work well for you. New ideas and plans fare particularly well and are very creative. Even the smallest gestures go a long way now, so be sure to reach out. Interactions can be supportive today, and brainstorming or networking can lead to bright ideas or solutions to predicaments.

You benefit from feeling particularly comfortable today, dear Gemini, and this encourages your imagination. Patience is more natural with a Mercury-Neptune influence active now, and it serves you well. As you relax and get comfortable, you come to useful conclusions. You may very well solve a puzzling problem without a whole lot of effort, as this can be more of a moment of an epiphany than the result of hard thinking. Self-expression is comfortable and open. There may be an absorbing mystery to solve or a revealing conversation to enjoy. Your powers of imagination and creative envisioning are excellent, and you may stumble upon or uncover something missing, lost, or hidden. You’re likely to feel that you’re flowing along rather than fighting your way through your day. Dreams of the ideal profession or an exciting direction can inspire you now. The Moon spends the day stimulating your emotions and encouraging you to take the lead.

Today and the next few are powerful for gaining perspective, dear Cancer. It can be a wonderful time for making connections and enjoying imaginative conversations. Work or practical matters are in good favor, too, primarily because you’re feeling more dedicated (and happily so) to what you’re doing. You can concentrate your focus on a worthwhile project now. Even so, details are less relevant to you than the overall meaning under today’s transits. Interactions with others are likely to be comforting and possibly also healing, or they are a little off the beaten track, inspiring curiosity. Efforts towards making peace and accepting one another can be in focus and successful. Sharing varied viewpoints with someone can be especially rewarding now, as there’s something valuable to learn with an open mind today. With the Moon in the hidden sector of your solar chart today, it’s a good time for tying up loose ends, reflecting, catching up on rest, and healing. Or, you might admit to feelings you’ve been avoiding.

Good energy is with you for relaxing the mind today, dear Leo, and all the benefits that result from this process. This may involve keeping yourself busy but doing something soothing that you genuinely enjoy. Meditating in motion is favored now if you’re active. You may be able to resolve a tricky emotional problem or situation, and intimate relationships can thrive through gestures or supportive interactions. Conversations stand out as particularly accepting but also gently stimulating, and intuition can lead you to the right information. This is good energy for letting your imagination take you to inspiring places. Keep your mind and your options open today for best results. Today’s Moon stimulates your more sociable side, bringing out your need for a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself. The Moon’s transit of your sector of community is another sign that you’re loosening up now.

The day tends to promote increased ease or a freeing feeling of acceptance of your current circumstances, dear Virgo. You might have a mind-opening experience now as you entertain unusual and different perspectives. You can come to a helpful new view of a matter that bothered you in the past. You might enjoy discussing your personal plans, even if you are not very clear on details–it’s more about playing with ideas and possibilities than locking something down. Enhancing love or compatibility can involve a softer, warmer approach. Understanding and compassion are in focus and the best way to open doors right now. The day also plays well to your needs for relaxation–it’s easier to relax your thinking and let your imagination go. As well, with Mercury and Neptune in harmony as they are today, you often find yourself in agreement with a significant someone in your life, and it feels good to be on the same page.

Today’s Mercury-Neptune aspect brings good energy for wrapping your mind around a mystery, dear Libra, or for enjoying any mental activity that is absorbing or mind-expanding. You’re in an excellent position to excel with anything that requires imagination or that can benefit from a step back from hard thinking. There can be something meaningful to learn from (or about) a family member today. You’ll find it easier than usual to open up and enjoy conversations with this kind of atmosphere since there is little or no pressure to be accurate and on the ball. Imagination is stirred, and this is particularly prominent in your conversations today. Alternatively, relaxing your mind can take another form altogether now, but the result is the same — you’re in good shape for seeing a new side of a situation. The Moon transits your spirit sector all day–another uplifting influence!

There is powerfully creative and patient energy with you today, dear Scorpio, and this can be therapeutic, helping you to unwind and enjoy yourself. It’s a fine time for imagination and conversations that inspire. You have excellent support for enjoying pet projects, studies, or creative pursuits. You may want to pull yourself away from the details of a particular situation or problem and let your intuition work for you. Your words and ideas are received well with Mercury’s current transit of your solar third house, and with all the right nuances as it harmonizes with Neptune today. There is a little extra romance or imagination in your interactions or your thoughts today, and you can feel quite inspired. It’s a good day for romantic gestures, particularly of the verbal kind, and expressions of love or affection. Personal enjoyment is in focus.

This is a day to enjoy your imagination, dear Sagittarius. It’s not a time when you want to apply yourself to facts and figures, but it’s an excellent day for dreaming and exploring possibilities. Pleasant conversations can be part of the day, particularly with or about family, or related to domestic matters. Your intuition for money or business is quite excellent, and money-making ideas can be golden now. You are communicative and persuasive, and conversations can be imaginative and quite inspiring as Mercury and Neptune harmonize. This gentle, supportive aspect encourages you to look at situations in different, more forgiving, and happier ways. The Moon spends another day in your partnership sector and is another indication that you’re ready to unwind. It may motivate you to seek out some companionship, but it’s particularly handy for entertaining a new perspective.

Today’s energies favor making extra room for imagination and wonder, dear Capricorn, and stepping back from problems so that you can see situations in a new way. It’s excellent for picking up on the hidden layers of a matter. It’s not the time to rush decisions. Conversations can be inspiring, and you’d do well to take note of ideas coming to mind now. Working with others towards a common goal can be very useful, and it’s easy to smooth over differences with others. You might instead pick up where you left off with someone you care about today. Reaching out in even the smallest of ways can be rewarding. Your powers to persuade and influence are notable now with Mercury in your sign harmonizing with Neptune in your communications sector. Your communications, interactions, the news, or your studies can be uplifting. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, however, boosting your interest in setting your environment straight or getting your work and chores out of the way.

With a Mercury-Neptune influence today, dear Aquarius, you might want to enjoy some quality time to yourself dreaming up plans and playing with ideas. The key is to avoid investing in the details or the destination so that you can genuinely enjoy the idea process. This is about letting go of tension and allowing more room for your imagination to engage. Conversations can help inspire you and stimulate your objectivity as you come to a more comfortable perspective on a situation. Finding lost items or filling in the blanks can figure strongly now, and artistic pursuits can blossom. On a mental plane, it’s better to pull back from the details and think more holistically. Your imagination comes into stronger play and serves you well today, particularly related to past experiences and business or money matters. The Moon spends the day in your sector of joy, connecting with Venus in your sign, and this boosts your appeal and pleasure factor.

There’s smooth energy with you for communicating and interacting today as Mercury and Neptune harmonize, dear Pisces. Your own words can inspire, and you can find inspiration in what others are saying. This is an excellent day for both technique and inspiration. You seem to have an open pipeline to your inner guide or intuition now, and it makes sense to take special note of ideas popping into your head. Mercury-Neptune produces a calm and gentle theme that’s right up your alley, and you can find yourself on the same page with a significant other. It’s not necessarily about agreeing–it’s more about seeing one another’s perspective. For some of you, there can be a meaningful connection made with a friend today, and it feels good to interact, share, and accept. Even so, the Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, and you crave some familiarity and gentleness.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 8, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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