Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini until 9:23 PM, after which the Moon transits Cancer.
- The void Moon is from 5:47 PM to 9:23 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- We are in between the Third Quarter Moon which occurred on the 25th, and the New Moon which will occur tomorrow (it will be a Solar Eclipse).
- Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde.
- Mercury is not yet retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow. Mercury will retrograde from July 7-31.
- Mars enters Leo today (Mars transits Leo from July 1 to August 18).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Mars, your fiery and courageous ruling planet, begins its transit of your solar fifth house today, dear Aries. This seven-week transit brings extra dynamism, stimulation, and action to your creative, entertainment, and romantic worlds. It can be a time for stepping up your creative life, hobbies, pastimes, or leisure activities. If this energy is channeled well, this is a good time for pursuing your heart’s desire. Your direct approach tends to get you results. You’re in an energized period for relationships until August 18th. You may be bringing a relationship to a new level. Mind you, Mercury will be retrograde for part of this cycle in this same sector, and there can be some backtracking with certain projects or in your romantic life. The Moon spends much of today in your communications sector, and the day should be lively. You’re in a great place for selling your ideas, but do keep in mind that a Solar Eclipse is tomorrow and it’s best to wind yourself down.

Until August 18th, Mars transits your home and family sector, dear Taurus, and this means you’re pouring more energy into your personal life. This transit can stimulate your desire to do something about difficult conditions or relationships, and also to fix, improve, and otherwise renovate your life from the ground up, especially your domestic world. While you can experience variable energy and motivation levels in the weeks ahead, it’s an excellent time for taking care of household and family matters. Do watch for bottling up anger — you are protective of others and yourself now, but perhaps a little too defensive. Today is potentially strong for enjoying comforts or practical and earthy activities. You may want to take the time to think up new ways to protect, improve, or build your resources. A Solar Eclipse will occur tomorrow, making today better for winding down than for revving up.

Mars begins its transit of your communications sector today, dear Gemini, and will transit here until August 18th. During this cycle, you can enjoy the strong motivation to learn something new, or this can be a particularly busy time in your neighborhood or your daily life. You can get quite fired up over ideas and opinions during this seven-week transit. This can also be a time for mustering up the courage to contact someone with whom you’ve been out of touch. Watch for hasty communications, and instead try to pour your energy into intellectual tasks since you can get a whole lot done now–you’re likely to be working with much passion and vigor, whether it’s on actual work or your favorite projects. Mind you, Mercury will be retrograde in the same sector starting on the 7th, and you may be facing some related delays. Easing into (and out of) things can be better than making abrupt or bold moves for now. Today is lovely for diplomacy, for gently suggesting rather than demanding, and for enjoying yourself. You’re charming and gracious. Tomorrow, a Solar Eclipse will occur, which can serve as a redirection.

Mars leaves your sign today, not to return until April 2021, dear Cancer, and now beings its transit of your resources sector. Now that you’re no longer hosting active, aggressive Mars in your sign, you’re likely to find life becomes quieter. You might gain the motivation to build and develop something important to you, such as a business, pet project, bank account, or relationship. With less focus on personality development, you’re moving into a great period for enjoying what you have and building upon your resources at a comfortable pace. Your drive to make money or to make your life more secure increases until August 18th, but for some, this can be a time of impulsiveness with purchases. You may want to watch for sudden “needs” that may seem frivolous if given some thought and time. Much of your energy will be directed into business endeavors and the seeking out of material security in the seven weeks ahead. Today, you need a break. A Solar Eclipse is about to occur in your sign, and today is suitable for personal reflection. Activities that honor your need to reconnect with your inner spirit are particularly timely now.

Mars moves into your sign today, dear Leo, and will bring its qualities of fiery assertiveness, courage, initiative, and energy to your personality until August 18th. This transit can stimulate strong desires to begin new projects or to present yourself in bolder, more dynamic ways. You have more energy during this cycle, sometimes to the point of excess, and it’s a good idea to find ways to manage it to your advantage. Pace yourself, but take action on things that matter to you most. Keep in mind that Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign on the 7th, and there may be some delays to deal with along the way. Be patient, since these slowdowns may very well serve you well. Today is suitable for approaching others and enjoying simple, straightforward connections, and since it’s the day before a Solar Eclipse, it makes sense to wind down rather than wind yourself up. As you network today, you might connect with new goals, skills, and ideas.

Mars begins its transit of your privacy and soul sector today, dear Virgo, and in the seven weeks ahead, you’re in particular need of extra rest along with activities that aid healing and energy replenishment. You might feel especially motivated to get closure on a matter or deal with problems that have been left outstanding or unresolved in the past, once and for all. Sometimes with this transit, if you don’t acknowledge your need for more rest, you feel deflated or under the weather. You might instead be putting a particular venture to rest or wrapping up a project, and you now need to reorient yourself. It may be beneficial for you to do some soul-searching, vacationing, or relaxing as you consider new directions for the future. With Mercury in this same sector of your chart and soon retrograding here, you’re likely to receive powerful messages from your inner guide. Keep in mind that when Mars enters your sign at the end of this transit on August 18th, you are likely to experience a rebirth of energy. Today is good for enjoying the rewards of recent accomplishments and for considering or setting new goals. A Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow is likely to redirect you on a social level.

Mars leaves your solar tenth house and heads into harmony with your sign today, dear Libra, and certain pressures are likely to ease. From today until August 18th, Mars boosts your energy, courage, and assertiveness with friends and your social life. You might be especially busy with activities or teamwork, and possibly the demands of others in your life. If there are some competitive feelings with associates or peers during this period, you may find that they’re helpful ones, boosting your motivation to improve your life. You’re likely to come up with some exciting plans for your future during this cycle, and something (or someone) might inspire you to work toward a specific goal or dream. Today’s energies favor activity, but not a hectic pace. Take a break from excessive thinking, organizing, analyzing, and managing. It’s better to wind down than wind yourself up with a Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow.

Mars begins its transit of your career and reputation sector today, dear Scorpio, and will bring high energy and ambition, as well as motivation and competitive feelings, to your world. Life path goals, your public life, responsibilities, performance, business affairs, and career are the subjects of this sector of your solar chart, and these matters can awaken, enliven, and animate, assuming far more importance in your life than usual until August 18th. Mercury is already in this sector of your chart, and your thinking has become more goal-oriented. You now want to walk the talk and put ideas and plans into motion. It would be wise to do so later in this cycle, however, with a Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow and Mercury turning retrograde on the 7th. Take your time, but enjoy the increasing motivation to excel, improve, and advance in the coming weeks. Others who’d prefer to take the lead can seem to get in your way during this period, however. Today, you’ll benefit from further observation and strategy. Take this time plan out your next move, but keep an open mind and schedule with a Solar Eclipse happening tomorrow redirecting your energy.

Mars moves into harmony with your sign today, dear Sagittarius, and will bring smoother energy to your initiatives until August 18th. Whether obstacles are fewer or they seem less relevant, you seem to have an easier time pursuing your desires in the seven weeks ahead. Mind you, we all have to navigate a Mercury retrograde period starting July 7th. Fortunately, you’re in a better position than many to bounce back. You can be feeling more motivated, enthusiastic, positive, and energized now, and you may be attracted to new physical or mental challenges during this Mars cycle. You may take up a new (or renewed) interest, self-publish, or pursue a course of study. Debates can be lively and passionate at this time. Today’s energies are strong for collaboration–others can be helpful now. There is a Solar Eclipse occurring tomorrow, making it necessary to wind down, rest, and reflect today.

Mars is heating up your intimacy sector until August 18th, dear Capricorn, encouraging you to seek out deeper connections, whether this is with a project, a person, or yourself! You can uncover valuable information about your past, and your ability to manage stress and pressure increases, even if you are feeling more sensitive, perhaps as a defense mechanism. You’re also more willing and courageous than usual to dig deep and acknowledge your innermost desires. If you’ve been having issues with power dynamics and sharing in a relationship, now is the time to pull them out of hiding and tackle them directly. It can also be a time for pursuing a loan or support if needed. You can use this period for taking actions that empower you, such as quitting bad habits or cutting out addictions. You are learning that power is not about having the upper hand with others. Instead, it’s about managing your own energy effectively. Today, you may be mixing work with pleasure. This can also be a day for showing you care about someone through help and support. Rest and reflect before the Solar Eclipse tomorrow, if possible.

With Mars moving into your opposite sign today, dear Aquarius, the courageous, energetic, and active qualities of Mars are directed or applied to partnerships, relationships, and teamwork until August 18th. This transit is likely to enliven partnerships or interactions with others and can be a time for clearing the air. It becomes difficult to ignore relationship problems or stagnation in a key relationship, or this is a time when important players in your life are more assertive. There can be a competitive feel to relationships, but this may also be a time when a special person in your life helps you find your courage or confidence. Today is good for charm, warmth, and diplomacy. A Solar Eclipse tomorrow makes today better for reflecting, resting, and intuiting rather than pushing ahead.

Mars moves into your work and health sector today, dear Pisces, and will animate your daily life until August 18th. This can be a time when you’re particularly motivated to get on top of your work, routines, and health. You may be pouring a lot more energy into organizing your space, pursuing fitness or other health goals, and providing services or doing your work during this cycle. Watch for pushing yourself too hard in these areas, but enjoy the rush of enthusiasm to take better care of yourself. Be sure to ease rather than rush into things. Mars energy is enthusiastic but also competitive, and a Solar Eclipse tomorrow points to the need to wind down rather than rev up just for the time being. Today’s energies are good for increased harmony in the home, and it’s the ideal time to take it easy.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 1, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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