Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 11:04 AM, after which the Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is void until 11:04 AM (since yesterday at 8:28 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter Moon phase until 8:57 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon which occurred on the 9th, and the Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) which will occur on July 16th.
- Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You are in good shape today for thinking creatively and enjoying different perspectives, dear Aries. There may be a somewhat confusing atmosphere surrounding us in the first half of the day, however, and some details may be hard to notice, especially if your attention is divided. Love matters can leave you wondering, or there is a puzzling interaction that has you feeling unsure. The mixed signals experienced in the morning should iron out as the day progresses. The Moon’s move into your adventure sector shortly before midday can help lift your spirits, too. Sharing a vision, belief, or idea can be rewarding. Taking a detour from the usual routine can be emotionally refreshing now.

In the first half of the day, your mind is likely to wander, and it can be challenging to focus, dear Taurus. Or, confusion surrounds a connection, and it leaves you wondering about your next step. You may very well dream up something that turns out to be quite helpful, but tasks that require clear thinking and concentration may not fare exceptionally well right now. There can be some temporary disconnects, or household tension and restlessness can interfere with a good mood. Something is left up in the air. As the day progresses, you’re far less hung up on problem areas. Emotional cleansing can come via honest conversations about intimate matters now. Even with Mercury retrograde, there can be a healthy flow and understanding with someone special today. Alternatively, your passion can be channeled into a satisfying project.

You may have many ideas, but there is little organization in the first half of the day, dear Gemini. You could find that conversations seem to loop or eventually feel pointless, getting nowhere for the time being. If you’re in the position to do exacting, precise, or monotonous mental work, it can be frustrating or difficult. There may be some second-guessing of plans, as small weaknesses seem to reveal themselves. If something is confusing now, aim to let time tell. As the day advances, however, you’re far less scattered. The Moon moves into your partnership sector and harmonizes with Mercury, your planetary ruler. You could experience a wonderful sense of being “in sync” and supported, or cooperation with others puts you in a fabulous mood. It’s a time for getting what you give and giving what you get. You seem to want company.

In the first half of the day, there can be an annoying lack of clarity, dear Cancer, but it’s temporary and manageable. It can be most challenging to see finances and personal boundaries clearly. There might even be some sneaky behavior going on around you. Whether it’s about bluffing or withholding information, it’s best to postpone big decisions or complicated topics, and instead, tune into your more creative, imaginative, or spiritual needs. Overthinking things is better avoided. You’ll find it easier to go with the flow as the day advances. Look for the moments of inspiration, as you’re likely to find them! Solving practical problems and attending to the details of daily life comes naturally and easily. It’s a good week for looking at your finances and work or security matters in a new or different light and coming up with solutions. However, there may be a bit of confusion in these areas to deal with first.

In the first half of the day, perceptions may be a little fuzzy, perhaps clouded by wishful thinking, dear Leo. You are expressing yourself with more imagination today, but people may not be getting your message very clearly. Resist the temptation to feed into others’ ideals or misconceptions. It may be wise to be more mindful than usual about what you say and how you say it. Body language can also be misinterpreted. It’s important to avoid making too much or too little of a person or situation under this influence. Use this time for imagining possibilities without jumping to conclusions. Let time tell the truth of a matter. As the day advances, good energy is with you for coming to an appreciation of someone’s points of view. The Moon moves into your sector of enjoyment, and you need a change on both mental and emotional levels — something fresh to think about or focus on, or perhaps a learning challenge. Sharing ideas can be stimulating.

In the first half of the day, there may be some mental fog or complicated problems to handle, dear Virgo. A confusing problem from the past might now become more pressing of an issue. There can be some vagueness to deal with, along with an inability to focus and concentrate. Misinformation can be an issue now, so it’s best to use your excellent powers of discrimination to sort out what information coming in is genuinely useful. Let things unfold naturally for the best results. As the day advances, you’re less likely to focus on uncertainties. The Moon moves into your solar fourth house, and you’re in good shape for bonding with loved ones or connecting with your fundamental needs. It’s a good time to get into better touch with your feelings. There is a strong focus on the familiarity of home or comfortable situations and people now.

In the first half of the day, you may prefer to avoid details or problems, dear Libra. You may only want to focus on a dream or vision, whether or not it’s feasible. You are likely to need more time to make decisions just for now, and you’re in no mood for competitive, stressful situations. Interactions with others tend to be vague or possibly confusing. Even so, this can be a good day to take a break from overthinking and analyzing. By midday, the Moon will have entered your communications sector, and you might bridge gaps with others through thoughtful gestures that tell people they are meaningful to you. Your senses are stimulated, and certain ideas and plans can energize you. Even if others are not catching on for the time being, you’re in good shape for sorting things out on your own.

Aim to move past mental fog before arriving at firm conclusions in the first half of the day, dear Scorpio. Clarity is unlikely, but inventive and imaginative thinking can be very refreshing and relaxing. Things only become sticky when you try to focus a stubbornly-tired mind too hard instead of giving yourself some creative room. Temporarily backing off from a problem can help stimulate new ways of approaching it. By midday, the Moon will have moved out of your sign, and emotional pressures tend to ease up. As well, this Moon transit encourages a focus on practical and sensual needs and can be reliable for really getting things done. It’s easier to redirect creative energy into appropriate channels as the day advances.

While you’d love to fly through your tasks in the first half of the day, dear Sagittarius, you might be missing important details, so make a point of checking all the facts. Issues now may be forgetfulness or lack of attentiveness, and practical affairs can be tricky as a result. Break out of your usual ways of thinking and entertain possibilities, but don’t bank on them yet. The Moon is in your sign by midday, and this brings you out of your shell. You crave an emotional connection with the world around you, and you want to express yourself more creatively. You’re in the moment, and you may be looking for feedback or reinforcement. Attention is likely to come your way. You can have a strong desire to let out any recent pent-up feelings, and also to find some way to pamper yourself. Today’s Moon-Mercury trine seems to facilitate sharing your feelings, wants, and needs.

Energies may be on the confusing side in the first half of the day, dear Capricorn. People seem to back off or shy away from making commitments today. Take a break from thinking and worrying too much if possible now. Entertain possibilities, but it may be better to wait to finalize something. Getting extra time to yourself can be helpful. By midday, the Moon will have entered your privacy sector, encouraging you to make room for more rest and time for reflection, which can be emotionally cleansing. Private and emotional matters are in focus and tend to thrive as the day advances. Your powers of intuition run very high, and you may very well get closer to someone or understand a situation better today. Relax, renew, and recharge with this Moon transit active now and until Sunday.

Clarity is unlikely in the first half of the day, dear Aquarius. If you’re looking for definite answers or commitments from someone, it can be a frustrating and confusing time. It’s best not to push for a response since even if you get one, it’s unlikely to be useful. It seems we need some time to process before decisions can be made. Particularly when it comes to relationships, your thinking can be clouded just for now. Take a step back from matters, if only to get perspective. Going with the flow today will help life run more smoothly, as it’s only with pressure or high expectations that things get sketchy at the moment. By midday, the Moon will have moved into your social sector, encouraging more lighthearted connections and conversations. There is something in the way you meet the world that is very appealing and that draws people to you. This time favors reconnecting, and friendships and networking fare well.

Energies this morning can bring some level of confusion to your work environment or regular routines, dear Pisces, and interruptions are quite possible now. Thinking might be a little too idealistic to hold weight, or information isn’t yet available to you. You may need more time to make a confident decision, and it’s probably best to take it. Go over facts carefully and pay extra attention to your work, as foggy thinking can be a problem now. By midday, the Moon will have made it to the top of your solar chart, and taking care of business fills a need. You might make some interesting connections as you pursue your goals. It’s also a good day for pleasing energy with a love interest or partner once past a misunderstanding. A feeling that others are either cooperating or letting you do your thing helps you to be especially productive.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 12, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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