Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 7:04 PM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon occurs until 7:04 PM (since yesterday at 9:30 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon which occurred on the 9th, and the Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) which will occur on July 16th.
- Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The day holds great energies for working through problems, dear Aries, as long as you pace yourself. Tensions in your interactions tend to have power dynamics at their root, and pressures coming from within are likely to do with performance, ambition, and expectations with the Sun’s opposition to Pluto in your career sector. Pre-existing problems in your relationships or with work can build to a head today as the Sun shines a light on your darker fears and feelings. While this can be disruptive or somewhat uncomfortable, it can also be highly useful and revealing. If you’ve been putting in a lot of extra hours, consider that you deserve a break! While you could be feeling pressured to handle matters, you’d benefit most from a slower, steadier, and more straightforward approach to your life now, so aim to think up strategies for handling problem areas.

Interactions with others can be a little strained or edgy at times now, dear Taurus, and people may be holding on too tightly to their methods, ideas, and opinions. If someone isn’t catching onto your ways or views, it may be better to wait things out. You do stand to learn a lot about your relationships and yourself today. Aim to be honest with yourself about inner resentments or jealousies and worries, since these can help you see your desires more clearly. Venus harmonizes with Vesta today, and this helps you more thoroughly enjoy your work or responsibilities. Friends, siblings, neighbors, or classmates can come through for you. Be willing to consider letting go of a matter that’s keeping you from enjoying yourself, growing, and improving.

A problem that may have been weighing you down could reach a turning point now, dear Gemini, as the Sun and Pluto face off and serve to throw light on some of your worries and fears. The need for support, or better managing your life regarding support systems, can emerge for your attention. While relationships or financial matters may feel loaded or intense now, this is a time for releasing yourself from problems or burdens or making a plan to do so going forward. You’ll feel lighter as a result. Try not to dismiss any feelings of jealousy or resentment now since they can show you some of your truer desires and needs, perhaps pointing you in the direction of a new interest or path. Today’s energies are excellent for motivating you to take care of your duties and responsibilities. Getting your financial affairs in order can improve your life in multiple areas.

Today’s Sun-Pluto opposition directly challenges you, dear Cancer, since the Sun is in your sign. You could be dealing with a difficult person or situation, or the conflict may be taking place inside you. People may be challenging you or making attempts to control you, and you could be feeling blocked. Alternatively, an attachment can be holding you back from exploring your options or new opportunities. It’s essential that you break free from a situation, at least temporarily, to clear your head if it’s been holding you back. If you do, the increased clarity can be a driving force to make empowering changes. A friend or network may be particularly helpful in this regard.

There can be a focus on past matters and issues that cause you some worry or guilt early today, dear Leo, with the Sun forming an opposition to Pluto. Power plays can occur with those you work with, or you could feel pressure to get things done. Consider that you need time to yourself or to recoup your energies. If you’ve been doing far more than your share, this may no longer be sustainable. Find healthy outlets for your frustration and make plans to improve your routines and workload. Watch for micromanaging your life in the areas of health and work since it can lead to a feeling of burnout. Today’s energies are good for making the most of a situation, however, and you can very well find just the right motivation to make improvements.

This morning’s Sun-Pluto opposition can have a way of revealing insecurities, dear Virgo, or areas where you’ve been so attached that you’ve been limiting your opportunities on a social level. You may find yourself at cross-purposes with someone, or in a battle with yourself. Something can hit a nerve! Self-honesty is especially important now so that you can learn more about your fears. While there can be some tension, today is good for productivity. Someone’s reliability or a gesture toward you can be much appreciated. Your vision is practical right now, and this can lead you to endeavors and things that seem promising in the long-term.

Buried matters can come to light now with the Sun-Pluto opposition this morning, dear Libra. While they might be uncomfortable at first, they’ll push you toward the light, helping you out in the long run. Tensions can surface, and resisting, fearing, or avoiding change may make things worse. It’s probably best to recognize a need to make adjustments. Making changes should be done gradually for best results–rushing things when you’re tense won’t help. This is an excellent time to clean up your life in fundamental ways, particularly around the home, which can do wonders for the energy you have available to put into your career or responsibilities. Once past this, you have an excellent eye for projects or investments that are worthwhile.

The Sun-Pluto opposition today pits your desire/need for new experiences against your attachment to your routines, dear Scorpio. Even with a lot on your plate, you need to take a break from time to time so that you can refresh yourself and clear your mind. Consider that you may be limiting yourself if you stick too closely to certain habits, methods, your neighborhood, or even your home. This also applies to ideas, since if you do, you won’t make room for learning something new. Try your best to make room for spirit-boosting activities in your life. A person in your life may come through for you now, and this is helpful. Your attention to a relationship can have long-term benefits.

A yearly Sun-Pluto opposition occurs today, dear Sagittarius, forcing you to confront your feelings or recent circumstances related to ownership, possessiveness, money, and boundaries. If you’ve been fearful of changes with your financial affairs or in your intimate life, you may need to examine how this attitude has prevented you from growing and thriving. Keep your mind open and attempt to rise above fear-based suspicion, which tends to figure strongly when Pluto is potent and challenged as it is now. Fears of standing alone can be at the root of tensions today, and if so, it’s time for some self-honesty so that you can work on the problem. Once you have perspective, today’s energies are useful for taking a good look at what you can improve with your work, finances, or health. Good advice from someone you trust may be in the offing now.

Buried emotions and possibly old regrets or hurts can emerge now with the Sun and Pluto forming an opposition this morning, dear Capricorn. You could feel that you’re shouldering far too much, and it can put some strain on your relationships or interactions with others. If you aim to stay very open and flexible, which can be challenging to do right now but not impossible, then you put yourself in a better position. If you find yourself dwelling on a small matter, examine what may be the actual source of frustration. This aspect, while disruptive, can help pull up problems into the open. Also today, you take a special interest in the practical elements of a project, and your instinct for what has long-term worth is strong.

You might make some important discoveries about your feelings and fears with today’s Sun-Pluto opposition, dear Aquarius. The trick is to recognize some of the things going on inside you that may be limiting your opportunities. Aim to tackle guilt, insecurities, or attachments that are interfering with your productivity or proper routines and self-care. It’s a fine time to examine your fears, but it’s important not to give them more power than they already have by dwelling on them. Balancing your attention to mental and physical health or work and relaxation seems to be most important now. Also today, there can be improvements in the family dynamic or household, particularly related to meeting responsibilities, and this can be satisfying and stabilizing.

This morning’s Sun-Pluto opposition can illuminate a problem that may have kept you from enjoying opportunities, dear Pisces. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to people or projects at the expense of expressing your true self, you’ll be feeling the restriction and looking to make changes. Events now have a way of revealing situations or pursuits that have been draining you of energy or taking up too much of your time. If you’ve been so worried about a social matter that you miss out on opportunities to have fun and enjoy yourself, you’ll notice the discrepancy now. Today’s energies are good for attention to practical details that help you improve or secure relationships and projects, however. Learning more about what may have been robbing you of your good spirit can be motivating.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 14, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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