Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:38 PM forward (until the Moon enters Aquarius tomorrow).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 5:38 PM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) occurs today at 5:38 PM in the sign of Capricorn.
- Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Responsibilities or problems that have been neglected or overlooked in the past have a way of surfacing now for your attention, dear Aries. There can be some restlessness and indecision to manage–when you get what you want, you may feel disappointed, and if this is the case, then consider that it may be you’re not entirely in touch with your desires. Whether to stay put or break the routine can be an issue now. Emotions are heightened today with a Lunar Eclipse that affects how you see your life path. This eclipse can push recognition or awards, or it may result in a change in your general direction or career focus. The need to put your past behind you becomes compelling. A project can come to fruition, or those things you’ve swept under the carpet demand attention now and in the coming weeks. You’ve been very focused on home and family or your private world these days, and now your responsibilities to the outside world call. You’ll have more time to work on the delicate home-work balance over the coming year, but you’re getting clear prompts to begin sorting everything out.

The Lunar Eclipse today challenges you to confront some important, perhaps previously buried, issues in your life, dear Taurus, particularly related to ideas and beliefs. It’s a powerful time for the discovery of your feelings on a matter, but you may need to let everything sink in before coming to conclusions. Taking control of your life requires time and energy, so resolve to make changes, but avoid pushing for immediate results. This eclipse generates a lot of emotional and mental energy, and focusing it all can be difficult. Give yourself time to process any news or new information coming your way. Commitments to travel, belief systems, publishing, or learning endeavors may come up for inspection in the weeks ahead. This eclipse also prompts you to fit more extracurricular activities into your life–it’s a time for expanding your skills and knowledge. Also today, there can be some problems getting your message across, but it’s temporary. You can feel in limbo or confused by mixed signals. While taking care of unfinished business might not be your preferred thing to do right now, it can help you by reducing your levels of guilt and stress that come from the nagging feeling that you have something left to do.

You’ve been more focused on your feelings of comfort and security than usual these days, dear Gemini. Today, whims can take hold, and if you are feeling unsettled, try to get to the heart of the matter. There can be a realization or responsibility that temporarily puts a damper on your plans or spirits. The Lunar Eclipse occurring today stimulates a turning point, awareness, or epiphany surrounding financial, ownership, intimate, or sharing matters. Now and in the coming weeks, there may be some drama with regards to financial support, taxes, debts, investments, or a close relationship and its power dynamics. For some, it can be about issues of trust. There can be new money coming into your life, or the need to shuffle around your finances to accommodate changes. Divvying up shared resources can be in focus. This eclipse brings buried or long-brewing situations to your attention or to a turning point. In the weeks and months ahead, it’s a time for making changes in the ways you depend on others. While resolutions may not come until next year, events and realizations now can get the ball rolling towards that end.

With a recent focus on your sign, dear Cancer, your personality and personal plans are in the spotlight these days. However, with today’s Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign (Capricorn), your attention draws to the perspective, agenda, or needs of a significant other or to your relationship needs. This can help balance things out, although you could feel temporarily drained or overwhelmed. There is likely to be an unusual amount of social and relationship activity in the coming weeks. It can be a time of increased invitations or social engagements, relationship drama, new clients, or other circumstances that get you more involved with others. A commitment might be an issue on the table. Epiphanies about a significant relationship can lead to substantial changes. Events over the next while help you define your life concerning your partnership needs. Today is about getting in touch with what’s in your heart. Otherwise, your desires may be leading you astray. It can be challenging to make decisions when your options seem equally desirable or undesirable! It makes sense to wait out the big choices if it’s possible now. While events and epiphanies occurring now are highly revealing, take time to sort through whatever comes to light.

Today’s Lunar Eclipse is part of a set of eclipses encouraging you to get to a better work-rest balance, dear Leo. This one challenges you to deal with loose ends, looming deadlines, health matters, or scheduling issues. Realizations and reveals prompt you to get going on an exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do to feel more balanced, or there can be a culmination of a job or work project that gets you to a turning point. Demands seem to be high now, and emotions are bound to run high. Disruptions help redirect you along a more authentic path. You have a good sense that if you stay on top of the demands, you’ll be able to make meaningful changes. Resolutions come to matters that need to be put behind you so that you can begin anew. Generally speaking, this is a time for making peace with the past. The need to process and take things easy is strong, but so is the desire to push forward with projects. Aim to go slowly and figure out what’s in your heart before taking concrete action.

Your social life needs have been awakened recently, dear Virgo, but your home life and domestic needs are also strong. You can feel divided temporarily, uncertain about someone’s feelings, or in limbo. With so many things, and possibly people, vying for your attention, it’s not exceptionally easy to know your next step. However, reorienting yourself is a good idea, and today’s Lunar Eclipse can force the issue! Revelations or news surrounding romance, children, or hobbies and creative pursuits can occur now and in the coming weeks. There might be illumination in a romantic affair and possibly some tests, but the path is clearing for more authenticity. The energy of today’s partial Lunar Eclipse helps shed new light on a friendship, romance, or endeavor. Your true feelings about a person, romance, or a project can flood your awareness, and life changes as a result. Letting something go makes room for a rush of new creativity. Since this is a part of a series of eclipses that last until next year, you won’t have all the answers yet, but you’re certainly on your way.

Career, public, life direction, or reputation matters have received your attention in recent weeks, dear Libra. If you feel a little out of balance, your best bet is to slow down and avoid acting on impulses, but do pay attention to prompts and reveals happening around now with a Lunar Eclipse in your home and family sector. This eclipse inspires realizations or epiphanies. Feelings that you’ve been holding at bay or haven’t yet acknowledged are impossible to ignore now! What emerges tends to clear the path for improvements in your life, particularly related to career, reputation, status, home, and family. For some of you, there could be home repairs, family dramas, or internal changes to deal with in the coming weeks, and you’re in the position to balance out your attention to outside responsibilities and your personal life. If you’ve been over-extending yourself, and many of you have, you need to find ways to get more downtime. You may need to do some catch-up work around the home or with loved ones.

There is a stronger drive with you these days to focus on the big picture instead of dwelling on little problems, dear Scorpio. However, watch today for fixating on something you think you want but then discover that it’s not the answer to your questions. Emotions run particularly high with a Lunar Eclipse in your communications and transportation sector, and there can be important discoveries, ideas, and changes in your mindset or attitude. Watch for impulsive self-expression, but give weight to your emotions and any epiphanies occurring now. Writing, learning, sharing, publicity, and promotion are themes stimulated by this eclipse series that began last year and will continue until next year–we’re in the middle of it! There can be a sudden rush to handle your daily affairs, or a change of plans prompts a wave of activity. Themes related to travel, belief systems, communications, transportation, and making connections are significant, and today’s eclipse reminds you of connecting with your true feelings about what you’re learning, communicating, and sharing.

You’re deriving more pleasure from specific projects and activities these days, dear Sagittarius, going a little more deeply into your pursuits, or you’re working through issues related to shared money or resources. You may feel that others or a situation are impinging on your freedom, however, or some confusion about boundaries in a relationship can figure strongly. Affections can be intense one minute, and then they cool down the next. Heightened emotions surrounding money and possessions, as well as personal values and talents, can be a theme now with a Lunar Eclipse landing in your resources sector. Even though this is a partial eclipse, it nevertheless holds power over you to face feelings and make changes and improvements that get you to a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. You might experience a significant revelation about money or business, or you could be dealing with matters related to your values and self-worth, as well as boundaries in a relationship. Realizations about how to better handle or manage your money can occur now. Show your abilities in the best possible way now, as others are noticing! Take your time before making any pivotal decisions, but aim to examine feelings that are coming to the surface, however raw they may be at the moment.

You could feel some pressure to make a decision about a relationship today, dear Capricorn, but in fact, it’s not a good time to do so. There can be competing feelings related to the need for freedom and togetherness now with Venus in disagreement with Saturn and Jupiter. Be careful not to jump into something due to current frustrations that you may one day regret. It’s better to take things easy or one step at a time. Today’s Lunar Eclipse occurs in your sign, and this can lead to an emotional awakening or epiphany. This can be about something that’s been with you for some time, but that you haven’t yet acknowledged or fully noticed. Emotions run high, especially surrounding a personal matter or close relationship, and even with all of the emotional excitement, you’re liable to feel energetically drained as you see a relationship, someone, or your image and personal impact in a new light. The result can be that you want to make significant changes — even go through a personal reinvention of sorts — related to your sense of independence. These feelings are real, but take your time.

This can be a day for going off routine or schedule, dear Aquarius. Vague restlessness can take hold, and your attention may be divided. It may be difficult to please others. Of course, you can’t be everything to everyone, nor should you be! It’s possible there are competing energies pitting your social life, need for rest or repose, or leisure time against chores and duties. Today’s Lunar Eclipse, too, can pull up some pressure to find a balance. Disruptions in your routine force you to pull yourself away from the daily grind. Put your fears aside and deal head-on (or heart-on) with whatever comes your way. Watch for speaking about a matter too soon, however, as the Lunar Eclipse occurs in your privacy sector. There is a stronger need for rest and reflection or time alone. In fact, circumstances happening now and in the coming weeks will seem to conspire for you to get this break if you don’t make it happen of your own accord. A work or health matter can come to a head now for some of you, but it’s also a time to put more effort and energy into taking care of your emotional health.

Unexpected reactions or events can make for a somewhat changeable day, dear Pisces. As excited as you may be about a creative or romantic pursuit these days, responsibilities to others or other delays can enter the picture now, and these can be time-consuming. Your social life can be laced with drama now and in the coming weeks due to today’s Lunar Eclipse. Children, love affairs, group associations, and friends are areas of your life that are influenced by this eclipse. Your feelings for someone, about a relationship, or about romance, in general, can be pivotal now, reaching a turning point. You might also come to powerful realizations about long-term happiness goals. Events occurring now are designed to push you in the right direction — along a more authentic path. You need this background now to make meaningful choices later. You may simply need to give in and deal with facts and figures or practical matters before returning your attention to the things you truly want to accomplish. If there are criticisms to deal with, these can be frustrating, but they might also lead to efforts to firm things up.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 16, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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