Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 7:32 PM EDT, after which the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) occurred on the 16th in the sign of Capricorn. The Last Quarter Moon will occur on July 24th.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde from July 7-31. We have 11 days left of the retrograde Mercury cycle.
- Retrograde Mercury entered Cancer yesterday (Mercury transits Cancer from July 19th to August 11th, but is retrograde in Cancer only until July 31st).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, dear Aries, and you’re in great shape for laying low and carving out extra time for processing, digesting, and reflecting. As the day advances, a Venus-Pluto influence comes into play, and you might worry about losing a position or value in others’ eyes. However, worrying excessively about it will probably make things worse. It can be challenging to shake particular frustrations or worries, for sure, but you might be able to channel your energy into working on vulnerable areas instead. You could be dealing with pressures from the competition. Even so, you also need some peace so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your practical affairs and responsibilities. A compromise seems your best bet.

The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Taurus, and you’re paying more attention to your happiness goals rather than the practical ones. Also today, Venus heads into opposition to Pluto, bringing buried feelings to a head. Ideally, this prompts you to acknowledge fears and concerns so that you don’t allow them to drive your behavior. Clashing with someone is possible, and since this is occurring along your communications axis, you may be taking differences of opinion very seriously. Keep in mind that attempts to over-manage your life can only serve to pile on more stress. You’re looking for more meaning to your experiences, but it can be challenging to find others to engage with on matters that concern you most. This discomfort, though, can motivate you to seek out new and rewarding channels for making connections. While some days support spontaneity, this is a better day to be on your best behavior.

The Moon spends the day in your responsibilities sector, dear Gemini, and you’re a little more accountable and perhaps serious about your goals than usual. It’s a day for reminding yourself of your objectives or the rules. Also today, Venus heads towards a clashing aspect with Pluto, and circumstances can have you questioning or examining your attachments. While there can be conflicts or uncomfortable situations to handle, it’s also a time for uncovering something meaningful about yourself, another person, or a circumstance. If you’ve been especially attached to someone or something, this issue may be tested, or it may come to a turning point now. The day is complicated, but you also stand to learn a lot about yourself and your projects or plans. However hard it may be to see in the heat of the moment, there is a middle ground, and it’s wise to aim for moderation so that you can get there.

The Moon spends the day in your spirit sector, dear Cancer, and this transit helps you gain perspective. However, as the day advances, Venus moves toward a face-off with Pluto, and a clash with someone over attachments and allegiances is possible. You’ve been getting more attention, and someone may feel a little insecure if they fear you’re drifting away. It’s possible that the tables are reversed, and you are feeling anxious about a relationship now. If so, worries or fears reach a boiling over point. Intense feelings that emerge now can be very revealing. Even tricky interactions can teach you a lot about yourself and your needs, however. This is a time for developing strategies for letting go of a tendency to over-manage an area of life you fear losing. Today and tomorrow are active for discovering something fascinating or new information on a situation that offers you a sense of accomplishment.

The Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, dear Leo, making it a good time for some introspection. You’re ready to take a more in-depth look at a matter. Venus is heading towards a clashing aspect with Pluto, and this aspect can serve to bring buried frustrations to the surface. Venus in your privacy sector points to a particular need for relaxation and retreat so that you can heal, detox, and unwind. However, Pluto in your work and health sector can aggravate your fears of falling behind or of letting someone else take the reins. Some of you may be dealing with power struggles on the job or tension in your interactions. As much as possible, avoid the tendency to obsess over, micromanage, or oversee every detail if these things prevent you from taking the break you need. Consider reaching a compromise for improved emotional and physical health. If this influence pulls up insecurities, these soft spots are the very areas that need your special attention.

The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, dear Virgo, and you’re in a social mood today and tomorrow. However, you’re more interested in spending time with a special someone than a group, as one-on-one connections are the focus now. As well today, feelings for someone or something can get to the overflowing point since Venus and Pluto are heading towards an opposition aspect. The need for easygoing connections in your life is high this month, but the pull of intense relationships or projects is also powerful! You could feel reeled into something complicated, but you may need to draw on self-control and find ways to detach enough to unwind. However, meeting it head-on can lead to opportunities to learn and grow if you aim for moderation. Events now can prompt you to address excesses in your social life, particularly if these are draining your resources, material or emotional.

The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, dear Libra, and at this point in the lunar month, you’re paying more attention to the details. Undoubtedly, this can lead to some fretting or over-analysis, but if handled well, you’ll enjoy taking care of business or straightening out your life in small but crucial areas. Also today, a Venus-Pluto opposition is in influence, and it can pull up frustrations related to your insecurities or worries. With Venus in your career sector, you may be taking more pleasure in your work or outside responsibilities these days. However, concerns about your personal life distract you, and it can be a time of feeling somewhat torn or divided. Home or family life may be complicated, or you could be feeling guilty about spreading your wings. The events of the day can offer some clues as to where you can begin to make some compromises.

Venus is heading into opposition with your ruler, Pluto, dear Scorpio. Conflicts with others may start with a difference of opinion but are likely more about the fear that you’ve lost power in someone’s eyes. Or, projects that you’re overseeing are keeping you from getting the break you need. Watch for obsessive thinking if it’s preventing you from expanding, growing, exploring new ideas and experiences, and reaching out. You need to leave your post from time to time without guilt, so attempt to reach a compromise. The Moon’s transit of your entertainment sector today can certainly help you to break down emotional walls, however. It’s a somewhat dramatic influence, but it’s also excellent for encouraging you to create, emote, and share your ideas and feelings.

The Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, dear Sagittarius. Even if you’re not spending time at home, this transit encourages you to take things easy, get to the root of your feelings or a problem, and honor your needs for comfort and familiarity. As the day advances, we get closer to a Venus-Pluto aspect that can serve to pull up deep feelings. It’s a time for considering whether you may be holding on too tightly to people, situations, or things. Doing so can prevent you from letting loose and more fully enjoying sharing, intimacy, and personal growth. Events and feelings emerging give you a push to identify areas where you may be acting compulsively or possessively, and ultimately releasing some of the tension or control. There can be a personal reveal or epiphany now, which can be the first step towards making empowering changes and improvements. Or, you may decide to come to a compromise.

The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Capricorn, and it’s a great time to explore your options. This transit is about diversifying, gathering information, learning new things, and considering new ideas. As the day advances, we head towards a Venus-Pluto opposition which can be on the problematic side but is also potentially very revealing. Watch for a tendency to insist on “all or nothing” when you would be far better off with the middle ground. It may be best to avoid extremes, as stubbornness or unwillingness to budge on a matter can prevent you from enjoyment, learning, personal growth, and improvement. Aim to let go of unhealthy competitiveness and self-imposed pressures to perform since these things can weigh you down. Choose to welcome more rewarding, self-empowering, and positive activities into your life instead.

The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, dear Aquarius, and it’s a time for seeking more steadiness in your life. Centering yourself is a good idea at this time of the lunar month. As the day advances, a Venus-Pluto opposition comes into play and complicates feelings somewhat. Something may touch a nerve now, and it can alert you to a persistent matter that you’ve avoided or overlooked. If you’ve been out of touch with your deeper feelings, problems in your interactions can grow, and now you get the chance to confront things. There are great benefits and joy involved with your work and daily routines–don’t let insecurities prevent you from giving what you love your all.

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Pisces, and your feelings are strong and hard to ignore! At this time in the lunar month, you’re seeking outlets for expressing your feelings. The day’s energies are complicated by a Venus-Pluto opposition that comes into influence as the day advances, and while intensity can be passionate, extremes are more than likely. If you’re spending far too much time and energy on figuring out your relationships, consider ways to detach yourself so that you can unwind. Your initial reactions to stressors in your environment today can be very revealing. They may be clues to what fears, insecurities, or resentments are lurking just under the surface. Your need for personal enjoyment that’s guilt-free runs high, and taking time for “play” can be healing as well. As such, don’t let complicated friendships take so much of your time that you barely get the chance to relax and enjoy yourself.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 20, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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