Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) occurred on the 16th in the sign of Capricorn. The Last Quarter Moon will occur on July 24th.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde from July 7-31. We have 10 days left of the retrograde Mercury cycle.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re in a great position to makes sense of a matter from the past or a family issue today, dear Aries, and coming up with creative solutions to problems can be satisfying. Gentle exploration is a good idea today as ideas that come through your conversations or thoughts and reminiscing can be significant, leading to new plans for a better future. It’s essential to be mindful of what you’re saying, but also to let intuition engage. It’s a good day for releasing a problem through conversation with someone you trust. You may be attempting to make sense of family matters and past patterns, and you can arrive at important conclusions that help you move forward. You are learning a lot today, whether it’s from your own intuition and insight or those around you, perhaps indirectly.

You could benefit significantly from looking back at recent ideas or decisions now, dear Taurus, with a new perspective and additional energy available for doing so. You see things in a new light, particularly related to learning, communications, siblings, and mental interests and projects. New energy can be brought to old issues, or you might return to a past project with a fresh perspective or come at it from a different angle. Ideas, thoughts, and conversations occurring now may be the very beginning of a long-term interest or pursuit. There can be helpful discussions about the past or tricky topics. Friends or networking can be beneficial, or a connection is made that feels great, perhaps even pre-destined or magical.

With the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sector of money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions, dear Gemini, pay special attention to ideas coming in now. They may arrive through others or could emerge from within as something falls into place, and it can feel magical. Either way, it’s a time for seeing a matter in a new light, and benefits come from doing so. Looking to the past for answers makes sense now, and can even be profitable in some cases. Not everything is likely to make sense, as is often the case with new beginnings, but what comes out of conversations and thoughts today can be significant later. Keep in mind that what you say today can be more memorable than usual, so be sure to choose your words carefully.

You’re looking at problems in a new way today, dear Cancer, as the Sun and retrograde Mercury come together in your sign. You’re sure to arrive at interesting conclusions and insights as you take stock of recent events and draw upon the past for ideas. You are especially “heard” today, and generally received well, but with more impact and Mercury still retrograde, you may want to take special care when communicating. Aim to clear out the mental clutter to make room in your mind for positive thoughts and new ideas. Observations made now can lead to significant and long-term improvements. Creatively speaking, you’re in fabulous shape today for all things practical and spiritual.

The information you come across today, whether it’s from your observations or dreams, can be significant, dear Leo. It can also help you let go of bad attitudes or situations. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury coming into alignment in your sector of karma, the past, and all that is hidden, there could be a secret revealed or a sudden discovery. Undoubtedly, it’s a time for seeing old problems or a past matter in a very revealing new light. Private time is helpful now, although you are likely to feel quite connected with others whether you’re spending time with them or not. Your hunches are excellent today, and with the Moon in your solar eighth house, you’re in a fabulous position for finding a creative solution to a problem.

Today is useful for making sense of an experience or problem with a friend, dear Virgo, as the Sun aligns with retrograde Mercury in your social sector. Gaining a new perspective on matters helps you rise above the small problems in your life. You might also realize that a person means more to you than you had previously thought. Overall, however, it’s a time for taking in and processing recent events, mainly related to friendships, allegiances, and happiness goals or work towards a cherished dream. Ideally, a new understanding of an old problem emerges. Ideas coming to you this week can be significant ones for you in the long term. A friend from the past may reappear in your life, or an old friendship matter now makes more sense. Interactions today feel destined or serendipitous.

You can be in the position to review recent long-term goals, business projects, decisions, or ideas now, dear Libra. Some of your thinking or conversations today can be very fruitful along these lines. New ways of looking at where you’re heading can lead to significant ideas. Certain directions your life is taking become more evident now. Be especially aware of what you say today since Mercury is retrograde in the most public area of your solar chart, and your impact is greater than usual. You might get wind of a reputation matter. Patting others on the back can help everything roll along smoothly. A work or health problem seems to require a creative solution.

There can be a new perspective on a matter today, dear Scorpio, particularly related to education, travel, or publishing. The things you read and hear about this week can be beneficial for future projects even if you don’t yet see their full significance. This can be a time of drawing upon experience and creating something new from it. Thoughts might turn to the past, or recent decisions and plans, but you’re looking at things in a very new light, which can be very helpful. The conversations you engage in now can be inspiring, especially entertaining, and possibly quite enlightening. It’s a time for letting your thoughts flow, but perhaps being a little more mindful of what you say. Creative pursuits can be rewarding.

Today is potentially excellent for some healthy self-focus or for absorbing projects and pursuits, dear Sagittarius. Intimate thoughts and feelings are in stronger focus, and a significant epiphany or insight can figure strongly. You could be gaining clues to a mystery or other investigation. New insight into an old relationship problem or your psyche can be helpful and enlightening. Make time to chat with a special friend, as you might learn something very much to your benefit. Solving a problem on the home front can feel like magic today since things seem to be coming together nicely.

You may look at a relationship in a new way today, dear Capricorn, or someone helps you see a whole new perspective on a matter, and it’s illuminating! You’re unlikely to have all the answers now, but it’s a powerful time for seeing problems and people in a new light. Counseling or negotiating can be significant. Today is strong for opening up conversations about the past since there is more consideration for both sides of a situation. The significance of your ideas or discussions today may not be clear yet, but they can lead to important conclusions or directions down the road. While you may need to watch what you say today, your thinking is particularly creative and perhaps inspiring to someone special.

Today is good for approaching problems from a new angle, dear Aquarius, or simply seeing some of the details of your life that you previously missed. You might feel compelled to put things into order, which can extend beyond your things to your thoughts. You seem to be the go-to person for help or information, and you enjoy this role today. You might gain valuable insight into a work or health issue, or a significant idea on these fronts may be developing now. It’s better to think about what you can do to improve and tweak current projects and ideas than for starting all-new ones, but your thinking in this regard is creative.

Today brings flowing thoughts and creative sparks, dear Pisces. You might express yourself through artistic mediums or find new ways of getting your message across that are perhaps a little non-traditional but very satisfying. Reviewing old ideas can lead to new methods that can be very important in the months to come. This might also have to do with new “old” opportunities, as someone from your past could reappear and an old issue might be wrapped up or clarified. Whether this happens in your thoughts or in the flesh, it’s helpful and serves a useful purpose. Your appeal is great today, and you’re coming across with a bit of mystery that works in your favor.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 21, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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