Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 6:02 AM, after which the Moon is in Aries.
- The void Moon occurs from 4:34 AM to 6:02 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) occurred on the 16th in the sign of Capricorn. The Last Quarter Moon will occur on July 24th.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde from July 7-31. There is just over a week left in the retrograde Mercury cycle.
- The Sun enters Leo today (the Sun transits Leo from July 22nd to August 23rd).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon moves into your sign this morning, dear Aries. While this can bring your emotions very close to the surface, you’re nevertheless focused on fun ideas and creative musings rather than your neglected personal needs! Today, the Sun begins its month-long transit of the sector of your chart that rules your individuality and creative expression. This house is a “show and tell” area of your chart, and it’s a time for expressing your talents, abilities, and affections. You’re moved to create, put skills to use, show others what you can do, enjoy romance, and partake of many of life’s pleasures. You might pay more attention to personal hobbies or recreation and entertainment in the weeks ahead. Later today, you may be feeling somewhat restless. If so, try to get to the heart of the matter–it’s preferable than attempting to fill a void with things that won’t truly satisfy.

The Sun begins its month-long transit of your sector of home and family today, dear Taurus. While you have a strong showing in your busy communications sector, the Sun is now encouraging you to tend to the hearth and heart! It’s a good cycle for family activities, home improvement, and boosting your sense of safety, security, and comfort. It’s also healthy for reconnecting with your roots. You may be craving a more focused and relaxed pace, and you’re taking more pride in your personal life. Today, the Moon moves into your privacy sector for a couple of days–another prompt for some introspection or rest. If you need to look at a problem from a different perspective, today is strong for it. With a good mood, you may be feeling that anything goes, but pushing it too far can spoil it, so aim for moderation.

You begin a month-long cycle today that emphasizes communications and learning, dear Gemini. It’s an excellent time for picking up new skills, learning about the people around you, and taking care of everyday affairs. You’re likely to run more errands than usual and communicate with people more frequently in the weeks ahead. This is a busy, engaged period of the year for you. It’s a time of increased awareness of what needs to be repaired, healed, and improved in your immediate environment, communications, and interactions with others. Today, even though you can be feeling quite enthusiastic about recent projects, it’s likely that your plans need some dusting off or extra attention before they’re ready to take off.

The Sun finishes its yearly, month-long transit of your sign today, dear Cancer, and begins its transit of your resources sector. Until August 23rd, you benefit most from grounding activities and from making the most of your natural talents and abilities. You could be motivated to take charge of your finances and extra care of your valuables. You’re shifting gears, and your focus is turning to those things that make you feel secure and comfortable. It’s a good cycle in which to discover what it is you truly value. Later today, you may be a bit restless, and if you don’t know where you’re headed next, focusing on this idea could drain you of energy. Aim to stretch your mind just enough to imagine new possibilities.

You come to the end of a reflective cycle with the Sun finishing up in your privacy sector and entering your sign today, dear Leo. Ideally, you’ve had more time to process or digest recent events, and you bring a more rested “you” into a new cycle that puts you in the forefront. As you host the Sun until August 23rd, you’re likely to want to start fresh, and the opportunity to do so should come after the New Moon in Leo on July 31st. It’s a period for personal updates and even a reinvention of sorts. Make the most of this period through faith in yourself, as this is the start of a new solar year. While the mood is mostly playful and pleasant today, there is some tendency towards excess that may need to be tamed.

While you have quite a showing in the social sector of your chart, dear Virgo, the Sun now heads into your solar twelfth house for a month. This new solar cycle can bring on an increased need for rest and privacy, or at least, a break from competitive energies. You require more alone time and substantial chunks of time devoted to reflection on the activities and developments of the last year. This is the final month of the solar cycle and can be considered a time for wrapping things up. Extra rest will help balance things out, so aim to use this time well to avoid overload! You are gathering your strength for busier times to come, but also reflecting upon recent events and shedding attitudes and situations that have run their natural course. Today, it’s a good idea to center yourself so that decisions made in the coming days are from your heart.

With the Sun’s entry into your social sector today, dear Libra, you’re entering a generally pleasant solar cycle today that puts the focus on social activities, teamwork, friendships, dreams, and ideals for the coming month. During this cycle, you become less concerned with career or life plan goals and increasingly interested in what makes you happy and how you fit in with others or contribute to the group. You can be more actively participating and contributing and can benefit from teamwork. You’re also in a more hopeful, positive mood overall. Today, there can be some tendency towards extravagance, and possibly speaking too much or too soon about a matter.

The Sun begins its month-long transit of your sector of career and reputation today, dear Scorpio, presenting an excellent period for taking charge of your life and focusing on your long-term goals. You are more noticeable and accountable than usual during this cycle. You may assume more responsibilities, and you can be especially goal-oriented or ambitious. You may very well come to a high point of the year in your career or reputation. People in positions of power are more likely to notice you and listen to you. Pride can help your status, but too much of it, of course, can be damaging now. Today, your energy levels elevate, but they’re also subject to fluctuation as you are more sensitive to the moods of people and the atmosphere around you. Although it’s a definite time for thinking in big terms and visualizing what you want, the practical side of things needs some attention. Think and dream in a big way now, and leave the essential details for a day when you’re in a more realistic frame of mind.

You begin a month-long cycle in which you are likely to search for greater meaning and richer experiences, dear Sagittarius. Anything that expands your understanding of the world around you appeals more than usual now. This theme becomes stronger in the coming weeks as more planets enter this same sector. It’s an excellent cycle in which to lift yourself above your usual routines, even in little ways, so that you can better consider the bigger picture. You are more adventurous and curious, and you might do more studying, learning, and venturing out and about. Your aspirations and ideals are stronger driving forces in your life in the coming weeks. Today can bring up all sorts of exciting ideas and desires, and overdoing can be an issue later today, whether it’s about overspending, overstating, or overdoing! The problem can be that you feel so capable and confident that you assume you can manage more than is reasonable. Living in the moment can be a good thing, but there should be some mindfulness of the future.

The Sun transits the eighth house of your solar chart starting today and for the month ahead, dear Capricorn. Personal transformations, personal power, and intimate matters fulfill you most during this cycle. There may be a strong focus on other’s money, such as the resources of a partner. You are more intense in your mood and disposition at this time of year, and in some ways, you may keep things to yourself more than usual. It can be a time for facing your fears! Self-honesty comes in especially handy during this Sun cycle. Changes, both inner and outer, tend to occur now that remind you that you’re growing. Today, your appetite for pleasure, whatever that means to you at this point, is strong. You may be craving some pampering now, and this can manifest in a variety of different ways.

The Sun begins its month-long cycle in which your broader focus turns to partnerships, negotiations, and self-expression through your relationships, dear Aquarius. It’s an excellent time to examine your expectations of others. Alternatively, you’re more sensitive to imbalances in your life, and you may be seeking more harmony in the weeks ahead. Today, there may be ego issues to deal with or a sense that you’re not appreciated for all that you do. Even so, you tend to want to solve the problem by doing more for others, and this won’t do you any good right now. Try not to overextend yourself or overdo things now, as is the tendency. On the other hand, you may be aiming a little higher for a connection or opportunity, and this can be a good thing.

The Sun begins its month-long transit of your solar sixth house today, dear Pisces, turning your attention to practical matters, including your work, routines, and health. You take special pride in your tasks, health, and wellness, and it’s a good time to take charge of daily routines. You can be especially busy getting your life into better order now. Focusing on self-improvement through self-care programs can be especially useful at this time of the year. These days, you are more comfortable with your role in life and your responsibilities, and as others see this ease and comfort, opportunities can come your way. Even so, ego issues may interfere with this a little later today, or you could be overshooting, and timing is off. Otherwise, the day is lovely for special attention to your work.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 22, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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