Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 24th, and the New Moon will occur on July 31st.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde from July 7-31. There are 5 days left in the retrograde Mercury cycle.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

While the Moon in steady Taurus inclines you to seek out comfort today, dear Aries, there can be some emotional see-sawing. An awkward but minor aspect between Mars and Saturn points to slightly-off confidence and, by extension, poor timing. While today’s energies seem to confound or frustrate more than empower you, the adjustments you make now can get you to a stronger position later. Patience will serve you best today if you face obstacles or restrictions, likely related to your responsibilities, career, or superiors, which seemingly slow you down. Arguments entered into today tend to reach stalemates or leave very little room for growth. Your pursuit of pleasure or romance may be temporarily blocked. Sticking with what you do well is your best bet, as it’s not the time to try to push the envelope.

While the Moon spends the day in your sign and excites your emotions, dear Taurus, the day’s energies tend to favor keeping a low profile just for now. The current transit of Mars in your chart encourages a focus on your personal life, attention to safety and comfort, and a desire for more familiarity and predictability. Mars forms an awkward aspect with Saturn today, highlighting the need to attend to outside responsibilities and your attention to boosting your skills or learning something useful. At first glance, you may not see a way to strike a compromise between the two drives. Due to this divided feeling today, it may not be the best time for confident decision-making. Aim to make small changes, improvements, adjustments, and edits instead.

With a Mars-Saturn aspect in play today, dear Gemini, it’s probably better to follow the rules and take it easy than to push things. This aspect may very well act to cut the spontaneity, leading to second guesses. Ultimately, this aspect can be useful to take a pause, but it doesn’t always feel very fun. Only well-considered moves are likely to do well right now. Relationship challenges may interfere with your personal interests. Communication problems can cause delays. If hesitancy or doubt regarding a particular project or endeavor strike you now, which is likely, aim to ride things out and adopt a “wait and see” attitude for the time being. You may only need a little more time to get things right. Plus, the Moon spends the day in your privacy sector–another sign to take things easy.

Today’s Mars-Saturn influence encourages us to slow down, dear Cancer, although this may come in the form of a small “life lesson” or delay. The tendency may be to try to push something forward, but if so, you’re likely to meet with resistance or blocks. With Mars currently transiting your money and resources sector, this may relate to a particular purchase, business move, or money matter. Alternatively, someone’s disapproval or stubbornness may be the issue, blocking your next step or cutting the fun. If you’ve misjudged something in the past, it may come to light now, and an adjustment is necessary. The minor changes you make now can make all the difference later, so keep that in mind.

Mars, in your sign, meets with Saturn via an awkward aspect today, dear Leo, and this can break the spontaneity temporarily. Ideally, any slowdowns or delays encountered now alert you to problem areas. And, the adjustments you make as a result of these obstacles work in your favor. It’s a brief period of starts and stops (mostly stops) that lead to some second-guessing of plans or next moves. Try not to waste too much time on anger or resentment today–pay it some mind since it’s useful to acknowledge, but avoid dwelling. Consider that impatience expressed now can do some damage.

In contrast to yesterday’s can-do energy, today brings reason to pause, dear Virgo. A Mars-Saturn quincunx is a minor, somewhat annoying aspect that penalizes impatience and rewards work on making adjustments and edits. Bold moves should wait for a better time! With Mars currently transiting your privacy sector, buried anger can emerge in unexpected ways and moments. Today, you may feel some disapproval or blocks coming from the outside if you attempt to make a move, and this can frustrate you. Or, a person seems to veto your moves or ignore your wants. For some, it can be about your responsibilities that get in the way of what you want to do. It may be better to spend more time making sense of what you DO want before sharing your desires or attempting to assert yourself.

Today’s Mars-Saturn influence can point to some minor unfortunate timing, dear Libra, primarily due to an interrupted flow of inspiration and motivation. Delays or missteps encountered now can be helpful in the long run if they prompt some necessary edits, but they can also feel a little depressing. Focusing on the details makes sense for the time being. Try to welcome a break from pushing ahead. For some Libras, this aspect can play out as a strong desire to pursue social activities but a simultaneous need to attend to a personal matter or responsibility. If your personal or home life is getting in the way of your very real need for diversifying, experimenting, and enjoying yourself, then this is a time for recognizing the need to balance things out.

Today’s Mars-Saturn influence can throw a wrench (a small one) in a plan, dear Scorpio. Or, the universe seems to point out a flaw or reality that temporarily slows you down. Ideally, it’s just about making minor adjustments and then getting things back on track. As exciting as a current project or endeavor may be, slowing down to get something right can’t hurt, and this may be precisely the time to make such a save. Enthusiasm can be up and down now, but the swinging is sure to level out by day’s end. Keeping your head down doing what you do best or fulfilling your duties may be the best bet under this influence. This way, you can get back to the things you want to do faster. If personal interests are getting in the way of work, this is a time for recognizing the need for a better balance.

Today’s Mars-Saturn influence can seem to put a small damper in your plans or your mood, dear Sagittarius. Practical matters may need attention before pressing forward, for example, or a financial reality can enter the picture and slow you down. Mars in your adventure sector these days excites your interest in new, exotic, or merely different experiences. However, Saturn in your resources sector has a way of stimulating fear of too much change, and these influences seem to compete today. Fortunately, the Moon’s transit of your solar sixth house puts you in just the right frame of mind for making adjustments and edits. It doesn’t make you immune to the problems associated with the Mars-Saturn aspect, but it helps that you’re ready and willing to deal with small issues.

The Moon spends the day in your creative sector, dear Capricorn. While it encourages a spontaneous approach, today’s Mars-Saturn aspect can seem to pull you down from time to time. It’s a useful influence for slowing you down to catch your errors, but it may feel unnecessary at the moment! Someone in your life may seem too demanding or a tad irresponsible today. It’s probably better to work on mapping out your next move than to throw yourself into action. This approach is comfortable for you on a regular day, but it may not be instinctual today. It’s challenging to read a person or a situation at the moment. Imagination can take you to a place of self-deception, or it can be channeled more constructively, such as into a creative pursuit.

Today’s Mars-Saturn influence can serve to highlight obstacles and realities, dear Aquarius. This transit is useful for slowing down if you need it, and the Moon’s transit of your home and family sector suggests you do! However, this “lesson” may seem to come as a delay or obstacle in your path, and it can be frustrating. With this transit active, it’s better to think about your next move than to make it! With Saturn in your solar twelfth house, blockages can be about focusing on past mistakes or missed opportunities. Or, guilt may emerge about your current goals, desires, or chosen course of action. Aim to discern between gut instincts and fear–you need to know what is your intuition in order to follow it.

Mars in your work and health sector can have the effect of pumping you up for getting things done, dear Pisces, and it’s helpful. Today, however, Mars meets a grumpy Saturn, and a hurdle may seem to appear that you need to clear before pushing forward. It may be best to take a break. Non-competitive and undemanding activities are better for you if you’re feeling just a little out of step. It’s not easy to express yourself with confidence or smoothness under this brief transit. Make adjustments and refinements rather than concrete decisions for best results. Wait for a better climate to pursue those things most dear to your heart. It’s a good idea to be especially vigilant with contracts, health, and work matters.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 26, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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