Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini until 7:30 AM, after which the Moon transits Cancer.
- The Moon is void until 7:30 AM (since 11:23 AM yesterday).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 24th, and the New Moon will occur on July 31st.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde from July 7-31. There are 2 days left in the retrograde Mercury cycle.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Sun and Uranus form a square today, dear Aries, challenging you to break out of a rut or a pattern that’s been preventing you from growing and changing. Be as mindful as possible, for if you act out without self-awareness, you may be taking risks, overpaying, or jumping into — or out of — something too quickly. It’s also possible that uncertainty about your income or security can interfere with your desire to have fun today. Or, you may want to break free from old ways of doing things, but you’re unsure about going ahead and doing so. Take your time with decisions and get in better touch with your intuition for best results now. The Moon’s move into your home and family sector is a hint that you need to detox, relax, and look inward for answers.

The Sun in your home and family sector forms a square to Uranus in your sign, dear Taurus. Personal plans and your sense of freedom may seem at odds as a result. There are times when your “inner rebel” gets in the way of the calm you crave, and this can be the case today. Situations are calling you from all sorts of directions, and it can feel a little confining or scattered. You are indeed seeking out more security and comfort these days, but you also need to honor your need for a change of scene. Balancing your life makes sense so that you can come back to a situation refreshed and at your best. Try to sniff out false distractions that steer you off course. There are ways of answering to both needs for independence and comfort, and if you’re lucky, you’ll discover them today.

The Moon moves into your resources sector today, dear Gemini, encouraging you to seek stability. However, a Sun-Uranus square seems to have other plans! You can feel torn between playing things safe and making a change. Keep in mind that you’re inclined to express something that ends up causing a stir today. With Mercury heading to a station along with a somewhat unstable climate, this may not go over well. A part of you may very well want to break free from confining patterns and secrets, and this can be at the root of impulsive communications now. On some level, it may be a way of getting something out of your system. On the bright side, changes in schedule may lead to new and exciting connections. It’s best to be open and flexible rather than rooted and resistant right now.

There is an element of unpredictability to the day, dear Cancer. With the Sun square Uranus, you might be feeling a little scattered, impulsive, or impatient. Something that you’ve been sitting on may need to come out, and this can be a good thing. However, it may be better to tone things down or choose a time that’s right for you to do so. You may feel possessive, or you’re prompted to take a defensive stand with a friend or group you’re attached to if you feel limited or restricted by someone. If you don’t recognize a need for changes in the ways you connect with others, then circumstances may seem to conspire to prove the point to you! If you’ve been feeling too attached to a person, project, or method, or if you feel similarly “owned” by someone or something, then the issue can be forced now. Security and safety pursuits are indeed a priority these days, and today is no exception for you, but do answer to your need for change in your social life when possible.

You may need to manage some unpredictability in your career or tension related to long-term goals, dear Leo, as these seem to interfere with the enjoyment of the moment today. With the Sun in your sign at odds with Uranus, there can be surprises related to career, rules, and responsibilities. If you’re frustrated about not having a clear goal or path, then consider focusing on small jobs with clear goals until things make more sense. Things may fall into place given a bit of time and space. Watch for provocative, rebellious, or abrupt behavior that works against you. Something needs to change, and it’s best if you identify it so you can be the one in charge. If you can’t find the source, then consider taking steps to reduce stress. With the Moon moving into your privacy sector today, this can be especially useful and natural. This transit points to the need to retreat or rest more than usual.

Your need for extra time out, psychic space, or some form of retreat is strong these days with the Sun in your privacy sector, dear Virgo. However, a Sun-Uranus square can make relaxing a little tricky today. Uranus in your solar ninth house contributes to a desire to expand, grow, learn, and connect which conflicts with–or pulls you away from–quieter, healing activities today. It makes sense to confront aspects of yourself or past choices that may be blocking current success, although distractions can be plenty now. In truth, there can be an inner conflict between seeking out new experiences and getting time to process recent ones. Finding a way to balance everything you want to do with what you feel you should do for better physical and mental health can be difficult, but it’s your path now. Keep in mind that you’ll do nothing well if you don’t refresh yourself.

Keep in mind that there are too many things going on to know all the variables today, dear Libra. You may need to wing things a little. You can also be dealing with conflicting feelings for a person or project. As much as you’re seeking some stability these days, you don’t want to stagnate, either. Aim to change your methods and pull yourself out of the usual patterns if you’re unfulfilled instead of expecting different results from the same approach. Accepting surprises rather than letting them discourage you can be helpful. In the process, you might discover something entirely new and useful. The Sun forms a square to Uranus today, and opening your mind to potential disruptions seems the best strategy now. You can be sensitive to feelings of limitation or confinement. However, instead of rebelling against what feels like pressure to conform or to fit in, consider more constructive, moderate ways to reduce the tension or to express your individuality now. This way, you can make empowering choices and changes.

With the Sun at the top of your solar chart these days, dear Scorpio, it’s wise to prioritize your work and goals. Otherwise, your performance could very well suffer. The Sun’s square to Uranus in your partnership sector suggests social or relationship matters can distract you now. Identify areas of your life that require a change or a new approach instead of falling back on the same behaviors that keep old patterns alive. Don’t allow yourself to be at the beck and call of a person who doesn’t return the favor. For some of you, close relationships and your ambitions don’t mix very well right now. Keeping them separate until you’ve sorted out how to handle both makes the most sense now. Aim to break out of habits that don’t serve you well and instead focus on making steady progress and improvements. The Moon’s move into your adventure sector can help you to find your own path to fulfillment, without having to rely too much on others.

Today’s square between the Sun and Uranus tends to bring out your need for a change of pace or a new and improved routine, dear Sagittarius. Rigidity leads to stagnation, so aim to open your mind to new methods and approaches so that you can break free of dull patterns. Uranus in your solar sixth house these days may mean you’re not always feeling prepared. This makes it difficult to get away when the desire arises. Restlessness experienced today may very well be about a need for a change of pace. Indeed, your patience can be tested, as schedule problems and lack of organization can get in the way of your broader plans. Resolve to take better care of details and to be more prepared going forward if this is the case. If not, it may be that you need a little more excitement or more independence and freedom in your work. Look into ways to make this happen going forward, but keep in mind that rushing things should be avoided.

Today’s Sun-Uranus square can leave you feeling a little torn or divided, dear Capricorn. One of the lessons of Uranus is to be willing to let go of a pattern or habit that’s holding us back. This way, we end up magnetizing more positive energy into our lives. With the Sun in your solar eighth house these days, you’re seeking more than the ordinary from your activities and perhaps a little more from the people in your life as well. With Uranus in your fifth house, though, your approach may be playful so that it’s hard for others to know that you may be looking for more. Watch that you’re not giving off mixed signals. Aim to make your own choices rather than merely reacting to situations. The Moon’s move into your partnership sector today amps up emotions related to relationships, and it’s best to get in touch with your needs from others or your social life.

Today’s Sun-Uranus aspect is set to highlight the need for change, dear Aquarius, and it may disrupt things to make its point! A feeling of being unsettled when it comes to your home life, family, or living conditions can impact a relationship today. If you’ve been feeling some unrest due to feelings of being restricted, or the opposite, on edge, you’re likely to want to handle the situation now. Don’t wait for the rest of the world to decide what needs to change since taking steps to make your own changes is the path that empowers. Do watch for rebellious reactions since these mean you’re not in charge. A change of plans or schedules may temporarily throw you off balance, but they can also lead to new and improved approaches or exciting diversions. The Moon moves into your work and health sector, and doing something to help you feel better about your routines, health, or chores can be healing and satisfying.

With the Sun and Uranus in conflict today, dear Pisces, a change of plans, unreliability, or a shift of interests can disrupt things now. All hinges on how you redirect yourself in the face of changes in schedule since friction can motivate you to make changes that truly benefit you. It can be a real challenge to come together in agreement with others, as people may be too wrapped up in their own needs and wants, particularly as they relate to freedom and individuality. If others are pushing your buttons, try to keep a cool head today. With Mercury heading towards a direct station, signals can easily get crossed today and in the next few days, so it may be best to reserve judgment and wait before pouring out your heart. Aim to be flexible instead of just frustrated. The Moon’s move into your sector of joy for a few days helps to smooth out your mood. It also inclines you to want to seek out what makes you most happy.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 29, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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