Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer all day.
- The Moon is void from 11:32 PM (until it enters Leo tomorrow).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 24th, and the New Moon will occur tomorrow night.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde from July 7-31. Mercury will turn direct, ending its retrograde, tomorrow.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Today’s energies can find you on the fence or uncertain, dear Aries. This can be a good thing since we’re just behind a New Moon and a Mercury station, and decision-making should probably wait. A romance or creative pursuit might be up in the air, as you could question whether it’s truly in line with your ideals or dreams. This is likely very temporary, but the need to adjust either your expectations or your plans can arise now. Tomorrow’s New Moon will bring “take charge” energy, rendering small problems experienced today insignificant in the long run. Think in terms of adjustments rather than new beginnings right now.

There is some tendency to feel a little down or lacking in motivation today, dear Taurus. Although this is a temporary situation, it can undoubtedly weaken your resolve, so do what you can to take a light schedule now. On this day before Mercury’s direct station and a New Moon, it’s better to unwind and keep things simple and restful. Significant decisions about friendships and your personal life are best left for a time when you are clearer and more confident. The temptation can be to escape routine and to choose activities that help you catch a breather from complications. Don’t jump ship or jump into something new quite yet, as you can be missing vital information necessary to make the right decision.

If you’re finding yourself inexplicably down or tired today, dear Gemini, it may be a hint that you need some creative inspiration. On this day before a New Moon and Mercury’s direct station, it’s better to keep things simple and status quo. A couple of transits active now make things rather confusing if you’re seeking precision or definite answers. There can be some uncertainty now, but if you resolve to let it happen, your intuition engages, and a break is just what you need. It’s a good time to satisfy your needs for conversation, learning experiences, and personal contact, but you may want to keep things informal, as some facts can be missing. Adjustments may be necessary on a social level but could steer you towards bigger and better things in the long run. New information is likely to emerge in the coming days. For now, you might say you are in the dark. Activities that involve dealing with matters of the past or letting go of things that no longer work for you are favored over totally new innovations.

Life can feel vaguely chaotic, or you may be feeling a little out of step today, dear Cancer. This may be a sense that you’re missing something or not entirely on top of things. It’s a better time to draw on your imagination for envisioning the things that might help balance your life than it is to implement something new. You’re best off leaving the actual pursuit of these things to a more productive and clear day. Try to carve out some time for rest and reflection. The desire to fill your needs for comfort can be strong, but watch for excesses. New energy is coming your way tomorrow in the form of a New Moon, and this can help renew your motivation. It might also turn your attention to new and exciting endeavors.

There’s a small tendency to want to appease others rather than deal with problems today, dear Leo, and enjoying an escape of sorts may be a good idea. However, it’s best to avoid nurturing others’ false beliefs or making promises that you’ll regret fulfilling later on. Complicated feelings or desires can quickly bubble up to the surface today, seemingly out of nowhere. While emotions can be confusing at first, and you should absolutely deal with them at some point, don’t rush to do so now. Avoid letting them control you, too. With the New Moon and Mercury’s direct station both happening tomorrow, new information is likely to surface in the coming days that completely changes your mind and your mood. As such, it’s better to reserve judgment.

Avoid making deals and agreements today and tomorrow, as they may be challenging to fulfill later on, dear Virgo. A New Moon will occur tomorrow, but for now, envision improvements you might make in the future to get your life on track. Both physically and mentally, avoid over-exerting yourself. This is a good day for letting go of bad habits and attitudes, however. Reflect, review, and reconsider. Avoid giving in to negative thinking and stress, as these will interfere with your intuitive process. Speaking prematurely about your plans may not be wise right now, and things may not be as they appear — reserve judgment for a clearer time.

Imagination is powerful, and intuition is possibly a little faulty at the moment, dear Libra. Your urge to escape into fantasy may be equally strong. There can be confusion related to your social life, and there may be problems with distractions getting in the way of work or business. The trick is to think outside of the box now. Anything too ordinary or mundane will only serve to frustrate. If someone seems to be trying to make you feel guilty, don’t fall game. Remember that guilt can get in the way of healthy relating and of clear decision-making right now. Something someone does can throw you off-center, remind you of the past, or leave you feeling insecure. It’s a temporary issue, so try not to take things to heart. You may not have the whole story, and the coming days will help clarify things. For now, choose entertaining, imaginative activities. Appropriate activities involve reflecting on the past and tying up loose ends.

The energy around you today could be a little slack, dear Scorpio, although if you resign yourself to the idea, it can be pleasantly so. It’s not easy to get clear answers. Indeed, there can be some matters that trip you up. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the whole story won’t be revealed just yet, and in fact, there can be some confusion circulating. Be patient, knowing that what you need to know will eventually make its way to you! Choose more imaginative activities if possible, and be careful not to over-commit yourself. If you can find a way to enjoy a creative escape from stress, it would be most helpful. It’s a Balsamic Moon, which means we should avoid starting all-new projects and endeavors and instead focus on endings or simple reflection upon recent events. It’s also a good time for quitting a bad habit.

Desires can come on suddenly today but may not last, dear Sagittarius, so keep this in mind if you want immediate results. It’s a strong time for incubating ideas, but not the best time to launch them. Some uncertainty or unpredictability in others is likely to be experienced now. This shouldn’t be taken to heart. You could be dealing with some rough edges, although good humor, in general, can help you realign yourself. You might temporarily lose touch with your creative muse, or you may doubt a person in your life, but these feelings will pass. It’s a Balsamic Moon today, making it a good time for quitting a bad habit or attitude. Letting go of thoughts and feelings that haven’t been serving you well makes sense. However, it’s a less than ideal time for starting all-new projects. Fortunately, you’re unlikely to be in an initiating mood!

Some confusion is possible today, dear Capricorn, and you may want to avoid scheduling activities that require concentration. Distractions can be plenty, particularly social ones, and your mind is inclined to wander. You can be tempted to maneuver your way out of–or around–an unpleasant responsibility now. In the process, however, watch that you don’t complicate matters for yourself at a later date. Don’t push for an answer, as they (and you) may not be ready. Note also that the Moon is Balsamic today, and reflection is in order. It’s wise to consider which things in your life need to go so that you can move forward lighter and fresher. This can be a situation or an attitude. Avoid beginning all-new endeavors right now, unless they involve letting go of something that’s weighing you down. Wait until after the New Moon and assess then what is worth your while.

Others, especially a partner or close friend, can be hard to pin down today, dear Aquarius, or you can feel just a tad out of step. Off timing is likely temporary. As much as you might want to bring up a particular topic, it may be premature to do so. There is roundabout energy with us today that can either serve to stimulate your imaginative side. Or, it might only serve to frustrate you if you’re looking for clear answers. Avoid nurturing others’ misconceptions, and try not to take promises made now to heart. You can be unsure about whether you can trust your instincts or communicate effectively about a personal matter. Your faith in others can also be out of step right now. Try not to allow misunderstandings negatively affect you, however. With a Balsamic Moon today, the best way to use the day is to reflect, meditate, and tie up loose ends. As well, if there is a bad habit you’d like to let go of, it may be easier to do so now.

On this day before a New Moon and a Mercury station, dear Pisces, it’s best to keep things status quo. Misunderstandings are possible today, and you may be on the fence about an issue. However, it’s probably better that you stay there just for now, as it’s difficult to discern between whim and true desire today. Disagreements with others are possible now, although they may not be explicit or overt! There is a tendency to keep things to ourselves or to gloss over problem areas. While you might perceive matters in such a way that you feel left out or even slighted, try not to let this get you down. It’s not the best time for making plans and expecting them to run along smoothly, so be as flexible as possible. Delays experienced now may be blessings in disguise. You could be feeling temporarily out of step, and this should not be blown out of proportion.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 30, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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