Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 9:18 AM, after which the Moon transits Leo.
- The Moon ends its void period at 9:18 AM (since 11:32 PM yesterday).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase until 11:11 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurs today in the sign of Leo at 11:11 PM.
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Mercury stations direct tonight, ending its retrograde cycle. Mercury will remain in its post-retrograde shadow until August 15th.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With Mercury turning direct again after over three weeks of retrograde motion, dear Aries, there is less focus on the past and more forward-looking energy in your life. In the coming days, plans or projects that you left on hold or that stalled now begin to make more sense or move forward. Family, domestic matters, romance, and pleasure-seeking activities are areas that will clear up. For now, misunderstandings can remain as the shift occurs, so ease back into things without too-high expectations. With tonight’s New Moon, you receive a nice boost of energy that jumpstarts romance, creativity, and entertainment. Quality leisure time and channels for expressing yourself open up for you. Ideas for enjoying life’s more playful moments can come to you in a rush, or opportunities can suddenly appear, ready to grab. Even if your life seems crammed with things to do, you need to make time for enjoying yourself. However, you must avoid going over budget in the process, cautioned by Uranus in your house of financial resources in difficult aspect to the New Moon. Balance and moderation are essential.

Your ability to charm, soften, and satisfy others is powerful, dear Taurus. There is a distinctly impulsive tone to the atmosphere around you and within you right now, so this added dose of natural calm can undoubtedly come in handy. With tonight’s New Moon, home and family matters are in high focus, and new energy is with you to make improvements to these areas of your life. You might immerse yourself in family projects or home improvement activities. It’s best to treat today as a transitional day rather than a time for bold moves. Mercury also turns direct after several weeks of retrograde motion. This move is excellent for increasing clarity and forward progress in the days and weeks ahead, likely in communications, studies, transportation, home, family, and health. New information should emerge in the coming days that sets you on a different path.

Today can be busy, dear Gemini, and there will be many more busy days ahead of you with a New Moon occurring in your solar third house tonight. New energy is with you for connecting, communicating, and learning. Some of your ideas will “take,” and others may not, but don’t worry about the difference between the two just yet. There’s no rush. Plan to make warm and interesting new connections with people during this cycle. Aim to be open to the idea that you need more intellectual stimulation in your life, and look for ways you can improve your approachability. However, watch for taking on so many things that you feel overwhelmed. Also tonight, Mercury stations and turns direct after several weeks of retrograde motion. Today can be a bit chaotic as we adjust to the shift and deal with various problems. However, the change is a positive one as it helps to unblock stuck areas of your life.

With the New Moon occurring in your second house tonight, dear Cancer, you receive wonderful energy for improving your finances and tending to your personal possessions. The impulse to buy something can be sudden and should probably be tamed just for now until you get a plan in place. Ideas, and especially money-making ones, come to you with force and passion. Receive and enjoy them, and sort them out patiently as you go along. This can be the start of something exceptional! Also today, Mercury turns direct in your sign after retrograde motion, sharing time in your resources sector and your sign. In the coming days and weeks, contemplation should pay off. If you’ve been looking back, reviewing, and editing, you’ll begin to enjoy the rewards of these efforts. Gradually, you’ll make more informed choices as new information comes in.

With today’s New Moon in your sign, dear Leo, it’s a time for personal new beginnings. Just what you’d like to change, improve, or initiate is in your hands. You’re more noticeable and “out there,” and it’s a good time to ride this energy well. It’s also a time for personal reinvention. You are always in charge of your destiny, but times like now, you feel it more. Confidence comes across well; excessive preoccupation with yourself doesn’t! People believe in you, and this only serves to motivate you further to present the best version of yourself. Also today, Mercury ends its retrograde cycle. For now, confused communications, directions, and plans are still possible, so be as transparent as possible or put serious discussions on hold just for the time being. Recent introspection and intuitive insight can be put into action in the coming days and weeks. You’re still very much inclined to keep to yourself and to hold off on important decisions while Mercury continues to transit your privacy zone until the 11th. People around you may have noticed some withdrawal even though you are more noticeable than usual, but this will soon fade.

The New Moon occurs in your soul sector tonight, dear Virgo. This launches a cycle in which you are inclined to take charge of personal and private matters that need your attention. Or, you might give more time to a person in need or an important cause. Buried and neglected issues can now demand your attention. You’re taking on a supportive role in which you sacrifice some of your personal plans and goals, at least temporarily, to take care of other people. You might take the lead on such a matter, or if you are the one who needs extra rest, then you’ll push for that. This may be a time of retreat or withdrawal on some level as you work behind the scenes. If you’ve been neglecting your psychic, spiritual, and emotional needs, then it’s a time that forces you to acknowledge and attend to them! Also today, Mercury stations and turns direct. Even though the day can be a little chaotic, this shift in direction can bring improved relations with friends and associates over the coming days and weeks.

The New Moon that occurs tonight energizes your sector of friendships, networking, community involvement, new ideas, technology, and aspirations, dear Libra. What’s happening around the time of this lunation helps pave the way for personal changes and new beginnings, and it’s wise to pay special attention! There can be new friends or associations with groups and people who share some similar interests or a common goal. New beginnings with existing connections may instead figure strongly. If existing friendships could do with a new focus or a renewed bond, the energy of this New Moon can help. A New Moon is about taking the lead and taking charge. Open yourself to the need for people in your life who offer you new perspectives, a change of pace, and some exciting variety to your daily life in the weeks ahead. Also today, Mercury ends its retrograde, and in the days ahead, you’ll see plans or projects that have stalled start moving forward.

If you desire moving up a notch in your professional life, dear Scorpio, you’re entering a cycle in which you have all the tools necessary to do so now. The New Moon occurs at the top of your solar chart, and it’s a creative one. Even if you’re happy in your position as it stands, there are always some tweaks that can be made to improve your professional and public life. New projects and goals, and possibly even a new area of focus on the job, may emerge in the coming days and weeks. Enter these with healthy confidence, not over-confidence, for best results. Take the time to plan and act rather than react. You have more impact on others than usual, so use this time in the spotlight well. Today should be considered a transition day for best results since everything is rather new and Mercury is changing directions. However, note that we are clearly at a turning point.

Your spirit to explore, grow, and expand beyond the ordinary experiences in your life is powerful now and in the coming weeks, dear Sagittarius. With tonight’s New Moon, you have a distinct opportunity to do something about your restless urges. New activities or projects that feed your thirst for out-of-the-ordinary experiences can come into focus. This is a time of increased bravery and spontaneity. However, you can also be in demand for your services or work. Of course, this can conflict with the time and energy you have for branching out on your own. Even so, there is a clear call for you to attend to your needs for a change of scenery. Also today, Mercury turns direct after several weeks of retrograde motion. This turnaround has the effect of moving things forward and speeding up mental processes. Easing back into things is best now, but you may look forward to the end of delays on financial, educational, travel, or publishing efforts in the coming weeks.

When a New Moon occurs, it’s a time for turning over a new leaf, dear Capricorn. Tonight’s New Moon energizes your sector of intimacy and sharing – an area of your solar chart that’s making a lot of headlines these days! Now and in the coming weeks, you’ll be feeling revitalized on a deep, inner level, and this may have to do with a relationship, project, or your relationship with yourself. Alternatively, you might have had enough of a bad habit, addiction, or superstition, and you are now motivated to end it. It’s a time for getting rid of burdens or sharing their weight. You might decide to rid yourself of clutter or debt. You may be saying goodbye to a bad attitude or habit, or getting closer to someone who makes you feel better about yourself. It’s a theme of getting to a place of personal empowerment. Also today, Mercury turns direct, ending its retrograde cycle. This shift signals the clearing up of communication troubles, but this won’t magically happen all at once. Take things slowly.

Today’s New Moon prompts a fresh start related to partnership, dear Aquarius. Committing to new approaches to a current relationship is beneficial now. Impulsive actions today are not advised, but new feelings and information serving in the days ahead should get your full attention. Take in now, and take action when it feels right. There is creative and supportive energy for you to make the most of your connections with others. Also tonight, Mercury ends its retrograde cycle. Complications and indecisiveness will start clearing up slowly but surely as Mercury covers previously covered ground in the weeks ahead. While you should still be a little more careful with communications and details today, more clarity is on its way in your work and with your health. Not all information is available to you at the moment, but the clearing of some of the excess “traffic” can help you feel more in command.

Mercury, the planet of communication, ends its retrograde cycle today, dear Pisces. In the coming days, and for some things, the coming weeks, indecisiveness tends to clear up, and disjointed ideas and projects come together. New information comes in that moves things forward. With the shift occurring today, some confusion remains. We should avoid focusing superficially on what’s said (or not said) and instead try to read intentions. Better yet, patience is needed as problems slowly clear up. Tonight’s New Moon happens in your work and health sector, bringing new, powerful energy for fitness, health, and work projects. You have a take-charge attitude when it comes to taking better care of yourself. You’re also interested in organizing and improving your daily routines. Job offers may arise in the coming weeks, or you might have new priorities and tasks to manage.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 31, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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