Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- The void Moon occurs from 6:52 PM forward (until the Moon enters Gemini tomorrow at 7:47 AM).
- The Moon is waning and is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th and the New Moon will occur on June 3rd.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You take more pleasure than usual in activities that make you feel secure these days with Venus in your solar second house, dear Aries. At the same time, Jupiter encourages a desire to experience and learn new things. While these desires seem too divergent to combine, if you genuinely seek them, you can find ways to compromise and satisfy both needs. Be particularly aware of a tendency to overspend today with Venus and Jupiter in conflict, and watch for an inclination to say “yes” to things that may end up more demanding than you anticipate. As the day advances, you’ll find it easier to enjoy creature comforts or practical and sensual, earthy activities as the Moon aligns with Venus. You’re in good shape for building what you have and picking up cues from your environment to strategize your next move. Slowing down is good for you now. Take the time to think up new ways to protect or build your resources.

Very different but equally strong needs seem to compete with one another today, dear Taurus, although it’s nothing you can’t manage. As much as you’re valuing your independence right now, you are also very drawn to deeper connections and experiences. Someone may be paying extra attention to you, and while this feels good, it may cause waves in an established relationship. Indecision can wear on you on a social or personal level, but do your best not to let this drain or discourage you. Aim to be cautious with decisions related to intimacy, loans, investments, and other financial arrangements. As the day advances, a Moon-Venus alignment in your sign suggests considerably more comfort in taking things easy. You have a stronger need for pleasure, and you’re inclined to declare your needs and feelings quite honestly and charmingly!

You could be seeing what you want to see in a person in your life, dear Gemini, and while this can feel like a temporary fix to your mood, it won’t serve you well in the long run. Part of you is seeking some extra downtime, but another part wants company, and it can be challenging to blend both. You may need to give up a pleasure to attend to someone else’s needs, but the rewards can be significant. As the day advances, you’ll find it easier to make firm decisions–or you may very well choose not to choose! Either way, your confidence smooths things out. The Moon aligns with Venus in your privacy sector, and you’re likely to enjoy downtime or a bit of solitude. Slowing down and reflecting on recent events is appropriate with the Moon about to head into your sign, and in just two days, a New Moon will occur in Gemini, pointing to new beginnings. Activities that honor your need to reconnect with your inner spirit are particularly timely now.

Restlessness early today could lead to a tendency to go overboard, dear Cancer. You may feel torn between social pleasures and work or health pursuits. While your social life is likely to win out today, you’re finding much enjoyment in your routines these days, and it’s a strong contender! Or, you may have taken on so much work or so many tasks that you need to pass up on an opportunity now. You might also misjudge a situation or a person and have a hard time focusing. However, as the day advances, the Moon aligns with Venus in your social sector, making it a good time for enjoying friends, group or teamwork, and networking. It’s also a beautiful time for attracting someone–or goodwill–your way. Sometimes, just a little emotional detachment gives you more freedom to be yourself as you worry less about what other people think or expect of you.

It’s all too easy to pour too much of your energy into efforts that are low-priority early today, dear Leo, as a Venus-Jupiter aspect temporarily skews our perceptions. It’s a form of procrastination that can trick you into thinking you’re busy and productive when you are neglecting the essential things. Promises made today can be hard to keep later, as people, in general, are not seeing their capabilities clearly, as well-intentioned as they may be. Venus at the top of your chart these days suggests a greater interest and pleasure in your career or the pursuit of your goals, and with the Moon’s alignment to Venus later today, this can be a nice time for attracting positive attention to you, particularly on professional or public levels. The day favors letting things and people seek you out rather than aggressively pursuing desires.

You can do much with your enthusiasm these days, dear Virgo, but this morning, you may end up taking on more than you can comfortably manage. A big part of you is itching to get out and about, while another part is just as into getting comfortable and sticking with familiar people and places. While these two things seem mutually exclusive, you might be able to compromise so that you can enjoy yourself more fully. There is also a possibility of putting your faith into the wrong things now, perhaps in an effort to find more meaning in your activities. The trick is to understand your desires before seeking to fulfill them. As the day advances and the Moon heads into alignment with Venus in your spirit sector, you feel far less divided or restless, perhaps settling on an interesting topic or activity and running with it. Movement and fresh air are desirable and helpful now.

In the first half of the day, there can be difficulties seeing eye to eye with others, dear Libra, or you could find that timing is a bit off. Having too many balls in the air can prevent you from pursuing a more satisfying line of thought or project. Watch also for see-sawing between a light-hearted and serious approach to your interactions which can leave others confused as to what you truly intend. Ease off if things are not clicking now. As the day advances, the Moon’s alignment with Venus feels more comfortable. This is a good time to observe rather than act. You might decide to take a break from “doing” so that you can observe and strategize. You can experience an attraction to multi-layered situations today, and you can thoroughly enjoy investigating a matter further or solving a mystery. Your gentle touch is useful in your closest relationships right now.

In the first half of the day, dear Scorpio, there is some tendency to misjudge or overdo things with Venus in your partnership sector in minor challenging aspect to Jupiter in your resources sector. It’s particularly important to avoid excessive people-pleasing now, which can be a tendency if you are sensitive to something being a little off in a relationship since you won’t end up feeling any better if you do. Regarding money and possessions, while some disregard of the material world can be worthwhile, too much will end up costing you, at the very least, energy, and perhaps some money also. You’re inclined to comfort yourself with extravagances rather than address the real reason for your restlessness. As this aspect comes and goes, and then later the Moon aligns with Venus in your partnership sector, you’ll feel far more comfortable with your choices. Teaming up with someone can improve your chances of accomplishing something important to you. Others can be helpful now. This is also a good time for considering the other side of the coin and for weighing pros and cons. You may be in the position to strike a deal or compromise.

An influence early today can lead to minor misjudgments, dear Sagittarius, and you may end up taking on more tasks than you can comfortably handle. Alternatively, this aspect sometimes leads to a state of limbo, which is also somewhat uncomfortable! Watch for the tendency to think that the bigger you go, the better. Extravagances are unlikely to satisfy, so it’s best to keep things simple. As the day advances, it’s influenced by a Moon-Venus alignment, and getting on top of your routines can be enjoyable and comforting. This can also be a good time for approaching others and harmonizing with them, particularly those you deal with as you pursue your health or daily routines, or possibly for making pleasant contacts through these pursuits.

Early today, there is a tendency to plan poorly or to overreach with Venus and Jupiter in a minor challenging aspect, dear Capricorn. It can be difficult to settle on one thing or the other, but indecision may end up being a good thing since judgment can be off right now. It’s hard to compete with a memory, so aim to work on releasing yourself from something from the past that is preventing you from enjoying the moment. As the day advances, the Moon’s alignment with Venus is also somewhat indulgent but also far more decided and confident! It’s a time for following your heart or for some hearty entertainment. Explore your needs for fun and leisure and find ways to enjoy yourself fully. Affections and romantic feelings are stirred today.

Several signs point to your need for some rest or emotional centering today, dear Aquarius. With Venus and Jupiter in strained relationship to one another early today, though, there can be mild discomfort or restlessness that can lead you to overcompensate. Poor choices and planning may result, but taking some extra time for self-understanding can help you get over this small bump in the road. With Venus in your home and family sector, you may prefer to stick with familiar people and things. However, Jupiter in your social sector not only encourages you to socialize, but it also wants you to take a chance and make changes. As the day advances, you feel far less divided. The Moon meets Venus in your home and family sector, and you’re bound to choose a safe and familiar path so that you can catch your breath and reconnect to those closest to you or with your own desires, and you’re likely to enjoy yourself in the process. The emphasis is on finding peace and comfort, not to mention a stronger sense of self, that you can bring with you into the next phase, which is a very creative and expressive one.

This morning’s Venus-Jupiter aspect could incline you to look outside of yourself for an assessment of your worth, dear Pisces, and this should be avoided if possible. Feel your accomplishments and avoid comparing them to those of others. Alternatively, this aspect can seem to encourage you to go overboard or to excess if you feel uncomfortable or if you’re trying to avoid responsibility. As the day advances and this aspect comes and goes, however, you’re likely to feel more comfortable with your choices. The Moon and Venus align in your solar third house, and a good book, conversation, or even an errand can be most satisfying. You are especially amenable right now and happy to cater to the people in your life.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 1, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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