Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred yesterday, and the Full Moon will occur on June 17th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Sun in your communications sector encourages your craving for variety and mental stimulation, dear Aries. Today’s Sun-Uranus minor challenging aspect can leave you feeling that the pace is too busy, fast, or chaotic, however. If you’re worried about financial changes, take things one step at a time rather than succumbing to the pressure to implement adjustments too quickly. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, and your one-on-one relationships or a particular connection can be in the spotlight. This transit tends to increase your desire for companionship. Social relations may seem a little forced later today, though, and you may not feel especially appreciated in the work you do just for now. It’s temporary, and it’s best not to read too much into the situation. It’s a better time to focus on studies or special projects than to overthink the social side of things.

You’re seeking more independence and freedom to express your unique qualities these days, dear Taurus, but you’re also in a particularly security-oriented cycle this month, which can be confusing. This discrepancy might lead to impulsive actions or unconscious reactions if you’re not aware of inner restlessness early today. There is no quick fix at the moment, even if you genuinely wish there to be one. Later today, a Venus-Saturn aspect comes into play, and insecurity about money or dependency issues can emerge. It’s not the best time for emotional or intensely personal topics and endeavors since people seem to be clinging too tightly to what they know and what they own. It can be challenging to get through to one another in healthy, natural ways just for now. Look for positive solutions and aim to keep your mind peaceful, as it’s the best way to learn and gain insights into your problems.

Profound inner changes are brewing with Uranus in your privacy sector, dear Gemini, and today, you may not know what they are exactly, but you are certainly coming to the conclusion that change is necessary. If driven by a desire to rid yourself of certain unpleasant elements of the past, consider making a good plan rather than attempting to put things behind you too quickly or cavalierly. Tension can arise over situations that make you feel guilty or neglectful, so it is especially important to set aside some time to get in touch with what may be undermining your happiness. After all, with the Sun and Venus in your sign these days, it’s your time to shine. Even so, later today, a Venus-Saturn aspect may point to a sense that someone is holding you back. Others may not seem as supportive or available, making it especially important to do your own thing and not worry too much about others’ actions. The Moon in your romantic sector can help lighten the mood.

With the Sun in the sign right behind yours these days, dear Cancer, you may be doing some extra resting, reflecting, and putting things to rest or tying up loose ends. While goals may not be distinct or clear right now, they don’t need to be, so try not to let today’s somewhat impulsive energy make you think otherwise. Impulses are not often instincts, so do be careful that you don’t mistake impatience for intuition right now. Generalized discontent can lead to impulsive moves, but without a plan in place, you’re unlikely to get far. Later today, interactions can be a little strained if we let insecurities rule. Others may seem hard to reach or disinterested, although it’s more likely that they’re only self-absorbed and dealing with their own concerns.

The solar cycle active in your life right now brings your attention to a need to connect to groups or people with whom you share common aspirations, dear Leo. It’s a generally good period for your social life, as well as for a positive attitude. Today, however, watch for impulsive decisions. While you have many reasons to feel more engaged these days, there can be a temporary lull that shouldn’t set you back, but that might redirect you a little if you require change. Later today, there can be some questions in your mind about work or health or the demands of your duties. Generally speaking, people can be temperamental and touchy with a minor but tense aspect between Venus and Saturn, making it better to keep things light and straightforward.

There can be some impulsive energy to early today, dear Virgo, possibly stimulating rash or regrettable decisions. If you can tone down the urge to rebel against rules or schedules, you can get much done, however. There may be stronger demands on your time today, which leaves you with fewer opportunities to pursue your interests. You’re in a take-charge cycle for career and responsibilities, but today’s energies may pull you back a little, ideally to direct your attention to areas that require change, updates, and a more progressive approach. The Moon in your solar second house today does help with emotional restraint, but there can be some lack of flow in your relationships later today and into tomorrow. Circumstances or people may seem to be disapproving or unhelpful, and this can leave you with the feeling that you’re left to your own resources. Aim to be willing to put in the effort to make things happen, but be patient if things don’t seem to be happening quickly enough.

Your desire for new knowledge and mental stimulation is stronger these days, dear Libra, with the Sun in your adventure sector, but the Sun’s tense aspect to Uranus early today can be somewhat disruptive. The routine elements of your life seem to be more drab and dull in your mind’s eye, so do what you can to tame inner restlessness if circumstances conspire to keep you in one place. Consider areas of your life that may benefit from a more progressive approach while avoiding a tendency to rush to make dramatic changes. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and your emotions are on the front burner. Later today, minor tensions or poor timing can get in the way of healthy relating patterns. Domestic chores or problems in the family dynamic can weigh heavily on your mind, and this can dampen your spirits but only temporarily.

With a Sun-Uranus aspect early today, dear Scorpio, try not to feel rushed or pressured into something. Reactive tendencies can lead to problems in relationships and unnecessary tensions within. Avoid overstimulation today, but consider ways to make changes and improvements going forward since the same old-same old is not likely to work anymore in your interactions. A tense aspect early tomorrow is a minor challenging influence, but it can signal some tensions as the day progresses. Superficial interactions can be glaringly apparent to you today, and highly annoying if you let them get to you. Intentions may be entirely different, so keep an open mind. It’s essential to take a step back today with the Moon in your privacy sector all day, encouraging you to take a pause or rest as you wind down a lunar cycle.

The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Sagittarius, stimulating a desire to connect. The Sun in your partnership sector also points to a more sociable, conciliatory, and compromising theme in your life. Early today, a Sun-Uranus aspect can lead to tensions, and it can be challenging to discern between rebellious feelings and genuine needs for independence and freedom, but learning this difference will give you much strength. As well today, watch that work doesn’t suffer as you can become quite bored or impatient with routines. Although you’re coming across pleasantly and with diplomacy in your relationships in general, minor annoyances and misunderstandings can be present in your interactions later today. Alternatively, there can be challenges or concerns with decisions revolving around money. This is a very temporary influence. If you see errors, put your energy into working on fixing them rather than allowing them to bring you down.

Ambitions are stimulated today as the Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, reminding you of the need to consider the long range. These days are generally suitable for getting rid of bad habits or taking a few steps towards your self-improvement goals. Watch early today for succumbing to the pressure to make changes too abruptly. Even so, it’s a good idea to think about what kinds of adjustments you should make mindfully in the next while, recognizing that restlessness can cause problems. Consider ways to add more creativity to your work and everyday affairs. While there is a small risk of life feeling too chaotic as you quite suddenly take notice of various flaws and problems, you’re in a good position to fix these things if you can center yourself and take things one step at a time. Relationships can be somewhat strained later today, or worries and concerns can drain you of some energy. To make the best of the influences with you today, consider revising or editing rather than all-new endeavors.

With the Sun’s current transit of your creativity and romance sector, dear Aquarius, you’re exploring avenues for expressing yourself or considering more forms of entertainment. Early today, the Sun’s tense aspect to Uranus can produce some tension if you’re resisting change or jumping too quickly to make changes. Either way, it’s important not to force anything. It’s better to allow things to flow along smoothly. Consider, too, that it can be challenging to get the right message across if you are feeling hurried. The Moon spends the day in your adventure sector, encouraging you to consider the bigger picture. A Venus-Saturn aspect comes into play, however, and it can temporarily bring some reserve or seriousness into the picture. Others may be a bit withholding or absent, but this can also be a time for enjoying your own company.

This is a time for extra attention to domestic and personal matters for you, dear Pisces, as you focus on making yourself feel secure and content on fundamental levels. Building up inner strength and nurturing yourself and loved ones are in the spotlight. Early today, some tensions can arise, particularly if people are rushing to express themselves or feeling impatient or restless, leading to brusqueness or careless interactions. It’s best to try to understand your desire for change rather than give in to impulses or allowing generalized restlessness to control your behavior. Try not to make quick decisions right now. Aim to do your own thing if strained relations are bothering you. The ability to relax and take things as they come can come in handy today!
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 11, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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