Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra only until 12:02 AM, and the rest of the day, the Moon is in Scorpio.
- The Moon is void until 12:02 AM (since 11:15 AM yesterday).
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 12:57 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 10th, and the Full Moon will occur on June 17th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Your mind can be on your worries at points today, dear Aries, particularly if you’re concerned about losing your footing or if you’ve been keeping your problems at bay about your long-term plans, life path, career, responsibilities, or reputation. Try not to give in to paranoid thinking, as mild as it may be today, as you can upset yourself for no reason. Instead, aim to focus on weak areas and work on fixing them. Fortunately, you benefit from an influence that helps your communications shine as your special healing touch comes through beautifully in your words and disposition and your powers of attraction subtly lift by extension. Your openness and compassion are in the spotlight. You have a distinctly healing touch to your manner, particularly when it comes to body language, but also verbal communications. Openness and willingness to listen are vital factors now.

You may be bothered by differences regarding spending, values, or respect in a relationship now, dear Taurus, and you may need to adjust something to get back on track. If people in your life are unhappy and you feel caught in the middle, try to think up strategies for choosing a side or making a stand, as playing both sides only serves to complicate your life further. However, you have some excellent influences working in your favor now. It’s a good time for discovering hidden gems or untapped resources with a connection between Venus in your resources sector and Chiron in your privacy sector. You can have unique insights with money, personal possessions, and business. Comforting activities help you heal, and your appeal is strong.

Worries about relationships or habits can be on your mind today and tomorrow, dear Gemini, and blocks may emerge that feel a tad overwhelming. However, there are also attractive opportunities emerging for expressing yourself and connecting with others in healing, helpful ways. If you examine your fears and concerns, you’re likely to gain some insight into your insecurities. If you experience a small betrayal now, it may reorient you along a better path. Keep in mind, too, that it’s always better to work on an area of over-attachment than worry about the loss of it. A Venus-Chiron aspect today involves you directly since Venus is in your sign, and it’s excellent for meetings, pairings, and reconciliations of various kinds. Friends can be helpful and reassuring now, or you may discover feelings for someone, and it’s a pleasant realization. Others are drawn to you and trust you more than usual.

The Sun and Venus in your privacy sector encourage you to take extra time to decompress and rebuild your energy, dear Cancer, but Mars in your sign wants you to pursue your desires. As well, both Saturn and Pluto in your partnership sector are challenging your efforts, and there can be obstacles to gaining both extra rest and increased independence. Fears of changes in a relationship can be at play, or someone is playing games with you now. Private matters might surface or come to light. Do your best to allow forgiveness and grace to reign over insecurities, for which you receive much planetary support today and tomorrow. Today’s energies help you see career or practical matters more objectively, too. You may get some behind the scenes help or enjoy a stroke of good luck or the right timing now.

Staying abreast of your work or a wellness routine can be interfering with your mood or social life now, dear Leo, and it would be wise to try to let go of some of the stress to perform if it’s excessive. If something is left hanging and you find yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop, consider committing to taking steps to handle it once and for all. Letting go of control may necessary, even if it’s just a little bit or for a short time. Fortunately, there are some favorable influences today that help you enjoy yourself more fully. You’re in good shape for personal appeal and fun projects and friendships. Feeling exceptionally comfortable and relaxed with others, especially friends, networks, or classmates, can help put you at ease. You may feel supported or readily fill the role of supporter today. Someone’s understanding or reinforcement of your beliefs and ideas can feel particularly pleasant.

While you should watch for worrying about things you can’t control today, dear Virgo, you might use tense energy as motivation to work on plans that help you overcome fears and concerns instead of letting them drag you down. Do your best to deal with worries about not meeting your responsibilities or living up to others’ standards, not by avoiding them, but by understanding their origins. There are some stressful influences with us today and tomorrow, but there are also some highly positive ones. Today’s Venus-Chiron transit helps you see the compassionate side of life, and so does a Mars-Neptune aspect. It’s a good time for positive reviews or helpful support, particularly in your career. As well, a partner or friend can be most encouraging.

You’re more ambitious these days, but you’re also seeking increased freedom, dear Libra. Today and tomorrow, your emotions or personal life are complicated, and fears of change can interrupt your plans or threaten your good mood at times. Aim to let mysteries unravel slowly rather than pushing something that isn’t ready to reveal itself. Look for ways to refresh your mind and spirit so that you gain perspective on troubling issues. Remember that you’re more inclined to blow a matter out of proportion if you’re feeling overwhelmed, so aim to reduce stress and gain a little perspective. You also benefit from some magical transits now that can help lift you up, one of which involves your ruler, Venus, in harmony with your sign. You may attract warmth or encouragement, and others more readily put their faith in you. Good feelings with a partner can emerge today, particularly with increased openness and honesty. It can feel good to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable now.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Scorpio, bringing opportunities for expressing and enjoying yourself today and tomorrow. Concerns related to communications, learning, daily affairs, and keeping abreast of your studies or personal interests can be strong right now, however. You hate to be out of the loop, but pulling yourself away may be necessary to maintain your good mood and composure. Try not to let a desire to control things interfere with self-understanding, refreshing experiences, or a close relationship. Fortunately, there are some beautiful aspects for feeling inspired. It’s a good time for enjoying your work and for fixing small problems. Advances can be realized in a relationship.

Today and tomorrow are excellent for inspiration, dear Sagittarius, but concerns can be strong on your mind as well. There is some tendency to dwell on matters that have no immediate resolution, or worries about your resources, means, or money can interfere with your general good mood at times now. You might arrive at a better understanding of a tricky matter through a partner or special someone. You have a stronger desire to feel emotionally alive and connected to the world around you with a Venus-Chiron aspect in play today. High energy for personal attraction on social and romantic levels is with you. Your appeal skyrockets with an open, vulnerable, and honest approach. Opportunities to strengthen bonds can be subtle but useful, and much appreciated now.

Today and tomorrow hold wonderful opportunities for inspiration, dear Capricorn, although you may be up and down as worries or concerns can interfere with your mood or productivity at times. Blocks or alternatives might emerge that lead you to question your current plans, goals, or methods. The eventual solution to whatever predicament might appear now can leave you in a better place than before and can be entirely worth the misstep if you can patiently wait for it. Focusing on your work can be satisfying and rewarding, and once over initial hesitation, you’ll find quite a bit of enjoyment in the pursuit of your goals. Today holds good energy for tackling emotional issues that require openness, sensitivity, and honesty as Venus and Chiron connect. Look for ways to repair and heal your connections. Your judgment is sound related to work and home matters and their associated relationships.

There can be some compulsiveness, blocks, or challenging choices to manage today and tomorrow, dear Aquarius, but some wonderful opportunities for gaining inspiration through your projects and the people in your life. You may be hesitating to express yourself because you’re afraid of letting others in, but if you can manage any feelings of being overwhelmed that you may have now, you’re likely to enjoy some terrific healing energy. Aim to focus on smaller problems and then work your way up. Letting go of suspicion and negative thinking is key to this. Venus and Chiron’s harmonious aspect helps bring an honest and mature vibe to the day which you appreciate fully. Willingness to learn from one another and to share issues help boost your interactions, communications, creativity, and learning.

You may need to lay something to rest or make an adjustment to your goal or approach today and tomorrow, dear Pisces, but there are some sweet rewards for doing so. Watch for unnecessary stress created from a fear of missing something in your social life. There may be mind or power games emerging that are frustrating, and it’s best to remain as detached as possible so that you can see their origins. It may be that you’re dealing with excessive attachment to or control of a relationship or project. Despite some tense undercurrents, however, you’re in great shape to make some happy changes. Today’s Venus-Chiron aspect helps boost your family, home, or personal life, and can be useful for business matters as well.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 13, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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