Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 5:46 AM, after which the Moon is in its Last Quarter Moon phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurs today at 5:46 AM.
- Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde.
- Mercury is not retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow. Mercury will retrograde from July 7-31.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

It may be best to continue to take extra time arriving at decisions and making commitments for the time being, dear Aries, particularly if a whim seems to come over you suddenly. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and you can be more focused than usual on your personal goals, projects, moods, and needs. Clashing demands or kinks in your plans can be part of the picture as the Moon conflicts with the Sun, but this can get you motivated to do a little more or put in the extra effort to reach your aspirations. The Moon in your sign encourages a “me focus” even if loved ones have other plans for you! You can experience a stronger desire or need to share your ideas, beliefs, personal philosophies, or perspectives with others.

Watch for impulse spending today, dear Taurus, since a Venus-Uranus minor conflict can stimulate a desire for something different. Others may not be as reliable as you’d like, perhaps as they react to your shows of independence. The Moon spends the day in the sign just behind yours, signaling it’s finishing up its cycle of your solar chart and needs to wind down. It’s a fine time for a healthy escape, although you may resist it on some level, or circumstances conspire to keep you busy today. While your life is more hectic or active than usual these days, the Moon transits your privacy sector, and you’re inclined to need a short break from all of this movement or stimulation. Writing down thoughts may be useful if you’d prefer not to speak about them, as it can be helpful to organize and sort them.

You can feel quite restless, and as a result, you may end up stirring the pot with others, dear Gemini. There could be something that’s said that is either not representative of the complete picture or brings up strange feelings. Today’s Moon encourages you to diversify, even if this seems to clash with your recent needs for more predictability in your life. Part of you wants to settle into a comfortable pace, and another is seeking newness and movement. Underlying tensions in close relationships can emerge, perhaps at an inopportune moment or abruptly. A bit of discomfort now could lead to useful adjustments, however, and these may serve you well. Aim to be honest with yourself now, even if you’re not sharing everything with others, which can be just fine.

You’re in a cheerful mood, and keeping it light with others is important right now, dear Cancer, as people are not inclined to make substantial commitments today. This is not the best day for sticking to the rules or for focused attention, since plans may not pan out as expected, but perhaps the most noticeable area of life with unexpected results is your social life. There can be a disagreement or obstacle to deal with, or you can experience an inner conflict about going your own way and doing what others expect of you. Your patience can wear thin at times today, but you could also find the motivation to fix a problem that ultimately serves you well. Today’s Moon encourages a focus on your responsibilities to others or the outside world.

While the Moon’s transit of your adventure sector stirs a desire for extracurricular activities, dear Leo, career matters or longer-term goals are actively on your mind. Cravings can be hard to pinpoint, however, as you can be entertaining many different ideas and it can be challenging to settle on any particular one. Again today, avoid the inclination to do too much, as you may get in over your head. However, diversifying may be just what’s needed as long as this doesn’t reach a point where you’re so scattered you feel overwhelmed. You have excellent opportunities for connecting well with someone or a project you love, and through taking care of your relationship or pouring extra care into a special pursuit, you gain a sense of accomplishment.

Your emotional needs seem more demanding than they have been, dear Virgo, and while this may seem to clash with a general craving for more lighthearted interactions in your life these days, it’s essential to get in touch with some of your deeper or more hidden needs. You do have more social inclinations or a desire to experiment and explore, but this shouldn’t interfere too much with your emotional side. In fact, you’ll be at your best today if you can find ways to satisfy both needs. You might learn of something helpful that was previously hidden or private as you focus and concentrate. Later today is not ideal for decision making, but not every moment is, so aim to observe and wait things out.

Today’s Moon transit inclines you to seek out some companionship or feedback from someone special, dear Libra. This may not be intuitive at first, as part of you is primarily focused on your personal or professional goals, and freeing up time for other things may seem like you’re stepping backward. However, giving some attention to those deserving in your life can be rewarding, and you’re likely to appreciate the company thoroughly. Ideas generated with a partner or about relationships are winners today. Relationship and practical goals may seem to clash in the first half of the day, but later on, you’ll find it easier to enjoy both. There can be a pleasant advance with a friend, studies, or a sibling occurring now.

You can be feeling somewhat rebellious in spots today, dear Scorpio, and it can be difficult for others to reach you on an intimate level. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, motivating you to handle details, deal with practical affairs, and get some work done. This is in contrast to the Sun’s current mission this month to get you out and about, but it’s still essential for your emotional state. Finding a compromise makes the most sense. You may stumble upon an opportunity to advance towards your goals through an alliance formed now. You can feel that professionally or financially speaking, you’re moving to a better place.

With another Venus challenge today, dear Sagittarius, someone could catch you off guard or seem unreliable and rebellious. Again, finding your own pleasure makes the most sense. With the Moon’s transit of your entertainment sector, you may very well be seeking lighthearted exchanges or fun activities, although the Sun’s mission in your chart these days is to get you into deeper, heartier, or more substantial pursuits. Do find some time for personal enjoyment. It’s a time for remembering to have fun, entertain and be entertained, and get creative. While a light touch seems to clash with your overall passionate approach these days, you need some time to play and enjoy yourself. Later today, you could find that you’re bonding through shared interests and viewpoints.

It can be a little difficult to depend on certain others today, dear Capricorn, and even routine matters can meet with interference. As well, today’s Moon encourages spending more time with family or in familiar situations, even if it seems to conflict with a partnership or sociable mood. Consider that you might need to center yourself and get comfortable for a spell before you can share yourself more freely and happily with others. Taking a bit of space may be precisely what you need right now. Soulful moments or everyday activities are in the spotlight.

There can be some erratic or surprising events in your personal life today, dear Aquarius, with another Venus challenge. You could find it hard to satisfy an itch, especially if you’re not entirely sure its origin. Consider that you need a change of pace, and look for something to update and improve. The Moon clashes with the Sun today, and you may feel you have a little too much on your plate. The trick will be to keep your head on straight! Multi-tasking is okay for you right now, and can even benefit you, but too much is too much. The Moon encourages a more curious, active, and mental approach to the day, as well as attention to personal interests and contacts, even though this seems to clash with your recent focus on duties. Friends or a partner can be supportive and cooperative.

Today’s Moon encourages you to stick with familiar activities, dear Pisces, and although this mission may seem to clash with your desire to innovate, share, and connect, it’s good for you to settle in and get comfortable now. You may wish to get close to someone who is seemingly disinterested or resistant, however. Compliments or appreciation that you crave may not be forthcoming right now, but it’s temporary. Be gentle with yourself and wait out significant decisions for best results. Business and work matters can strengthen despite this, and you may very well be on the road toward a substantial advance.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 25, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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