Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon will arrive on March 6th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
- Venus enters Aquarius today (Venus transits Aquarius from March 1-26).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

A career or reputation matter might disrupt plans or throw you for a loop today, dear Aries, but this may very well be the time to shake things up a little! The same old routine can be unsatisfying now. With Venus square Uranus, your desire for a change of pace is intense. If you’re not in touch with what it is you truly want, you leave yourself vulnerable to allowing impulsive desires lead you astray. Listen to your own need for change, but avoid jumping into something for which you’re not quite ready or prepared. Otherwise, this is a beautiful day to push your usual boundaries and to consider new ways of dealing with the people around you–do so gradually or in small ways at first. Once you recognize your boredom with the usual routine or patterns of relationships, you’re ready to take things into your own hands and enjoy a breath of fresh air. Also today, Venus moves into a supportive, happy place of your solar chart today, and will continue to transit here until March 26th. This is a time for seeking out people and situations that make you feel at ease about expressing who you are.

With Venus and Uranus at odds today, dear Taurus, part of you may be craving comfort and closeness, while another part of you needs some space. You may be giving off some mixed signals, and it’s probably best to avoid making big decisions unless you’ve thought something through. Unexpected results are likely, so it’s a gamble now. Or, this aspect can produce an unexpected situation that destabilizes your feelings, and you need a bit of time to process. For best results, and before going out on a limb pursuing your desires, aim to understand what it is you truly want! Today’s frustrations can merely point to an unacknowledged need for a change of pace, and the sooner you take this into your own hands, the better. You’re also very willing to grow from misunderstandings now, particularly as the day progresses. A bonding moment may occur as a result. Also today, Venus moves to the top of your solar chart and will transit your career and reputation sector until March 26th. In the weeks ahead, you’re coming across as helpful, charming, attractive, and kind on a professional or public level. It’s a time for catching some breaks if needed.

You may experience some restlessness today, dear Gemini, until you recognize the need to take a breather or benefit from a change of pace. Your feelings or others’ affections for you can be intense one minute, and then they cool down the next with a Venus-Uranus aspect confusing matters, but at the end of it, you may very well learn something new about yourself or a relationship. There can be some disruptions regarding a friendship or confusion about boundaries in a relationship. However, you may be sufficiently detached to step out of your comfort zone and discover new ways of relating, and that’s the lesson of this somewhat disruptive transit. This can be a good day for getting the courage to do something new. Also today, Venus heads into your spirit sector for over three weeks–until the 26th. Your style and attractiveness are well-received going forward, and increasingly, you let go of overthinking your love life or your feelings, and you’re more inclined to seek out the things and the people that make you happy.

Venus moves into house eight in your solar chart today, dear Cancer, where it will stay until March 26th. During this cycle, you’re less interested in what’s out in the open and on the surface of things, and much more intrigued by what lies underneath! Interactions are more complex and complicated now, but pleasantly so. Before Venus moves on today, it forms a square to Uranus, and this aspect can stir up some restlessness or rebelliousness. Relationships can be confusing now, as someone may seem in hot pursuit of you at one moment, and disinterested or even cold the next. The focus should be on new relating patterns rather than falling back on dysfunctional ones. It may be better to avoid acting on whims, as emotions that are stimulated today may very well be transient. The source of unrest, though, is something more important and deserves your attention now. What you want from the world (or a career) and what you want from your relationships may not seem to mesh well today, but you’ll work this out. As the day advances, it becomes natural to enjoy and learn from differences so that they seem far less disruptive.

When it comes to your routines, diets, fitness, and work, dear Leo, a Venus-Uranus aspect reminds you that you need to change things up once in a while to do your best. As such, this is not the best day for sticking to routines or monotonous tasks, as there can be a rebellious streak that emerges that can throw you entirely off course. It may very well be a time for shaking things up, but avoid making too hasty decisions, keeping in mind that reactions may not last long. While there is some potentially disruptive energy with us now, as long as you respect the free spirit within, it can be a learning experience. Venus then moves into your partnership sector and will transit here until the 26th. During this cycle, you’re in great shape for attracting and enhancing close relationships, and for pleasing social situations, in general. The weeks ahead are especially suitable for negotiations of all kinds.

You can feel a little on edge or confused with your desires and deeper feelings today, dear Virgo, as Venus and Uranus form a square aspect. The tendency today is to miss the mark, even with good intentions, particularly when it comes to judging your audience or your own feelings. Relationship moves might be sudden and disruptive. It can be challenging to get to the bottom of a matter, even applying the stellar logic you’re known for. Giving everyone a little space and recognizing your need for a break or a change of pace can be useful now. Also today, Venus enters your work and health sector for a stay of over three weeks — until March 26th. You may find work or health routines more enjoyable, possibly receiving benefits in these areas. If there’s been tension or conflict in your work or daily routines, Venus here can help soften rough edges.

You may not be totally sure whether you want your space or to be close to others now, dear Libra, and you may weave in and out of these feelings as Venus and Uranus form a square. In truth, you may require some refreshment or a change, and restlessness is stirred now if you aren’t in touch with this need. This is not a good day for intimacy, as people around you are generally difficult to please, including yourself! A partner could also throw you for a loop. If you push someone’s boundaries, you’ll be pushing your luck, and the same goes for anyone trying to cage you in right now. However, this can be a time of new insights into problems, discovering new ways to relate with one another, and for getting rid of excess clutter or chaos. A quick decision may not be so off the wall now. Also today, Venus moves into your romance and pleasure sector for a stay of three and a half weeks. Until March 26th, your heart is in your hobbies, relationships, and art.

With Venus in your communications sector in a clashing aspect to Uranus early today, dear Scorpio, there can be some problems getting your message across, but it’s temporary. Inner restlessness might tempt you to look for greener pastures, but this is unlikely to last very long, either. A problematic schedule or a tendency to rebel against routine can be at the root of unrest now. Any attempts to lock someone down to a commitment can backfire. Straying from the rules just a little may very well lead to exciting new ideas or experiences, however, and it makes the most sense to give one another a bit of space. Also today, Venus moves into your sector of home, family, and personal life, transiting here until March 26th. This cycle awakens the self-protective or cautious part of you, primarily related to money, love, and pleasure. Familiarity and security are themes now.

Venus heads into your communications sector today, dear Sagittarius, and will stick around there until the 26th. You’re bringing more diplomacy and charm to what you’re saying and writing during this cycle. In the spotlight at this time are enjoyable learning activities, positive publicity, and pleasant conversations with loved ones. Before Venus moves on, it forms a square to Uranus today, and whims can take hold, making it tempting to take a risk with your money or your heart! Or, a clash of values with someone can prompt a bit of a rebellious streak. Instead of following whims, you might try to pinpoint and understand the reason behind your restlessness and tension. It’s important not to respond to all urges, particularly if they involve spending or pushing a situation that needs more time to develop and unfold.

Venus in your sign clashes with Uranus today, dear Capricorn, and this aspect can stir up some rebelliousness, perhaps prompting you to overreach or act on whims. Doing so, of course, can distract you from what you truly want. In fact, on some level, your desires may be leading you along the opposite path from your true needs, and this can be a form of rebellion or avoidance of what truly matters to you. Honor your need for extra excitement by doing something different or shaking up the routine a little, but leave the critical decision making for later. It’s better to find yourself through this aspect than to act out. It’s an excellent time to experiment with possibilities and approaches. Also today, Venus leaves Capricorn and moves into your resources sector for a stay until the 26th. It’s a great time for finding more pleasure in the world of the five senses, enjoying simple pastimes and entertainment, and taking special care of prized personal possessions.

Venus moves into your sign today and will visit Aquarius until the 26th, awakening clarity about your feelings. It’s also a time for others to tune into your most desirable and attractive traits–you’re certainly attracting attention and positive feedback in the weeks ahead. With the recent emphasis on your solar twelfth house, dear Aquarius, your intuition is dominating these days, and in this time of increased attention to hunches and inner messages, you’re bound to learn a lot about yourself and your goals. Before Venus enters your sign today, it forms a tense aspect with your ruler, Uranus, and there can be the temptation to jump into or out of a situation quite impulsively. Others may not know what to expect with you. Watch for blurting out something that doesn’t represent your true feelings. However, detours from the usual routine can lead you to a more comfortable understanding of how you honestly feel about a matter. There can be some gems discovered now.

There can be a good opportunity to enjoy a bonding or learning moment today, dear Pisces, but there can be some disruptions before you get to this point. In fact, you seem to need to distance yourself from something for a bit to understand where your heart lies. Your desire for variety in your social life is strong right now yet there is also a big part of you that would prefer to hide away or stick with the familiar or usual. Or, there can be some doubts or concerns that can prevent you from interacting naturally with friends or associates. Others’ reactions tend to be a little unpredictable now, but shouldn’t throw you off kilter, either, since they may not be reflective of what they truly want. Watch for impulsive moves that stem from inner restlessness rather than genuine need desire. However, don’t close yourself off to sudden whims and ideas, because in reasonable doses, they may be the start of something interesting! Detours taken now can lead you to new interests or possibly a good friend. Also today, Venus moves into house twelve of your solar chart, where it will stay until March 26th. This can point to a winding-down period with your affections, or a period when you’re reconsidering specific projects, attitudes, or attachments.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 1, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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