Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 11:47 AM, after which the Moon is in Gemini.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:30 AM to 11:47 AM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on March the 6th in the sign of Pisces, and the First Quarter Moon will happen on March 14th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With the Sun in your privacy sector at this time of year, dear Aries, you are doing more processing and digesting than initiating, and this feels right at this time. It’s a good time to flush out the negative elements or tie up loose ends before beginning fresh when the Sun enters your sign on March 20th, and a Sun-Pluto sextile today and tomorrow assists you on this front. You may need to take some time out for this task, and it can be a wonderful period for changing things up. You might be releasing yourself from burdensome problems from the past. You might be reaching a level of peace about a matter. You might discover previously hidden talents or resources now, and you more easily see areas of waste so that you can work on eliminating them. Being productive and taking care of business boosts you up.

You can learn something new about a friendship or personal project now, dear Taurus, or enjoy some support or cooperation from others. It’s a time for coming up with ways to improve your life, even little ones, and you’re ready to take on a challenge. Your viewpoint is expanding through your experiences with the people in your life or networks. Sharing personal perspectives with friends can bring new insights into your world and increased enjoyment and pleasure from life. Idea exchanges can be helpful, leading to more informed decisions. It’s a time for feeling reinforced through your connections. It’s a good time for revitalizing a friendship or for discovering new ways to approach people that improve your bond.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Gemini, and you can feel as if you’re coming alive emotionally. The desire to make an impact is with you now. An exhilarating experience can be in store now. You’re also in a fine position for gaining the courage and energy to face tricky matters. You’re less likely to put off or procrastinate on a problem now, and it feels good to meet a challenge head-on. An opportunity to gain an authority figure’s support or a competitive edge can emerge. It can be a good time for a referral or a connection with someone who can help you get closer to your goals. It’s also a good day for dreaming up new strategies that you can apply to your work or your finances and investments. You instinctively protect yourself and those closest to you more than usual.

You’re in a great position to learn something new about an important person in your life, dear Cancer, or even to take a relationship to a higher level. You may be seeing a new perspective, or someone might reawaken an interest in you now. Sharing viewpoints, personal philosophies, and opinions with others and making exciting discoveries can lift your spirits. It’s exciting to break through a learning ceiling now or to improve a bond with someone special through a commitment to being more patient or attentive and understanding with one another. It’s easier today and tomorrow to cut through the fluff and get to the root of issues. New worlds are opening up to you as you expand your mind, opening up to different schools of thought.

Look for opportunities to repair or strengthen a key relationship today and tomorrow, dear Leo. Your ruler, the Sun, connects harmoniously with Pluto, and this can mean you gain an edge or advantage, particularly related to a relationship insight or a work or health matter. You might enjoy a greater understanding of the power dynamics in a partnership, or you could enjoy working toward a new challenge or goal. You are fascinated with the depths or layers of situations, people, and topics now, and you’re inclined to put in the effort to analyze and explore possibilities. The backing you receive from others now can be very empowering, and making a lifestyle change, however big or small, can be in focus and satisfying. You may be considering pooling your resources or merging with someone to accomplish something dear to you.

The day gains strength, and you gain conviction as it progresses, dear Virgo. The Moon moves out of your adventure sector and into your career house, for one, and this reminds you of your responsibilities. You’re likely to get into stronger touch with your ambitions now. For another, a Sun-Pluto aspect comes into play, and this encourages you to prioritize. New insight into a relationship or passion project can figure strongly. This time favors collaboration, but it can also be good for observing and strategizing. Get in touch with your inner power and use it to help others or to let them know they’re important to you. Others appreciate your discretion and understanding. If you need to heal or repair a relationship, you have the tools to do so now. This is a time for acknowledging feelings.

The focus these days is on taking care of your personal life and focusing on improvements to your home, dear Libra, as it seems to very much reflect the other areas of your life. As you sort things out, other life departments seem to follow suit. It’s empowering to clear out clutter or to cut out distractions and apply yourself to a project more completely. It’s a good time for finding something lost or for looking at an old problem or situation in a new way. You’re getting to the bottom of an issue! You have a magic touch with your work, routines, and health programs, as you’re ready and willing to turn negatives into positives.

You’re likely to find yourself in the position of increased confidence or clarity today, dear Scorpio. You may be gaining an edge, advantage, or boost related to communications, creative pursuits, personality, and career matters as the Sun and Pluto connect in a harmonious aspect today and tomorrow. This can be about learning something new or seeing an issue in a new light, or it may instead be about an increased sense of your priorities, which in turn improves your focus. Your impact is stronger than usual and you’re received positively, primarily through your creative output and communications. You’re motivated and can get much accomplished. Don’t underestimate the power of your words, as you might indeed help someone to feel stronger. Romantically speaking, this is a fine day for attracting someone who appreciates you for your more unique qualities.

The day seems to become more sociable as the day advances, dear Sagittarius, but not as carefree with a Sun-Pluto aspect building. This influence is on the heavy side but quite pleasant–it’s strong for examining spending and saving habits, and especially for identifying redundancies. Finding ways to improve your life, particularly, related to finances or family and home, can be in focus now. Small changes made now will bring great rewards down the road, primarily because you’re focused and perceptive. It’s a time for strengthening and improving relationships with loved ones or for putting extra effort into enhancing your home life. With this aspect in play, streamlining or downsizing makes more sense than taking on something new. Believing in yourself and ventures is vital now. There may be an unexpected source of income coming into your life or a new way to make use of a resource you already have.

Your enthusiasm for a personal interest or a creative project is building, dear Capricorn. The Sun and Pluto form a harmonious aspect, and it’s excellent for communications. It’s true that Mercury is still retrograde, but it doesn’t mean you can’t produce some fine work. You can benefit from both inner motivation and reinforcement coming from the outside now. You are ready to take on new challenges or improve what you have going. The focus should be on self-improvement and control rather than how you can manipulate situations to work for you. The Moon moves into your work and health sector today, pulling you into a more practical or business-like frame of mind for a couple of days, and it suits you well. This is a time for getting organized.

You’re in a good position for drawing up plans and strategies today, dear Aquarius, particularly regarding money and business matters. It’s also the right time for valuable insights into your psychological and personal affairs. Narrowing your focus can be useful, and increasingly as the day advances, energies favor concentration and focus. It’s a good time to “birth” new business ideas, but it may take a while before you put plans into motion. Even so, you may be better off editing those ideas you’ve toyed with in the past. Relationships can get a real boost now. You might see a new layer to a situation that helps you solve problems or appreciate what you have. Transits occurring now support positive lifestyle changes. While the Sun-Pluto aspect today has a serious tone, the Moon moves into your sector of joy and play for a couple of days, and you’re seeking out some fun.

There is especially good energy with you for collaborations or the power of teamwork today, dear Pisces. Someone who has been uncommunicative might now open up, or you can learn something valuable that helps you solve a long-standing problem or simply leads to a greater understanding of a situation that previously left you confused. A Sun-Pluto aspect active today and tomorrow reminds you of the need to focus your energies, and the Moon’s move out of your somewhat scattered communications sector and into your home sector reinforces this theme. All signs seem to point to focusing on priorities or focusing on something important to you. Small changes made now can impact the future in significant ways. Friendships, causes, or shared personal goals can be the glue that helps hold everything together, but this is also a fine time for looking within for answers.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 12, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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