Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on March the 6th in the sign of Pisces, and the First Quarter Moon will happen tomorrow.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You can enjoy a sense of a mission today, dear Aries, but you’re not necessarily satisfied with the status quo. A part of you can be very restless and hungry to experience something exotic or different, but a plan or specific direction is not yet in the offing. As well, you may be uncertain about pursuing these things, held back by guilt or tied to obligations. Plans are compelling on the one hand, and on the other, you could be finding excuses. Where you’re headed may not yet be clear, but that’s just fine, as it’s not necessary to push this realization or decision-making, either. Fortunately, a Mars-Saturn influence is also in play today, and it helps you balance things out. While it’s not the most joyful combination, it’s certainly useful for motivation and pacing yourself. This is a good time for working on career or money-making projects, or for taking steps toward practical ends. You see the importance of strategy and patience. While you may have been feeling some pressure to go forward in your business, today you can understand the importance of strategy and patience.

We have some interesting and contrasting energies with us today, dear Taurus, and while feelings can be up and down, it’s relatively easy for you to feel on top of things. A Sun-Jupiter aspect suggests a tendency to go overboard, either with actions, statements, promises, or expectations, and keeping these things in check can make all the difference now. Consider that there is some tendency for people to exaggerate or blow things out of proportion and consider reserving your judgment for now. Avoid overcommitting, which can be the go-to tendency as a means to put something out of your way. A Mars-Saturn aspect also influencing the day is good for your credibility as well as for pacing yourself and finding a balance. Patiently working at something that’s important to you can be satisfying, as it’s not all about the immediate rewards. There can be a productive boost related to education or publishing for some of you.

Today’s Sun-Jupiter square aspect can mean that your instincts tell you one thing, dear Gemini, but people are saying something different. Alternatively, you may want to do more than is currently possible, and you’re getting conflicting messages from your ambitions and from what others seem to want you to do. Try not to let promises made to you today sway you until you get the full picture. Do your best not to skip steps because you’re anxious to get the ball rolling. Pushing too hard towards a goal can wear you down or overwhelm you, which is counterproductive, but pacing yourself is your best bet. Helping you with this is a Mars-Saturn trine transit. With both bodies in private sectors of your chart, it can be a good time to work behind the scenes or to. You have the patience and foresight to put your efforts into a long-term endeavor rather than waste all your energies on short-term satisfaction. This aspect helps you prioritize and focus.

Your ambitions are big today, dear Cancer, but it can be difficult to focus it all initially. By day’s end, however, you’ll see what needs to be done to advance your interests. Until then, you may be tempted to skip steps to reach a goal faster, but that’s not the best scenario now. Pacing yourself can be the key to success, but it’s also important to stretch your mind and open yourself to new possibilities, even if related plans may need tweaking later. However, don’t fall for the trap of thinking that bigger is better. It may feel that way today, but later on, it can be too much! Becoming overwhelmed by things to do will not help you to achieve more. A Mars-Saturn influence can encourage you to take a shot at a problem or task step by step and patiently, and doing so can be wonderfully productive. A practical, patient, and stabilizing theme helps you accept people, situations, and projects for what they are and this leads to working with what you have and making the best of things.

You can crave happy company today, dear Leo, but you may be swinging from a generous mood to a more serious frame of mind. Jupiter has been encouraging you to take a risk with your heart or with your creativity these days, but the Sun is stimulating a desire for deeper bonds and connections, and this mini struggle can come to a head now. Watch that you don’t take risks that are over the top, particularly with money, as instincts for financial matters may be out of step. A Mars-Saturn aspect also in play today helps you pour some focused energy into a priority, however. With this transit, you find it easier to put emotions aside to get something important done. You have the patience and determination to tackle jobs and tasks that you typically put off. It’s time for laying down some groundwork instead of doing the glamorous stuff, but you’re likely to enjoy it anyhow.

The Sun is currently energizing your partnership sector, dear Virgo, and it’s clashing with Jupiter, which is encouraging your focus on home and family. Demands can come from all camps as a result, and you could be feeling overwhelmed. However, this is also a great time to dream up creative ways to approach your life and enjoy all the new developments. Another influence active today stimulates the workhorse in you, so while some things in your life are up in the air, you’re not wasting too much time on them. You may be working toward a creative, educational, or travel-related goal, and it’s a good time for self-discipline and strategy. If you take things one step at a time, you can make more progress than you would if you were rushing things through. It’s a good day to work on honing a skill, perfecting a craft, or putting effort into a heartfelt project or venture.

Try not to move forward on a new idea right now, dear Libra, at least not too quickly, and avoid taking on too much in an effort to catch up or get somewhere fast. Spreading yourself out too thin will not lead to success. A Sun-Jupiter square aspect today seems to rile you up, convincing you that bigger is better, when it may only be too much right now. Areas of your life where you may have been overextending yourself are likely to relate to your daily affairs, communications, studies, and other forms of busy-work. If you’ve been putting too much pressure on yourself to do it all, it’s time to focus more on priorities. Helping you with this is a Mars-Saturn trine aspect also in play now. Take the time to figure out your next step. You’re likely to find that you benefit more from a slow-but-steady approach. There can be progress made on the home front, and if you are working at or on the home, you are more interested in applying yourself to something that will have value over the long-term.

The tendency is to go over the top in some areas today, dear Scorpio. If you’re investing in the wrong things, moodiness can arise. Ups and downs are possible, but it’s also a great time for seeing where you may have been overextending yourself. Jupiter encourages you to enjoy comforts these days, while the Sun wants you to move out of your comfort zone to find new pleasures and channels for expression. Respecting your limits and avoiding promises and inflated expectations can be the key to balance today. Helping you with this is a Mars-Saturn transit, also in effect now, and it encourages you to embrace a slower pace. Aim to be patient and deliberate, and think about long-term benefits and security for best results. You have a stronger sense than usual about which of your ideas and plans have real potential. With certainty powering your creativity, you can do much, but consider fear of making mistakes can be limiting. Whatever is in your heart now is worthy of expressing in some way, and you can refine things over time.

There is some inclination toward restlessness today, dear Sagittarius, and you may need to monitor it since you or someone around you could be blowing an observation or matter out of proportion, leading to unnecessary stress. Optimism can trip you up right now if it blinds you to practical elements. Your confidence radiates, and it could very well attract good things to you, as long as you control the tendency to go over the top. Also today, your need for security and safety can compete with your desire for personal freedom. Helping you to manage expectations is a Mars-Saturn influence. This aspect is a protective one and revolves around money, home, and family. You feel realistically confident and on top of things. Responsibilities are more easily met. Getting serious about your finances can be beneficial and in focus, and thinking about long-term purchases, work projects, or investments can figure strongly.

You could be swinging from wanting some emotional space and wanting to share more of yourself today, dear Capricorn, with the Sun in your communications sector forming a square to Jupiter in your privacy zone. Try not to take on too much, particularly when it comes to serving and helping others, which you have been doing more than your fair share of recently. Get all the facts before you jump into something new or into making a promise, even to yourself! Fortunately, we’re moving towards a Mars-Saturn aspect that becomes you. Problems can be sorted out step by step. Reminding yourself that with patience you can resolve most anything can help you pace yourself. Traditional methods tend to work best. You may be taking your needs for entertainment, romance, or leisure quite seriously, and it’s a fine time to get things done.

The Sun wants your attention on the practical side of your life, dear Aquarius, as well as to creature comforts and comfortable routines. Its clash with Jupiter in your social sector today suggests feeling torn between wanting to do something different, new, or experimental, and preferring to stick with what you already know. A friend or even a project or idea seem to promise more than can be delivered, or there can be a sense that things are not coming along quite as well or as quickly as you had anticipated. The answer to this is not to push yourself harder or to take on more endeavors, but to work on problem areas and make improvements. Helping you with this is a Mars-Saturn alliance. While neither planet is a particularly easy one, their collaboration can encourage you to produce and excel. Practical ventures related to home and family, in particular, can be promising and worth your time. When confidence is based on realism, it takes you far.

Today’s Sun-Jupiter square has a way of revealing areas where we’ve been overdoing things, dear Pisces. In your case, the Sun in your sign has been encouraging you a personal focus and efforts toward self-improvement, while Jupiter is pushing performance, ambition, or career and accomplishment. You want to both well, but something has to give. Allow yourself to dream and think big, but try not to overdo things, as you’ll end up too exhausted when true opportunities present themselves. A Mars-Saturn trine aspect is also in play today, and this one is far more practical and deliberate, helping you to balance things out. This transit helps you to reorient yourself and turn things around. It’s a time for making good use of a deliberate pace. Whether you’re catching up or getting ahead of yourself, efforts to learn can be very successful now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 13, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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