Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini until 5:49 PM, after which the Moon is in Cancer.
- The void Moon occurs from 8:30 AM to 5:49 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase until 6:26 AM, after which the Moon is in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurs today at 6:26 AM.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There can be crucial new insights into your innermost feelings, the past, or a long-term problem now, dear Aries, as the Sun and retrograde Mercury align in your privacy sector. Even your dreams or daydreams may seem to be telling you something important now. Private time is helpful, although you are likely to feel comfortably connected with others, especially family. You are coming to a new understanding of a past matter through new or further information, or looking at something with fresh eyes, and this will eventually allow you to move forward with less baggage. The information you come across today can be significant when it comes to letting go of unproductive attitudes or situations.

Important thinking, news, or conversations can give you new insight into recent events, decisions, or problems, dear Taurus, and these are illuminating today. They’re likely to relate to friends, projects, and relationships with the Sun and retrograde Mercury coming together in your sector of social connections, dreams, and hopes. While this insight is still in its new and raw stages, it puts you on the road to brand new beginnings. Memories or surprise meetings can change your perspective. Interactions today are encouraging and possibly quite fruitful. Keep in mind, though, that some things are exaggerated now, and you’ll see things more clearly at a later date. Ideally, a new understanding of an old problem will be reached, and the process is starting now.

You’re in a strong position to review recent business or career projects, decisions, or ideas, dear Gemini, as your retrograde ruler, Mercury, aligns with the Sun at the top of your solar chart, and you get a unique window into the past. Thinking about life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful now, and can also lead to significant ideas. You could come to a vital conclusion about your next step or about particular directions you’ve been taking. Your communications have much more impact now, so it’s best to be selective with your words. While this is not yet the time for making sweeping decisions, your observations today can be invaluable later. Also today, patting others on the back can help everything roll along smoothly.

When it comes to issues related to education, travel, or publishing, dear Cancer, you have the chance to see things in new ways now and this week as the Sun and retrograde Mercury align in house nine of your solar chart. What you read and hear about today can be invaluable for future projects or can inspire new thinking and ideas that have the power to stick with you for some time to come. This can be a time of drawing upon your experience and creating something new from it, or for seeing new layers of a situation that you previously overlooked, and it changes everything! You can have new insights into recent decisions that serve to change your perspective, and it can be the start of a new way of approaching your life or perhaps some compelling interests and beliefs.

Your ruler, the Sun, aligns with retrograde Mercury in your solar eighth house today, dear Leo, bringing incredible motivation and energy for you to delve into your personal psychology or explore and analyze your feelings, intimate thoughts, desires, finances, and power dynamics in a key relationship. Thoughts, ideas, news, or conversations about confidential or tricky matters can be helpful and particularly creative, leading to important directions or developments in your life. You might gain a clue to a mystery or investigation, and you see new layers to a situation that make a world of difference to your viewpoint. New insight into an old relationship or your own psyche can be helpful and enlightening. Make time to chat with others as you might learn something to your benefit.

While there is some tendency for people to magnify problems and make them larger than life today, dear Virgo, today is strong for seeing new layers of a situation. Illumination or insight may come now, and it can change your attitude or direction. Even if you don’t have all the answers yet, it’s nevertheless a powerful time for seeing problems and people in a new light. Counseling, negotiating, or revisiting old conversations can be in focus and quite fruitful. You see the dysfunctional elements of the past, but you also have a strong sense of the future, growth, and improvement, and this helps round things out. There can be significant thinking on a past relationship matter or a meaningful conversation with a partner. Someone’s feedback can make all the difference in your life today.

You’re learning much about what you’re getting from your work and daily routines or health routines this month, dear Libra, and news can arrive now that points you in the right direction. This is a turning point of sorts, moving you from a state of indecision to increased clarity, although your path is not yet fully illuminated. There can be a real desire to put everything into order today–especially your thoughts–and you might gain critical insight into a work or health issue. It’s best to think about what you can do to improve and tweak current projects and ideas rather than start all-new ones, but your thinking about these possible changes and improvements is sharp right now. Even so, problems and their possible solutions can seem magnified or larger than life today, so let things unfold and keep your mind open.

There can be further information incoming or an epiphany of sorts about a creative or romantic matter today, dear Scorpio. New methods or solutions can come to light through a review of the past, and these can be very important in the months to come. Someone from the past can re-emerge, or you see an old issue in a new light, and this can change everything! Thinking in bigger terms than the usual is beneficial now, but it’s important to keep in mind that the whole story has not yet unfolded. Today’s conversations or the ideas you generate can also be significant turning points. You’re in a good place for a brand new attitude about future growth and improvement as retrograde Mercury aligns with the Sun and harmonizes with the North Node in your travel, education, and publishing sector. It’s a great time to think about future adventures.

You may come to a new understanding of a past, home, or family matter now, dear Sagittarius. Ideas that emerge from the thinking and conversing you’re doing now and this week can have long-term significance. You’re in the right place to see things in a new light, and it’s one that nudges you forward in positive ways. While you enjoy fantastic energy for home and family matters today, socializing and connecting can lead to important discoveries, and you’d be wise to keep your eyes and ears open now. You may want to take note of ideas floating around you. You’re more inclined than usual to analyze, sort, and make sense of matters from the past. It’s much better to avoid pushing for answers and instead do some gentle exploration, keeping an open mind.

This can be a time for reviving an old interest or for seeing a current one in a new light, dear Capricorn. Ideas and news coming to you today can spark a long-term project, or you might reconsider recent decisions. There can be helpful conversations today about the past or previously tricky topics. Your advice to someone can be sought and appreciated, or you might discover a lost or overlooked detail that changes everything. A partner can be helpful and possibly a catalyst for ideas birthed now. You may feel as if you’re at a crossroads, but it’s important to keep in mind that there is more to the story, and you’ll be better off if you observe things a little longer before drawing conclusions.

Particularly when it comes to money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions, dear Aquarius, pay particular attention to ideas coming in today and the surrounding days. Incoming news, feedback from others, and hunches coming from within yourself can be significant, leading to a turning point. It’s more natural to look to the past for answers with the Sun in alignment with retrograde Mercury today. This can be valuable and perhaps even profitable, but it’s not yet time to finalize decisions since there’s more to an unfolding story. For now, aim to observe and analyze things. Sharing ideas with co-workers might be rewarding now. You might decide to give someone, an old project, or a situation another look or the benefit of the doubt, and this feels right.

Your vision of a past situation seems to be through a wider-angled lens today, dear Pisces, and this nudges you towards new insights. It may be a time for reconsidering an old problem or seeing a matter in a new way. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sign, you’re inclined to take stock of recent events, and this can lead to new or improved projects, ideas, and situations in the future. Note that your words have more impact than usual today, and with Mercury at the midpoint of its retrograde cycle, you might want to be selective with your communications. It may be best that you don’t count on others fulling understanding you just for the time being! Still, observations made now can lead to new ideas, improvements, or other developments that you could put into action later.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 14, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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