Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 8:56 PM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- The void Moon happens from 2:02 PM to 8:56 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 14th, and the Full Moon will happen on the 20th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This is a time for doing something you genuinely enjoy, dear Aries, and applying yourself. This can also be an important time for settling accounts, as well as clearing away obstacles related to money and business. You are more disciplined right now, so take advantage! New insight into a past matter can emerge and can help you make more sense of career matters. If you meet someone new, or someone you haven’t seen for a while, there can be a strong attraction or interest. Emotions and thoughts can drive creative efforts, and self-honesty boosts your vision. It’s a good time for applying wisdom and past experiences to a current problem. And, you’re in an excellent position for independent or behind-the-scenes work today as Mercury and Vesta align in your privacy sector. This may be a valuable time for a private conversation with someone you trust.

While contracts or commitments entered into now will likely need refinements later in the month, dear Taurus, this is a fine time for getting things done and enjoying yourself in the process. You can be quite popular with friends or associates now, and you may receive favors or invites. Thoughts or conversations regarding traveling or higher education can be productive. The day is perhaps strongest for friendly relations and enjoying personal interests, but you’re in great shape for going over past projects and drawing upon wisdom and experience to handle current problems. Keeping in mind that it’s not yet the time to push plans and projects forward, you may want to deal with loose ends or settling accounts for the time being. Progress may not be noticeable, but you’re busy clearing the pathway for smoother endeavors and activities in the future. Try not to fall back on doing things independently when pairing up or sharing the load can make things so much better right now. Focusing on long-term happiness goals is healing and empowering.

You can experience intense but pleasant attractions today, dear Gemini, whether to a project, object, or person! Work problems can be tackled with ease and motivation now, and they can be ironed out quite efficiently if necessary. It’s a powerful day for research, as there are treasures to be uncovered with a bit of digging, and help is available. Emotions are steady, and you look for predictability in your world today. Tying up loose ends and correcting mistakes may be par for the course, or you could be settling old accounts, but you’re motivated, focused, and ready to meet a challenge. It’s a fine time to tune out distractions and get the job done. It can also be healing to focus on taking care of business today.

You can charm and inspire others with your ideas today, dear Cancer, and your enthusiasm is well-received. Strategy is important now – it’s not the time for bold moves just yet. Today is strong for connecting, and more likely re-connecting, with a special someone or project, or you can be in a more sentimental mood than usual. You may be reconsidering a long-term goal or dealing with something that you overlooked so that you can clear the path for moving forward. This is the time to attend to duties that will help clear up delays and set the ball rolling to make progress. A Mercury-Vesta connection formed today can help you concentrate on details or channel your thinking. You’re interested in self-improvement activities, and you’re resolving to pay better attention to your spiritual and emotional needs going forward.

You can manage to get others to open up just by sharing your own experiences candidly today, dear Leo, and it can be a strong day for money matters or tricky subjects as you seem able to discuss them without distractions or detours. The trick now is to share, as it’s time to build strong alliances. Keeping in mind that it’s not yet an ideal time for big launches, you’re still in excellent shape for researching, editing, or otherwise going over business, health, and financial matters. This is a wonderful day to do an inventory of your feelings and reconnect with deeper needs, too, and you’ll do well for yourself by clearing up old projects, errands, or duties so that you can start fresh later. You might spend happy time lost in thought or research. This is an excellent period for rest and healing activities, and by the time the Moon enters Leo today, you’ll be raring to go.

Employing strategy with your financial affairs can be particularly useful now, dear Virgo, but you’re also in great shape socially or romantically. You can impress others today, and someone is likely to impress you as well! Because you are especially receptive to what others are saying, and you’re tuned in to what you feel they may be thinking, you can get somewhere. Conversations tend to focus on past matters, and this can be a little tricky, but if you’re patient and allow yourself to listen more than speak, you can be quite successful. You might also need to focus on taking care of unfinished business now, and doing so will help you eventually move things forward. This is a good time for studying and reflecting, and you can discover many different channels for self-expression. Relationships tend to fare well, particularly with patience. You’ll want to make things right and balanced in your environment and relationships today. Wait, however, for making big commitments.

Emotional energy today is strong but pleasant today, dear Libra, and you can be excited about a project or person. You’re coming across with subtle personal magnetism. Socializing on the job, or making connections through work, can bring opportunities into your life now. You are likely to feel needed today, and you readily lend others support. Look for opportunities to clear up debts or settle accounts now, as they may be ripe for the taking. You might be focusing on tying up loose ends rather than starting new projects. This can be a time for paying off debts or recovering loans. You may be finishing paperwork or handling previously overlooked matters to get the ball rolling to move forward, receive money, or move beyond a tricky situation. You can come up with fabulous ideas on how to best pursue a particular goal through a conversation.

It’s quite likely that you feel supported and secure today, dear Scorpio, which gives you the sense that you can rise above difficulties and manage your life well. With increased focus and motivation, it’s easier to get a whole lot accomplished. It’s a good time for building up psychic strength and stamina nevertheless, and it makes sense to take things slowly but surely. This can be a good day for expressing yourself through art or favorite pastimes, and you might benefit from looking to the past for answers to current problems. Tying up loose ends may be necessary before you’re able to go forward with confidence. Expressing your commitment to someone or putting more of yourself into a project can be satisfying and even felt to be healing and therapeutic. It’s a potentially excellent day for expressing yourself, even with Mercury still retrograde.

It’s a potentially great day for figuring something out, dear Sagittarius, and for dealing with money or practical matters, although it’s not yet a good idea to push forward brand-new ventures. Find ways to make more from what you already have, and do your research for best results now, and a Mercury-Pluto aspect happening today can help you do just that. The information you uncover this week may not only be interesting, but it could also even be profitable. It can also benefit you to the past for answers to work or health concerns as you may be getting over a hump by handling the tasks that you need to put behind you so that you can move forward. Opportunities to make significant changes on the home front can emerge again today and can be quite successful. Think in terms of recycling and renovating rather than taking on new projects right now. Doing so can be therapeutic.

You may enjoy communications that are both polite and frank, dear Capricorn, or you could receive positive word on a matter. It’s a fine time for appeal, impact, and a sense of accomplishment. You’re inclined to analyze your feelings or recent events, and this helps you strategize and plan. You might make a commitment of sorts to a project, friend, group, or common goal, or more likely, renew an existing one. You could be feeling sentimental about an old love or pet project. You can benefit from looking to the past now, as you may reawaken a worthwhile pursuit. However, it’s better to tie up loose ends than to make any new long-term commitments or agreements today. It’s a time for becoming pleasantly absorbed in a pursuit or lost in thought, and these things can be felt to be therapeutic.

This is another good day for financial planning and special attention and care given to your resources, dear Aquarius. With Pluto and Vesta in connection with Mercury right now, the focus is on strategy, building alliances, and reducing waste. You can be in a nostalgic frame of mind as you review your feelings. You might attend to a responsibility towards an important person in your life. Matters from the past continue to gain your attention today, but it’s a good time to clear the path for moving forward. Applying yourself to developing a talent or business can be both productive and therapeutic in a way. You’re likely to feel more satisfied after handling your duties now, and this can clear you up for guilt-free socializing later.

What you say and do has more impact than usual this week, dear Pisces, and it makes sense to put special effort into generating good impressions. Others are noticing you not only for your charm, but also for your brainpower, perceptiveness, and wit. Today is strong for dreaming, wishing, and planting a few seeds for the future. It’s also good for love and social matters, as there is comfortable intensity in your interactions with others. You are productive and creative today, finding a nice balance between work and play. Even so, it’s a time for handling last-minute details or errands, but not ideal for entirely new projects and endeavors. Your dedication to your work or a project is apparent now, and it looks good on you! While your social life is pleasing now, this can also be a time for going your own way in some manner and for engaging in some especially satisfying independent work.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 16, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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