Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 4:36 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We’re in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 14th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on the 20th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You are open to some improvisation and experimentation today, dear Aries, and it works exceptionally well for you. The connections you make can be fun and inspiring. It’s a good time to free yourself from resentment or worry and take special note of information and ideas that come to you, especially from hunches or dreams. You are sharper than usual today, and accomplishing something tangible and measurable is most attractive now. You’re particularly interested in finding answers and reasons, and while it can be challenging to relax your mind today, you’re more likely to consider this to be invigorating rather than exhausting. This can be a time for discovering an old gem or remembering something that previously eluded you. You may want to put outstanding errands and issues behind you, and you feel empowered for so doing.

This is a good week for taking care of tasks that you’ve let slide, dear Taurus, or that may be little but have big impact down the road for nudging you forward. Your sense of community or friendship is active today. Even if you can’t completely resolve a problem today, it may be more about recognizing the problem and taking the first steps towards handling it since it can be something that will take time. You can be outspoken today, with good results. You are also very excited about personal plans and dreams or goals. You can be recalling facts and figures that are significant. You are often acting independently these days with Mars in your sign for a couple more weeks, but brainstorming can be very effective today. You might also enjoy helping someone out now, putting someone’s idea into action.

This can be a busy day for thinking and fantasizing, and efforts to further a career or life path goal can be well worth it, dear Gemini. Once again, it’s important to choose words carefully and wisely as well as to be very clear since there is some tendency for your words to be misinterpreted as they’re “louder” with Mercury in the most public area of your chart this month. It’s a good time to review business and image-related matters with someone you trust, or you may be checking in with how you feel about an issue of the past. In the process, you might birth new or recycled and rejuvenated ideas. You are bringing new energy to matters of the past, and looking at things from a different perspective. You are a little bolder in your decisions and actions now, and perhaps a bit more confident in what you’re doing and in your observations, which are very much on point. Mind you, the usual Mercury retrograde rules still apply for awhile longer–that is, review, renew, and reflect rather than start something brand new.

It’s a time for enjoying some enthusiasm about certain projects, ideas, and plans, dear Cancer, and you’re likely to want to share this good feeling with others. However, you’re also very interested in doing more than just talking and thinking — you want to get things done as Mercury connects with Mars now. Watch that you don’t misjudge energy and time constraints, but enjoy the good vibes. This is a good time for working on projects you want to publish, or for expanding your understanding of a subject, although review and reflection are still appropriate before finalizing things. Your ideas and words can be most attractive now, and sharing ideas can be fruitful. Ideas coming suddenly and intuitively to you this week should receive particular attention as they’re likely to have significance for you in the long term.

This can be a time of adopting an analytical approach to handling personal and intimate matters, dear Leo, and again today, you may be taking a new look at financial plans or arrangements or power dynamics. Money owed or due could be an issue. Going over a personal issue from the past can be in strong focus now, and there can be a new attitude emerging today that sets you on a new path. This awareness has all the power to bring a sense of calm and happiness to your life. Problem-solving is in especially good form. You’re exceptionally frank about what you want, and this can be refreshing! The desire to produce and perform is strong, perhaps even stronger than your willingness to talk through problems or find solutions. The Moon spends the day in your sign, enlivening your emotions and adding further color to your personal life.

This can be another good day for sharing activities and ideas with others, dear Virgo. You are coming across very confidently, but you are also attracting confident, influential, or active people into your life. Alternatively, a partner is taking the lead and helping you get things done, or teaming up to accomplish something can be wildly successful and empowering. It seems that with Mercury sextile Mars today, you can gently push your agenda and support others in the process. It may be difficult to relax your mind entirely, but it can be a pleasant buzz rather than an exhausting one. Any debates entered into now can be refreshing as well. You can be very enthusiastic about your prospects, insights, and theories, and you’re in a great position for applying yourself to projects that excite you. It’s also an intense time for connecting with others, sharing ideas, and action-oriented conversations.

You can be excited about an idea or project, dear Libra, and you might pour a lot of love and energy into investigating or researching and developing it now. Today’s influences support quick decisions and frank discussions, and while you often prefer spending more time on these things, you’re going along with the flow nicely now. You can be especially productive with your work and could be enthusiastic about pursuing a health program or fitness routine. You want results, and you’re likely to find them, although Mercury is still retrograde and patience is important as not everything may be rolling along in a straight line. Taking steps towards a goal rather than expecting immediate results makes sense and may even be calming once you get into the right frame of mind.

With Mercury and Mars cooperating today, dear Scorpio, you tend to want to keep active and rise to a challenge. You can be pleasantly busy or excited about an idea or project, and it becomes you! You may very well thrive on connections and brainstorming sessions today. Even with Mercury still retrograde, you’re likely to feel more powerful and confident in your romantic relationships or with your creative projects. You might take pleasure as you connect with a person or a memory from the past. Be patient, since improvements and corrections made now can send you off in a new direction later, and results are not exactly immediate. While you’re results-oriented right now, you’re best off recognizing that some problems will take time to unravel, and efforts put forth now can have a significant impact later.

With Mercury in cooperation with Mars today, dear Sagittarius, a determined, positive outlook can rule the day, and you’re likely to find solving problems quite easy and even fun. This week, you may be spending some time looking for answers related to a family, past, or home-related matter, and while it’s not without its frustrations or obstacles, you’re making progress. You want to be productive rather than spend any more time mulling things over. Fortunately, you can accomplish much now. This aspect stimulates your senses and motivates you to learn, solve problems, and make connections. You’re not afraid to take on an intellectual task or demanding work if it will get you somewhere. You might also have much success in balancing work and downtime today.

A harmonious aspect between Mercury and Mars today promises some mental excitement, dear Capricorn. Your ideas are particularly creative now, and your sense of fun is strong. Mind you, you want to take care of business, and you’re unlikely to have much time for small talk. You’re less interested in thinking things over than you are doing and showing others precisely what you mean. Even so, the social side of life can be interesting today as well, since energy is good for love connections, flirtations, and fun messages with people you care about. While communications may not be perfect with Mercury still retrograde, we are making up for it with our body language and actions. As a result, you should find it rather easy to meet goals with a stronger sense of purpose motivating you.

With Mercury and Mars in aspect today, dear Aquarius, you’re more interested in what you can do with knowledge than you are in knowing just for the sake of knowing. The desire now is to build, produce, and accomplish something tangible and measurable, especially with Mercury spending time in your practical solar second house. It’s a time for cutting to the chase. Home-related projects seem well worth the effort today. You’re willing to improvise, and you may be focusing on reinvigorating old plans. Practical pursuits thrive again today, although Mercury’s retrograde is still in effect (until the 28th), and there may be some waiting or editing to do before you get the chance to push plans forward. Even so, you get the sense that you can make improvements that will make a real impact on your life, and it’s just about working hard and being patient.

A Mercury-Mars influence occurring now brings good energy to your life today, dear Pisces, particularly on a mental level. You may feel pleasantly competitive and ready to take on a challenge, even if it’s about bettering your own “score.” You’re energized and motivated to pursue your projects and personal interests. This aspect inclines you to resolve problems quickly and painlessly, and it can be very useful. While you may be communicating more quickly and frankly than usual, it tends to go over well, although Mercury remains retrograde in your sign and not everything is moving as swiftly as you’d like. This is also a wonderful day for attracting romantic attention and for enjoying yourself, connecting, and freeing yourself from negative thought patterns. Pouring extra energy into a special project can be especially satisfying and successful.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 17, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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