Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 9:41 PM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon occurs from 11:18 AM to 9:41 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We’re in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 14th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on the 20th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This is a good time for giving some thought to which activities may be true priorities in your life, dear Aries, after which you’re in a better position to decide to cut out the extras, even just for the time being while you rebuild your resolve. Focusing on solvable problems can be therapeutic now. Take advantage of any opportunity to detox and think without overthinking. In your conversations today, watch that you’re not focusing too much on problem areas which can disrupt the natural flow. You can be feeling somewhat competitive, and this can stimulate you to do more, but can also stir up conflict. Fortunately, you have lovely influences with you for creating something unique and for personal enjoyment without guilt. This morning, you can draw upon your experience and wisdom to enjoy a gain on a business or reputation matter.

You may be too close to a problem this morning, dear Taurus, and you may very well discover that the only way to resolve it is to pull back from it to gain perspective. As the day moves forward, its energies encourage and reward simplicity. Even so, early today can find your undecided or restless. While Mars in your sign stimulates activity, the Moon in your home and family sector has other ideas! Taking it easy makes sense, and as you do, you can muse about possible next steps and actions. As you focus your attention, you’re likely to find more opportunities through embracing your responsibilities. Committing yourself to a particular project can act to bring you down to earth. It also becomes easier to detach yourself from tensions and problems if you pour your energies into something constructive. You can take a load off your mind now by being productive, in fact. Later today, you’ll find it natural to make fortunate connections through your creative thinking.

In the first half of the day, you could find yourself a bit tense, dear Gemini, or in a situation of having too many balls up in the air or perhaps more likely, too much information. Too many choices can feel overwhelming. The Moon in your communications sector opposite Venus in your sharing zone can seem to encourage you to take on too much, while Mars in your privacy sector wants you to tone things down. You can feel quite divided! Try to focus on releasing tension, but aim to satisfy your curiosity in easy, happy ways. In other words, look for a compromise. As the day moves forward, you can be reminded of your responsibilities, and this feels good–even therapeutic. Focusing your attention can be a relief right now. You have a special ability to solve problems as you do.

There can be some tension related to work, business, or money this morning, dear Cancer, and this can interfere with your desire to socialize and enjoy more easygoing themes. Under these conditions, it can be a little too easy to overdo spending or other indulgences, but as the day moves forward, you’re in a great position to simplify. Streamlining may very well be the answer as it comes with less guilt and fewer consequences! As you get into a more realistic, practical frame of mind later today, your mood is likely to improve considerably. This is because life may feel a little chaotic if you’re not focusing on priorities. A commitment to make improvements comes naturally, and as you do, it seems much more natural to see the glass half full. Later today is a wonderful time for putting feelers out and picking up valuable odds and ends.

You’re seeking balance and equality these days, dear Leo, but another part of you is more concerned with how deep a connection is than the surface dynamics of your relationships. Events today may highlight this, and you may feel that you’re of two minds about a matter as a result. This morning, if you are taking a disagreement very personally, you might examine why that is the case since it could be that there’s something much more to the situation. As the day advances, you can focus more naturally, putting you in a better position to enjoy some research, intensive work, or investigations of sorts. Concentrating on something absorbing can do wonders for your mood. It’s easier to detach yourself enough to put in some solid work, look at a problem objectively, or solve a problem that you may have been too close to earlier.

These days, you can be especially motivated to keep the peace and promote harmony in your personal life and close relationships, dear Virgo, but you’re also taking much pleasure in your work or duties, and it can be difficult giving everything and everyone their due attention. It may be best to cut yourself some slack and simplify. As the day advances, you’re more inclined to find an area of focus and work towards a specific goal, and prioritizing puts you in a better frame of mind. With the Moon in the privacy sector of your solar chart for much of the day, it’s better to honor the need to keep some things to yourself. You might enjoy some release of ambitions, tension, or pressure, and take things easy now. The trick is to allow yourself the luxury! Of course, the Moon moves into your sign later today, and it can feel a whole lot more natural to come out of your shell.

The Moon in your social sector is usually an easy influence, dear Libra, but in the first half of today, the Moon does battle with both Venus and Mars, and you can feel a little torn. It can be challenging to know what to do with yourself, or to figure out your next step. While this is a good time for enjoying friends and groups overall, today you could be feeling that people are not as reliable or committed as you’d like. It may be that a friendship matter frustrates you or your mind is stuck on it to distraction. As the day moves forward, there is good energy for applying yourself to something productive and purposeful, mainly related to work, family, and home life. Restlessness is tamed by a pet project and something substantial on which to focus your attention.

While the morning can feel a little rocky, as you may be slightly off your game and not feeling very understood, dear Scorpio, as the day advances, you begin to feel detached enough to enjoy yourself more. The trick may be to pour energies into something productive, which can be felt as therapeutic for your mood. A problem on the professional front might be resolved with smart thinking or could benefit from your ability to be objective. While it can be difficult integrating your needs for mental stimulation and more subdued and focused activities today, it’s far from impossible. This is a good time for pouring quite a bit of energy into getting certain systems in your life working well, or on organizing your life in key ways.

Chances to explore new ways of communicating your ideas and thoughts can emerge now, dear Sagittarius, and it’s exciting, even if these arise from a problem, delay, or setback. Modesty and sincerity truly do allow for healthier conversations and interactions, and you may need to draw upon these more frequently with Mercury retrograde these days. You can very much benefit from a break to get your bearings now if it can be managed, and you’ll be happy you took it! As the day moves forward, you’re likely to find it more straightforward to cut out distractions and concentrate on one thing at a time, one step at a time. Your ability to put things into perspective can open up doors that were previously shut.

Paring down makes much sense these days, dear Capricorn, as Saturn and Pluto in your sign form some empowering aspects with Mercury, Mars, and Vesta. You can be especially motivated to pursue a special goal or simply to be more productive. Your resourceful nature is in the spotlight and can be put to full use. There can be some difficulty keeping your good humor this morning, though, as there is a real tendency to obsess over problem areas. It can be challenging to break out of a defensive interplay once it begins, so try to nip it in the bud. Restlessness can develop if part of you feels you should be more involved than you are. Take steps to wind down, which gets easier, and in fact, quite natural as the day advances and you’re more likely to enjoy mental tasks and exercises than to entertain emotional perspectives. Uncluttering your mind and conscience help you tackle your priorities and free your mind.

When you’re feeling the self-discipline these days, dear Aquarius, you’re thriving, and this energy helps you to get back on track. Mind you, there can be some distractions to handle today, and in truth, you can’t expect to be producing at every moment of the day. It can be tempting to back off or escape pressures from someone, but this can make a matter worse if relationship matters are the distraction now. Others’ demands on you may feel a little excessive. Or, you may be attempting to please someone and at the same time striving for independence. However, you’d do yourself the biggest favor by pacing yourself. Excess has a price even if the “payment” is deferred to a later date. There can be a tendency to brood or stew over problem areas this morning, but your ideas, thoughts, and creative process flow more easily as the day advances.

Problem areas related to overdoing can be in focus today, dear Pisces, but as the day advances, there is a tendency to open up to more positive thoughts. Perhaps ironically, it’s more about narrowing your focus that gets you into a better mood. You may very well enjoy handling detail work or chores, and inventive ideas can emerge from these things. Health can also be a focus or an area for problem-solving and fresh, new thinking. You’re in a good place for scoping out a deal or tapping into a new method of getting something done. Consider that something has to give to balance your life better, particularly when it comes to working and resting, or attending to physical needs and attending to emotional or mental needs. Today also holds the potential for improving your understanding of a complex relationship or your own complicated feelings, once you get beyond morning restlessness.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 18, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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