- The Moon is in Virgo.
- The Moon is void from 6:50 PM forward (until tomorrow at 3:20 AM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full Moon phase.
- The Full Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Virgo. The Last Quarter Moon will occur on March 9th.
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

This can be a time when you feel motivated to change your lifestyle for the better or to improve your work and daily life, dear Aries, after a Full Moon in your work and health sector yesterday. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect today can stimulate great ideas, primarily related to matters of the past and how to learn from and move past them. Ideas seem to come to you spontaneously, or possibly through dreams, and fall into place. Advice and information flow naturally and brilliantly today, and you are willing to lend an ear to those who need it. It’s especially useful to spend some time alone or in relative peace, but it’s also a fine time to share ideas with someone you trust. The pipeline is open to your more spiritual or compassionate nature, and this lends an empathetic and considerate quality to your communications.

Yesterday’s Full Moon may have pulled up personal revelations likely revolving around romance, personal goals, friendships, or creative matters, dear Taurus. Today, you may be riding high, embracing your feelings. Even so, this is a big idea day, and there can be quite a focus on the exchange of ideas. A pleasant conversation can happen now, or you may be mapping out a long-term plan that is motivating and exciting. Talking things through with a trusted friend can be satisfying. Ideas generated with or about relationships are winners today. New information can come in that helps you, or you can discover something new about an old problem in a relationship that frames things entirely differently — in a positive way. There might be a conversation that opens up doors.

Yesterday’s Full Moon has stimulated deep feelings, new awareness, and appreciation for your personal life, loved ones, and home life, dear Gemini. Today is strong for practical thinking, even though emotions are highlighted, with a Mercury-Jupiter aspect highlighting your work sectors. Work and career matters can thrive with your positive attitude. Ideas and methods for work, business, and health are in top shape. You are equipped to solve problems whether through your ideas or others’ input (and especially higher-ups). This is also a fine day for personal influence and for reaching agreements with others (Mercury is your ruler and Jupiter is your partnership ruler). Throwing your energy into something that genuinely pleases you can reap the rewards.

Yesterday’s Full Moon may have prompted a rush of activity, dear Cancer, but today can also be a time of momentous news or recognition of a need surrounding educational, legal, or travel matters. Whatever does emerge now, it’s meant to push you forward, even if at first it slows you down! Today’s Mercury-Jupiter trine is strong for presenting or sharing ideas, expressing yourself, and getting a good feel for future trends. As a result, making long-term plans can be both successful and enjoyable now. Your thinking might frequently turn to learning, travel, adventure, or exotic places and ideas today, primarily because you are craving more from life on a mental level than you usually do. It’s a good time for solving problems and talking things through.

The energy of yesterday’s Full Moon continues to impact you today, dear Leo, illuminating a matter of values, ownership, resources, or finances. A favorable Mercury-Jupiter connection active today prompts a gentle flow of thoughts and ideas. Support tends to be there, particularly on a mental level. This influence stimulates you to reason things through and pay extra attention to emotional and psychological renewal. This is a good time for studying, learning, and gaining inspiration through what you read, hear, and share. You’re putting things into a broader context today, and this benefits you greatly. It’s a good day for talking or further thinking about private, personal, or otherwise “not talked about” matters if needed. Release through music, writing, or conversation can feel fantastic now.

The energies of yesterday’s Full Moon in your sign are still with you today, dear Virgo, although the day becomes less emotionally and more mentally focused. Today is powerful for conversations about a relationship or with a partner. There is a willingness to entertain new ideas and others’ perspectives. It’s easy to raise yourself above petty matters with a Mercury-Jupiter trine occurring now, as you take more interest in cooperating and sharing common goals. Conversations can lead to creative solutions and new ideas and can be especially positive and healthy, mainly because you’re treating one another as true equals and not worrying about keeping score. This can also be a great time for shared activities, games, experiences, and ideas.

Last night’s Full Moon may have marked a culmination, possibly of a work, service, or health matter, for you, dear Libra. You might discover that you have support available from behind the scenes or an unexpected source, and even if you don’t take it, it’s good to know you have some backup. There can be the opportunity to share a bit of your private self, or to help guide others towards better living. Today’s energies are good for sharing ideas and problem-solving. You might thoroughly benefit from, and enjoy, making plans related to money, work, and health with a Mercury-Jupiter trine occurring across your solar second and sixth houses. Sound energy is with you for communicating positively and successfully with colleagues, health care workers, and associates, making it a good time for improving health and work methods.

With last night’s Full Moon, there may be a sudden need for your help or support, dear Scorpio, or a culmination of a friendship matter, group project, or romantic relationship. Whatever comes to light now provides you with valuable insight into a brewing problem, and you are likely to feel purged and empowered as a result. Today, good energy is with you for feeling valuable and valued as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter in your sign. It’s a fine day for personal influence and creative self-expression. You are in a good position to talk through problems and get into a positive frame of mind. People are drawn to your warm and healing aura and sharing ideas or creations is especially successful now. This is a good time for expressing yourself through creative mediums.

After yesterday’s Full Moon, dear Sagittarius, you may be in the position to show off your professional and responsible side or you’re enjoying revelations about your career, life path, and responsibilities. Watch for displays or outbursts, as they can be more impactful now than usual. There is good energy for discussions about personal or family matters, as people are notably reasonable, fair, and thinking in positive ways today. An attitude that any problem can be resolved with willingness and effort can boost your spirits and relationships. Helping someone out today can be rewarding. You are more able to rise above petty problems today by focusing on the bigger picture, and family or personal matters come together. You’re communicating well, and others are listening to you.

Yesterday’s Full Moon may have illuminated a matter of spirit, adventure, or learning for you, dear Capricorn. For some of you, a project turns a corner or you are ready to publish or announce an endeavor. An idea that you’ve been working on might blossom now. Helping you along today is a Mercury-Jupiter aspect that can lead to breakthrough, positive thinking, particularly with or about friends and groups, as well as long-term plans that leave you feeling excited about what’s to come. This is an excellent time for writing, particularly about your feelings toward someone or for professional aims, such as promotion or publicity work. Sharing ideas feels good and can lead to new understanding and a sense of camaraderie and support.

This can be a time of a revelation or the illumination of a matter surrounding relationships or finances, dear Aquarius, after yesterday’s Full Moon. Today is good for getting in touch with your innermost wants and needs. A harmonious aspect between Mercury and Jupiter facilitates the presentation of your ideas or the showcase your talents. Ideas for boosting business, your reputation, or your income can come to you now. Problem-solving is enhanced, particularly with regards to career, reputation, financial, and other practical or mechanical matters. Your vision of an issue is tremendous, and with a broader perspective, the details of any plan seem to fall into place. With more faith in your abilities and your worth now, it could be a good time to attract positive experiences.

Yesterday’s Full Moon may bring a relationship matter to light or a personal epiphany this week, dear Pisces. Something that’s been brewing inside of you, perhaps left unacknowledged, reaches a head. Focusing on friendships and positive communications today can be rewarding. There can be inspiring ideas coming in, or you might take part in a healthy debate that gets you thinking. It’s a good time for communicating, sharing, and expressing your ideas and beliefs. Learning, publishing, and transportation are favorable. The detours you take from your usual routine can be invigorating on a mental level. In these last few days of Mercury in your sign this year, and with Mercury in especially good form today, be sure to communicate your ideas and wishes.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Above are astrological event highlights for the day. Full Horoscopes are on Cafe Astrology. If Your Birthday is March 2nd, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Virgo
Description: The Moon in Virgo
We crave organization and order, and are quickly disturbed by anything standing in the way of these things. This is a good time for chores, organizing, and tidying. It’s also a time for scheduling health appointments and checkups, starting new routines, and generally tending to details.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 6:50 pm
Event: Moon goes void of course
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 3:25 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pallas
There is a good ability to successfully combine logic and intuition, and to understand problems taking into account the human element. There is sensitivity to people’s issues now. Cooperation. Effective, sensitive decision making.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 7:32 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Jun
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Juno
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 7:59 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Nep
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Neptune
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 8:27 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Sun
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Sun
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 10:39 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Ves
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Vesta
We can be a little stiff with our emotions, and we can be distracted from our work or focus. There can be difficulty expressing tenderness, concern, or care.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 11:26 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Plu
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pluto
This can be a good time for getting loans, for taking care of business, and for dealing with money matters. It’s also good for getting in touch with feelings and managing them effectively. There can be a boost to our intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit. We could discover new information, hidden information, or a lost item. This is a time for recycling – seeing new uses for old items. True feelings come to the surface.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 11:30 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Cer
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Ceres
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 12:28 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Mar
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Mars
We can overreact and exhibit impatience. However, this can also be a time of self-motivation. Our need for challenges and action is stimulated now, but we may not find the right outlets.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 3:40 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Jupiter
A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 4:48 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Mercury
Relationships can be somewhat strained as responses to one another can be too intellectual/logical or too emotional, swinging between the two.Nervous energy, hypersensitivity. How we feel and what we think can be at odds.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 6:50 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Venus
There may be emotional epiphanies or displays of affection now. Sentimentality and overindulgence are likely now. Differences in views and feelings with someone can be pronounced and could bother us now. Try to relax and not obsess.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 8:30 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Ura
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Uranus
There can be vague insecurity stimulated now, as we feel a little out of control faced with unpredictable events or feelings. There may be a conflict between a desire for familiarity and comfort, and the need for a change or excitement.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 10:49 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Chi
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Chiron
Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing. Now is the time to build bridges rather than burning them.
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 2:28 am
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Pll Nep
Description: Transiting Sun Parallel Transiting Neptune
Date & Time: Mar 2 2018 8:04 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mer Tri Jup
Description: Transiting Mercury Trine Transiting Jupiter
Good judgment. Taking in the full picture. Speculative thought. Positive thinking. Interest in learning. Teaching.
Strong Signs, Elements, Modes
Meticulous, discriminating, pure, practical, health conscious, hard working. Can be hyper-critical, petty and perfectionistic.
Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive. Can be escapist, impractical, hyper- sensitive, gullible.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality.
We may be open to change but may not have much follow-through.
We are flexible, adaptable, willing, open to change, and possibly flighty or nervous.
Moon 180 to 135 degrees behind the Sun.
We are concerned mainly with the nature of relationships and are made aware of recent imbalances. Something can come to fruition. Our concern is not limited to personal relationships, but relationships of all kinds. Our cards are on the table.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on March 2nd:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
We have an emotional need for order with the Moon in Virgo. Diet, nutrition, health matters, work, and routines are in stronger focus. If we’re feeling out of sorts emotionally, we might also experience symptoms on a physical level now.
Part of Body: Cystic duct
Sabian Symbol: A girl’s basketball team.
There can be disagreement between logic and feeling, the heart and the head. Relationships can be somewhat strained as responses to one another can be too intellectual/logical or too emotional, swinging between the two. Nervous energy, hypersensitivity.
OPPOSITION VENUS Orb 3°40′ Applying
We may be attempting to please others and ignoring our own needs, or tending to our own needs and alienating others. We can be feeling needy, looking for love or attention outside of ourselves. Indulgence, dissatisfaction.
SQUARE MARS Orb 0°16′ Applying
We may be short-tempered and impatient, and can express our emotions in a raw, unpolished manner. We can resent others’ interference now.
SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 2°09′ Applying
We are generous, forgiving, and high-minded now. We are looking at people and situations positively. This is a good time for making plans.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 0°19′ Separating
We can be quite focused now, driven by our goals and ambitions and motivated to put problems behind us. We might happily pour ourselves into a current passion or interest, and could find it easy to get to the bottom of things.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 6°20′ Applying
We may be projecting our own issues onto others now, and could be defensive or feel that others are insensitive to our feelings and needs. We might experience a conflict between wanting to be close to others and desiring to prove our independence, making intimacy a challenge right now.
You are an imaginative and serene individual. You need to express your fantasies and imagination, and may be a dreamer or be ungrounded.
Part of Body: Plantar artery of left foot
Sabian Symbol: A sword in a museum.
Fantasy plays a strong part in your life, either as a creative channel or as an escape. You are ‘other worldly’, possibly artistic or musical. You may be unclear of your own identity. Try to use your creativity rather than escaping through addictive behaviour.
You are highly intuitive with a good imagination. You have the ability to tune into other people’s thoughts. You may have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. You may experience periods where you seem to disappear into a dream world before being jolted back to reality.
Part of Body: Right distal tibio-fibular joint
Sabian Symbol: An inhabited island.
CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 1°12′ Applying
We are more agreeable, sociable, and focused on balance and harmony. Conversations flow nicely.
SQUARE MARS Orb 2°11′ Separating
Questions are raised, discussions can become heated, and there can be nervous excitement now. Enthusiasm is likely, but may go a little too far. Impulsive speech or other communications. Mechanical breakdowns are possible.
TRINE JUPITER Orb 0°18′ Separating
Good judgment. Taking in the full picture. Speculative thought. Positive thinking. Interest in learning. Teaching.
Early childhood education or communication were a source of pain for you. You grew up believing something was wrong with the way you communicated with others, or that you were not intelligent. As an adult you are a good listener and understand the pain of other people.
You yearn to merge and be at-one with your partner. In fact you want to be at-one with the universe. You also enjoy sharing inspirational activities with your partner, ranging from listening to beautiful music to visiting an art gallery.
Part of Body: Left distal tibio-fibular joint
Sabian Symbol: The purging of the priesthood.
SQUARE MARS Orb 3°24′ Separating
You may have some difficulty being patient with loved ones. You can be aggressive and irritable when others fail to keep up with your activities. You can be equally impatient with yourself.
TRINE JUPITER Orb 1°30′ Separating
You have a talent for putting other people at their ease. Your natural enthusiasm is contagious. Your larger-than-life schemes have a habit of always paying off.
You have a childlike innocence in your personal relationships, which makes you vulnerable to emotional pain. You fear commitment and rejection. You may experience pain in early relationships, but this pain is usually healed giving you insight and wisdom in later personal relationships. You see the beauty in people who have been cast aside by others, and develop the ability to be a teacher or healer in intimate relationships.
You are an inspirational leader, and have a strong desire for exploration and adventure. You may be one-pointed in your desires.
Part of Body: Right trochanter
Sabian Symbol: A chinese laundry.
TRINE URANUS Orb 4°43′ Applying
It’s easy and natural to break through obstacles, to find alternative methods of going after what we want, and to take progressive action or to take the lead. There is more courage, confidence, and energy available to us. We embrace change, progress, and new methods.
You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher.
Part of Body: Nasal septum
Sabian Symbol: Crowds coming down the mountain to listen to one man.
SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 2°29′ Applying
You have a chance to achieve a great deal. Your knowledge is broad as you are interested in so many things. You may make a career in the occult or studying the deepest mysteries of life.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 4°10′ Separating
You have the gift of wisdom. You trust your own intuitive nature, and are able to teach others on the spiritual path. You are able to encompass other people’s personal philosophies without feeling threatened, so that others trust you with their spiritual problems.
Conservation, moderation, definition, structure, simplicity, and realism are themes now. We might also be striving for more authority in a particular area of our lives now. This is a time for making clear choices and decisions, for weeding out what isn’t working for us, and for letting go of lost causes, particularly related to our life path choices, careers, and long-term goals. (from December 19, 2017, to March 21, 2020; and then from July 1 to December 17, 2020).
Part of Body: Lymph vessels of knee
Sabian Symbol: Birds in the house singing happily.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Skull
Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Right cutaneous veins
Sabian Symbol: A lady in fox fur.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Tendons of left knee
Sabian Symbol: A relay race.
Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Phalanges of left foot
Sabian Symbol: A fertile garden under the full moon.
You have the ability to work relentlessly for a cause in which you believe. You need to make sure you do not exclude other people’s points of view. You have visions and enjoy the adventure of discovery in your work.
Part of Body: Head of right femur
Sabian Symbol: People cutting through ice, for summer use.
You have the ability to see the beauty in nature and the arts. You have much common sense and wisdom. You may become involved in either healing with your hands, or healing the earth through environmental movements.
Part of Body: Carotid arteries
Sabian Symbol: An old man attempting vainly to reveal the mysteries.
You want to be at-one with the world through your relationship. You crave for the highest romantic ideals within your relationship, and become disillusioned with reality.
Part of Body: Nerves of right foot
Sabian Symbol: A petrified forest.
You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun.
Part of Body: Entrance of pulmonary artery
Sabian Symbol: An old fashioned woman and an up-to-date girl.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Right atrium
Sabian Symbol: A street pageant.
This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world.
Part of Body: Lymph vessels of right lower leg
Sabian Symbol: Two lovebirds sitting on a fence.
**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on March 2, 2018**
Aspects to Jup 23° Sc 09 -17°24′
Cnj 24°Sc02 AGENA The pain of learning
Aspects to Jun 03°Pi11 -07°14′
Cnj 04°Pi06 FOMALHAUT *** Success through noble ideals
Aspects to Nod 14°Le47 +16°23′
Cnj 15°Le27 DUBHE Loving but forceful
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