Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 9:27 PM, after which the Moon is in Libra.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:58 PM to 9:27 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 9:42 PM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs today very early in the sign of Libra.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
- The Sun enters Aries today (the Sun transits Aries from March 20-April 19).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Sun enters your sign today, dear Aries, kicking off a month-long cycle in which personal influence is strong and personal plans are on the front burner. Even so, a Full Moon happens to occur now as well and is a quick reminder of the needs of a partner or a relationship. Whatever comes to light now is tied into brave new beginnings next month. It comes at a time when Venus and Mars clash and tempers are quick to flare if you’re not getting your way! Your desires can feel overwhelming right now, but equally challenging to fulfill. You might choose to roll with the emotional excitement by keeping your expectations in check and enjoying a little competitiveness with others since frustrations now can help fuel motivation to do better. Relationship issues, a personal matter, your true feelings about someone, or a partner’s needs might come to light now. Epiphanies occurring now and in the week ahead are significant, but taking action on them should wait.

You’re beginning a month-long cycle today that’s best used for emotional renewal, tying up loose ends, and laying low, dear Taurus. You need to carve out some time to yourself in the weeks ahead, and the rewards for doing so are great. Watch for impulsive moves today as Venus and Mars head towards a clashing square aspect. It can be hard to get what you want without causing a big stir. Someone may prefer a refined approach from you, and they can misinterpret your passion as impatience or insensitivity. Today’s Full Moon prompts an awareness of the need to manage your daily affairs with more punctuality, determination, or concentration. You might see a flaw in a plan that sets you on the road to improvement, or events occurring now remind you of the need to manage your time more effectively. There could be a new development or wake-up call that pushes you forward. There can be a turning point or revelation about your work, health, or desire to be productive and useful.

The Sun heads into your solar eleventh house today, dear Gemini, changing up the themes of March a little, and bringing new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking in the coming month. A romantic revelation is possible around now as well with a Full Moon occurring in your romance and creativity sector. If you find yourself competing with someone over whose needs and desires should be paramount, try to pull yourself out of the game which is likely to end up going nowhere. Today’s Full Moon pulls out your need to connect and share. It opens your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention. A social matter or project can reach a turning point now, or there can be epiphany or breakthrough that motivates you to make changes. A love relationship or a project close to your heart can be in sharp focus, demanding your full attention.

With the Sun’s move into your solar tenth house for a month-long stay, dear Cancer, you’re more visible than usual. A Full Moon occurs today coincidentally, and challenging family or home life issues could emerge just as this new career or public focus begins. Whatever surfaces now is in full view, and this helps get the process of working things through started. You recognize your needs for security, comfort, and nurture, and it becomes clear that you should strive towards balancing these things with your worldly goals, which are coming into stronger focus. With Venus in your intimacy sector clashing with Mars in your friendship sector, too, there can be inner conflicts to deal with or clashes with someone in your life. Someone may be giving too much and getting too little in return. If you need to get things out of your system, you might find you have the courage to do so now. Today’s Full Moon also stirs up the need to handle a family or personal matter. Circumstances push you to recognize the need for improved time and energy management as well as a better work-life balance.

Energetically speaking, your life picks up the pace with the Sun’s move into your solar ninth house for a month-long stay, dear Leo. You could feel as if you are moving out of the dark and into the light, and you’re likely to find the spirit and motivation to embark on unusual or simply different adventures. Even so, a Full Moon also occurs today in your communications sector, and you can be especially busy. It brings with it a reminder to handle your daily affairs. Differences are in the spotlight in your personal relationships, too, and it can be difficult to see eye to eye with people close to you temporarily. There may be conflicts with someone in authority, or you might feel uncomfortable with a person who is coming on too strong. People seem competitive rather than cooperative at this time. Disconnects are likely about values, goals, or ambitions. You might choose to adjust your approach to minimize friction and misunderstanding, or let the conflict happen in case it takes you somewhere good! For emotional refreshment, take advantage of opportunities for a change in scenery, but do listen to the Full Moon’s prompts to explore ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and connections which in turn can motivate you to make changes and improvements. New awareness can push you to deal with matters head-on.

The Sun’s move into your solar eighth house today brings on the need for more depth from your relationships and activities, dear Virgo, and this transit lasts until April 19th. Even so, today’s Full Moon happens in your resources sector, and money matters assume bigger proportions in your life, so you may be juggling. Energies now and this week can bring revelations and possible conflicts to the foreground. There can be a tug of war going on, whether it’s going on within yourself or with someone in your life, over money, possessions, and matters of control. Whatever emerges at this time can prompt a change for the better. The desire to keep things peaceful and humming along smoothly with your routines is strong, but another part of you is hungry for stimulation elsewhere. Restlessness is the result, and this can lead to impatience, but it doesn’t have to go there if you tackle the root of the problem. Today’s Full Moon reminds you to do your best to get on top of your finances and aim to show your abilities in the best possible way. Emotions run high around any Full Moon, so take your time before making any crucial decisions. This Full Moon can bring new information, a turning point, or culmination surrounding a practical, ownership, business, or financial matter. It falls along an axis that has to do with talents and resources, as well as sexual and intimate relationships, and new feelings or discoveries may revolve around these things.

The Sun moves into your partnership sector for a month-long stay, dear Libra, and an emotional Full Moon occurs in your sign today. Emotions bubble up to the surface with force, and others may bring surprises into your life, or you surprise yourself as you awaken to strong feelings that you haven’t yet acknowledged. It can be difficult to fine-tune your approach precisely the way someone else in your life wants you to behave, and besides, you’re itching to express yourself! Your best bet is to tap into frustrations and snatch up the excess energy for creative inspiration. Consider that impatience itself is what’s tripping you up more than anything now. A stand-off of sorts could be what pushes your feelings into your awareness. Even with a relationship-focused cycle ahead of you, you’re awakening to your needs for some independence, a voice, or personal time with today’s Full Moon.

With the Sun moving into your solar sixth house today for a month-long stay, dear Scorpio, a work theme is starting to develop. Surprising events and feelings can arise, particularly in the areas of work, daily routines, and health, and hidden issues and information can surface. Sudden feelings or opportunities might nudge you in a different direction as a Full Moon also occurs now, along with an impending Venus-Mars square. Watch for rash moves, reminding yourself that true desires stick around and don’t have a short shelf life or timetable. It may be a good idea to remove yourself from frustrating circumstances, if possible, to get a change of scenery, which can help lead to a new perspective. What comes to light now enables you to see where to go next. Temporarily, though, you could feel a bit lost as boundaries between your feelings and the outside world are blurred, and you could be feeling overwhelmed by others’ emotions or elements of the past that haven’t been put to rest. However, from these experiences, new insight emerges. This Full Moon can prompt a sudden discovery of the need for extra time alone or rest, recuperation, and regeneration.

The Sun moves into a creative, romantic, and playful sector of your chart today, dear Sagittarius, and until April 19th, this transit is sure to awaken your feelings and desire to share your affections and creations. Also today, the Full Moon occurs in your social sector, and a social or networking matter can come to full bloom, setting you on a new, fresh path. There can be some drama with friends and lovers or strong feelings coming to the surface, and you’ll be in a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience of the moment passes. There can be some competitiveness in the air now, and it’s best to keep in mind that quick commentary or announcements may be premature. It’s important to give everyone some space, as there are rebellious, freedom-seeking themes now, but conflicts and clashes that might occur can be highly revealing. The Full Moon today can bring people to you, or it can stir up a lot of activity in your social life. There can be the illumination of a friendship or romantic matter, or your feelings can become insistent and clear. This can be a time of a sudden demand for your help, support, or company.

The Sun moves into your home and family sector today, dear Capricorn, and will stick around here until April 19th. While this transit stimulates a strong focus on your personal life, the Full Moon occurring today happens at the top of your solar chart, which is a public, professional place. To boot, Venus, the ruler of your career sector, forms a square to Mars at this time, adding raised passions to the mix. You are moving towards an active period for enjoying and improving family and home life, but it’s also a time when you open your eyes to the need to manage your ambitions, career, or reputation so that you can give both areas of your life your best. Impatience won’t move things forward if they’re not ready to go in that direction, and it’s likely that you need some time–be sure to take it if it’s possible now. You could be feeling a lot of pressure to perform, but don’t let emotions trip you up. The chances are good that you don’t need to push so hard. Aim to get in touch with your true desires so that you don’t end up chasing superficial ones now. This Full Moon increases your visibility as well as the realization that you should get your act together. It’s best to aim for a balance.

The Sun enters your communications sector today, dear Aquarius, and will influence this busy, connected area of your solar chart until April 19th. At the same time, a Full Moon occurs today in your spirit sector, and Venus and Mars head toward a square aspect. These events can point to sudden urges and changes, but especially realizations. Life is speeding up for you. Do watch for impatience which can lead to errors in judgment now, mainly since the shifts come on quite suddenly. Communication, learning, educational, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing matters may come to full bloom, and this sets you on a fresh path. There could be surprising news from a relative or from afar. You may also be dealing with unexpected transportation issues, whether local or long distance. This Full Moon encourages you to pay attention to your need for more stimulation and connection to the outside world. There might be a sudden desire (or need) to depart your usual routine, go on a trip, or do something more refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming.

Watch for hasty actions or words today, particularly in love relationships, dear Pisces. There are several exciting shifts that point to turning points, but there can be tension generated now as everything seems to be happening at once. Be ready to put in some extra effort toward achieving goals, especially those related to learning, communicating, and connecting. It’s an excellent time, in fact, for brushing up on your knowledge and developing skills. Whether you’re catching up or getting ahead of yourself, efforts to learn can be very successful now. The Sun’s move into your finance sector where it will stay for a month is a steadying influence overall. Today’s Full Moon is more emotional and can pull out strong feelings, perhaps leading you to a revelation or epiphany about the need for someone or support, whether this is psychological, moral, or financial. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner’s income, or other shared resources can be in sharp focus and subject to strong emotions. It’s a time for wanting to release yourself from a burden.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 20, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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