Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred yesterday, very early in the sign of Libra.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
- The Sun spends its first full day in Aries (the Sun transits Aries from March 20-April 19).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Somebody might be promising more than they can deliver today, dear Aries, and that somebody could be you if you’re not careful. Promises are likely coming from good intentions; it’s just that elevated moods can lead to some overestimation. Watch that excessive enthusiasm doesn’t lead to poor choices, including impulse buys. There is no use forcing an issue only because it’s hard to stop thinking about it. If these things are kept in check, you’ll have an easier time tapping into the beautiful energies offered up to you via a Venus-Jupiter sextile today. You could make some beautiful connections or bond with a friend through the sharing of ideas and beliefs. Instead, you can enjoy great enthusiasm and excitement about a current project. Your sense of community is strong, and emotional satisfaction can come through your interactions with friends and associates. Matters related to team efforts, business income, publishing, promotion, and education are favored for you right now.

This can be a lively time for you, dear Taurus, and you may get the feeling from someone that you’re valued and respected, which encourages and motivates you. It’s a good time for attracting who or what you want. You see the worth and value of things more clearly, professionally, practically, and personally, which leads to sensible decisions. While you may have felt that things were up in the air recently, today you’re either accepting the idea or looking forward to new directions. Finding the right answers comes more quickly today than it might on another day. Still, some things are still unstable, and it’s best to keep in mind the expression “haste makes waste.” With haste, you may trip over yourself or misrepresent yourself in some manner. Exercise patience for best results now.

It’s important to watch for haste and impatience today, dear Gemini. This way, you can tap into the gorgeous energy of a Venus-Jupiter sextile. It’s true that there may be delays that can be frustrating now, but these can afford you the chance to think things through. You can be especially productive and energetic, however, when it comes to making refinements and adjustments as opposed to launching new projects or generating all-new ideas. Today is healthy for an open and optimistic attitude that helps attract positive attention from others. It’s a good time to do some circulating, connecting, collaborating, and sharing. Sharing ideas and beliefs can boost a relationship. You might bond with someone as you make a greater attempt to understand them. Be generous and forthcoming for best results today, but do watch for making big decisions and promises in haste.

This can be a time of enjoying a friendly spirit of competition, dear Cancer, but it’s best to rein things in if you feel you’re going too far. There can be empty promises or people pushing others’ limits or boundaries now. Work and your social life may not mix very well, and expecting too much too soon can lead to disappointment. Aim to relax and trust that things will unfold as they should. Fortunately, your thinking is optimistic, and others are especially cooperative when given the benefit of the doubt, so it’s easy to pick yourself right back up if something doesn’t pan out exactly as you expected. Appreciation may be forthcoming, too. There can be positive feelings about work projects or investments, and your intimate life can get a boost. Ideally, you’re able to feel close to someone but also free to be yourself or to express some independence. It’s a good day for forgiveness and understanding, as well as problem-solving.

Your belief in yourself and others is admirable today, dear Leo. While there can be some issues with high expectations or overreaching now, putting more faith in the people you love and expressing your appreciation for them can boost a bond or open up opportunities to connect with someone new. Sharing your happiness with someone can take a relationship to a new level, and people are drawn to your good humor. Honesty and openness become you! There is also good energy for taking care of yourself emotionally. Taking action on a matter that helps you improve your mental health and understanding of your deeper needs can benefit you considerably now. Try to avoid taking on too much today. With optimism sometimes comes big promises or new commitments that might later feel burdensome. There is work to do, and there are problems to sort out, but take things easy and don’t force anything, as errors more likely happen when you push.

There is some tendency to go overboard or to bulldoze over others’ plans or ideas today, dear Virgo, mainly because you’re enthusiastic. While there’s a forgiving theme to the day, it’s better not to push things. Instead, let others state their case, and allow the facts to reveal themselves. Otherwise, you can feel overwhelmed with too many choices. This is a wonderful time, in fact, for the enjoyment of work and family. A pleasing level of cooperation surrounds your interactions. Emotional clarity creates positive energy today. Your passion and good sense show through in the work you do, the services you provide, or in your domestic pursuits and home-related projects. It’s a beautiful time to put your faith in someone you love and let them know. Your positivity certainly helps attract support and warmth from others.

It’s best to keep communications simple and straightforward today, dear Libra. With Mercury retrograde and a tricky aspect between Mars and Jupiter in play, there is some tendency not only to be misunderstood but also to go over the top. Pushing for an answer is likely to backfire today. Relationships are more successful with flexibility. Avoid wasting time see-sawing between two choices. Instead, try to tap into a Venus-Jupiter influence that strengthens, motivates, and supports your efforts, especially to get along with others. There can be good reviews or feedback for your work, ideas, or creativity. An open, generous, and forthcoming attitude is your best bet, and is might attractive to boot! You may be feeling lucky in love or particularly pleased with your current interests and projects.

Differences of opinion or a feeling of being overlooked are potential problems today, dear Scorpio, and it may be best to steer your conversations or thoughts to the positive. This is not to avoid problems altogether, but to avoid wasting time on matters that you can’t truly change. If a direct route to your desires is not working, develop strategies, but avoid either pushing or taking roundabout routes that you won’t be comfortable with in the end. A Venus-Jupiter aspect is in play today, fortunately, and it helps you see the bright side of a situation. The desire to share your happiness and good fortune with someone is strong. Generous feelings can inspire you to make a nice gesture to someone special in your life. You can stumble upon a good buy or enjoy taking special care of a prized possession. The Moon in your privacy sector all day does point to some need to take it easy, and it feels good to do so.

In many ways these days, dear Sagittarius, you’re whipping your life into shape. Today, however, there is some tendency to push things a little too far, and you might experience a conflict between your will and your performance, leaving you uncertain about how to express the extra energy you have now. Fortunately, Venus is allying with Jupiter, your ruler, helping you to relax, enjoy yourself, and let things run their natural course. This aspect supports a confident presentation, positivity, optimism, and generosity. You’re generous with your time and understanding right now, and this can make a world of difference in both your personal and professional lives. Jupiter is in your own sign and Venus is currently in your communications sector, and even with Mercury still retrograde, your communications are well-received. Even small gestures made now can have an incredible impact. While there is some tendency to overdo or overindulge, you may very well benefit from extra pampering now.

Something that looks very attractive today may prove to be useless later, dear Capricorn, with an awkward aspect forming between Mars and Jupiter. Or, you may feel overcome with a desire that is likely to fade almost as quickly as it comes on. Today is fortunate for activities that are fun, romantic, and creative, but you should watch that you don’t go overboard in your enthusiasm. Focus on those things that can be improved rather than the things that are out of your control for best results now. Fortunately, a Venus-Jupiter connection spreads some cheer today and can help pick up the slack or the general mood. It brings a lovely spirit of understanding, tolerance, and support, making it a good time for healing, forgiving, or taking a relationship to a new level. It’s a great time to give someone the benefit of the doubt. Confidence in your worth and value can attract positive attention, and perhaps even a bonus or recognition.

There is positive, playful energy with you at this time, dear Aquarius, although some tendency to want to push something that’s better left alone, or the opposite: to back off when the timing is right. Watch that you don’t stress over things that don’t honestly matter in the long run. Protect your interests, but recognize when you need to let go or walk away. That said, this is a potentially excellent time for relations with friends, or you may be feeling particularly confident about your plans and projects. Your ideas are original and progressive, and they excite and motivate you! You are received well today and admired for your personal style. Venus in your sign highlights your attractive qualities, and connects well with Jupiter. You might focus on a particular direction that motivates you, and you enjoy solving problems or simply looking beyond flaws and challenges to good times ahead of you.

Enthusiasm seems in wonderful supply today, dear Pisces, but watch for the tendency to take it too far. Keep things moderate on certain fronts, but especially on a professional level. The temptation to push too hard or to go over the top to get one’s way is great but is unlikely to bring desired results. It’s important to avoid taking on new work just because you feel you are capable of it since there is a real inclination to borrow from the future. However, letting things flow along and staying open, honest, and generous can be the perfect strategy or approach now as Venus and Jupiter connect via a harmonious aspect. You can take some real pleasure from setting goals for yourself and basking in a confident feeling that you’ll reach them in due time. A private or anonymous act of kindness might lift your spirits, or you may come to a new understanding of a past matter that helps you move forward more confidently. Or, working in relative solitude or behind the scenes can be especially rewarding now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 21, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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