Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 2:05 AM, after which the Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is void until 2:05 AM (since yesterday at 10:23 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 20th, and the Last Quarter Moon will occur on the 28th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Keep your options open as much as possible today, dear Aries. It’s an ideal time to learn from recent mistakes, frustrations, and delays–not through dwelling but by picking yourself up and doing what feels right in the present moment. Keep the lines of communication open and refuse to become weighed down by syntax errors or other minor annoyances. Your ability to put things into perspective today and tomorrow can open up doors that were previously closed, not only because you’re entertaining new ideas, but also because others are more willing to consider your viewpoint. With the Moon heading into your spirit sector, find ways to bring some adventure into your life now. You might consider ways to release yourself from intense emotions if you don’t already gravitate towards them naturally today.

You’re in a cycle that is less pressured and stressful but considerably less visible, too, dear Taurus, making it an excellent time to catch your breath! Today, a new money-making idea or simply a new attitude can be very appealing and potentially rewarding now. The primary key to success today and tomorrow on all fronts is to be open-minded and to entertain forward-looking, progressive feelings and ideas. Be enthusiastic on the job or as you take care of your daily chores for best results now. New insights into old problems can come. You’re more optimistic than usual, and you can be quite pleased with your work and the smaller but vital things that you’ve accomplished. There is greater self-understanding now, and a sense of inner strength and resolve.

This is a potentially brilliant day for social activities, attraction, negotiations, and relationships in general, dear Gemini. You could have a lucky break, or you could surprise someone and thoroughly enjoy doing so. You are extremely attractive right now, particularly with a forward-looking, open attitude. Positive energy for thinking and sharing is with you now, even with some delays as Mercury spends its last few days retrograde. Minds are open so that making changes feels natural, although locking something down should wait until next week. The Moon moves into your house of “other” today, harmonizing with the Sun in your friends and dreams sector, and this reinforces an upbeat, connected theme. You don’t have to agree, but what others say may very well get you thinking in new ways.

Improvements or answers to old problems can come on the home front and with family today, dear Cancer. Enjoy yourself, and be as open as possible to new ideas and feelings. While brand new initiatives should wait at least a few days, you’re in great shape for the consideration of changes you’ll want to make soon. Your ability to rise above petty thinking and little problems in order to see the bigger picture is active now and helps to relieve pressure. Health can be a focus and an area for problem-solving or innovative thinking today and tomorrow. You feel better about what you’re doing when others are cooperating, and you have their enthusiasm or support today and tomorrow in particular. You feel best if you’re keeping busy today as the Moon moves into your solar sixth house.

There can be a sudden and pleasant opportunity to enjoy yourself today or tomorrow, dear Leo. It’s a great time for making a connection, finding a creative outlet for self-expression, and for personal charisma and attraction. Be sure to mingle, get out and about, and accept invitations. Your warmth and wisdom are admired now. You stand out today and tomorrow for your progressive spirit. Ideas shared with friends or in group settings can be healing and helpful. As well, you’re in the mood to share the happiness with the Moon heading into your creative sector and harmonizing with the Sun. You’re a little more sociable than usual, and while this may seem to undercut your productivity in the short term, but enjoying yourself is more likely to boost your productivity in the long run as you bring a refreshed mind to your work this way.

You could experience a lucky break of sorts today and tomorrow, dear Virgo, especially when it comes to money and home matters. Keep your mind open. Security is essential and tradition, too, but it’s about thinking progressively that can boost your security now, perhaps ironically. Be enthusiastic and open-minded so that you can see all of your possibilities and opportunities. You can make satisfying progress on a money-making or home-related idea or project. Business thinking is excellent, or feedback from family can be helpful. With the Moon’s move into your solar fourth house, you’re more sharply focused on (or invested in) home and family, your support system, personal matters, and long-range plans. Taking special care of issues from their root leads to better prospects in the long run.

Recent events may have been frustrating if there have been delays and seeming setbacks, dear Libra, but you’re now in a much better position to move forward with more organization and knowledge. This will only get better as the week moves forward, too. A new or renewed love for a former personal interest can occur today or tomorrow. In more than one area of life, you can feel as if you’re getting a second chance. For the most, you’re positive and confident, and being generous with your time and attention can work very much in your favor. You might enjoy a learning breakthrough, or you experience some especially positive thinking and exchanges or the motivation to pursue your projects. It’s important to mix up the routine a little as you get your business done. You can especially enjoy interacting in unique and creative ways.

Unexpected good luck or some interesting serendipity can occur today and tomorrow, dear Scorpio. You might find something you’d lost, discover a hidden resource, or uncover something from the past that frees your mind in the present. Be spontaneous today with the Moon’s move into the sign of Sagittarius but do take any opportunity that arises to regroup and center yourself. Take note of intuitions and creative flashes. They can be subtle but shouldn’t be dismissed. You might figure out a way to handle a private matter or a problem that has been weighing you down. Dreams and intuition are fertile for ideas today. A sudden memory may figure strongly and positively. Emotions are settling, and balance is sought. With feelings less urgent now, your choices seem healthier.

The key to success today is to look for opportunities where you typically don’t seek them, dear Sagittarius. You are coming across well, attracting support from others, especially partners and friends, and you are thinking about your future. As you change and evolve, it’s important to be especially mindful of how you are letting go of the past. Doing so with sensitivity helps you to turn over a new leaf with more confidence and pride. Others tend to listen to what you have to say today and tomorrow, and the more appealing qualities of your personality are in the spotlight. Networking can stimulate truly handy and interesting ideas. With the Moon moving into your sign and harmonizing with the Sun today, as well, you might find easy ways to channel emotional energy, primarily revolving around creative or recreational activities. Competitions today may run in your favor.

Recent limitations can be turned into opportunities with a little creativity today, dear Capricorn. Your reputation may receive a boost through the help you give or have given in the past. The chance to expand your perspective, particularly related to business, career, or long-term goals, can arise now. You are drawing upon your wisdom and experience to come up with unique ideas, although conclusions may need to wait a little while longer since Mercury is still retrograde for a few more days. The Moon heads into your privacy sector for a couple of days, and this can serve to increase your need for rest, time to heal and relax, and extra personal space/time to process recent events. Circumstances may be such that you are better off functioning behind the scenes just for now.

Open your mind to possibilities today, dear Aquarius, as opportunities are likely to come to those who are thinking creatively and progressively. Fortunately, this kind of perspective comes naturally to you. Travel opportunities can arise, but so can smaller adventures that take you out of your normal routine. Friendships can move forward today with pleasant surprises, or there may be good news on the lines of education, travel, or business income. You’re ready to share happiness or helpful information. Self-expression comes more naturally than usual, although it’s more about positive body language than the words you choose. You may discover that common goals, interests, and philosophies between you and a friend are more apparent today and tomorrow.

Keep your eyes open for chances to advance materially or emotionally, dear Pisces. Mercury is currently finishing up its last days of retrograde motion in your sign, and while it’s not yet time to make big changes, it’s important today and tomorrow to open up your mind to the possibility of making changes soon. You’re in a good position to cooperate with others and to enjoy useful feedback. Professional matters are positive, especially if you give generously with your time and attention. An open mind works wonders today! You can be excited about finding solutions to problems. Focusing on an interesting project or topic can boost your mood. Life plan goals tend to be on your mind.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 25, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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