Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon will arrive on March 6th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

With the Moon in your social sector all day, dear Aries, you’re in a fraternizing frame of mind! Even so, there can be some frustrations with the Moon’s square to your ruler, Mars, and you can feel blocked from–or indecisive about–pursuing your desires. However, you would do well to conserve energy until you have the confidence to go full speed ahead. The Moon here can stimulate a need to let go of pressures and unwind in good company, but a reminder of an expense, money concern, or a feeling of missing out could undermine this pursuit temporarily. You may need to cut your losses regarding a matter and aim to start fresh. Since you can feel particularly impatient if left waiting for others today, it may be better to either set your own pace or take matters into your own hands. As well, try not to jump ahead on new projects if you haven’t yet completed the ones already in progress. Give thought to your finances and how you can make meaningful changes that free you from worry.

While there is some desire or need to wind down now, dear Taurus, there can be tensions emerging, making it a real challenge to relax in the first half of the day. Work or duty demands your attention, but you’re susceptible to distractions as you struggle with where to devote your energies. You may be struggling with a fear of missing out when you apply your energies to the tasks at hand. Indeed, your responsibilities and reputation are special concerns with the Moon at the top of your solar chart. While you should bother yourself with what others expect of you to some degree at this time of the lunar month, there is no need to overdo this beyond what you can realistically manage at this time. In truth, with Mars in your sign these days, you feel compelled to explore or assert your independence, such that finding a balance makes the most sense. As the day moves forward, however, a friend or cherished goal can help you gain some perspective.

The broader issues that concern you come into play today and tomorrow, dear Gemini, with the Moon in your spirit sector. While seeing the bigger picture often soothes and comforts you, there can be some tension in the first half of the day as you wonder what lies ahead. There is also a tendency to be a little too quick on the trigger while communicating, as well as hypersensitivity and quick reactions. While it’s unlikely to be a huge problem, it’s probably best not to complicate matters further by juggling too much. Downtime is vital this month, but you should also make room for a change of pace — something new to engage your mind and refresh your spirit. With a New Moon occurring in just three days and bringing you a chance for a new beginning, it makes sense to clear out the decks now.

There can be some tension if someone brings up an issue that leaves you feeling insecure or if you’re left to fill in the blanks, dear Cancer. It’s fine to do some guarding of your feelings, but it’s best to avoid jumping to conclusions today because, with a Moon-Mars aspect, we’re inclined to take things more personally than is probably warranted. You can be a little secretive or protective of your plans and feelings today, and that’s quite normal at this time of the lunar month when the Moon spends a couple of days in the intimacy sector of your solar chart. It may be that you need to gather up your energy and think more carefully before going forward with important projects. It comes at an important time, too, just three days before the New Moon that will find you more adventurous and active. Work on emotional self-control today, but do listen to what your feelings are telling you.

The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your partnership sector, dear Leo, and this transit can find you especially interested in finding a balance or keeping the peace. With a Moon-Mars aspect, however, it can be challenging and perhaps exhausting to reach a compromise in the first half of the day, so you may decide to cut your losses or change your focus. For some, this can be a time of feeling temporarily overwhelmed by career matters or responsibilities, but you can’t seem to pull yourself away from these things. So that you avoid the traps of doing something and holding a grudge, find a balance within yourself instead of trying to manage things outside of yourself. You can do this by resolving only to do what is reasonable and feels right. Your relationships will benefit! If you discover today that you’re too dependent on others’ schedules, plans, and needs, resolve to handle this matter, keeping in mind that these types of efforts take time.

With the Moon in house six of your solar chart today and tomorrow, dear Virgo, problems do seem to stick out more than usual. However, you’re also willing to do something about them rather than dwell on the flaws, and that’s what makes it a potentially highly productive time. Even so, in the first half of the day, there can be a tendency to rush something or to succumb to pressures to get far too much done in a short period. It can be challenging to focus, and this comes down to feeling torn between the desire for more adventure or life experience and the need to straighten out details, but it’s essential to come to some order in your daily affairs before moving your bigger plans ahead. That’s the reality now! As the day advances, you’re more likely to enjoy a comfortable pace.

The Moon spends a couple of days in your sector of joy, creativity, and love, dear Libra, and you can feel a strong need to express yourself now. You may be looking for positive feedback, and it’s important to try not to invest too much feeling into this, especially since the energies of the day are up and down. People seem a bit preoccupied at best and tense and self-focused at worst. This is due to a Moon-Mars square that’s impermanent but can also stir things up. You might feel a little torn between applying yourself to a challenging project/problem and enjoying some fun time. You might waver between trusting someone or something on the one hand and questioning motives on the other. Signals can get crossed in love matters with the chances of both parties feeling moody. The day does smooth out later on, and the morning leaves you with some food for thought.

With the Moon spending a couple of days at the bottom of your solar chart, dear Scorpio, it’s a fine time for clearing out the deadwood. This comes at the perfect time, just days before the New Moon in your creative sector. Don’t be afraid to dig up previously buried resentments or frustrations. In fact, they’re very likely to pop up all on their own today as the Moon clashes with Mars, although they may seem to surface through your interactions with a partner or significant someone, so you’re wise to attempt to sort out what’s truly yours! People around you are dealing with their own issues and are less likely than usual to intuit your needs. If excess energy is used positively, feeling frustrated with your domestic situation or your emotional life can light a fire under you to get things sorted out. Aim for a lighter load!

With the Moon now in house three of your solar chart for a couple of days, dear Sagittarius, you’re inclined to be quite busy and connected. The Moon’s conflict with Mars from your communications sector to your work and health sector can point to an equal interest in personal pursuits and duties, but it’s important not to overdo. Sometimes we overreach, and it can feel very chaotic in the first half of today if this is the case. Alternatively, you can be on edge with concerns about problem areas related to work/health issues, finding it hard to get much done with your attention so very divided. Try to tune out some of the extras now for best results. Do your best to keep personal and work matters separate.

With the Moon in your resources sector today and tomorrow, dear Capricorn, you’re seeking out a nice dose of predictability. In the first half of the day, though, there can be plenty of interference to navigate, whether it’s because a lot is going on around you or because you’re dealing with a fear of missing out. There can be some crankiness to deal with today, mostly related to rushing or impatience to handle needs and desires. You’re also especially sensitive to your money situation or sense of security. There is a tendency for people to make more of an issue than is warranted, and exaggeration leads to mistakes or frustrations. It can be challenging to get everyone to cooperate or go along with your plans, but the second part of the day shapes up well for centering yourself, getting comfortable, and enjoying pleasures–aim to take it easy before busier days to come. Even so, this can be a time for discovering alternative ways of making your life a little more comfortable and content, even if this means temporarily moving out of your comfort zone to secure something more long-term!

With the Moon in your sign today and tomorrow, you tend to command positive attention, dear Aquarius. Your increased desire for independence and forward motion can feel a bit at odds with your recent drive for more comfort and predictability, but if you pace yourself, you may find ways to attend to both needs satisfyingly. You may not always discover easy channels for expressing yourself in the first half of the day, perhaps as you find yourself in between others’ dilemmas or pressures from family may figure strongly. However, as the day advances, it’s easier to wind down–or wind up in a focused manner–whichever suits your purposes and mood best now. Keep in mind that with a New Moon coming on the 6th, the next few days, in a general sense, are better for tying up loose ends than for brand new endeavors.

The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector today and tomorrow, signaling a need for downtime, dear Pisces, but it can be tough to relax in the first half of today. It can be hard to turn your mind off enough to rest–perhaps your mind is in overdrive now–but it’s better for you if you do! Besides, the overthinking may well be a wild goose chase. Unwinding is a natural progression of the lunar cycle as you prepare for the Moon’s entrance into your sign on the 5th and then a New Moon in Pisces the following day, making it even more vital than usual to take time to reflect and learn what’s in your heart. Try to put aside tension over personal viewpoints, paperwork, or errands. While your spirit for discovery is active and will continue to motivate you for many weeks, you may also need some time alone to sort out all of your feelings and experiences.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 3, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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