Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 28th, and the New Moon will occur on April 5th.
- No major ones.
- Mercury is direct and is in its post-retrograde shadow phase until April 16th.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Venus is transiting your solar twelfth house until April 20th, dear Aries, and this is a private, complex area of the chart. While your feelings or relationships may seem a little more complicated than usual, this can also be a time for getting in better touch with your innermost longings, needs, and desires. You could also find a lot of pleasure in your private life. With a Venus-Saturn minor challenging aspect today, however, there can be some delays or miscommunications to handle. There can be challenges fitting in both rest and business or to separate your personal and public life. The Moon moves into harmony with the Sun in your sign later today, however, and this helps get you into a positive frame of mind. You may become inspired by a new idea, plan, or project.

You’re usually quite ready to try out different and possibly even unconventional ways of relating to others these days, dear Taurus. However, today’s energies are not quite so free-flowing. There can be communication or transportation blocks to manage. A disagreement or different perspective on a matter can leave you wondering about how close you truly are with someone. However, this is just a hiccup, and especially as the day advances, you’ll find it easier to detach from matters. In fact, you’re far less sensitive and you find it natural to brush off insecurities. The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, getting you in touch with your ambitions and broader goals. You’ll feel most satisfied emotionally if you get things in order.

The Moon spends the day in your sector of spirit, communication, and adventure today and tomorrow, dear Gemini. You’re sure to feel the need for a change of pace and the forward-looking energy. This is a good day for connecting with a goal related to happiness and fulfillment. You might feel more interested in working towards your own goals than socializing today. You have a good sense for business and leadership, although your personal life can seem a little rocky at times today. Tricky schedules and communications can figure strongly. People may not be quite as cooperative as you’d like. However, as the day moves forward, there is plenty to keep you busy and stimulated, and you’ll find it easy to focus on those things that motivate and energize you.

With Venus in your solar ninth house these days, dear Cancer, you’re more likely to jump in first, then ask questions later. But with a Venus-Saturn challenge today, there can be some tensions in interpersonal relationships, likely revolving around responsibilities and taking communications the wrong way. While this can present a hurdle, possibly due to negative expectations, as the day moves forward, it’s easier to get yourself into a positive groove. As well, the Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, and you’re inclined to want to get in touch with your deeper needs and feelings, preferring the time to process and understand what’s going on within and in the world around you before taking concrete action.

This is a more sociable time of the month, dear Leo, with the Moon in your partnership sector. Even so, there’s a strong emphasis on your solar eighth house these days, and this encourages a deeper look into yourself, your relationships, and life itself as you seek understanding, motivations, and meaning. A valuable lesson to learn during this time is that dependency on others, when overdone or motivated by fear, can lead to negative feelings and skewed perceptions. Aiming to let go of fear-based attachments increases your compassion and boosts your relationships in the long run. Tension resulting from taking responsibilities to heart more than usual can emerge today, but there could be a chance to pursue a special interest or mini-adventure, perhaps with someone special, and this can help you rise above the small annoyances.

With Venus in your opposite sign until April 20th, dear Virgo, there can be a fantastic back-and-forth between you and others, particularly in one on one situations. It’s an excellent time for negotiations and bonding. Even so, a Venus-Saturn minor challenge today points to some tension or feelings of blockage in your interactions, as someone may find you a little distant or serious. Consider that the perception that others are distant can lead to self-protective behavior, compounding the problem. Despite these concerns, as the day advances, work becomes more sociable and inclusive of others. This can also be a time for weighing pros and cons, making adjustments and concessions, and generally attempting to find balance, with good results.

With special attention to your solar sixth house these days, dear Libra, you’re more inclined to make adjustments than to forge ahead with plans. The need to take care of your practical affairs can dominate at times, and you could be especially interested in seeing results or getting things to work. You can be a little inundated with details or tasks that require tying up loose ends, and today’s Venus-Saturn connection seems to encourage a “glass half empty” perspective. While there can be some distractedness with work and practical affairs, this is a generally good time for attending to the human side of these matters. A feeling of being blocked or inhibited is likely to pass quickly enough, after which life doesn’t seem quite as serious. The Moon in your pleasure zone helps, encouraging you to seek out ways to better express yourself.

Generally speaking with Venus in your pleasure sector until April 20th, dear Scorpio, you’re in a good position to enjoy your love life or creative projects these days. Your sense of fun is in the spotlight. You are not only expressing your feelings more directly, but you are also receiving love and compliments more confidently. Even so, a Venus-Saturn aspect today emphasizes the serious side of your interactions, and there can be a tendency for misunderstandings. Feelings of frustration can occur if plans seem to fall through or dealing with minor delays and stresses leaves you drained. Insecurities can temporarily keep you from feeling free enough to express yourself openly. As the day progresses, you feel more in charge. The Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, and this inclines you to want to focus exclusively on the simple and comfortable.

Your nesting instincts are in stronger focus these days, dear Sagittarius, even with an increasing theme of playfulness emerging slowly but surely in your life. There can be a tendency to seek out emotional satisfaction and comfort through family, home, domestic activities, or everyday activities. Your more nurturing side tends to dominate for now. The emphasis is on finding peace and comfort, and as you do, a stronger sense of self ideally emerges. A Venus-Saturn minor challenge today, however, suggests a tendency to be so self-protective that your mood drops and your relationships suffer. There can be small worries about money or resources, and possible misunderstandings in your interactions. However, as the day moves forward, you’re more inclined to shake these things off. Coming to a nice balance between your heart and head later today supports success in most everything you do.

You’re more ready and willing to communicate now with an emphasis on your solar third house, dear Capricorn, as Mercury has just turned direct and Venus is moving through this area of your chart. You can find much joy and fulfillment through reaching out to others, although you may have to deal with a hiccup or two today that can leave you feeling unappreciated or out of the loop. There can also be some restlessness with your personal environment and a desire to see and experience different things. There can be some tensions as people around you seem a little frivolous or careless when you want to get serious about a matter. Your desire to learn a new subject, teach, or brush up on skills emerges. As the day advances, you find it easier to make yourself happy, regardless of what’s going on around you. The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, stimulating a desire to get comfortable.

Recently, there has been a fair amount of focus on your independence and spontaneous discovery in your life, dear Aquarius, but there is a shift happening in your chart these days that emphasizes building and structuring your life. Security, comfort, and safety are emerging themes in your life now. You seek to be a little more careful, and even patient, to protect your interests. It’s a time for slowing down and taking stock, but also for building and strengthening your projects, things, or ideas. Today’s Venus-Saturn aspect suggests some minor difficulties understanding and sympathizing with people around you, and you may feel similarly unappreciated. However, as the day advances, you’re less concerned with these matters and more interested in looking for the positive. The Moon spends the day in your sign and harmonizes with the Sun, and you can find yourself absorbed in various diversions and personal interests. Your curiosity is ignited today.

Where others’ feelings and yours end and begin can be unclear while the Moon transits your solar twelfth house, dear Pisces, as it does today and tomorrow. Taking some time for yourself to think or rest seems appropriate now, as you may be especially sensitive to, and perhaps sometimes overwhelmed by, others’ moods. Focusing on healing and processing rather than pushing ahead makes sense now. Venus in your sign has a different message for you altogether, encouraging a more sociable approach, but its aspect to Saturn today can point to difficulties coordinating your plans and getting everyone into a place of agreement. Misunderstandings are likely. There can be a brief feeling of not being appreciated or a difficulty with a friend, after which things pick up considerably. In fact, while you’re still in a somewhat reserved Moon cycle, you’ll find it easier to tune out distractions and enjoy yourself.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 30, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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