Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon will arrive on March 6th.
- Current retrogrades: No major ones.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You tend to seek out pressure-free scenarios today with the Moon in your solar eleventh house all day, dear Aries. You need a break from too much structure, thinking, and planning at this stage in the lunar cycle. The need or desire for friends and light entertainment is in the spotlight now. This can be a fortunate day for making helpful contacts through media, networking, commuting, long-distance connections, or studies. It’s a beautiful time for skills development and the gaining of knowledge that will serve you well down the road. It’s fortunate, too, for working hard at putting a long-standing problem behind you. At the end of it all comes a fresh start, and this is what you’re striving towards. There should be general ease finding outlets for your emotions and for meeting with cooperation and support right now. Be sure to take advantage because communications may not be quite as smooth or straightforward in the coming days.

The Moon spends another day in your solar tenth house, dear Taurus, and handling your work or obligations is uppermost on your mind. This doesn’t have to be too serious–you’re likely to enjoy focusing your energies on work or projects that provide you with a real sense of accomplishment. The strengths of the day tend to lie in a goal-oriented approach, and this can be especially welcome in a week in which uncertainty figures rather strongly! Pacing yourself comes more easily than usual to you, and you may be attracting resources, support, or favorable circumstances now as others are drawn to you and your quiet confidence. It’s a good time for emotional and spiritual growth, too, but even with these things, you’re inclined to take practical, substantial steps toward improvement.

As the Moon in your adventure sector connects with Jupiter today, dear Gemini, you see real value in letting some things go so that you can move forward. There can be a pleasing sense of satisfaction with what you’re learning or regarding your interactions. Today’s energies are good for your confidence and outlook, and you may be answering to a desire to explore or gently push your usual boundaries. Every once in a while, challenging yourself to do something a bit different or new, even in small ways, can boost your confidence, so aim to expand your horizons in some way now. Satisfying energy is with you for communicating your wishes and for fair and easy relationship dynamics. Connecting with someone through ideas can be in strong focus, or someone influences you to see your life through a new lens. Even with this emphasis on your social life, you’re in an excellent position to tap into a personal ambition or goal, and you’re likely to feel wonderfully inspired!

With the Moon in house eight of your solar chart today, dear Cancer, you’re more interested in getting to the heart of a matter than creating surface harmony. You’re seeking out involving projects, activities, and perhaps even people right now! With Mercury about to turn retrograde, you may be dealing with more than the usual inconveniences in certain areas of your life soon enough, so take advantage of the smooth energy with you today and focus on getting things in order. This is a time for throwing yourself into a pursuit or even an idea, and for doing some serious research. While this might eat up a lot of time, you can also learn much in the process. You’re connecting with a need to produce, organize, and serve, and it feels right. It comes naturally to you to gravitate towards activities that improve your life in small ways.

Today, others’ plans and needs tend to take priority, dear Leo, as you find yourself in a supportive role with the Moon in your solar seventh house all day. You’ve just begun the more social half of the lunar cycle, and today is quite strong for making nice connections and contacts–influences now encourage togetherness. Running ideas by others can be useful, and you seem to be in a better position to see where your life is out of balance now, mainly through the eyes of another! Relationships tend to flow naturally and easily today, especially since there is less “noise” around you to distract you from giving them their due attention. There can be sweet emotional rewards for sharing a bit of yourself and going the extra mile to help people out. Joy can be found in responding to opportunities to grow emotionally.

With the Moon in your solar sixth house again today, dear Virgo, you can be particularly sensitive to imbalances in your environment. This can prompt you to put more effort into tidying up or handling small problems. The focus is on keeping your life running more smoothly, and your motivation may very well soar related to a home or work project that feels more achievable than ever. You might also play a supportive role to others, and you can feel more committed and purposeful through a key relationship. For the time being, you can be quite content with others taking the lead while you work hard in the background. Your actions and endeavors have a confident feel, and you’re likely to feel the satisfaction of doing something productive and uncluttering your mind as you do.

The need to have fun and enjoy yourself is active again today, dear Libra, with the continuing transit of the Moon through house five of your solar chart. It’s a good time for naturally gravitating toward situations and activities that nurture positive self-esteem and self-perception. Throwing yourself into something gratifying without guilt may be precisely what you need at this time! You’re shining for your unique qualities and talents at this time. Aim to tune in to the airwaves now as information can circulate that inspires you. This is a natural and easy day for making contacts and connections or for enjoying hobbies and personal interests. Your communications are warm and confident, and this is endearing, helping attract opportunities your way. The creative flow is natural today, and it’s likely through your interactions or your special projects and pastimes that you find the most inspiration.

Your personal life can feel rich and warm now, dear Scorpio, or you’re connecting with your need for downtime and embracing it. It’s a strong time for building relationships with loved ones, but also for connecting with and understanding your own deeper needs and desires. You’re observant by nature, and even more so than usual today. You’re quite willing to watch, wait, and learn rather than jump into action, and this is your best bet at the moment. There can be wonderfully sentimental moments or memories enjoyed now. It’s a good time for comfortably working on any recent money-making or business project, or for getting some of your affairs together, too. With Mercury turning retrograde tomorrow and some impractical (but inspiring) energies on the horizon, this may be especially important. Aim to relax, enjoy, and take in, but to keep moderately busy, and you’re likely to be most satisfied now.

The Moon spends another day in your communications sector, dear Sagittarius, serving to spark your curiosity, although perhaps a little restlessness along with it. This can lead you to fun or interesting discoveries. Fortunately, others are cooperative and willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, or they go along with your plans with little in the way of resistance. Either way, there is a nice flow to the day. It may not be the perfect time for expressing yourself clearly with Mercury stationary and turning retrograde tomorrow, but you’re in a good place for enjoying easy conversations, learning opportunities, or gentle physical exercise that helps soothe and clear your head. It’s potentially a sociable and imaginative day. Devoting yourself to a family or home project can be in focus and satisfying–your generous spirit is stimulated now.

With the Moon in house two of your solar chart today, dear Capricorn, you’re ready to settle in and relax. In fact, you need a bit of a break from the drama and crave more constancy and harmony. You’re seeking comfort in the familiar, tried and true, and routine just for now, and it’s a good idea with upcoming stimulating activity — Mercury turns retrograde tomorrow and then a New Moon occurs the following day. There is much to learn about your inner world now, and you can benefit from some extra attention to spiritual needs. Look for ways to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt so that you can start fresh. Also consider that this is a stellar time in the lunar cycle for getting to know what it is you truly value.

The Moon spends another day in your sign, dear Aquarius, and you tend to act quickly on your feelings. This transit encourages a spontaneous approach to life. You see the world a little more colorfully than usual, and you seem to be making a bigger impression on others now as well. You’re in a uniquely fortunate position for making connections now, finding it natural to reach out in happy, endearing ways. Gut feelings are likely to be correct. While you tend to want to go your own way today, sharing ideas and experiences with others can be fun and satisfying. It’s a fine time for embracing activities with a team, group, or friend. Note that tomorrow brings Mercury’s retrograde and the next day, a New Moon occurs, making it most appropriate to clear your head today.

With the Moon in your private twelfth house again today, dear Pisces, you’re inclined to withdraw from challenging or demanding situations instinctively. You may be seeking some alone time or extra rest, and it’s an important process as you wind up a lunar cycle. Even with today’s somewhat retiring energy, you’re in good shape for cooperating with others and taking care of some business, as long as it involves a comfortable pace. A pause that refreshes makes good sense before your lunar cycle begins tomorrow, and with a New Moon about to happen in your sign in only two days, clearing your head makes wonderful sense now. Use this time to delve into needs for rest, reflection, and emotional renewal. You are especially sensitive and observant. Even without a solid plan, you’re likely to enjoy a sense of purpose or have faith that a direction is coming.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 4, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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