Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius until 3:10 AM, after which we have a Pisces Moon.
- The Moon is void very briefly today, from 3:05 AM to 3:10 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Mercury is stationary as it turns retrograde today in the sign of Pisces (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Uranus on its last day in your sign forms a problematic aspect to the Sun, dear Aries, and you’ll want to resist the urge to rebel or to snap at others if you feel that your plans are not coming together well. On the other hand, if you need to quickly put a problem behind you, it can be a good time to do so. New endeavors may not stick now. The New Moon tomorrow is sure to redirect your energies, but today, it’s better to wind down or let go. As well now, Mercury turns retrograde in your privacy sector. Some of the decisions made and projects started in the last couple of weeks can require reconsideration, or there can be delays to handle. You may find that you are less able to rely on your intuition, and both inner and outer “signals” are difficult to read, that is until you recognize that you are looking at things in new ways during this cycle that lasts until the 28th. It’s a time for redoing and refining work that is already underway, for journaling, and for backtracking over the past to find answers that were not obvious then, but entirely relevant now.

Consider that holding onto problems and secrets can negatively affect your health and well-being, dear Taurus. With Uranus soon entering your sign, you’ll learn to bring some of these things into the light. Letting go is particularly helpful today and tomorrow with a New Moon occurring tomorrow and Mercury turning retrograde today. There can be some fuzzy thinking or misunderstandings during this shift. Mercury is retrograde until the 28th, and some recent ideas, plans, or decisions may meet with delays, or they may require review and reconsideration. Friendships can be a little trickier to handle now, or there can be past acquaintances reappearing, and you might think about contacting an old friend. Today, consider that you (and most others) are not seeing the full picture of a matter clearly, so it’s better to reserve judgment. It’s probably also best not to follow whims, but it is a fine time to put an end to a troublesome problem or habit.

You may be experiencing some impulsiveness or impatience with the Sun and Uranus in minor conflict today, dear Gemini. It may be best to avoid acting on ego or emotion which can lead to rash decisions. However, it’s useful to recognize your need to make changes–it’s just better to think before you act. People can be unreliable or rebellious today–or they may be simply out of the loop! This is due not only to this disruptive aspect, but because we’re just a day away from a New Moon, and because Mercury is turning retrograde today. It may be best to stick to projects that are already in the works rather than take on brand new endeavors. Aim to be as flexible as you can with your schedule, as mix-ups are possible during this shift. However, look for opportunities in the coming weeks to make valuable refinements and changes. It can be a super period for looking to the past for answers on how to manage current responsibilities, as well as for observing trends and reconsidering past plans and projects.

Discontent is possible now as there can be some things left up in the air, dear Cancer. There can be tense energies when it comes to business, career, or reputation matters with Uranus in challenging aspect to the Sun shortly before it leaves this sector of your solar chart for good. Solutions may not be apparent right now, and your interests and focus are likely to change after tomorrow’s New Moon which will redirect you. Look for ways to unburden and unload rather than take on new ventures now. As well today, Mercury turns retrograde, and there can be a tendency to miss important details or misunderstand instructions. If it’s possible, hold off on major decision-making during the shift today and tomorrow. Now and until the 28th, you may need to review travel or educational plans, or there can be some mix-ups that introduce delays into your life. You’ll benefit from taking a look at things from a new or different perspective.

The Sun and Uranus are in minor challenging aspect today, dear Leo, keeping life feeling a little unpredictable. There can be tensions in close relationships, particularly related to opinions and beliefs. There is a tendency to want more without knowing what that “more” is, or to look outside of ourselves for happiness. A little self-honesty can go a long way today. It’s also important to wind down or unload than to take on something new with a New Moon about to occur (tomorrow) and Mercury turning retrograde today. The tendency to miss vital instructions or details is strong right now, but as we grow accustomed to this cycle that lasts until the 28th, you’ll find it useful for reviewing and revising certain matters. You could discover that you’re frequently turning to the past to understand the present better. This is a beneficial process, in fact. It’s best to budget rather than do too much in the way of spending and borrowing in the weeks ahead.

There are some potentially confusing shifts happening now, dear Virgo, but this is also a time for exciting new ideas and visions. Today, you don’t want barriers and boundaries to limit you in your relationships, but not everyone is likely to understand your needs. Aspects of yourself that are interfering with your progress may come to light now through your interactions, and this may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but if you aim to learn from these experiences, you’re in a great position. Accept surprises rather than let them discourage you because, in the process, you may very well learn something valuable. With a New Moon occurring tomorrow, it’s better to wind down than to rev up today. Mercury has been moving through your partnership sector, and now turns retrograde. Now and over the next three-plus weeks, there can be some confusion surrounding partnership matters, either personal or business, or both. Consider that delays can help you to understand your situation, ultimately! Past people and issues can re-emerge.

This is a day in which shifts and somewhat disruptive influences seem to dominate, dear Libra, making it difficult to feel at peace, but it’s not impossible since yours is the sign of a peacemaker! Winding down makes even more sense since tomorrow is a New Moon and new beginnings undertaken today are unlikely to “stick,” and because Mercury turns retrograde today. This is a time for making your load lighter, not for taking on new projects. A Sun-Uranus influence points to some boredom with ordinary or routine matters, yet a desire to take care of these things. You’ll need to get creative to fill your need for excitement as you handle mundane affairs. Take the initiative to change the scene. Mercury’s retrograde until the 28th may serve to sway your thinking and change your mind about recent decisions. However, it does have a special way of revealing details that you previously overlooked. You might find that the refinements you make now will be very valuable later. Today, consider that you may be misinterpreting others’ signals, and double-check your work.

A Sun-Uranus influence can rile you up or shake things up a little, dear Scorpio, and it can be hard to get things done step by step. Changes made now should only be small ones — simple adjustments that allow you room to breathe — since several significant shifts are occurring now. A New Moon will happen tomorrow, prompting a new direction, for example, and it’s better to finish up projects than to take on new ones. As well, Mercury turns retrograde today, making it a time for slowing down, taking stock, and reviewing in-progress projects. In the coming weeks, there can be a need to reconsider some decisions you’ve recently made. Communication breakdowns are possible today. Mercury’s retrograde in your sector of romance and creativity will last until the 28th. People–and problems–from the past tend to come back or become a mental/emotional preoccupation in your life during this cycle.

With a Sun-Uranus challenge today, dear Sagittarius, you might have a taste for something more than the ordinary. An inner need for change may be difficult to recognize if you’re running on auto-pilot, but can still upset the status quo or attract unusual circumstances and interruptions into your life. Be wary of giving off mixed signals and aim for self-understanding. Recognize your need for a change of pace for best results now. Patience can be hard to muster up but will serve you very well. A New Moon occurring tomorrow brings on a new cycle, and possibly a new direction as well. Today and tomorrow are best for looking back, letting go, and reflecting. As well today, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle that will last until the 28th. This period can help you to see your life from an entirely different perspective. While in many ways home and family matters are likely to feel as if they’re moving forward with the New Moon tomorrow, there can be a veil over some of these things. Communication with family may not be as straightforward as you’d like, or there can be some level of chaos or mechanical problems around the home that require your attention. Past issues can resurface for review. New initiatives surrounding home and property may be better left for a different time, but reworking and reorganizing your home can be especially fruitful now.

There is some tension possible today with a Sun-Uranus influence stirring the pot, dear Capricorn, but you’ll be better off winding down on this day before the New Moon, which will bring new energy and directions into your life. There is little need to get too worked up about frustrating issues that arise today as they have very little staying power. Try to change up your routines in small ways so that you satisfy a need for something new and different. Also today, Mercury turns retrograde and will continue in this apparent backward motion until the 28th. Some of the new work or endeavors that were started up recently could come up for review. Matters surrounding studies, transportation, and essential communications can involve some confusion or backtracking. Vital information may be missed or is not yet available. However, through delays or mishaps, you might discover new ways to express yourself that wouldn’t have come to mind otherwise. This is, in fact, a powerful time for reviewing and revising work already in progress.

It’s not the time to begin brand new ventures or to take on more commitments, dear Aquarius. For one, a New Moon will occur tomorrow, bringing energy for new beginnings. For another, a Sun-Uranus minor challenging aspect today encourages you to experiment with different approaches and ideas, but not to tie yourself down to any of these! Negotiations are unlikely to be fruitful today as both parties may be worried about their freedom rather than focusing on coming together. There can also be a tendency to soothe feelings of discontent with material things. Yet another reason for taking things easy now is Mercury’s retrograde turn today (lasting until the 28th). There may be a change of mind or interest, and possibly even a bit of regret when it comes to those things said or begun right now. This Mercury retrograde occurs in your sector of assets. Now and in the coming three-plus weeks, there may be the need to review your finances or budget. It’s a period for looking to the past for answers to current problems or for delaying some matters while you make changes and refinements.

With a New Moon occurring in your sign tomorrow, dear Pisces, the more you get to know yourself and what you want now, the better position you’re in for starting anew. Today’s energies make it a little difficult to relax, but not impossible! Aim to keep things moderate and to remain flexible to allow for errors so that you make the best of this time. Do your best to avoid nervous tension, which will distract you from making fair and meaningful assessments, particularly with money and business matters which can be iffy today. Mercury turns retrograde today, also in your sign, and there may be the need to look to the past for answers before pushing forward. Watch for talking about something prematurely. Conversations and interactions can be tricky. Some personal plans may stall or appear to move backward when, in fact, they can benefit from review. While there may be some mix-ups in communication today, the Moon’s presence in your sign can put you in the lead.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 5, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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