Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 3:27 PM, after which the Moon is in Aries.
- The void Moon occurs from 2:08 PM to 3:27 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Pisces.
- Uranus spends its first full day in the sign of Taurus. Uranus first transited Taurus from May to November 2018. (Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026).
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You might easily find yourself at cross purposes over money, values, or respect today as Mercury and your ruler, Mars, form a minor challenging aspect, dear Aries. It’s important not to look outside of yourself for happiness and satisfaction now. Try to tame expectations. This, of course, doesn’t mean expecting less than respect–it means that you’ll be better off giving everyone space and allowing events to unfold naturally. Freedom is a keyword now. The Moon enters your sign later today, giving you more oomph, visibility, and emotional clarity. As well, a nice flow of energy is with you for accomplishing your work and filling responsibilities with less effort than usual now, and this helps speed things along. Look for ways to reduce stress.

You can experience some impatience and impulsiveness in the first half of the day, dear Taurus. You may be feeling stifled or hushed, and you are in no mood for it! You could also be itching to get going on an endeavor, but not sure where to put your energies. It may be best to pace yourself while hanging onto your enthusiasm. Later today, you’ll seek out extra time to sort yourself out emotionally. Do what you can to focus on activities that bring refreshment to your senses and renewal to your emotions. There is some tendency to overdo things now, and it will be essential to avoid making promises that seem okay right now, but that can later turn into aggravations or burdens. It can also be important to avoid buying on credit or lending/borrowing too much, as you’re temporarily short-sighted.

With a New Moon freshly behind you, dear Gemini, you can feel raring to go, but you don’t necessarily have a good plan or others’ cooperation in place now. The result may be tension or frustration, but even though events may not unfold exactly as planned today, relaxing your pace just a little can work wonders. The day’s energies are anything but routine, so you’re sure to experience a real mix of feelings and circumstances. Variety appeals, and seeing the world from a broad perspective satisfies the most. Take charge of your own happiness rather than waiting for someone else to fill that job. While personal affairs are in the spotlight today, once you resign yourself to an easy pace, you can be quite focused on long-term goals, career matters, and responsibilities. Focusing on the results can make your efforts more worthwhile.

You can be feeling quite inspired and enthused about a matter today, dear Cancer, particularly related to your social life, but things (or people) may not be matching your pace, and you can feel impatient for life to get going. Watch for spinning your wheels, trying to push something forward when a more natural and even pace will get you the same or perhaps even better results. This is a good day for discovering something new about a special person in your life, however, and for appreciating diversity and sharing your ideas with others. Keep your plans fairly open and your expectations realistic, and you’ll do best now. The only safe route today is to stay centered and avoid expecting too much from people and the world. There can be a need to take the lead or to perform later today, and you’re up to the task.

There is some tendency to misjudge situations today, dear Leo, with some minor challenging aspects. Impulsiveness can lead to less-than-ideal decisions or unnecessary frustrations in the first half of the day especially. Avoid reacting too quickly if you feel caged in. It may be that your enthusiasm is big, but the world is not quite ready for it! Evening out your pace and moods may be the key now, but it may not be easy to achieve under the current influences. You may need to put some monotonous work or tasks behind you before you can answer to life’s calls to do more. Nevertheless, once you resign yourself to focusing on priorities, you might enjoy throwing yourself into a project or mystery to solve. You could find yourself entirely absorbed in a quest for more information today, and while it can consume a lot of your time, it’s a pleasant activity.

The tendency for impulsive decisions and actions runs high in the first half of the day, dear Virgo, due to retrograde Mercury’s tense aspect with Mars. You could be excited to get going on something, but the world around you seems to be going too slowly, or there are complications to iron out before you can embark on your endeavor. Spending may not be wise just for now as you’re inclined to go a little overboard. Perhaps your tastes are running into exotic or expensive territory, or you may be fixated on getting something that is unlikely to satisfy once you do get it! You might say or promise a little too much to a child, friend, or lover. The intention behind it is likely quite good, but once your current enthusiasm fades, you may not be up to task. Avoid important new endeavors for a little while longer, but aim to enjoy yourself. Evening out your moods can be the key to natural happiness.

The Mercury-Mars conflict today can point to some impatience, dear Libra, particularly with processes that are lagging! Mercury is newly retrograde, slowing things down, and Mars is ready for action, so it can feel frustrating if you’re made to wait for something you’re prepared to do. Social and learning opportunities are emerging nevertheless, and especially as the day progresses, it’s important that you don’t go too far, and this is especially so for adding new projects or responsibilities to your life. Without even knowing it, you could be misleading others simply because you want to do more than you’re able to manage, realistically speaking. Making big promises when on a mood upswing can be regrettable later when energy levels even out and you discover you can’t fulfill them. Letting things flow and keeping everything moderate are the keys to staying evenly, naturally happy today.

There can be some frustrations with others in the first half of the day, dear Scorpio, and the root of problems likely lie with impatience. A Mercury-Mars aspect influencing you now can produce pressure, and you might feel that you need to get something done or make a decision quickly. Tensions or restlessness are likely and snap judgments and exchanges are possible with this atmosphere. Even so, excitement can fill your mind with fresh new ideas. Write down whatever you don’t communicate or put into motion, because it’s an excellent time for new insights. Major launches or purchases are not yet wise, however. You might decide to throw yourself into a creative project or activity that engrosses you, possibly to escape some of the up-and-down feelings, and this can be very satisfying.

In the first half of today, dear Sagittarius, there is a real tendency for restlessness that could lead to missing important details or rushing through something that requires more thought and careful attention. Doing the same old thing won’t suffice today, it seems! You need to keep your eyes and ears open, as you stand to learn a lot now, and while you can feel quite revved up, pacing yourself can be what you need most. If you aren’t in the company of others, you’re likely to crave interaction, as you’re in a sharing mood. Until you tap into your real needs, there is some tendency to overdo pleasures, spending, eating, and so forth right now. Certainly, you’re best off if you avoid making big promises, which can be a temptation, but with today’s minor ups and downs, it’s hard to judge what you’ll be able to accomplish in the future.

Keep in mind the adage that haste makes waste today, dear Capricorn, with a Mercury-Mars aspect influencing the first half of the day and impatience can dominate. Your enthusiasm is strong, but there may not be a plan in place for channeling it. You could be feeling caged in, or a special someone in your life could be feeling the same. Avoid reacting too quickly and impatiently for best results. As the day advances, you’re more likely to enjoy some comforts, but while there is a considerably less hurried pace now, there remains a tendency to overdo things. Keeping things moderate and straightforward can be the challenge, but for your sign, probably more natural than for most! The key may be to identify and discern between true desire and urgency that stems from inner discontent.

A clash of values or impatience can be frustrating in the first half of the day, dear Aquarius. In truth, there is excitement in the air but a bit of impatience when we’d be better off taking things one step at a time. Fulfillment today can involve getting creative regarding the ways you give voice to inner yearning. If you’re not in touch, you could feel restless and tense. You may simply be seeking more meaning to your life, and it’s best to recognize and honor this need. There can be the temptation to pull out boundaries, and it’s possible that others could see an opening for taking advantage of your good heart. Take care of your own light, while sharing yourself with reason with others. It’s a good day for chatting and exchanging information, and it remains a little too early for major launches.

There can be some tendency to rush through communications or through the first half of the day, dear Pisces. While inventiveness is a positive side to this energy, rashness will not lead you to the right places. Inner unrest is quite likely but can be turned into something positive if you put the effort forward. Avoid investing too much in the promises and responses of others as the day advances since people can be impractical and could be shooting too high just for the time being. The key to balance is taking charge of your own happiness instead of waiting for someone else to make you happy. Following this, you’re in a far better position, and you might be acknowledged for your responsibility, dedication, or willingness to make some personal sacrifices to accommodate others.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 7, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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