Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries all day.
- The Moon is void from 12:13 PM forward (until the Moon enters Taurus tomorrow).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on March the 6th in the sign of Pisces, and the First Quarter Moon will happen on March 14th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from March 5 to 28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Ambitions–and the associated pressures–are strong on you these days, dear Aries. While in some areas you need to structure your life more soundly, there is terrific energy today and tomorrow for doing something non-routine, creative, and fulfilling. The key to success now is to slow yourself down a little so that you can let inspiration in! This is the best approach now with Mars, your planetary ruler, connecting with Neptune. You might work happily towards a creative goal or a special project, and it’s a time for riding on an inspired feeling. It’s a good time for insight into finances, money-making ideas, and ventures that benefit from design and imagination. You could find that support happens behind the scenes, that you get things done in solitude, or that you are happiest pursuing personal goals. The Moon in your sign all day also encourages spontaneity.

Mars in your sign these days tends to stimulate your independence, dear Taurus, and you can sometimes push a little hard with this transit. Today and tomorrow, Mars harmonizes with Neptune, and this softens your corners considerably! It’s time to turn on the charm, to take the lead gently, and to inspire trust in the people around you, as this may have been somewhat lacking in strong enough doses in recent weeks. While a Saturn-Pluto configuration does ask you to focus on specific areas of your life, as the day advances, it may be best to aim to consciously let go of the pressure you’ve been feeling to guide or control your day or to reach your goals quickly. A smooth, even approach is best now. Work with this energy that can help you attract who and what you want into your life by going with the flow.

In some areas of your life, there can be quite a bit of pressure to succeed and achieve, dear Gemini, but as today progresses, your attachment to the practical or material world tends to fade out. As this happens, you begin to tune in to your dreams, hopes, and wishes. If you have an idea or vision you want to share, it’s a good time to do so. Physically winding down aids intuition, but you may want to do something with your creative hunches or ideas, and the chance to do so can emerge today or tomorrow. With Mars in your privacy sector in harmony with Neptune, taking part in healing, calming activities can benefit you greatly, and instincts can help benefit and influence career and practical choices.

While there can be some serious food for thought about a key relationship today, dear Cancer, you can tune in to your imagination and enjoy yourself increasingly as the day advances. You may learn new and interesting things about friends and the world around you as you do. You’re finding inspiration through your interactions today, although it’s just as likely that you can inspire people in your life. Activities that benefit from creative or imaginative flourishes can thrive now. Take a break from the usual routine if you can, as doing different, new, and refreshing things tends to open you to your intuition. A Mars-Neptune influence today helps you believe in the possibility of your dreams.

You can experience some pressures with your work or obligations today, dear Leo, but slowing down today makes more sense than it may first seem. This is because doing so–and diffuse thinking, in general–allows you to let the magic of your imagination loose, and can move you forward in ways that may not have happened if you didn’t take this kind of break. With today’s energies, activities most successful are those that are imaginative, creative, and non-routine. Creative hunches may very well lead to important discoveries. Research can be rewarding, particularly if you’re doing work based on an intuition or sudden inspiration. Others seem more supportive and generous than usual, and this fact combined with your own generosity can help you make huge strides towards your goals.

You have some serious thinking to do these days, dear Virgo, and while discussions and deliberations are set to continue, today invites you to take a small detour. A Mars-Neptune aspect active today and tomorrow encourages your interest in creative and imaginative activities. Relationships thrive as you come to a better understanding of one another’s perspective, and benefits come from disengaging from stressful or tense thoughts and feelings for a spell. It can certainly be a time to emotionally regroup, but this can also be a good time for involving someone special or for making it physical. You’re in need of refreshment and release, and at the end of it, you may come back with a better solution than you would have if you kept plugging away seeking an answer. Creative pursuits or physical activities that help you to release tension or express your emotions are especially favored now. Sharing personal philosophies or a small adventure with someone can refresh and clear your mind.

A boosting aspect between energetic Mars and spiritual Neptune encourages you to set your own pace today and tomorrow, dear Libra. It’s true that an ongoing Saturn-Pluto parallel demands some serious thinking and rethinking of some issues, but you require refreshment that will help clear your mind and get you into better touch with your intuition. Doing the same old things could be a waste of opportunities. Going lightly on the usual routine or easing up on the hot pursuit of your goals makes sense, and so does doing something imaginative or colorful instead, even if it’s a small venture. Trusting your inner guide can lead to inspired research, investigation, or the pursuit of healthy solutions. You can benefit from reading between the lines now, as seeing more layers to a situation can be valuable.

The ability to bend, adjust, stretch, and accommodate is especially helpful today and tomorrow, dear Scorpio, as it allows more room for creativity and magic, especially in your relationships. Combining your resources or merging in some manner with someone close to you can figure strongly now, or there can be a heightened sense of understanding of a person or relationship. It’s useful to ease back from direct action and allow your faith or inner guide to take the lead, particularly if you’ve been stepping on the gas pedal for some time now. This is because Mars and Neptune ally now, and a change of approach comes in handy. It may be better to take an indirect or flowing approach to the pursuit of your goals temporarily. In some cases, there can be a connection made that feels a little fated or meant to be.

Slowing down or taking the time to cater to or support someone in your life can be beneficial today, dear Sagittarius, and can, in fact, help restore the give-and-take balance in a relationship or reduce stress in your daily life. There is yet some serious thought or work to do, but you need a reprieve! Mars and Neptune are forming a harmonious aspect today and tomorrow, and this transit helps redirect you. With some refreshment, you may instinctively know how to manage family or co-worker relationships in more rewarding ways, or organically discover an improved method for maintaining or restoring health since pulling back from a situation can work wonders at the moment. You may very well need a small change of pace. Energies today encourage a creative approach rather than one that’s too direct.

The better strategy today will be to ease back on the focused or direct pursuit of your goals and desires, dear Capricorn, and this can be strategic or happen naturally. Either way, it’s a time for letting some imagination, magic, and inspiration in. Mars and Neptune form a harmonious aspect with one another, and both harmonize with your sign, encouraging a flowing, patient, and creative approach rather than an energetic or rushed one. Your intuition becomes more accessible this way, and while it may seem counter-productive to slow down, you’re likely to enjoy more success if you do. At the very least, it can reduce stress, and ideally, it points you in a new, more creative or fulfilling direction. The desire to share your joy with others is strong and encouraged now.

There is no doubt that a Saturn-Pluto parallel aspect active this month can hang some heavy energy in the air, dear Aquarius, but there are some bright spots, especially involving Mars, currently transiting your home and family sector. A type of retreat, relaxation, or spiritual escape would hit the spot right now, and the good news is that a Mars-Neptune aspect active today and tomorrow can facilitate this. There are many different possibilities for satisfying the need to do something different, to slow down and appreciate the calmer pace, or to help others out and boost up their spirits. It’s a time for savoring the moments, and you might encourage others to do the same. A more accepting, easygoing, and relaxed attitude improves things with loved ones and around the home. Physically slowing yourself down or taking part in calming activities–even shopping or organizing if these happen at an easygoing pace–can help you realign. The trick is that you need to pull yourself back from the usual routine.

A Saturn-Pluto parallel aspect this month suggests that there’s a lot on your mind and perhaps an obligation looming, dear Pisces. However, a Mars-Neptune aspect encourages a detour from serious thought or concentrated focus today and tomorrow, and it’s likely to do you a world of good. You may feel very much in tune with the energies of the day, in fact, and you could enjoy news that delights and inspires or a conversation that soothes. This transit brings together your sensitivity and enthusiasm, and it’s a magical combination that leads you to the right places and boosts your magnetism at the same time. Presenting your ideas can be rewarding and successful. You’re also more inclined than usual to follow a fun whim.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 9, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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