Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 9:13 AM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- The Moon is void until 9:13 AM (since yesterday from 10:05 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- We are in between the New Moon that occurred on May 4th in the sign of Taurus, and the First Quarter Moon, which will happen tomorrow.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The desire to have fun and enjoy yourself builds as the Moon enters your solar fifth house today, dear Aries, although you can have a lot on your mind, particularly related to relationship dynamics and money. It’s better to weigh your options rather than force major decisions with these things today. As the day moves forward, however, you are less distracted and more able to focus and prioritize. You can thoroughly enjoy finding practical ways to make yourself feel secure as a Sun-Saturn trine comes into influence. Mechanical, business, and financial matters can thrive as a result. You are thinking more about long-term security than your immediate needs, which can help you develop excellent plans and strategies. This is a time for enjoying what you do and performing better due to this ease.

The Moon heads into your home and family sector today, dear Taurus, encouraging you to get in touch with and embrace your needs for comfort, safety, and familiarity. Desires for freedom or new experiences can creep in and compete, and in spots today can keep you on the edge of your seat. Try to keep your expectations reasonable. As the day advances, you’re likely to want to make some changes that help you simplify and strengthen your life, and this demands a little more deliberation and concentration. The focus is on keeping systems running smoothly, and you’re willing to put in the extra effort towards this goal. This is due to the stabilizing, practical energy of the Sun in your sign in harmony with Saturn which will also carry forward into tomorrow. You feel good about meeting your responsibilities.

The Moon moves into your communications sector today, dear Gemini, and the urge is to keep things light. It’s a time for playing with different ideas and learning odds and ends. Even so, there can be some real distractions, and it’s better to try to separate personal and work matters. As the day advances, though, a Sun-Saturn trine comes into influence, and committing yourself to solid goals can be just what you need to move along smoothly. You might choose to further business or financial goals, particularly on a research and analysis level. Acceptance of emotional or intimate matters for what they are aids planning and decision-making, as you don’t feel caught up in a world of fantasy and uncertainty. Getting organized on an emotional level is rewarding now.

You are seeking out comfort and some predictability with the Moon’s move into your solar second house today, dear Cancer. However, others’ expectations can weigh on your mind today, and if you assign them too much importance, it can be difficult to unwind. Do your best not to overthink things. As the day advances, you can find it smooth and natural to commit yourself to the moment. You become more aware of your priorities and feel right about meeting them as the Sun and Saturn move towards a harmonious aspect. People in your life or a relationship goal encourage you to focus on what’s most important. The ability to rely on a friend or partner is comforting, and a sense that you are working towards the same goals with someone special can subtly enhance a bond. You require a bit more order in your life and even your relationships.

The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Leo, and your emotional needs and personal plans move to the front burner. Even so, you may find yourself in between others’ dilemmas today, whether this is about mediating or overthinking problems. As the day advances, you’re more likely to come down to earth and enjoy the process. When Saturn is in the picture, reality hits, but when it’s forming a flowing aspect to the Sun as it is now, you generally feel good about getting yourself or your life into order. A commitment to make improvements comes naturally now. Relationships seem to benefit from this as well, as there is less inner turmoil affecting your interactions. Tonight and tomorrow, you can be looking particularly good in the eyes of those in a position of authority. Look for ways to streamline and simplify your life in your daily routines so that you can boost things even further.

The Moon moves into your privacy sector, dear Virgo, where it will spend a couple of days, emphasizing the need to unwind. It’s easier said than done right now, as social drama or personal ambitions and worries can keep you on your toes. There is a good part of you that wants to escape and another part that is worried or feeling guilty about doing so. As the day advances, however, you’ll see the benefits of focusing on priorities, and the process comes far more easily with the Sun and Saturn approaching a harmonious aspect. Creative endeavors might benefit from tweaks and edits. There could be a pleasing sense of loyalty and stability in a relationship or a satisfying feeling of strength with your convictions. You can enjoy making long-term plans today. Taking care of business in some manner helps you feel in charge.

The Moon heads into your social sector today, dear Libra, and it will spend a couple of days there, prompting a desire to let go of pressures and unwind in good company. However, a feeling of missing out could undercut your good mood at times in the first half of today. As the day advances, though, you’ll find it far easier to prioritize and focus. Tonight and tomorrow bring reliable energy for getting organized and simplifying or downsizing, particularly around the home. Uncertainty tends to disappear, or you pay it far less attention, and this feels good! It can be an excellent time to look into financial support or to research important purchases. Feeling organized and on top of things smooths out your mood.

The Moon moves into your solar tenth house for a couple of days, dear Scorpio, and you can feel strongly about handling your work or obligations. However, it can be challenging to turn all of your attention to your goals when personal matters seem to occupy much of your time. You may be struggling with a fear of missing out when you apply your energies to the tasks at hand. While you may be juggling different topics, worries, and concerns, as the day advances, you’ll find that you’re far less divided. There could be an opportunity to repair or strengthen a relationship with a sibling or family member, to improve a close partnership, to commit to a learning program, or to work on a long-term goal. Tonight and tomorrow, having your feet on the ground and being productive are most satisfying states with the Sun trine Saturn.

You’re in generally good spirits with the Moon’s move into your adventure sector today, dear Sagittarius, and can rise above interruptions or small problems. If you find yourself juggling too many things, aim to do your best with what you have and sort things through one step at a time. As the day advances, you’ll find it easy to focus on priorities and feel right for doing so. You can benefit from restructuring and organizing your life, particularly when it comes to health routines, financial matters, and your work or projects. You might find ways to improve the management of your material resources. The primary key to success tonight and tomorrow involves accepting limitations instead of fighting them. It can feel good to have a healthy and realistic idea of what to expect.

With the Moon’s move into your solar eighth house today, dear Capricorn, you need some extra time to yourself, although you can struggle with a fear of missing out on a social level. It can be challenging to know whether you want to keep things light or to dig deeper. Moods are changeable. As the day moves forward, however, you turn this mood on its head. A Sun-Saturn trine comes into play, and you’re more inclined to see where your priorities lie. This transit increases your desire to reason things through, making it easier to accept responsibilities or limits. Channel energy constructively by working on something that you gives you special pride–something totally worth your time. This kind of smooth dedication isn’t with us every day. Creatively speaking, you may want to produce something unique and polished.

With the Moon’s move into your partnership sector, dear Aquarius, you can be particularly interested in keeping the peace, but it can be challenging and perhaps exhausting to reach a compromise. As the day advances, you come into your own. A Sun-Saturn trine begins its influence, helping you to see your priorities and focus on what’s truly important to you. Today and tomorrow are excellent for working on paring down or letting go on emotional levels or the home front. Small changes made now will bring great rewards down the road. You tend to feel supported or confident about your general direction now. Downtime is vital to all of this, so be sure to find ways to catch up on rest. The need for some order or predictability is strong today.

With the Moon’s move into your solar sixth house today, dear Pisces, you may be particularly sensitive to imbalances in your environment. You can feel compelled to tidy up or handle small problems. However, distractions can be significant, especially personal interests, chores, and conversations. Fortunately, as the day moves forward, energies build nicely for prioritizing. Teamwork can be successful and beneficial. People tend to recognize your strength and wisdom. This is a time for giving and receiving solid advice, some of it coming from within. Listen to your inner voice and open your heart to others’ wisdom, as well. A Sun-Saturn aspect helps you gain practical benefits from your experiences now. It works best when we humble ourselves in some manner, allowing others’ wisdom or experience in.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 10, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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