Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 12:21 PM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- The void Moon occurs from 8:24 AM until 12:21 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred yesterday and the Full Moon will occur on the 18th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon continues to draw attention to what brings you the most joy, dear Aries, and highlights your need for some recreation until midday, at which time it moves into your work and routines sector. The primary key to emotional satisfaction today and tomorrow is to set some details of your life straight. You’re likely to find creative or unique ways of getting the job done now. As the day advances, a Mercury-Mars minor challenge comes into influence, and you should probably watch for impatient purchases, moves, and communications. As well, it can be all too easy to hurt someone’s feelings with unintentionally cutting words. For example, you might intellectualize something that another person takes to heart. You can be excited about new ideas, but the tricky part is following through, which is far less attractive to you right now!

You can begin the day feeling quite content to stay inside your comfort zone, dear Taurus, but by midday, the Moon’s move into your creative sector stimulates your desire for a little more from your life. You’re in a great position to express your unique traits and enjoy yourself, especially as the Moon forms a harmonious aspect to Uranus in your sign. You’re standing out for what makes you different. Aim to channel excess energies into a business project or some other practical endeavor that will genuinely make life easier as the day advances and a Mercury-Mars aspect comes into play, but watch for impatience and impulsiveness. You can feel a great urge to get things done, but you might feel that you’re required to move far more quickly than you feel up to. Because of pressures and your mindset, you may be a little stern or unwittingly insensitive in your communications.

While you can be a bit restless and especially curious in the first half of the day, dear Gemini, the Moon moves to the bottom of your solar chart midday and will spend a couple of days reminding you of the benefits of seeking out some comfort, safety, and belonging. The desire to get cozy is strong, and a perfectly valid need. You might discover some unique and original ways of relaxing or reducing pressure and stress now. Even so, there can be some distractions later today, and possibly hurt feelings as well, with a Mercury-Mars minor challenge coming into influence. While attention to these frustrations is fine, try not to pass by opportunities to move your life forward in more practical ways. Also keep in mind that there’s a mismatch with what you think and what you do now, which can give off all the wrong signals. To avoid getting yourself into a tricky situation, make sure you know what you want to convey before communicating too quickly.

You can begin the day quite content to stick with the usual routine, dear Cancer, but by midday and with the Moon’s move into your communications zone, your curiosity is piqued. This transit highlights your need for more connections to the world around you. You’re seeking out some variety and mental stimulation, and you’re likely to find it, mainly through your friends or networks, with the Moon’s happy aspect to Uranus. As the day advances, however, watch for crankiness or too-direct conversations with friends as Mercury and Mars form a minor but challenging aspect. Impatience or eagerness can lead to uncomfortable situations. There can be a rather persistent call to daydream, reminisce, or otherwise mentally float away from the tasks at hand, yet an eagerness to put something behind you. Your focus will return eventually and trying to push too hard could leave you behind even further.

The Moon finishes its transit of your sign today, dear Leo, and moves into your resources sector. As the day moves forward, you’re in good shape for taking stock of what you have and what you need. It’s a time of the month when the need to get comfortable comes to the fore, and you can be quite creative finding ways to do so. However, we’re also moving toward a somewhat tense Mercury-Mars aspect which can point to eagerness that may border on impatience. Be especially mindful of how you express yourself, particularly in professional or public settings, as you may come across quite curtly without meaning to. However, if something needs to be said, this may be a way of finally putting it out there. Just be sure that you are clear on what you want to convey and that your body language and words match.

The Moon continues its transit of your privacy sector until it enters your sign, dear Virgo, and you can begin the day feeling quite content to be under the radar, and end it very much interested in getting involved! With the Moon’s move into your sign today, you can feel as if you’re coming alive on an emotional level. You’re likely to crave responses from others, but you’re in a rather solo, independent mood just as well. Interactions with others can become tricky as there is a tendency to shoot from the hip with observations and criticisms as the day advances and Mercury and Mars head into a minor challenging aspect. Think before communicating for best results, and also consider that your actions and thoughts may not be in sync. You might also too easily become frustrated by small problems and flaws. Look for an anchor, whether it’s a person, place, focal point, or a favorite activity. With this in place, you can accomplish much.

While the first half of the day can find you quite sociable or involved, dear Libra, the Moon moves into your privacy sector midday, and this is a sign that it’s time to retreat, relax, and renew yourself emotionally before the new lunar cycle begins for you in two days. It can be quite easy to get lost in your own world today. Some form of retreat can be in order if you can manage it. Note that there can be some trickiness with communications later today. You may feel goaded, or someone feels you’re not expressing yourself consistently. You could be feeling especially enthusiastic about a project or personal interest that you aim to pursue further, but circumstances may be such that you are taken on different paths. It may be that you can’t focus or get completely comfortable, which disrupts your flow. There can be a general feeling of discontent around you, and some of it could be originating within you, so be honest with yourself. It may be that you simply need to rethink your situation.

You may begin the day embracing your ambitions or primarily focused on your goals, dear Scorpio, but the Moon later moves into your social sector, and you need a break from the pressure. You’re in great shape for gaining others’ cooperation or for enjoying friends, good company, or making exciting plans for the future as the Moon connects with forward-looking Uranus. Approaching your connections differently makes sense and keeps things fresh. As the day advances, however, watch for impatience. Your anxiousness to put an idea into motion or to take action may be a little premature, or you don’t have all the details you need quite yet. You might also be connecting with mentally aggressive people, and while you may be annoyed, if you take a step back, something that’s said can jump-start thinking that can ultimately help you out. Avoid pressuring or distracting yourself. If you can’t seem to settle into an activity, wait for your heart to engage and then go for it.

You begin the day with the Moon in your spirit sector, dear Sagittarius, and in the first half of the day, you’re more interested in learning and experiencing than accomplishment. However, the Moon moves to the top of your solar chart midday, and you can become quite sensitive to and aware of your performance, responsibilities, and image. This can be pleasant on the one hand as you aim to take care of business and feel up to the task, but on the other, you may feel you’re under a microscope, and this can be unwanted attention. Also today as the day advances, patience may be missing with your attention divided. Your mind may be on your work or practical problems, but your body language is saying something different. While there can be some problems with misunderstandings, sometimes a conflict helps to take a relationship to a new level, as it’s better than sweeping a matter under the rug.

You can begin the day in a rather serious frame of mind, dear Capricorn, but by midday, you’re ready to come out of your shell and turn your focus outward and onward. The Moon’s move into your adventure sector is a bright one as it tends to lift you out of yourself and your mind and helps you gain some perspective. You’ll be seeking out more spirited activities than usual and interesting topics to explore today and tomorrow. While you can experience quite a bit of eagerness to get things done, mainly related to your work or health regimes, your mind can be distracted as Mercury and Mars head into a minor tense aspect later today. It’s not likely to be the most productive of days on a mundane level despite your good intentions, but if you can find a project that’s worth your time and focus, you can move mountains.

There can be more focus on your relationships than your personal plans now as the Moon continues its transit of your partnership sector today, dear Aquarius, but by midday, the Moon moves into your solar eighth house, and you’re inclined to take life a little more seriously. Fortunately, others are cooperating or supporting your efforts without a struggle as the Moon connects well with your ruler, Uranus, and you can feel some inspiring freshness on an emotional level. As the day advances, there can be some excess nervous energy to contend with as a Mercury-Mars minor aspect draws attention to the differences between what you want and what you think. Pouring excess energy into a satisfying project may be an answer to nervousness or restlessness as long as you can tame the tendency for your mind to wander. Be aware of a tendency to speak too soon or too quickly and misrepresenting yourself in the process.

The first half of the day can find you entirely focused on handling your daily affairs and routines, dear Pisces. The Moon moves into your partnership zone midday, and you may be feeling considerably more sociable. You’re also more companionable as your attention and focus shift away from problem areas in your everyday life. The Moon connects happily with Uranus, and this can serve to enliven your conversations. However, there can be some tension as the day advances as what you think you should do and what you want to do are at odds. Something might be said that touches a nerve with a tense aspect between Mercury and Mars. Ultimately, it can lead to growth, so aim to find the lesson in whatever goes down now. Avoid rushing through something that would do best with a slower more measured approach.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 12, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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