Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- We are in between the Third Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 26th, and the New Moon which will happen on May 4th.
- Jupiter is retrograde.
- Pluto is retrograde.
- Saturn is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Topics of conversation as well as thoughts and musings can be deeper and more serious than usual today, dear Aries. You could be fixating on a particular idea or problem as Mercury in your sign forms a square to intense Pluto, and this energy can be put to good use if you apply it constructively. Negatively, there can be difficulties relating with others, particularly if you feel pressured to perform or if your ideas are not received well. There can be defensiveness in manner or speech that interferes with healthy communication now. As the day advances, you might find that thinking transitions from intense to faithful. Worry is replaced with a sense of confidence that you can handle what comes your way. Later today, there can be inspiring ideas coming in, or you might take part in a healthy debate that gives you stimulating food for thought. It’s a good time for communicating, sharing, and expressing your ideas and beliefs. Learning, publishing, and transportation are favorable. The detours you take from your usual routine can be invigorating on a mental level.

You are unlikely to be satisfied with superficial explanations or offhand answers to your questions today as Mercury and Pluto form a square, dear Taurus. Differences in opinion or lack of understanding can arise that frustrate you. You may feel backed into a corner or forced to make a decision — positions that you typically resist with great stubbornness! Focus can be on a private matter or an unresolved issue from your past, but as the day moves forward, you are more inclined to focus on the positive and perhaps even turn fear or worry into exciting new plans. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play and can stimulate great ideas, primarily related to matters of the past and how to learn from and move past them. Ideas seem to come to you spontaneously, or possibly through dreams, and fall into place. Advice and information flow naturally and brilliantly. It’s especially useful to spend some time alone or in relative peace, but it’s also a fine time to share ideas with someone you trust.

Your thinking tends to deepen today, dear Gemini, although it can take a sharp turn, and you should watch that it doesn’t cross into obsessive thinking or excessive worrying. Mercury and Pluto form a square today, and this can trigger our insecurities or fears. Interactions with others can run hot and cold and you may be giving off some rather provocative energy even if you are not at first aware of it. A problem that you believed had been laid to rest could emerge today, and you could be encountering the darker side of others close to you, and possibly of yourself. Avoid defensiveness for best results. Fortunately, the mood changes as the day advances, and your thinking elevates. It’s a big idea day, in fact, and there can be quite a focus on the exchange of ideas. A pleasant conversation can happen now, or you may be mapping out a long-term plan that is motivating and exciting. Talking things through with a trusted friend can be satisfying. Ideas generated with or about relationships are winners today. New information can come in that helps you, or you can discover something new about an old problem in a relationship that frames things in a positive way. There might be a conversation that opens up doors.

Differences in style and tastes, and especially in beliefs, between you and others can glare or disrupt things today, dear Cancer, as Mercury and Pluto form a square. There can be power plays going on in your close relationships, and a stand-off on an issue is possible. Respect for other points of view is vital now, but this has to go two ways, and you can’t control what others are dishing out. There can be an issue that takes over your thoughts to the point that you’re completely distracted from what truly needs your attention. However, frustrations can easily be turned around, and in fact lead to improvements in your relationships as the day advances and Mercury forms a trine to Jupiter. Practical thinking gets a nice boost. Work and career matters can thrive with your positive attitude. Ideas and methods for work, business, and health are in top shape. You are equipped to solve problems whether through your ideas or others’ input.

A particular venture, project, person, or idea can demand your full attention today, dear Leo. This can turn into an obsession rather quickly, however, as Mercury and Pluto form a square and trigger fears and worries. This can be helpful only if you’re focusing on something worthwhile, but a time waster if you’re worrying or otherwise doing yourself damage. While your eye for detail is excellent right now, it may be at the expense of seeing the bigger picture. There can be charged relationships with others, as it can be a little too easy to get on one another’s nerves or to put too much stock in whether or not others are catching on to our ideas and beliefs. However, as the day advances, a Mercury-Jupiter trine comes into play and enlivens the outlook. It’s wonderful energy for presenting or sharing ideas, expressing yourself, and getting a good feel for future trends. Making long-term plans can be both successful and enjoyable now. Your thinking might frequently turn to learning, travel, adventure, or exotic places and ideas, primarily because you are craving more from life on a mental level than you usually do.

You could become engrossed with an idea or project, or you may simply be thinking very intently about something today, dear Virgo, with Mercury, your ruler, in hard aspect to Pluto, a planet that rules our darker side. If you can channel this into something constructive, you’ll find you’re more focused than usual now, although you may be putting too much effort into matters that will later seem inconsequential. Issues of control and self-control can emerge. On some level, you may be frustrated with a current situation, and while this can certainly stimulate ambition, it can also lead to a desire for power over your environment and over people around you, which gets you nowhere fast. Even if you are temporarily successful, you won’t be satisfied for long. Turn obstacles into stepping stones and be patient. As soon as tonight, Mercury moves into a wonderful trine with Jupiter, brightening your outlook. This influence can serve to stimulate a pleasant and gentle flow of thoughts and ideas. Support tends to be there, particularly on a mental level. This influence encourages you to reason things through and pay extra attention to emotional and psychological renewal. This is a good time for studying, learning, and gaining inspiration through what you read, hear, and share. It’s a better time for conversations or further thoughts about private, personal, or otherwise “not talked about” matters if needed. Release through music, writing, or conversation can be most healing.

You could find yourself mulling over issues and reexamining matters today, dear Libra, particularly related to negotiations, deals, and partnership, as Mercury forms a square to Pluto, raising fears and ambitions. You could be worrying about matters of security and stability, but an examination of your fears and deeper needs can help you to adapt to changes. Try not to worry too much if someone is not in agreement or doesn’t appear to share your values. This can be a time when others easily touch a nerve with you, but in the process, they are allowing you to see some of the fears that can be interfering in your life. Consider whether it’s actually a buried or hidden aspect of yourself that is making you uncomfortable. Your mind may be going to darker or deeper places today, but the process can lead to good ideas about how to better manage your life, especially with Mercury moving into a happy trine with Jupiter, encouraging you to look on the bright side later today. It’s a good time, in fact, for releasing problems or talking things through with someone special in your life. It’s easy to raise yourself above the small problems as you take more interest in cooperating and sharing common goals. Conversations can lead to creative solutions and new ideas and can be especially positive and healthy, mainly because you’re treating one another as true equals and not worrying about keeping score. Favored now are shared activities, games, experiences, and ideas.

With Mercury, the planet of communication, in challenging aspect to your ruler, Pluto, today, dear Scorpio, what you communicate can have more impact than usual, so be sure to represent yourself well. Do what you can to stick to the facts and to downplay your ego, as controversy can easily be stirred now. Irritability or tension due to the stress of increased demands from others can be experienced today. While giving something further thought is helpful, try to shake it off if you find yourself dwelling and it’s truly interfering with your day or making you angry. Alternatively, you can find a way to act upon your feelings and beliefs, even in a small way, so that you can feel you’re actually going somewhere with it. As the day advances, your vision broadens and frustrations can easily turn into new ideas for making improvements. Mercury forms a trine to Jupiter, lifting our thoughts from darkness to light. It’s a good time for sharing ideas and solving problems. You might thoroughly benefit from–and enjoy–making plans related to money, work, and health.

Quick reactions can occur from things said today, dear Sagittarius, and you can learn a lot about yourself through what seems to be triggering frustrations. Avoid getting caught up in mind games with others, although this may be easier said than done right now. Someone could be trying to push an idea onto you, and this doesn’t sit well with you! However, if you focus on what you’re doing and what can be accomplished, this can be a good time for gaining new insight into a matter, or for furthering a project through research or deeper concentration. Focusing on positive matters or the light at the end of the tunnel comes more easily as the day progresses and Mercury heads into a happy aspect with your planetary ruler, Jupiter. Sound energy is with you for feeling valuable and valued. It’s a fine time for personal influence and creative self-expression. You are in a good position to talk through problems and get into a positive frame of mind. People are drawn to your warm and healing aura and sharing ideas or creations is especially successful now. Expressing yourself through creative mediums is favored.

You can be dwelling on an idea or issue now, dear Capricorn, and if you use this intensity positively, you can really apply yourself to fixing a problem and you might gain new insight into an important matter. If, on the other hand, you find yourself focusing on an unchangeable issue that only serves to frustrate you, which is quite likely as Mercury forms a square to Pluto today, then do your best to pull your mind out of that spiral. Keep in mind that while your focus will enlarge later today, you may not be seeing beyond the frustrations of the moment until then. You may end up wasting a lot of time and energy on matters that you will later consider inconsequential. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel, and avoid making decisions until you’ve entertained different perspectives. As the day advances, a Mercury-Jupiter influence brings good energy for discussions about personal or family matters, as people are notably reasonable, fair, and thinking in positive ways. An attitude that any problem can be resolved with willingness and effort can boost your spirits and relationships. You are more able to rise above petty problems today by focusing on the bigger picture, and family or personal matters come together. You’re communicating well, and others are listening to you.

Issues from the past can surface or are triggered today, dear Aquarius, as Mercury forms a square aspect to Pluto, and this can temporarily interfere with healthy thinking and communication. You may be wrestling with some feelings of guilt and anxiety which can skew thinking. Instead of allowing these things to fester and to undermine your happiness, try to pinpoint the source and work on resolving frustrated feelings or resentments. Little things can grate on your nerves today, but what emerges now can make it quite obvious which problems need your attention. While your ability to see the details and to analyze matters is stronger, just for now, it can be difficult to see what truly matters. As the day advances, tunnel vision fades and you find it easier to see the bigger picture. Mercury heads into a trine to Jupiter, which can stimulate breakthrough, positive thinking, particularly with or about friends and groups, as well as long-term plans that leave you feeling excited about what’s to come. This is an excellent time for writing, particularly about your feelings or for professional aims, such as promotion or publicity work. Sharing ideas feels good and can lead to new understanding and a wonderful sense of camaraderie and support.

Communications or thoughts can be tense today, dear Pisces, with a Mercury-Pluto square aspect in play. One the one hand, this influence can help you focus, but on the other, can limit your view which can be skewed by worries or pressures. While you shouldn’t run away from serious topics, it’s better not to get caught in a game someone is playing. Deep thinking can eventually lead to new ideas and approaches as you find ways to improve your relationships and financial situation, but it’s all too easy to engage in thinking that’s destructive now. However, as the day advances, Mercury heads into a trine to Jupiter, facilitating the presentation of your ideas or the showcase of your talents. Ideas for boosting business, your reputation, or your income can come to you now. Problem-solving is enhanced, particularly with regards to career, reputation, financial, and other practical or mechanical matters. Your vision of an issue is tremendous, and with a broader perspective, the details of any plan seem to fall into place. With more faith in your abilities and your worth now, it could be a good time to attract positive experiences.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 2, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
I think there might be a glick with the site There seems to be an issue as I have 2 emails from you for wed and thurs. However, when viewing the Wed. Horoscope it gives me Thursday’s. Is it operator error? Wasn’t sure. . Thank you for any help. Sincerely, Debbie