Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The void Moon occurs from 1:04 PM forward (until the Moon enters Capricorn tomorrow morning).
- The Moon is waning and is in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 18th in the sign of Scorpio, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on May 26th.
- Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’ve been more inclined to stick with what’s comfortable and familiar these days, dear Aries, with an active solar second house, although this theme is set to change shortly. Today, the Moon encourages you to take some emotional risks, which can lead to indecision, and it’s compounded by a Venus-Jupiter influence that stimulates restlessness. With Venus in your second house of resources, possessions, comfort, and money, Jupiter’s influence can exaggerate your desires for things that might not have actual value to you in the long term. Try to treat these as whims and fancies of the moment. There might also be a conflict of values that gets under your skin, perhaps with others’ beliefs or ideas getting you riled up. Try to unwind and avoid clinging too tightly to your expectations for best results today.

There has been a stronger focus on your needs and desires these days, dear Taurus, with multiple planets in your sign. As wild as your tastes may be, a good part of you craves the comforts of familiarity today. This is not the ideal time for tasks that require sharp focus and concentration or acute perceptions. Draw upon your common sense as much as possible and sidestep the tendency to think that the grass is greener somewhere else. Your appetite for pleasure is bigger than usual right now, and with Jupiter exaggerating things, perhaps even more so today. However, it can be challenging to satiate just for now, probably because expectations are a little too high. Tomorrow, both the Sun and Mercury will leave your sign, while Venus will stay a while longer. Today, try not to make bold or big moves.

You’ve had more need for downtime than usual these days, dear Gemini, although, with the Sun and Mercury about to enter your sign (tomorrow), this theme is phasing out. Today, there can be moments when you’re focusing more on the big picture than the details at hand and missing essential things in the process. Part of you doesn’t feel up to dealing with anything difficult or tricky right now. In fact, you can be attracted to the easy way out with Venus and Jupiter in a minor challenging aspect. Leniency with others may be taken a little too far, and boundaries may be crossed. In truth, it can be difficult to know whether you want some space or companionship today, and it may be better to do a little of both. Even if you’re feeling a little lazy now, things will be speeding up as early as tomorrow.

There has been a stronger focus than usual on your social life or involvement with groups and causes these days, dear Cancer, but with today’s emphasis on your work and health sector, you can feel a little torn between pleasure and work. This can leave you on the fence or sensing that you’re not going to have fun with either choice. There is an escapist or avoidant tendency with you now, as you are unlikely to be in any mood to focus on the more complicated, demanding, or factual elements of your daily existence, but emotionally you can have a strong urge to put some order into your life. Do what you can to lighten your load just for now and consider choosing something and running with it rather than spending too much time in limbo.

While this is not a good day for staying within a budget or for productivity, dear Leo, if your load is light, it can certainly be a pleasant time. The Moon spends the day in your sector of joy and pleasure, aligning with Jupiter there, and magnifying your desire for recreation or self-expression. A tendency to slack on the job may have consequences, however, and overindulgence not only is unlikely to satisfy, but it can also be regrettable later. More than usual, you need and seek out happy company, and you can be very generous with your time and energy, but not especially practical as Venus and Jupiter form a minor challenging aspect. Personal needs tend to win over responsibilities now, even though you very much want to get things done, and for the most part, enjoy doing so. The issue is that you’re divided, and it can be hard to choose one or the other.

As much as you’d like to be, it may not be the best time to be productive, dear Virgo, and over-indulgence tends to have its price right now. However, you might decide to do what you can, and avoid getting too wound up if you don’t quite reach the mark today. A Venus-Jupiter minor challenging aspect tends to stir up some restlessness or can leave you feeling divided. Another way to keep tension minimal is to avoid making big promises when you’re feeling especially optimistic as you may be overshooting. The Moon in your family and home sector all day suggests a stronger than usual need for comfort, even though Venus in your adventure sector is calling you to do something different, out of the ordinary, or non-routine. Perhaps you can find a way to satisfy both needs in small ways.

With your ruler, Venus, in minor challenging aspect to Jupiter today, dear Libra, it can be a little difficult to focus enough to get what you’d like to accomplish done. You are easy to distract now! Even so, your mood is upbeat, if a little up and down. Be especially aware of a tendency to people-please since promises made now can be challenging to fulfill later. There is a temptation to apply bandaid fixes to problem areas, and in this way, you may be borrowing from the future since the problem will return later on when it’s likely to be even harder to manage. Avoid glossing over difficult areas, but if you need a break, promise yourself you’ll make time for it. It can be challenging to know whether you want to go light or deep today, and perhaps it’s best to do a little of both.

You may be tempted to overspend or overindulge today, dear Scorpio, with a Venus-Jupiter aspect blurring your understanding of your actual needs. Watch for a tendency to focus on everything but the most important thing on your agenda, but if you genuinely need a break, promise yourself that you’ll take one as soon as it’s appropriate. It can be complicated knowing where to start if you feel overwhelmed so you might consider tackling the most critical task or obligation first. Procrastination increases stress levels, now and in the future. You can be indulgent with a partner or significant other, but others can be hard to please, and perhaps not as grateful as you’d like. Otherwise, feeling hopeful about finances or partnership matters can be soothing, and just what you need now.

The Moon is in your sign all day, and you are standing out from the crowd, dear Sagittarius. Your emotions tend to have the upper hand. With your ruler, Jupiter, in minor challenging aspect to Venus, you can be torn about where to direct your attention, and with this indecision, you may end up getting very little accomplished. This is not a big day for productivity, and you may feel tired or worn out merely thinking about all that you want to achieve. A strong part of you wants to take the responsible route and get your chores out of the way, and an equally powerful side of you craves some freedom. It’s better to approach things one step at a time because feeling overwhelmed is quite possible now and can lead to either stretching yourself too thin or avoidance and procrastination. Either way, you won’t feel better off by the end of the day, so consider making a choice and owning it.

You can feel particularly pumped up about a romantic or creative idea or activity, dear Capricorn, but it may be that your expectations are too high and you end up looking for something that the world can’t serve you at the moment. Promises made today can be hard to keep later because people do not see their capabilities clearly as Venus and Jupiter clash. Others may be stepping over your boundaries today, or you may be receiving mixed messages, and your imagination can be more misleading than it is supportive. If you need to get essential things done, try to tune out as much of the uncertainty as you can. While you may be procrastinating a little, you can also be quite excited about meeting challenges and handling your duties by tomorrow when the Sun and Mercury head into your work and health sector.

You’ve enjoyed a rather busy home and family sector in your solar chart recently, dear Aquarius, and while it will continue to be a place of interest, this theme will fade somewhat starting tomorrow as a new, more outgoing phase begins. Your heart is still very much with your home today, but the Moon and Jupiter are encouraging socializing and connecting or venturing out of your comfort zone. You may very well feel torn, and you may no longer feel the wind in your sails. Or, this is a time for feeling energized and motivated to chase your desires, but there can be a tendency to indulge or even enable others in an effort to smooth over problems or to give yourself a break. If you discover that you’re not equipped right now to deal with problems, resolve to come back to them on a less emotional and more logical day.

Your solar third house has been busy recently, dear Pisces, and you’ve likely had many personal interests on the front burner. This theme is phasing out soon with both the Sun and Mercury about to enter your home and family sector. As well today, responsibilities and duties beckon you, and you can feel quite torn. As much as you want to get the essential things out of the way, it can be hard to do with your heart not quite in it. Watch for false news or information coming in today with Venus and Jupiter challenging one another and both the Sun and Mercury on the verge of changing signs. You might see a situation in a more positive or negative light than it deserves. As well, you may want to avoid putting too much into what others promise since judgment can be off today. While this may not be the most productive days, you’re feeling quite excited about new projects and opening doors shortly.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is May 20, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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